Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 61 The Death of Dickon

In the endless roar and despair, Dickon was divided into five parts, and the main body was sealed into Optimus Prime's body.

A large amount of fire can be squandered, and it seems that there is some kind of magical substance that can obliterate the connection of Dickon's body from the particle level. When Dickon is completely separated, he is doomed to the doomsday.

"Is this the end?"

The old bartender walked over in a daze, and sat down on the ground. When the long-awaited enemy is dying and the wish is fulfilled, the old bartender is in a trance.

Blade was covered in blood, and his face was silent. He experienced a major change in his life, and felt that many things in the world lost their meaning at this moment.

"Not so much, at least Dickon's main body isn't dead."

Several Transformers opened their closed things, revealing dead blood, but Optimus Prime's was closed tightly, and Dickon could still be heard screaming in panic.

Downey's expression was cold and hard, and Optimus Prime, under the watchful eyes of the three, separated and cut layer upon layer of Dickon who was locked up.

Dickon's strength was great, and he beat the small prison crazily, but it was of no avail. The metal layers continued to divide and weaken him, and the new generation of blood gods was coming to an end step by step.

When the prison was opened, Dickon was weakened beyond human form, leaving only some viscous blood. Dickon barely made a face, and looked at Downey with resentment and hatred. It was the man in front of him who destroyed everything about him. It was the mutant who destroyed his hard work over the years.

Dickon wailed, like the final struggle of a dying beast, he rushed towards Donnie, trying to make a last effort, but it was useless, and he was slapped to the ground by Donnie.

"I am the blood god, I am the blood god, I am the supreme god..." Dickon murmured to himself in the viscous blood with only his remaining head, his eyes were dull, and his heart was completely dead, leaving only the face full of blood. Hopeless and numb.

"You're not that strong, at least not as strong as you imagined, and even we subconsciously exaggerated your strength... In fact, I doubt that just calling a second-rate mage from Kama Taj can easily blow you up. "

Donnie wasn't lying. If he hadn't taken the risk to discover that the source of fire had some strange properties, they would have been more dangerous. Physical attacks were almost useless against creatures like the Blood God.

Dickon's eyes were dull and dull. It is not only the desire to survive, but also the pain of disillusionment. He doesn't know anything about Karma Taj, he just knows that it's all over.

Downey finally raised a knife and stabbed it lightly on Dickon's head, killing him several times, obliterating the last trace of Dickon.

It's over, the age of the blood gods is over. When the blood god's veil is completely torn off, it is doomed to perish. In this increasingly cruel era, it is difficult for such a creature with great limitations and obvious weaknesses to go far.

Downey looked at the dry marks all over the floor, his eyes revealing complexity. The old bartender looked at Downey suspiciously, wondering why this young man was so...sentimental all of a sudden? Dao Feng has gone through a major life decision, and his mind is numb, he doesn't want to care about anything at all, he just wants to think quietly by himself.

The fate of Dickon now may also be his future self, and Downey has long been mentally prepared for this.

There are countless terrifying enemies in the future, Dormammu, Hella, Kryptonians, Doomsday, Steppenwolf... If these powerful existences that can defeat a civilization head-on are not stopped, they will appear one after another on the earth and start killing.

There are also Thanos, Ego, Darkseid and other star-destroying overlords who are eyeing each other, each with their own plans, as well as the group of cosmic gods who use the earthlings as experimental animals for regular inspections. In addition, the Kree and other powerful civilizations that dominate several galaxies, not to mention that the dark elves who once ruled the entire universe are recovering or even recovering, and are beginning to look covetously at the World Tree star field where the earth is located...

The interior of the earth is still polarized because of whether to officially accept the mutant group,

Fighting against each other... When Paradise Island, Atlantis and Kunlun Mountain are born one after another in the future, what choice will human beings make? Quarrels and disagreements broke out even more violently than mutants?

At least mutants are still sub-human races born within human beings, born from the people around them, so what about those descendants of the gods?

A crazy era is beginning. Zeus, who was forced to jump into an unknown dimension by the Supreme Mage in the past, and the Eastern Immortals, who escaped to the starry sky of the universe, may also be planning to return to the world tree. The Supreme Mage who suppressed countless different dimensions is about to face The questioning and betrayal of the disciples; Odin, who guards the World Tree, is also near the end of his life, and has been sleeping for many years.

In the nine worlds within the entire World Tree, except for the temporary stability of the earth, the other eight worlds have already been raging with war, and they are almost out of their minds. Brother Hammer is still holding a big hammer and doesn’t know where to go to suppress the rebellion. The world tree star What do you use to face one enemy after another?

The earth is too fragile in front of these advanced life forms that easily blow up the planet, but it was targeted for various reasons.

The storm is coming, and the sea of ​​blood is all over the sky.

"Now kill all those vampires... and then we'll go home!"

Donnie took a deep breath, put aside these thoughts, suddenly raised his head and shouted. The three rushed into various passages and began to cleanse the remaining vampires. The timid and clever ones had already escaped at the first time, and the rest had different thoughts. Maybe they heard Dickon yelling Donny's very special words at the beginning, not to mention that there was still a filming, Donny completely Moved to kill, to wipe out all these dregs.

Optimus Prime and other war machines started up, massacring in all directions.

When the three of them gathered again, the whole underground was already in a mess, with dried blood and ashes left by the burning vampires all over the place.

The vibration on the ground became smaller and smaller at some point, and finally stopped. The round monument on the dome was completely shattered and fell, and the twelve surrounding obelisks collapsed one after another.

The whole altar seems to have fulfilled his mission, with Dickon coming to an end.

The three of them looked around, seeing all the traces left after the tragic war. They got their wish and destroyed the scourge of Dickon and the Blood God.

After the war, it is psychological satisfaction and comfort, and may also be mixed with a trace of bewilderment. This is the feeling every time you walk on the edge of life and death... Theoretically, it will be like this.

Downey and the others were sitting there resting. They were exhausted, especially Downey. This was the first time he had experienced a battle of this level. He should have seized the short time to rest and reflect on himself... again, the theory It's like this...

The old bartender widened his eyes, pointed at the thin figure who appeared at some time, and asked in a daze, "Who is that idiot?"

A thin figure sneaked in sneakily at some point, took out a big net like no one else was there, wrapped it around a broken stone tablet, and was about to leave. But the stele was very heavy, and it was impossible for a skinny guy like him to pull it. The skinny guy spat on his hands, exerted strength again, but still didn't pull...

When Downey saw this skinny man, his first reaction was not to question how he came in so quietly, but to subconsciously look for something: "Hey, where is my brick?"

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