Trainer: I Build My Home on the Back of Xuanwu

Trainer: I build a home on the back of Xuanwu Chapter 644

"..." Mu Liang made a move, the corner of his mouth could not help twitching, and he loosened his arms around the foxtail woman's hand.

"Hee hee..." Hu Xian looked at Mu Liang's expression and couldn't help laughing.

She threw a wink and turned away with a twist of her tail.

"Huh..." Mu Liang sighed helplessly, skillfully cut off a piece of ghost meat, removed the glazed wall surrounding the girl with two ponytails, and handed the ghost meat to the girl.

"Mu Liang, what were you doing just now?" Yuffie asked casually.

"Nothing." Mu Liang shook his head.

Yuffie's pretty face was serious, and she said in a serious tone, "I already have a research direction. Give me two more months, and I will definitely be able to develop a secret medicine to weaken the power of high-level virtual ghosts."

Mu Liang's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said gently, "Then I'll wait for your good news."

"That..." Yuffie bit her lower lip, her little hands propped up on the console, her golden eyes dodging.

She just saw the behavior of Mu Liang and Hu Xian, and she deliberately disturbed them.

Yuffie was a little envious and made a small decision.

"What's wrong?" Mu Liang asked in surprise.

The confused girl looked a little awkward, and as to why, he was a little confused.

"It's..." Yuffie bit her lower lip and lowered her head even further.

"??" Mu Liang was calm, waiting for the confused girl's next words.

Yuffie took a deep breath and said boldly: "Mu Liang, if I really develop a secret medicine to weaken the power of high-level virtual ghosts, can you promise me one thing?"

"What's the matter?" Mu Liang asked in surprise.

"I... I haven't thought about it yet." Yuffie's eyes flickered, not daring to look at Mu Liang.

"This way..." Mu Liang raised his eyebrows lightly.

He thought about it for a while, then smiled and agreed: "As long as I can do it, I can promise you."

"Hmm, you can do it." Yuffie nodded vigorously.

She had already started to make up her mind, it would be better to ask Mu Liang to promise something at that time.

give me a hug?


Give birth to a little Muliang for him?

"Ah...don't think about it." Yuffie's pretty face suddenly blushed, and she shook her head talking to herself, throwing some strange thoughts out of her mind.

"Are you all right?" Mu Liang said in surprise.

"'s all right." Yuffie's eyes dodged, and she didn't dare to look at Mu Liang anymore.

"If you're tired, let's take a rest for today's research." Mu Liang said warmly.

"I'm not tired, I just feel a little hot." Yuffie made an excuse casually.

Hearing this, Mu Liang raised his hand, and the icy aura spread out, covering the confused girl.

Yuffie was suddenly shocked and continued to do research.

The lie was told, and the gritted teeth had to continue.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

728: Killing chickens as an example is also useful. (2 more)

P black P black mouth black

High in the sky, the huge transport spaceship flew forward smoothly.

Eight huge propellers turned rapidly, rolling up the dark clouds and blowing them back.


The steam engine was working, making a dull humming sound.

On the top floor of the transport spacecraft, that is, on the deck, Yue Feiyan and Xi Beqi leaned against the guardrail and looked into the distance.

In addition to the two women, there are more than 20 guards, armed with military crossbows to keep an eye on the surrounding situation.

"It should be coming soon." Yue Feiyan stood on tiptoe, as if she could see further.

"Today is the third day, and it should be coming soon." Xibeqi said naively.

Yue Feiyan turned around and looked at the huge swinging clock hanging on the deck. It was three o'clock in the afternoon.

She said crisply: "If the time is correct, it will be around four o'clock this afternoon."

"Then it's almost time." Xibei put her face on one hand and looked back boredly.

She was on the boat for three days and was bored for three days.

"What are you doing?" Gallo went up to the deck, notebook and pen in hand.

She was followed by a woman, a junior spirit tool master, who was mainly learning from Galo how to check the situation of the transport spaceship. Yue Feiyan responded, "It's almost time to reach the transit base in Fengcheng."

"That's pretty fast." Gallo also glanced at the swinging clock.

Since the swinging clock, everyone's concept of time has become very clear.

Xibeiqi said coquettishly: "Be prepared first, in case there is danger."

"Well, let's start the radio." Yue Feiyan replied in a crisp voice.

"I'll go." Xibeqi turned and left happily.

