Sumerian 12 years.

The Bone Cross expeditionary force reached the end of the world, and the Oldest King sat alone on the very edge of the world for days.

Then the Oldest King announced the end of the crusade, and the crusade turned back.

When the Ancient King returned to the Wise Ape Tribe, he issued the first order.

“The east of the world is the territory of the wise ape.”

Sitting high on the throne of bones, the Oldest King issued a declaration of unparalleled contemplation.


The entire Hui Ape tribe was completely boiling, and countless Hui Ape all bowed to the Immortal Hall.

These wise apes knew very well how much this great ancient king had made to the wise ape family.

Expand your territory.

This ancient king’s return from this crusade is undoubtedly expanding the territory for the Hui Ape family.

East of the world, the ancient king of the majestic and majestic has cleared all the obstacles for the wise ape family, they only need to reach wherever they are, and then settle down.

Sumer 13 years.

Tens of thousands of Hui Ape tribes, under the order of the Ancient King, left the Hui Ape tribe, like a spark, and quickly occupied the territory east of the Atlsumi Plain.

Sumerian 16 years.

After a year of development, the Sumerian civilization, which originally had only one ape tribe, developed rapidly, and dozens of tribes sprang up.

The number of wise apes has reached a staggering million.

Sumerian 17 years.

The Oldest King, who had been silent for several years, gathered the Legion of Bones again and continued to conquer the world.

In just one year, the Oldest King once again conquered the north of the world.

Sumerian 19 years.

Hundreds of thousands of apes migrated north, establishing the Antica tribe in the Houston Mountains.

The number of apes once again exploded, reaching a staggering two million.

Led by the Antica tribe, the Sumerian civilization entered the tribal age.

Sumer 20 years.

The ancient king once again began the journey to conquer the world, and the sword of the king in his hand killed tens of thousands of barbarian giant orc centaurs, and the barbaric giant orc centaurs who once ravaged the Farney Heights completely crawled at the feet of the oldest king.

Sumerian 23 years.

The ancient king, Gilgamesh, returned from the eleventh crusade and brought back a large number of scarce and docile barbaric behemoths.

In the entire sand table world, the ancient king Gilgamesh has conquered seventy percent.

Only the hundred-armed giant rests, the Tartarus Wasteland, remains.

A few areas such as the Kigar Mountains, Peruvian rivers and so on are not set foot.

After ten years of conquest, the entire sand table world surrendered at the feet of the oldest king.

The era of barbaric behemoths is completely over.

The era of Sumerian civilization has come completely.

Countless barbaric behemoths were drowned in the dust of history, and the entire world was left with only a behemoth.

That’s the Wise Ape family.

After ten years of development, the Hui ape family came out of the Atlante Sumer Plain and spread all over the world.

Even Tifuens, who used to be the bottom world, was full of wise apes at this time.

The Hui Ape family has reached a staggering five million people.

Like locusts transiting, it looks dense, and even at the end of the world, there are wise apes living here.

The era of big construction began.

Countless skeletal buildings rise from the ground, beautiful, but full of a sense of barbaric power.

Countless barbaric behemoths were kept in captivity, and the Hui Ape family no longer needed to worry about food.

Everything is moving towards the age of prosperity.

In ten years, the Hui ape family lost its natural enemies, and its body mutated again.

The face of the violent ape, which originally showed strength and deterrence, began to become calm, and his facial features were soft, slowly evolving towards the appearance of a human being.

The bristles on the body were all degraded and disappeared, the powerful hind limb muscles began to atrophy, and the body was taller, reaching a body size of one meter six.

The abundance of food allowed civilization to spread.

The Hui ape family began to abandon the living habits of the barbarian era and gradually evolved towards civilization.

Countless wise apes burst out of whimsy, and countless exquisite and extravagant bone ornaments were born.

All the wise apes began to subtly learn the collecting habits of the oldest king, and began to collect everything they could.

Sumerian 24 years.

The wheels of the times rolled forward, and Sumerian civilization completely entered the era of tribal civilization.

As far as the eye could see, countless Hui apes dressed in barbaric animal skins and various gorgeous bone ornaments were worn, and their faces were filled with peaceful smiles.

The plain of Astraumer, which by this time had been renamed the plain of Sumer.

This is the center of Sumerian civilization, and this is the sacred place of Sumerian civilization.

This is the residence of the king.

At this time, in the Sumerian plain, countless gorgeous and exquisite bone buildings were lined up one after another.

And in the very center of these buildings, a magnificent palace with a height of forty meters and the most extravagant and magnificent is located here.

Just by looking at this bone palace, you can feel a terrifying oppressive force that condenses into substance.

People can’t help but stop and worship and be in awe.

This is the palace of the Sumerian kings, the immortal palace of the oldest kings.

Compared to the building ten years ago, which was only more than four meters, the Hall of Immortality at this time is extremely luxurious, and it is dotted with countless skeleton ornaments that radiate and radiate radiance.

Twelve huge skeletal spines connect the Immortal Hall to the ground, and above each skeleton spine, there are magnificent and unique gold patterns.

The tens of meters high palace is huge, and the whole is like a huge golden eye, which looks majestic and dazzling.

This is the crystallization of wisdom and art.

On the Hall of Immortality, countless patterns are carved, each of which is like a gorgeous epic chapter, recording the Sumerian king’s crusade journey one after another.

This is the history of the conquests of the Sumerian kings.

This is the history of conquest of the wise ape.

Inside the palace, it is even more luxurious, and the entire palace floor is paved with the fur of the soft barbaric giant Santel and stepped on it, as if stepping on a soft sofa.

On both sides of the palace, there are beautifully decorated bone sculptures that integrate barbarism and strength, and each bone sculpture marks a prominent identity.

Golden Knights of the Bones.

These skeleton knights, the body shape is the same as the real golden knights, the momentum is like a rainbow, the demeanor is different, and they look lifelike, which makes people look up and admire.

And in the center of the palace is a huge and exquisite bone throne that exudes endless power.

The bone throne is extremely huge, and the whole body is constructed of seventy-two different natural ribs of barbaric behemoths, which seem to exude a glazed light, exquisite and majestic.

This is a seat that only a king can have.

This is the skeletal throne of King Sumer.

And above the bone throne, a peerless figure sat on the tiger plate, and a majestic figure sat on it.

An invincible, unparalleled momentum swept out, making people can’t help but worship and worship like gods.

“Themis, the second great silence is about to begin.”

“Our civilization is about to usher in an extraordinary era.”

The great, majestic Sumerian king, Gilgamesh, had eyes filled with endless ambition.

Behind Gilgamesh, a figure two meters eight tall, exuding infinite majesty, and self-respecting momentum walked out.

“Yes, the second Great Silence is about to begin, and this time a full 350,000 Hui Ape will enter the Ancient Forbidden Land.”

Luo Hao glanced at Gilgamesh, who had reached a height of four meters and eight meters, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

From the beginning of crossing to become a young Hui Ape, Luo Hao spent endless effort, put in endless sweat and effort, created Hui Ape Alchemy, Dark Alchemy, and finally smelted the Desolate Ancient Holy Body…

From the era of ignorant barbaric behemoths to the era of kings, Luo Hao has come all the way, and decades have passed.

The sandbox world is finally about to enter the extraordinary era.

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