The other one is to go to Wano Country to find the secret of your life experience."

As he said that, Luo Yun walked to Kuina's tombstone, looked at Kuina's photo on the tombstone, pointed at the tombstone and turned to the surprised Kuina smile

"You're going to die now. It's the first time in history that you will attend your own funeral."

Guina didn't bother to pay attention to Luo Yun's teasing. She was thinking about what Luo Yun said in her mind. Luo Yun didn't It was not wrong, but everything was right.

Looking up at Luo Yun, Kuina said:"It's true. You deceived me about the information about Wano Country that day. You definitely know more than what you said."

Luo Yun smiled slightly, neither admitting nor denying.

Seeing Luo Yun still smiling, Gu Yina was immediately angry. She clenched her fist and really wanted to punch Luo Yun in the face, but in the end she suppressed the anger in her heart.

"I did hide it, but it was only a few things, not too much, and you will know those things when you go to the new world." Luo Yun did not smile and said seriously. Guina coquettishly said with disdain :"You guys are so secretive in what you say, and it doesn't mean anything at all."


It should be Master Koushiro. It seems that Koushiro did tell Kuina something, but not much, Luo Yun thought.

"If I tell you everything and you know everything, then there is no point in pursuing it," Luo Yun said.

Guina did not refute. Although Luo Yun was unhappy to hear what he said, she had to admit that it was true. It makes sense.

But he was unconvinced and said:"How long can I hide it? As long as I go to sea, I can reach the new world in less than a year."

Seeing Guina being so confident, Guina is a genius. She really has it. He is proud of his place, but it is precisely this that is what Luo Yun is most worried about.

He struck:"If I were you, I wouldn't have such a stupid idea. Guina, you are too underestimated for the people of the world. The new world is gathering Geniuses from all over the world.

These people have gone through all the way and experienced life and death crises before entering the new world.

There are countless strong people in that place. With your strength, even a year later, any small character in the New World can easily defeat you. Many world-famous great swordsmen are in the New World."

"Then I want to go even more and defeat all the great swordsmen who are famous in the world. I will be the well-deserved number one in the world!"

Of course Gu Yina, who is very competitive, will not be hit so easily. When she heard Luo Yun say that there are countless powerful people in the new world, especially those famous swordsmen, Gu Yina's twinkling eyes only contained a thick look. They are full of fighting spirit.

To a certain extent, Kuina and Sauron are the same type of people. They never admit defeat, are highly competitive, and have strong self-esteem. No matter how powerful they face, they will never take a step back. They will not be unable to draw their swords because of timidity.

Even if they know that they will die, they will fight with all their strength and will not survive.

These two people regard the way of the sword as more important than their lives!

Seeing Kuina so full of fighting spirit , Luo Yun couldn't help but said:"Hey, don't think about this now. You are a dead person now. Guina, the new world is still far away from you. Have you ever thought about what to do after leaving Shuangyue Village?"What else can be done?" Leave Shuangyue Village, then go to sea, enter the Grand Line, and go to the new world. This is the temporary purpose," Guina said.


Luo Yun raised his hands to cover his face. Not only could he not listen, he couldn't even watch.

Damn it. He said what he said for a long time, but this guy didn't even listen. Where do you think the Grand Line is? Where do you think the New World is?

Luo Yun doesn't know what to say anymore.

Guina really doesn't understand the New World The strong people put it in her eyes, and she thought the new world was somewhere. The Great Line gathered strong people from all over the world, and the new world gathered strong people from the Great Line. The strong people were like a forest.

But when she thought about Kuina's rebellious age, she added She is a proud person herself, and she is not knowledgeable enough. She has never seen a scene where a real strong man destroys the world. It is normal to have such thoughts.

Thinking about his age, he was not full of confidence and thought he was not capable. She will lose to anyone, but only when she comes to society can she realize how ridiculous her thoughts were back then.

Guina now lacks the beatings of society. Only after she really goes to sea and suffers a loss will she let go of her contempt.

Now let’s talk Nothing was of use, Luo Yun didn't say much, and instead asked:"Before going to the Grand Route, go to the East China Sea for a trial. When you feel that your strength is enough, then go to the Grand Route.""

"How do I know if I am strong enough?"Gu Yina rolled her eyes, what she said seemed to be nonsense.

Luo Yun also realized that what he said was a bit useless. He was suddenly embarrassed and suddenly thought of a person. Judging from the time, he should have joined the navy a long time ago. He might have joined the navy. In Rogge Town.

So he said:"To go from the East China Sea to the Grand Route, you must pass through a place, which is both a supply and the ultimate place to learn the information about entering the Grand Route."


"Rogge Town, the town of the beginning and the end!"


"You'll find out when you go."

Seeing that Luo Yun was lying again, Guina raised her middle finger in contempt in response.

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