The young psychic consultant held in his hand a piece of cloth filled with sacred scriptures that he had just taken off from his eyes, and softly chanted obscure prayers. His pair of spiritual vision eyes had once looked directly at the Emperor's light. The eyes cast their golden sight into the sea of ​​souls, trying to capture the origin of that foreign high-speed signal from the subspace.

The next moment, the powerful psyker dropped to his trembling knees.

His eyes were constantly dripping with sticky blood and tears, and his face was full of a look of collapse after extreme fear. He had completely lost all will without even uttering a scream.

"Nothingness...emptiness...nothingness...nothingness...the end..."

The psyker kept mumbling several words with similar meanings, crying bitterly in endless fear.

"...Who is peeking at me?"

In the cockpit of the speedboat, Russell suddenly felt a rather uncomfortable feeling of being spied on. He could vaguely feel that the observer came from the subspace, but he could not tell whether it was a spiritual entity swimming in the sea of ​​souls, or a psyker using the subspace to spy on himself.

There was nothing he could do about it. He had not received any systematic education since he became a psyker. So far, he only knew a few basic psionic spells that he could learn naturally without having to learn them.

It would be great if I could get the Book of Magnus written by Magnus.

Of course, this can only be imagined. To get the only masterpiece of witchcraft in the entire galaxy, Russell had to go to the Eye of Fear to have friendly exchanges with the "Thousand Sons". He doesn't have that strength yet.

Just when Russell was wondering who was peeping at him, the peeper had changed.

The chief navigator of the Penitent Fire: the prophetess Alexei. She has not been idle since the fleet entered the Falla galaxy. She has been observing the movements outside the galaxy through the psychic divination array and her own psychic sight.

The hive mind that unites the swarm fleet is a subspace shadow that forever echoes the signal of hunger. Psykers can judge the movement of the shadow by observing the tidal flow in the subspace, thereby predicting the arrival of the swarm.

But this is very dangerous. Directly observing the powerful Hive Mind is no different from looking directly at the evil god. Even if an ordinary psyker just glances at it, his brain will be burned, and his psychic energy will be out of control and become a twisted monster.

Only a prophetess blessed by the Emperor can take such great risks, carefully observe the movements of the insect swarm for the fleet, and judge the timing of evacuation.

After learning that his disciple collapsed due to the observation of some unknown signal, Alexei temporarily turned his attention away from the endless void outside the galaxy and turned his attention to the outer orbit battlefield where the battle situation was stalemate.

She judged that the danger level of the signal was not too high, because the psykers affected by it only suffered a brief emotional breakdown and did not lose control and turned into twisted warp demons.

It was this judgment that killed her.

In the turbulent sea of ​​souls, there are endless waves of psychic energy. Perhaps because of the thin population density of the Falla galaxy, the subspace turbulence here is gentler than elsewhere in the galaxy.

The prophetess's gaze slowly swept across the wails and roars of countless fallen soldiers, and finally, she captured the "hole".

It was a literal void.

The vast and boundless subspace seems to have a hole punched here. A pitch-black hole stands there quietly and abruptly but naturally. No matter how turbulent the subspace waves are when they flow around it, they will become gentle and docile, and then To be attracted, to be devoured.

Although the concept of up, down, left, and right directions should not exist in subspace, Alexei inexplicably felt that he was "looking up". The void hung higher and farther than any concept, like a dark eye that was cold and cold. The earth looks down at the boundless vast subspace, like an insatiable mouth greedily sucking the endless energy of the sea of ​​souls, never stopping.

What a terrifying sight that is...

The prophetess has looked directly at the human emperor who transformed into the icy sun, and has also peered into the endless shadow of the insect hive, but she has never been as desperate as she is now.

The moment she saw the "hollow", endless fear overwhelmed her. Alexey collapsed to the ground, her body trembling and curled up into a ball, sobbing.

"Who is it this time?" Russell was speechless sitting in the speedboat.

Now that the distance was close, he could already vaguely feel that the sight peeping at him in the subspace came from the human fleet, but he could not pinpoint it accurately yet. The feeling of being peeked at the soul projection in the subspace is uncomfortable, similar to meeting people without clothes.

He put these things behind him for the time being, and continued to rush the ship with psychic powers, forcing his way through the outer orbital battlefield, breaking through the layers of blockades of the Imperial fleet and reaching the War Moon.

This interstellar speedboat with a simple structure rowed a simple and rough straight line and smashed straight into the steel plate of the lunar surface. The powerful impact and incredible speed caused its body to twist and deform when it fell, and finally became a picture taken on Discus fighting on the surface of the moon.

A silver-gray blade protruded from the inside of the discus, cutting out a gap in the wreckage of the speedboat. Russell held the knife in his hand and walked out of the discus in disgrace.

"Marshal, your sailing skills are really poor." Gray Feng's voice sounded in his ears.

"I originally wanted to rush directly to the edge of the fortress, but I didn't stop the car for a moment."

It's inevitable to make some mistakes on your first boat ride, right... Russell shook the dust off his body, took out a breathing mask from his clothes and put it on his face.

A few lone orc stolen gun boys noticed this strange guy who suddenly appeared on the way to the battlefield. As soon as they took aim here and before pulling the trigger, a thick psychic lightning swept across and connected them to the beasts. The gun crackled and burned to ashes.

Psychic powers, boy.

After venting his embarrassment on these unlucky greenskins, Russell lowered his head with satisfaction and looked at the blue-purple arc wrapped around his fingers.

He carried the knife and returned to the speedboat that had crashed into a discus. He used the blade filled with a psionic decomposition force field to cut open the twisted metal shell and immersed himself in the wreckage, searching for something.

Soon, he found it.

Russell was holding a silver-gray long knife in his left hand, and with his right hand he took out a crystal ball-like object the size of a human skull from the wreckage of the speedboat and held it in his hand. The dreamlike and beautiful starry sky flows inside this sphere, and its components are incredibly dense. If Russell hadn't been a powerful psyker now, he wouldn't have been able to pick it up.

He chose to leave temporarily when the orc fleet just arrived in Falla, precisely to retrieve these two relics:

Huntress's Blade, Wortaum's Reality Phoroscope.

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