Transformed Marvel Genius

Chapter 33: Hit him 1 shot

Anna offered it, and Coulson took it.

The flashlight looks very long, and the weight is lighter than expected. Anna is a big tyrant. The windings in the flashlight are made of gold wires, each of which is fine to the micron level. And she also used the double-tube acceleration technology. The outer layer of the flashlight looks like a tube, and two sets of coils are wound side by side inside, and the output power is directly doubled.

However, Coulson is still skeptical. He is a weapons expert and knows what the concept of numbers Anna said.

The speed at which the pistol is fired, Mach 1.

What is the speed of the AK47, Mach 2.

How many sniper rifles, slightly smaller than rail guns, Mach 3 is smaller.

All of these are understandable. The longer the barrel, the longer the acceleration distance and the higher the initial velocity of the gun.

Only can't understand the concept of metal cannonballs, 100 grams, ordinary bullets are only a few grams.

WTF is a shot put! ! !

Compared with a pistol, with a weight of 6g and a speed of Mach 1, according to the kinetic energy formula 1/2mv2, the energy carried by the shell will be one hundred and eighty times that of the pistol bullet, and its kinetic energy is enough to pierce a steel plate with a thickness of 100mm.

Attention, it's smashing through.

No skill, just smashing through the steel plate with violence.

"The muzzle is raised to the horizontal line by 28mm." Anna told Coulson that although she couldn't fire the shell, she was familiar with the performance of the electromagnetic railgun. Taking into account wind resistance and gravity, according to the parabola formula, Anna deliberately let Coulson raise it. 2° elevation angle, the length of the barrel is 80 cm, according to the small angle conversion formula sin(a)=tan(a)=(a), 3.14/180*2*80 is 2.8 cm, that is, the elevation is 28mm.

Coulson complied, and Anna pressed the button.

Coulson could hear the roar of the cannonball as it accelerated in the barrel, a roar like a galloping wild horse.

Boom, Coulson even felt that he had lost control of his arm at the moment when the cannon shot exited.

The huge cannonball broke through the sound barrier, like a thunderbolt, instantly spanning a kilometer distance and hitting Dr. Octopus.

At a critical moment, the artificial intelligence mobilized the mechanical tentacles to block Dr. Otto. The shell collided with the tentacles, the tentacles smashed instantly, and the sensors on the tentacles fed back electric currents, from the spinal cord to the nerves, and finally to the cerebral cortex.

Amid the screams, Doctor Octopus was thrown back ten meters, and the mechanical tentacles stuck on the cement road. They went all the way back along the national road, directly making a 5-meter scratch, and finally rolled into the ditch.

Anna felt that Dr. Octopus was Shi Lezhi. In the laboratory, Anna was afraid that stray bullets would hit dangerous objects and cause a series of explosions, so she did not shoot.

Now on the national highway, it is still a place with vast land and sparsely populated places. If you like bombing, you can blow it up or pull it down. Who cares about you!


A huge fireball exploded where Dr. Otto landed, and the flames rose five meters.

It seemed that his luck ended here, the metal cannonball hit the sack, and it was unknown if he was alive.

Coulson's hands were shaking like a sieve. While the railgun brought great power, it also returned super recoil to the user. Fortunately, he channeled part of the recoil into the car. Otherwise, Coulson would have to advance in advance. Replaced with a manipulator from Stark Corporation.

Wow... The little girl in front of me is actually carrying a heavy fire weapon. Coulson realized this problem later.

The effect of electromagnetic railgun shells is comparable to that of RPG rocket launchers.

Coulson felt that as long as the Ministry of Defense slightly modified the shells so that their nose cones conformed to the aerodynamic principles, and then carried high explosives in the warheads, they would never be less powerful than the RPG rocket launchers currently in service in the military.

That is to say, one day the Tang Yuan Jing around her was unhappy, became angry, and flashed a flashlight at the entrance of the White House—she did what she wanted to do for many years but failed to do so.

Coulson is super worried, if Anna reaches puberty in a few years...

Glancing at Anna, the little girl, the old god, seemed to have known about it long ago.

If the dumplings were used by themselves just now, the strong recoil would be enough to blow up the little girl's arm.

"Anna, the country doesn't seem to have approved the development of heavy weapons for you."

Anna rolled her eyes and took out two buttons from her satchel: "Squint, I think these two magnets cover your eyes."

You must know that just now, her heavy weapon disabled Dr. Octopus, but the result was good, and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Coulson waved his hands again and again, joking, is this a magnet? It's obviously a bomb. It's better to use a bomb to cover his eyelids than to poke his eyeballs with two needles.

Coulson thought that Anna was joking, but he didn't know Anna's nature. If Tang Yuan Jing was given a chance, she would try to study how the human eye reacts to a strong electric shock.

She doesn't feel any guilt for this either. She has a lot of dark history. The invasion of the Massachusetts DMV is one, the electromagnetic railgun is one, the electric pulse bomb is also one, and there are countless other secret schemes.

If, like Howard in his later years, she regretted developing the atomic bomb, Anna felt that she would have to jump off the building now.

She believed that in the pursuit of truth, all morals and laws had to stand Anna turned to look in the direction of Dr. Otto, who had disappeared outside the national road.

There is no need to worry about Dr. Otto's trouble in a short time.

Speaking of Otto, Anna thought of Hawkeye. It's been a while since the opening of the National Road, and she hasn't caught up with him: "What about the short guy just now, he won't die, right?"

He agreed to hold Otto back, but in the end he was allowed to catch up, not even Hawkeye.

Speaking of the men Anna knew, except for Jeffrey, all the others were short, Dr. Otto was short and stout, Coulson was short, and Stark—Ana felt that her short legs were the same as Stark. grams related.

The good ones don't learn the bad ones.

Ah, Anna covered her face and sighed.


Back at the gym, a group of people were eagerly waiting, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Anna carrying antimatter and Coulson and others back safely.

It is now the ninth shock wave, and in half an hour, the tenth shock wave will arrive. Without the liquid nitrogen bottle in Anna's hand, even if Dr. Hall sends the stock of antimatter to him, it will not help.

After a few minutes, Hawkeye also came back and told about the battle with Doctor Octopus.

It wasn't that Hawkeye couldn't beat the octopus. In fact, the two fought back and forth. Hawkeye, who was skilled in combat, threatened the octopus many times with his instant throwing knife skills. This is when he gave up long-range archery in order to fight.

The reason for being run away by Doctor Octopus is very funny.

Dr. Octopus is the long arm. Once the distance is widened, he will take dozens of steps against Hawkeye. Before leaving, he deliberately destroyed the Hawkeye sedan.

In the end, Hawkeye came back on a motorcycle.

Looking at Clint's dusty appearance, Anna covered her face again. Yes, she met another man with short legs.

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