The next day, Da Shuang took Ning Qing to the funeral home to bury Ning Qing's mother.

Seeing her mother's remains, Ning Qing was very sad. She knelt in front of her mother's coffin and burst into tears. Because a few relatives came, they held a simple memorial service. Once the memorial service was over, the staff of the funeral home was ready to take Ning. Mother Qing was sent to the cremation furnace.

Seeing her mother being pushed to be cremated, Ning Qing's heart was broken. She threw herself into Da Shuang's arms and cried to the death.

Dashuang saw that he was crying so sadly, so he patted her on the back and gently comforted her. It's all this time, who can remember the big defense of men and women?

Wang Zhirou saw this scene when her parents walked into the funeral home.

Today is the third anniversary of the death of Wang Zhirou's grandfather. The old man was not buried when he passed away, and the ashes have been kept in the funeral home. The Wang family come to the funeral home every year to offer sacrifices. I saw a woman crying with a big pair in her arms.

Da Shuang, on the other hand, comforted her gently.

Seeing this heart-wrenching scene, Wang Zhirou's body froze, and her face was instantly as ugly as shit. .

"Mom, didn't you say that they are ordinary friends? Do ordinary friends hug each other like this?" Wang Zhirou said angrily.

Seeing her daughter's face twisted, He Li hurriedly said, "Your Aunt Han really said that they were just ordinary friends, or did your parents tell her that, I guess something happened to that girl's house, so he told her that. She hugged them together, you see that girl crying, she's going to die, it's not flirtatious at all..."

Wang Lin also said, "Yes, she still has filial piety on her body. It was designated that her family died. Jingxi comforted her."

"Hmph, people in the family are not honest when they die, what a scumbag! Why didn't she die for her family!" Wang Zhirou said through gritted teeth.

"Rourou, how can you talk like that?"

He Li was shocked to hear her daughter say such mean words. In her impression, her daughter has always been a sunny, happy, kind and simple little princess. Even if she is a little willful, it is harmless.

But she never dreamed that her daughter's psychology was so dark and ugly now.

Wang Zhirou looked at her mother and said coldly, "Then what do you want me to say, say I wish them a success and grow old together? I'm sorry, I'm not that generous."

"No, Mom means..." Before He Li could express her thoughts, Wang Zhirou impatiently interrupted her—

"Okay..." Don't say anything, "I'm upset, so I won't worship with you. I'll go back to the car and wait for you..."

After speaking, she turned and left.

Wang Lin hurriedly said, "Rourou, you're here anyway, so let's put incense sticks for your grandfather. Your grandfather hurt you the most when he was alive..."

How could Wang Zhirou be in the mood to give incense to the dead? At this moment, she was going to be pissed off. It would be good if she didn't collapse.

She ignored her father's request, didn't turn her head back, and left with a gloomy face...

"Hey, this child, why are you so self-willed..." Wang Lin sighed helplessly.

He Li is also helpless. Thinking back then, she was also known as a cold beauty on the radio, but now in front of her daughter, she has lost her temper at all. She really answered the old saying - everyone is involved. To the children's hands!

"Pharaoh, do you think we need to say hello to Da Shuang!" Seeing her daughter disappearing from the gate, He Li turned her head and asked her man.

With a cold face, Wang Lin said categorically, "If you don't go, he doesn't even look down on us Rourou. Why do we stick to his cold ass with our hot face? Go and ignore him!"

He took He Li's hand and walked past Da Shuang without looking sideways.

When I walked up to Dashuang, I heard Dashuang bowing his head to coax the little girl, "Don't cry, let's go, I'll help you get on the car and rest for a while, and when it's over, we have to go to the cemetery..."

Hearing him talking to other women in such a soft voice made Wang Lin even more angry.

Bah, I don't want a girl as good as his Rourou for something with eyes and no pearls. I prefer a little girl whose appearance and figure are not as good as his Rourou. It's so tasteless!

Dashuang didn't see Aunt He and his wife. Seeing that Ning Qing couldn't stand still crying, he helped her out of the funeral home building and went to the parking lot outside.

He put Ning Qing in the car and let her rest in it while he waited to get the ashes.

Ning Qing was also crying with a splitting headache. She wanted to go with him, but it was already impossible, so she let him go and rested on the back seat by herself.

Not long after Da Shuang left, a sneaky figure got out of a car not far away, and Wang Zhirou also got out of her car.

Wang Zhirou planned to talk to Ning Qing and wanted to give her some money to let her leave Da Shuang. Just after a few steps, he suddenly found a middle-aged woman with disheveled hair and gloomy eyes, holding a knife in one hand and opening Huo Jingxi's car door in the other.

Wang Zhirou covered her mouth in horror.

This is so aggressive... what is this for?

robbery? Murder?

Before she could regain her senses, she saw that the woman with the knife had opened the car door, grabbed the woman's hair fiercely, and dragged her from the car.

Ning Qing was resting when someone grabbed her hair and dragged her out of the car, causing her to scream in pain, attracting the attention of everyone nearby.

At this time, Hu Lili, who was already red-eyed, pulled Ning Qing out, raised the knife without saying a word, and stabbed Ning Qing in the chest fiercely.

Looking at the sharp blade that shone with cold light, Ning Qing instantly recovered, she raised her foot without thinking, and kicked Hu Lili hard.

It's a pity that she hadn't eaten well or rested much in the hospital these days, and she didn't have much energy at all.

That soft kick only made Hu Lili hurt a little, but she still had enough strength to stab.


The sharp knife stabbed into Ning Qing's chest, and Ning Qing screamed in pain. Take advantage of the situation and hold the blade tightly, not letting her continue to insert the knife.

Hu Lili gritted her teeth and was as strong as mad. She stabbed the knife down fiercely, and shouted, "The slut who can't be saved, beast, why don't you die? You should die..."

Ning Qing tried her best to hold the knife, blood gurgled down the blade, she raised her head and said sternly, "You set the fire in my house? You vicious woman, you stole my dad and broke it up. Our home even set fire to my mother, you are a beast, why don't you die..."

"Bah, I don't care about robbing your dad, it's your shameless dad stalking me..." Just as Hu Lili was about to argue, she suddenly realized that she had been fooled.

Right now, revenge is the most important thing. What are you doing to break up these useless things with her?

She shut up abruptly, no longer arguing with her, but suddenly raised her hand and drew the knife back.

Ning Qing screamed, and the place where she was stabbed by the knife just now suddenly spewed blood like a fountain, and the sharp knife cut her palm to the bone.

"Haha, little beast, aren't you reluctant to bear your kidney? I'll dig him out now and see what happens to you?"

Hu Lili gritted her teeth, raised the knife again, and stabbed Ning Qing's chest again.

Wang Zhirou was standing less than five meters away from them. Seeing that woman stabbed Ning Qing again, she subconsciously closed her eyes and let her stab.

In fact, as long as she throws the bag out, or does something, she can easily go to Ning Qing. However, she didn't want to save her, and even secretly hoped that the woman could use some strength...


Another knife was stabbed, but this time the knife stabbed the young arm. She hugged her chest with her two arms, and the swung knife stabbed her arm, almost piercing it through!

It can be seen how much effort Hu Lili has used!

Seeing that she didn't hit Ning Qing's vital point, Hu Lili was not reconciled, she pulled out her knife again, and stabbed Ning Qing again.

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