It was almost noon.

The sun was scorching hot, the twins walked up the steps and lay down on the corridor to cool off.

He was so hot that he stuck out his little tongue, he was panting heavily, and he didn't want to play around in the courtyard of the cave dwelling.

"It's so late and you haven't come back yet?" Chang Xia frowned, staring in the direction of the holy mountain of Kanna, worry flashed in his eyes.

Nuanchun brought cool white leaves and let the twins drink water.

"Perhaps it was delayed by the white-footed chicken!" Nuan Chun said.

Shen Rong valued Chang Xia, and if Chang Xia wanted to eat white-footed chicken, he would definitely go all out. In addition, there are also a group of beast cubs from the tribe, large and small, who are going this time. Delays will definitely be delayed, just how long will the delay be?

"I thought it would be delayed by the tits—" Chang Xia complained. The beast cubs of their own tribe have different personalities, they are not afraid of anything, they dare to provoke anything. It's a rare opportunity to enter the holy mountain of Kanna to hunt in actual combat. How can the tits be willing to go back to the tribe?

The farthest place these little cubs usually go to should be Woye. The farthest is actually on the other side of the tribal river.

The sacred mountain of Karna is much farther than Woye.

The tits are just having fun, let's play wild!

"It makes sense!" Nuan Chun echoed, the tit was very courageous, and the possibility of inciting Wu Liu and the others to mess around with them was very high.

This thought.

Nuan Chun couldn't help but sympathize with Shen Rong.

He went to the salt lake to fetch salt, but was forced to bring a group of beast cubs with him. I don't know if Shen Rong's mentality has been broken? In the past, Nuan Chun thought the cubs were super cute, and she was very excited when she married Shan Kun and became pregnant with cubs.

The excitement began when the twins got off the ground and walked.

It turned directly into irritability and depression.

Without him, the lethality of the beast cubs is astonishing, even if it is his own beast cubs, Nuan Chun has to admit that the beast cubs are the most terrifying existence in the world.

"Nuanchun, is there anything you would like to eat at noon?" Chang Xia asked.

She likes a lively house, which means anger. Nanfeng and the others often come over to eat, and are often scolded by the tribe.

Chang Xia didn't mind Nan Feng and the others coming to eat.

After all, they didn't come empty-handed when they came to eat.

When going out hunting and picking, I would always bring gifts to Chang Xia, not to mention helping Chang Xia with miscellaneous things, as long as Chang Xia's body, physical work can't do much at all. Every time she prepares meals, she uses her mouth more than her hands.

Tired, that is not tired at all.

Nuan Chun thought for a while, and said: "It's hot, we can eat some jelly noodles all the time. I don't know when Shen Rong and the others will return to the tribe, make some noodles and put them away. It's convenient for them to eat when they return."

"Okay!" Chang Xia nodded, thinking about what toppings to prepare.

"The topping, what do you think?"

"Let's have something spicy. I don't feel like eating anything in this weather. It's more refreshing to eat spicy. I'm waiting to eat your pickled radish and sour cowpea..."

Chatting, the two went into the kitchen to collect noodles and toppings.

Of course, before doing it, you need to boil a pot of soup.

The tribal people and Chang Xia are used to drinking all kinds of soups, and every household habitually boils a pot of soup every day, and drinks half a bowl or a bowl before meals, and then starts to eat.

In just a few months of work.

The clansman has a circle of flesh growing on their bodies.

However, due to the large amount of daily exercise,

No clansmen really got fat.

The only ones who got fat were the twins of Nuanchun's family.

Chubby, the fat trembling when walking, very cute. When the clansmen catch the twins, they like to masturbate, and after masturbating, they will stage a feeding scene.


Chang Xia Nuan Chun entered the kitchen.

The twins, who were lying on the corridor to enjoy the cool air, jumped up quickly, and chased after them, howling.

"You two don't come in, stay and play in the corridor. Don't enter the kitchen to make noise, or you won't be given meat at noon." Nuan Chun grabbed the eldest of the twins and gave them a warning.

Hearing Nuan Chun's warning, the twins did not dare to enter the kitchen.

The two little ones were lying on the door of the kitchen, their eyes rolled around and stared blankly at the two people who were busy in the kitchen.


Chang Xia went to the small living room to bring a sugar bowl, took out two candies and fed them into the twins' mouths, telling them to play in the corridor obediently, and give them something delicious later.

When they heard that there was something delicious, the twins' eyes widened.

Awowing, Yuanyuan's head nodded quickly, the cute appearance made Chang Xia want to lick. However, thinking about cooking next time, Chang Xia held back the "evil" thoughts in his heart, and did not extend his sinful hands to the twins.

"I'll go to the cellar and bring up a cold stone. This powder skin will be more comfortable to eat after being soaked in cold water." Chang Xia said. The kitchen is steaming and hot. Chang Xia doesn’t like cold noodle and cold noodle. The main reason is that the shredded cucumber tastes too strong.

However, the weather has been too hot recently.

Chang Xia was thinking about making Liangpi cold noodles and eating them?

Big deal, do not put cucumber shreds.

"Okay!" Nuan Chun said: "Using cold water chilled by cold stones to wash the noodles, ouch! Just thinking about it, I think I can eat a few big bowls."

For goods that need to be kept fresh at low temperature, Chang Xia moves them to the cellar at home for storage. The underground warehouse is too big, and it is difficult to keep the entire underground warehouse cold with the cold stone in Chang Xia's hand. Ice Crystal Grass, I still have to find the Bird Clan to exchange for Ice Crystal Grass.

This operation in the Swamp of Erdos is too important.

Otherwise, Chang Xia would really like to participate, for no other reason than thinking about the ice crystal grass and ice fruit in the hands of the bird clan.


Chang Xia came up with a wooden basin.

In the wooden basin, there is a clay pot.

The earthenware pot is half filled with water, and the water is soaked with cold stones.

The cold air seeps out along the earthen pots, and even the wooden basins are chilly, with a layer of water droplets. Looking at it, I feel comfortable.

With Chang Xia moving the wooden basin, the temperature in the scorching kitchen dropped instantly.

Nuan Chun groaned comfortably.

Chang Xia put the wooden basin filled with cold stones on the low stool, and waved to the twins to come in and lie down next to the wooden basin to cool off.

Nuanchun took the steamed vermicelli out of the cold water and put it in a wooden basin. The wooden basin containing the clay pots is a deep wooden basin, which is the same as the one used to deliver lo mei to Granny Wu two days ago.


The twins were lying beside the wooden tub, squinting their eyes comfortably in the refreshing coolness, and making woo-woo-woo-woo noises from their mouths.

"Look how little they look like—"

"It's hairy and hot. I thought, let Shan Kun shave off some of their hair. This is not the hottest time of the year."

"Shave it! If it's hot, they probably won't feel comfortable."

The aroma of bone soup fills the whole kitchen with the boiling soup. Chang Xia didn't make too complicated toppings, so he directly fried a pot of chili fried meat. There is still some stewed meat in the stewed pot, and then cut some cucumber shreds or something, and eat it together.

It's a pity that the pickled chili sauce is not yet tasty, so it's not palatable for the time being.

Otherwise, with a chopstick of chili sauce or ginger sauce, it will not be suitable even in the hot and warm season.

Nuan Chun cut the lo mei, her saliva almost dried up.

Chang Xia couldn't help laughing at the sight, and asked her to eat two pieces directly, but Nuan Chun refused to do so. Said that if she steals it, the twins will definitely want it too, that won't work.


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