The conversation between Luo Yun and Gu Yina was all about swordsmanship. Even so, the relationship between Luo Yun and Gu Yina's sword has eased a lot.

In the blink of an eye, it was noon and everyone came to the town. The town today was particularly deserted.

There were a lot fewer vendors on both sides, many shops were closed, and only a few shops were still open. Everyone was confused and a little strange.

Luo Yun was equally surprised. The streets were deserted, the shops were closed, and the merchants setting up stalls were missing.

But although the streets were deserted, they were very neat, and there was no trace of chaos. It didn't look like something had happened.

"What's going on? There's no one on the road. What happened?"

"It's so deserted, I have a bad feeling"


Hearing what Jess said next to him, Luo Yun frowned and scolded:"Don't talk nonsense, any bad premonition is false, and the store is open, it means nothing happened.""

"No matter what happens, it is none of our business. We are just here to buy food. We will leave after buying the food. We will not be able to go shopping as mentioned before." Originally, few people had any objections to the cancellation of the shopping. But under the circumstances, let them go I was not in the mood to go shopping.

A few people went straight to the food store. Fortunately, the food store was still open. Isshin Dojo was a regular customer of the food store. The two oldest apprentices had come to buy food many times.

The boss saw it at a glance Recognizing them as apprentices from Isshin Dojo, he welcomed them warmly

"Boss, we need to buy six thousand kilograms of grain this time." After a few casual remarks, Luo Yun got to the point.

"so much!"The boss was startled.

The boss asked curiously:"Usually Yishin Dojo buys a lot of food, but it is always two to three thousand catties. Even in winter, it is four to five thousand catties. This time it is six thousand catties. , It has never happened before."

Luo Yun said with a smile:"This winter is colder than in previous years. Many places on the way from the village to the town have been frozen. The road is difficult and unsafe, so I might as well buy more at once to save money. run more"

"This is true!"

The boss nodded and didn't ask any more questions. Yixin Dojo always buys a lot of food. It's normal to buy more if the roads are not good.

"Boss, here is the money, you count it!"

After counting the money and confirming that the amount was correct, the boss immediately ordered the guys to load the truck. Jack and the four drove the carriage to the warehouse behind to watch.

Luo Yun and the boss were the only ones left in the front shop. , and Guina, who was sitting next to her without speaking.

Looking at the deserted streets outside through the window, Luo Yun asked:"Boss, what happened in the town? Even in winter, it shouldn't be so deserted.""

"It’s not because the higher-ups have implemented a ban and don’t let everyone come out. There are fewer people in winter, and no one comes to the surrounding villages during the cold weather. This way, there are even fewer people, and the business is not even half of what it used to be." The boss sighed and complained. Luo

Yun asked curiously:"Why is the ban suddenly implemented? The boss's voice suddenly dropped and he whispered:"I heard that the world's nobles came to the Kingdom of Goa next to us. They would pass by us, so the surrounding area was under martial law."

The naval military base to the west of the town has been on the highest alert since a week ago, and more than ten naval warships have left the base to clean up pirates in the surrounding waters."

Luo Yun's eyes flickered, his expression was calm, but he was really surprised.

One was a world noble The Celestial Dragons, these guys who are not even worthy of garbage, appeared in the East China Sea. Another thing is that the Kingdom of Goa where Luffy is is not far from Shigetsu Village.

So, Sabo has not been bombarded by the Celestial Dragons yet, and the dragon has not been saved. Sabo.

According to the passage of time, the Uncertain Terminal was burned tonight. Luffy and Ace's lives were hanging by a thread and they were almost burned to death. The dragon will rush to the Kingdom of Goa tonight and meet Sabo, and tomorrow should That is, when Sabo went to sea and was bombarded, Dragon rescued Sabo.

Tomorrow night they will send food to Dragon and others, and Dragon will definitely be there at that time, which means that Dragon will appear on the ship with Sabo before tomorrow night.

A bit. That's interesting!

The three Luffy brothers didn't meet Luffy and Ace, but they met Sabo by chance first.

However, if the Goa Kingdom is not far from Shuoyue Village, if you have the chance, would you like to go to the Goa Kingdom? Sometimes he can meet Luffy and Ace, and maybe he can do something. Of course, this is a bit far, and Luo Yun will not choose to go to sea before he has a certain strength to protect himself.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in Luo Yun's mind, which was just thinking. Yes.

The world's nobles, the Celestial Dragons, appeared in the East China Sea, and Long and his group also happened to appear in the East China Sea. How could it be such a coincidence? The purpose is to overthrow the unequal rule of the Celestial Dragons who dominate the world government. The world government is not the biggest enemy of the revolutionary army. , the real enemy is the Celestial Dragons who dominate the Century Government.

The Celestial Dragons and the Revolutionary Army.

The two irreconcilable parties are now close in front of them. If something doesn't happen, Luo Yun doesn't believe it.

He said that the target of the Revolutionary Army is this lone Celestial Dragon. , it makes sense that Long and Ivankov and other senior cadres of the Revolutionary Army appeared here at this time.

Luo Yuncai did not believe that a group of senior leaders of the Revolutionary Army appeared here and there just to go out to sea.

The Revolutionary Army was eyeing this Tianlong. Human heads, if this were really the case, would definitely be a major event that shocked the world.

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