It didn't take long for a sound to sound inside the transport spacecraft.

"The front is about to arrive at the Fengcheng transit base, please prepare all departments."

"The front is about to arrive at the Fengcheng transit base, please stay in your own class and wait for the notice of disembarkation.


Inside the transport spaceship, the music player played the warning in a loop.

ta ta ta

In the cargo hold, the staff got busy and began to check the situation of each cargo hold and prepare for unloading.

The resting worker ants also woke up and began to eat to replenish their stamina, and only had strength when unloading.

In the luxury cabin area, in the No. 8 cabin, Yufu sat up from the bed and listened to the movement outside the door.

"We are about to arrive at the Fengcheng transit base ahead, please stay in your respective cabins and wait for the disembarkation notice o. …々V."

"This is going to Fengcheng?" Yufu said in shock.

He hurriedly got out of bed, put on his shoes, went to the door, twisted the lock and opened the door.

As soon as he walked out of the room, he met the staff in charge of the luxury cabin area.

"Passenger, please stay in the cabin and wait for the notice of disembarkation." The staff smiled politely.

Yufu hurriedly said: "I just want to ask, is this coming to Fengcheng?"

"Yes, there is still about an hour." The staff smiled.

"So soon..." Yu Fu was stunned.

Xuanwu City stayed in Yutu City for nearly a month, which also made him aware of the 24-hour clock.

An hour is roughly equivalent to four campfire hours.

"Yes." The staff smiled politely in return.

He stretched out his hand and signaled: "Guest, go back to the cabin first, the spacecraft will soon descend the flight altitude, for your safety, please do not leave the cabin until you hear the notice.

"Oh, okay, no problem." Yufu replied seriously.

He turned around and went back to the room, sitting on the bed I honestly, waiting for the transport spacecraft to land.

After all, it was heaven now, and all safety issues were placed on the transport spacecraft, so he could only feel at ease by cooperating.

Outside the door, warnings continued to sound, which made most passengers stay in the cabin honestly.

But there are always some people who don't understand human words, leave the cabin curiously, and run around in the passage.

"Guest, please go back to the cabin and wait." The staff quickly stepped forward to remind.

"Isn't this coming soon, what are you waiting for?" the man said angrily.

The staff patiently explained: "For your safety, let's go back to the cabin."

"No, I have the strength to protect myself." The man pouted and refused.

"This...let's go back to the cabin." The staff persuaded with a bitter face.

"If you don't come back, get out of the way." The man said angrily.

"What's the matter?" came a dissatisfied voice.

Sibeqi walked over with her hands on her hips, followed by Edron.

"Sir, this passenger is unwilling to return to the cabin to wait." The staff saluted respectfully.

Xibeqi glanced at the man who was looking at her, tilted her head and thought for a while, and simply said, "That's it, then let it go."

"Yes." Edron didn't ask much, and walked towards the man.

"You can't do this." The man's expression changed and he quickly took a few steps back.

"It's clearly written on the back of the flight ticket. When you take a transport spacecraft, you will abide by the flight rules by default." Edron said with a cold face.

He said solemnly: "Article 3 of the flight rules, in order to work safely, cooperate with the arrangements of the staff."

There are ten flight rules printed on the back of each flight ticket, all of which passengers need to know.

In addition to these ten flight rules, there are thirty other flight rules that staff and guards need to know.

"oo? This, I didn't see this." The man shouted in a panic.

Xi Beqi glared at the man and said coldly: "In Hou Fei Hall, and before the ticket check, there are staff reminding passengers, are you telling me now that you don't know?"

"I...I forgot." The man stepped back in a panic, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Xibeqi reprimanded with a pretty face: "This is in the sky. If the transport spaceship crashes because of your non-cooperation, it is not an exaggeration for you to die a thousand times."

"That's right, don't let him go."

"We are all so cooperative, don't put us in danger because of his own fault."

"Drop him."

There were echoing voices from other cabins.

"I didn't mean it, spare me this time." The man begged for mercy, his heart even more panicked.

He knows the flight rules, but he just thinks that if he spends the beast spar, he can do it horizontally on the transport spaceship.

"Now I'm going to fine you, one hundred junior high-level vicious beast spar." Edron said with a serious face.

"One hundred junior high-level vicious beast spar!!" The man exclaimed, his voice broken.

He only has second-order strength, and the two in front of him are stronger than him.

"The second option is to drop you from the sky," