"Nest clan!" Chang Xia murmured, "The multi-handed clan turned out to be the nest clan."

At first, see the murals on the stone wall.

Chang Xia vaguely guessed that the unknown land should not be the ancestral land.

Confirming the identity of the multi-handed clan on the mural from Su Ye's mouth, she suddenly felt that it was so. .

"Grandma Su Ye, I want to explore unknown places." Chang Xia said excitedly.

The milk-producing tree, from the moment the old ape heard it, Chang Xia missed it. Besides, the Weishan Holy Land is very close to the Heluo Tribe. With such an unknown place, the leopard clan will surely have trouble sleeping and eating.

Regardless of whether there are hive races living in the unknown land, this trip cannot be avoided.

"For now, no." Su Ye said.

Moments passed.

"When the operation of Erdos Swamp is confirmed, I will personally take you to explore the unknown land. Before that, you are not allowed to go to the Holy Land of Weishan. By the way, has the old ape encountered the nest tribe when he entered that sea area..."

"No, he said it was still deserted."

Hearing this, Su Ye was silent again.

This represents an unknown land, which should be the territory of the nest clan a long time ago.

But, why did the Nest Race abandon their homeland?

"Witch, is there anything unusual about the Fish Clan?" Gen asked.

Broodlings, Uncharted Lands, Milky Trees. These were all out of his mouth, so Patriarch Gen simply asked about the situation of the river waters instead of asking too much.

"There are a few problems near the sea, but the problem is not serious. I will come to the Heluo Tribe tomorrow to discuss with you the specific time to set off for the Erdos Swamp. You urge the other five major tribes to determine the candidates for this operation as soon as possible. The number of people is fixed at 20. Among the people, this operation is mainly to detect news, and there is no need to select too many people." Su Ye's steady voice quickly calmed Zhu Gen's restless emotions.

At the corner, the figure of Elder Shadow stepped into Chang Xia's eyes again.

The cheeks are covered with wrinkles, and the handsome outline of youth can be vaguely seen. The deep eyes, without any cloudiness, shone with wisdom and composure.

"Yes, I will immediately find the five major tribes to determine who will go out." Gen said seriously.

Before hanging up the tone, Su Ye once again told Chang Xia not to be self-willed, and if she wanted to go to Weishan Holy Land to explore unknown places, she had to wait for her to come.

"Chang Xia, you really didn't enter that passage—" Gen asked curiously.

On the side, Elder Ying also looked at Chang Xia curiously.

Chang Xia shrugged, and said helplessly: "I want to go. But there is not enough time. You all know the situation of Weishan Holy Land. In the morning, we dig light grass and light tree saplings. After noon, Shen Rong Baiqing and I are taken by the old ape to the cliff. For some reason, the old ape broke a boulder, and the boulder scattered into gravel, filling up the space in front of the stone wall. After decades, you can imagine that it took us several hours just to find the key to open the passage, This is Shen Rong's luck, accidentally touching the stone tablet that opened the passage."

"The patience of that Weishan ape is really mediocre." Ying said slowly.

Obviously, Elder Shadow had contact with Old Ape before.

Listening to the tone, the contact is relatively deep. After all, with the face of the old ape, ordinary orcs would not dare to get close to it, because it was vicious and ugly.

"Unknown place! I'm also curious, I want to go!" Gen sighed, since he took over the position of the tribe's patriarch, Gen felt that life was boring, busy all day with all kinds of trifles in the tribe, even Going out to hunt has a time limit.

No wonder Yundong Gelei and the others didn't want to take over the position of patriarch. They were insidious and cunning. When they returned to the tribe, they would have to trick them.

He also wants to go into the forest——

Gen vented from the bottom of his heart, with a tough face, sometimes green and sometimes white, Chang Xia was curious for a while, and sighed that the face-changing skills of the head of the family are really awesome!

Only Elder Ying swept across his face with disgust.

This silly boy fantasizes about what is there and what is not, so he has to remind xylophone to look after people and not lose face of the Heluo tribe.

"The next time Grandma Su Ye comes to the tribe, she will go to the Weishan Holy Land to explore the unknown place after she settles the operation in the Erdos Swamp. The patriarch can apply to go together!" Chang Xia said.

When it comes to playing yin, Chang Xia feels that the patriarch of his family is very skilled.

Everything in the unknown land is unknown, and Chang Xia felt that their safety could be guaranteed to the greatest extent if the root patriarch could go with him.

"The Baihu business district is open, and all the tribes will send orcs over one after another. As the patriarch of the Heluo tribe, how can I get away with it?" Gen Gan howled, with a helpless expression on his face.

Listen to this.

Chang Xia quickly shut up.

She was afraid that if she continued speaking, the head of her family would put her name on the list of enemies. Don't ask why Chang Xia knew, it was naturally revealed by xylophone unintentionally.

Chang Xia had confirmed with Nan Feng that there was indeed such a thing.

after that.

Chang Xia quietly gave her family a nickname: Lao Liu.

"It's more work for those who can." Chang Xia chuckled twice, and quickly changed the subject: "Patriarch, let's go back to the Baihu cave, the sweet potato wine should be distilled."

"Yes, I forgot the sweet potato wine." Gen quickly picked up Yinbei and was about to go to the Baihu cave.

The thin figure of the elder shadow flickered.

In the blink of an eye, the door was blocked.

He raised his head and stared quietly at Gen, opened his mouth and said slowly, "Gen, don't forget my sweet potato wine."

Root twitched his cheek, wanting to curse.

However, thinking of Elder Shadow's fist, he stopped the fire quickly.

Elder Shadow beats people harder than Elder Pukang. Because Elder Shadow is good at sneak attacks and likes Yin people. When beating people, choose places with a lot of meat every time.

It hurts, but I can't find the wound.

"I'll send you a jar later." Gen promised, and added: "When Xylophone and Changxia learn to distill sweet potato pulp, dozens of tanks of sweet potato pulp in the tribe will also be distilled into sweet potato wine, I will definitely give you a few more jars Hide."

In order not to be beaten, Gen speaks slyly and sweetly.

Chang Xia is as quiet as a bird.

It's better not to see such a scene. If you watch too much, accidents are easy to happen.

Sure enough, looking at Chang Xia's well-behaved appearance, Gen was very satisfied.

"Very good." After hearing what Ying satisfied, he stepped out of the way, turned around and left quickly.

When Elder Ying left, Chang Xia heard Gen let out a breath, and even a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.

Depend on!

Is the Elder Shadow so scary?

She remembered that Patriarch Gen didn't look like this when facing Elder Pukang.

"Elder Shadow, he's very cruel." Gen opened his mouth, and made no sound as he stared at Chang Xiabi.

Chang Xia shuddered, and whispered: "How fierce..."

Before Chang Xia could finish speaking, Gen quickly covered Chang Xia's mouth.

"Chang Xia, don't look for death." Gen raised his index finger and reminded: "Let's go, let's go to Baihu cave to prepare sweet potato wine for Elder Ying."

The elder shadow is like a shadow lurking in the Heluo tribe.

Even if he is as insidious as a root, he is ashamed of the elder Shangying. At the same time, the root patriarch regards Elder Ying as an idol, and one day his strength can reach the level of Elder Ying, and he will die without regret.


Chang Xia swallowed carefully, feeling quite frightened.

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