Although Su Yixuan was excited about meeting her daughter again, she was a little cautious about Hua Shu. She didn't know if she was afraid of making her daughter unhappy because of the abruptness, or worried that it was just a dream that would be shattered when she touched it, she was excited. He looked at his daughter carefully back and forth, tried to reach out to touch her several times, but finally did not stretch out his hand timidly.

However, she really wanted to touch her daughter so much, after all, she did not hold back the desire in her heart, and reached out and took Hua Shu's hand.

The daughter's hands are petite and smooth, her complexion is as fair as mutton fat, her fingers are slender and slender, and her hands are very beautiful, but she holds it in her hands as soft as boneless and tender.

Su Yixuan looked at the petite and weak hands of her daughter, tears welled up in her eyes again.

Such a small, soft and weak daughter, who should have acted coquettishly by her side, enjoying the love of her parents and elder brothers, carefree to be a golden and noble daughter, but she is at the youngest and helpless. When she was stolen by that vicious woman from the Han family, she was left out and suffered a lot. Every time she thought of this, she felt like a knife.

The husband and the children took care of her body and did not tell her daughter what she had suffered over the years, but how could it be possible that a young child who had just reached the full moon fell into the hands of a femme fatale who hated them? Besides, she went to the orphanage in L City, and the experience in this must not be as simple as they told her.

"Shu'er, I'm sorry, it's because my mother didn't take good care of you. I'm sorry to let you live out and eat so much. I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Shu'er, it's all my mother's fault..." She held Hua Shu's hand tightly and couldn't cry.

Hua Likun, a big man, couldn't help his eyes with tears, and silently hugged his wife.

He originally wanted to hug his daughter together, but when he saw her daughter's stiff face and stiff posture, he secretly dispelled the idea.

His wife doesn’t know what’s going on. He really knows everything clearly. Hua Ting has clearly explained to him the process of finding Shu'er and how Shu'er treats them. In the past few days, apart from his wife, they All have known all of Shu'er's experience in the past thirteen years.

How she was tortured by the poisonous woman of the Han family and almost died, and how she found her life and then lived in the orphanage, and then struggled to survive in the orphanage, was adopted, the adoptive parents' harshness, cold violence, and then was abandoned, once again Living in an orphanage.

Although these things have been going on for a long time, it is not difficult to find out if she has a direction. Even after she was abandoned by her adoptive parents, she almost suffered from depression. They also investigated, so they are very clear. , Shu'er, how many days have passed all these years, so even if she has resentment in her heart and cannot accept their relatives, they can only try their best to soften her heart without any complaints. .

They didn’t protect her well and caused her to live out and suffer. Even if she hates them, they have no position to defend. They only hope that she can see their sincerity and forgive them as soon as possible and reunite with their family. Live peacefully and beautifully.

Hua Shu silently looked at everything in front of him. After holding back for a long time, he finally spoke: "Have you finished talking?"

She withdrew her hand, looked at the five people in front of her with a dull expression, and secretly gritted her teeth.

"If I'm finished, I'll leave first."

She took a deep breath, pretending to walk around them calmly, walked into the corridor with her back straight, and left without looking back.

When the incident happened suddenly, she did not expect to meet her biological parents and brothers here, and she did not expect them to move here at all. Although she didn't need to think about the purpose of moving here, but she came to know her. The posture blocked her downstairs and staged her mother-daughter affection. This scene was a bit too sudden. Apart from the initial surprise and a little panic, she was only left full of complexity and confusion.

"Shu'er!" Su Yixuan was taken aback, wondering why her daughter left suddenly and was about to catch up quickly.

"Yixuan, don't worry." Hua Likun grabbed her, shook his head at her puzzled face, and said helplessly: "The child has been an orphan without father and mother for 13 years, and now we suddenly It was normal for her to be unacceptable for a while when she appeared in front of her. She has suffered a lot from living outside these years. After all, it is our parents who did not protect her. She may also have resentment in her psychology. We can't rush it."

Hearing this, Su Yixuan did not catch up anymore, her feet seemed to be nailed in place, unable to move forward, just staring blankly at the corner of the corridor where Hua Shu disappeared.

"Woo..." She covered her face with her hands, and burst into tears again.

"It's me who is not good, it's all who I'm not good...uuuu...I shouldn't have left her side in the past. If I stayed with her every step of the way, she would not be stolen, let alone... It’s all my fault to suffer outside... ooh... it’s my fault..."

"Yixuan, don't do this, it's not your fault. Don't bear the responsibility on your shoulders. If you really want someone to take the responsibility, it should be me. You are not wrong, there is nothing wrong." Hua Likun He hugged her tightly, with red eyes and tears, softly comforting his fragile wife.

Looking at this scene, even if they were mentally prepared, the three brothers next to them felt very uncomfortable.

They wanted to step forward to comfort their mother, but they looked at each other, and when Hua Ting shook his head gently, they dismissed the idea.

Thirteen years of experience tells them that if they were to comfort their mother at this time, it would be absolutely counterproductive, because they were her children just like the younger sister, so when they saw them, she would miss her younger sister even more. , So every time my mother is sad about the little girl, they dare not get in and can only let your father comfort her mother.

Although they have long been used to it, as sons, seeing their mother so sad, they can't get used to it, let alone feel uncomfortable.

Compared to the mood of the three sons, and even compared to the sadness and pain of his wife, at this moment, Hua Likun felt the most uncomfortable one in his heart.

In those days, although he did not do anything wrong, it was just a momentary act of kindness based on many considerations, but the many troubles and painful consequences that followed were undeniably caused by him.

Over the past thirteen years, his heart has been overwhelmed with regret, self-blame, guilt and many other emotions. He regretted it all the time. Why did he bother to save the viper and venomous woman back then, so as to harm his weak and innocent daughter. Bring so much pain to myself and my family.

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