Say hello to Nuan Chun.

Pack up the things for her to take, and send Nuan Chun's family of three away.

Chang Xia took her clothes and went into the bathroom. She didn't wash her hair in the morning, so Chang Xia decided to wash it at night. Tomorrow, I don't know what will happen.

The root patriarch took Qinghe to plan the Xiaohechuan canal.

When they come back, they will definitely come to find Chang Xia.

All the tribes are busy, and the chiefs must want to start repairing the canal as soon as possible, and they may not be able to wait for too long. Depending on the situation, they should start digging and constructing the canal section while planning.

Shampoo and wrap wet hair in a towel.

Chang Xia walked into the kitchen slowly, the pork rib soup was already stewed, filled with a strong meat aroma. Chang Xia lifted the cover and used a spatula to skim off the blood foam.

Turn around and start pancakes, which are naturally the classic minced wild vegetable bird eggs.

In the kitchen there are fresh vegetables sent by the clan, the bird eggs are in the closet, and a small piece of fresh meat was cut from the cellar when I got the ribs just now.


In the long summer, two patties of minced wild vegetables and bird eggs have been fried.

Cut open and divide into four small portions.

Then add a little sauce pepper and sauce radish and put it in a pottery bowl. The pickled ginger is cut into shredded ginger by Chang Xia, and it is directly placed in the minced wild vegetable bird egg meat pie, which can be eaten when you eat it.

Put a bowl of pork rib soup in a ceramic bowl, and bring it to the long table in the small living room.

at this time.

It was pitch black outside.

The light tree saplings released a little bit of fluorescence.

At the same time, the light grass placed in the wooden shed promenade emits a faint light.

The lights illuminating the cave dwelling of Changxia's house are bright, very bright.

Chang Xia pushed open the door and window of the small living room, enjoying the silence of the night alone.

Haven't been alone at home for a long time?

Sure enough, it was still a little lonely.

Chang Xia caressed the position of her belly, it has been many months since Shen Rong detoxified, maybe she can prepare for pregnancy. After all, not every orc who is interracially married is as lucky as Daya and Kongshan to have their own cubs so soon.

think about.

Chang Xia decided to increase the amount of exercise.

Make the body stronger, so that the chances of being able to conceive beast cubs will increase. After quietly finishing dinner, Chang Xia cleaned up the dishes, sat next to the stove and slowly wiped his hair with a towel.

Wait for the hair to dry and close the kitchen doors and windows.

Walking back to the bedroom, Chang Xia asked Shen Rong to take away the light stone. At this time, there was a pot of light grass on the dressing table in the bedroom.

Chang Xia has long hair loose.

Go to the dresser and open the drawer.

Inside were the wooden comb Shen Rong made for her, as well as carved jade bracelets and other items.

Chang Xia doesn't like to wear jewelry, but tonight she couldn't help but take out the white jade bracelet carved by Shen Rong and put it on her wrist. It was as if Shen Rong was still at home, and he wasn't that lonely.

Putting on the jade bracelet, Chang Xia lay on the Babu Kang bed.

Caressing the jade bracelet with her fingers, she didn't feel lonely before.


After getting used to having one more person around.

I can no longer bear to live alone.

"Shen Rong, I miss you a little bit."

Chang Xia whispered, and slowly closed his eyes.

Night, quiet.

Occasionally, a few insects chirped, announcing the coming of night.

the next day.

Chang Xia woke up early, opened the door while moving his body.

The husband heated up the marinated pot, and then fetched water to wash.

Then, he began to water the plants in the courtyard of the cave dwelling, activated the blood vessel ability and listened to the hearts of the plants. Naturally, I can also hear a lot of eight monsters. Speaking of which, Chang Xia hasn't gone to the Tribal Square to communicate with Xiao Guang for a long time.

The nagging and lecherous Guangshu claims to be the most handsome in Guangshu.

I don't know, how is it growing recently?

Having a friendly exchange with the plants, Chang Xia took a bow and arrow and ran towards the shooting range. It was time to pick up the archery training that had been stranded for more than half a month.

After all, this is the way to eat.

It can never be wasted.

"Elder Dalai—"

"Chang Xia, you are here."

Elder Dalai was overjoyed and came up to welcome him.

Chang Xia handed a few pieces of toffee and mints to Elder Dalai and said, "Elder Dalai, here are toffee and mints for your sweet mouth."

"Okay!" Dalai happily took the toffee and mints.

The two walked into the shooting range talking and laughing, Chang Xia practiced archery, and Elder Dalai watched for a few minutes, making sure to leave without pointing.

Chang Xia contacted for half an hour alone at the shooting range.

Half an hour later, Chang Xia walked out of the shooting range dripping with sweat.

After waving goodbye to the old man, Chang Xia ran slowly to his cave.

Just met the root patriarch from the tribe.

"Chang Xia, look at Qing He's drawing of Xiaohechuan and canals. This is the map of Xiaohechuan's wilderness section. If you think it's okay, start construction today." Gen Lisuo handed the drawing to Changxia and asked her to read it.

The situation is the same as Chang Xia guessed.

The root patriarch chose to divide the Xiaohechuan canal into sections for construction.

This saves a lot of time.

Keeping the five patriarchs in the Heluo Tribe will not allow them to eat rice every day, they must work.

Like the beast of the snake patriarch, it is very suitable for building river sections.

In the river, if there were anacondas and other river beasts, she would be able to drive them away as soon as they got out of the river, which would save a lot of time and ensure safety.

"Patriarch, the river should be expanded, and the depth should not be too shallow." Chang Xia said.

Patriarch Gen stroked his chin, stared at Chang Xia, and asked, "Are you eyeing Silver Beach and Yuzu?"

If it is simply to transport milk tree sap, Chang Xia does not need to remind to expand the river surface and the depth of the river. Now that it is said, it means that Chang Xia and Su Ye are eyeing the fish clan. They planned to let the Snake Mountain Tribe build a port in Silver Beach, and even included the Yuzu Tribe.


Chang Xia chuckled.

No words.

The fish family has big boats, and the small rivers and canals are too narrow and shallow.

The fish clan's big boats couldn't enter the Xiaohechuan canal, and it would be a waste to use the canal simply to transport milk tree sap and misty sea seafood.

Take one step, count five steps.

Chang Xia didn't think there was anything wrong.

Repairing the Xiaohechuan canal now will save the trouble of future expansion.

"Okay, I'll talk to Qinghe again." Gen said seriously.

Chang Xia didn't say anything, but the Gen patriarch understood the hidden meaning in her words, and he did it in one step, and expanded the Xiaohechuan canal after saving.

"Patriarch, wait a minute, you come back to the cave with me, I'll bring Qing He a pack of toffee and mints." Chang Xia said.

She left half a can of toffee and mints just as a favor.

Of course, I still want to leave some for Nanfeng.

"The peppermint candy tastes good!" Gen said happily, "Last night, the tribal people made a lot of mint candies. The strong mint smell filled the sky of the tribe, and the tribe woke up much earlier in the morning."

"Wild fruits can also be used to make fruit candy. You can talk to Patriarch Xifeng about making sugar." Chang Xia Chaogen, a patriarch, winked and reminded.

The root patriarch narrowed his eyes, thinking about Chang Xia's words.

for a while.

He understood what Chang Xia meant, and the reason for letting the Earth Tribe develop more sugar was the same as guiding the Yuanhu Tribe to make sauce.

It is not as good as a full garden in full bloom.


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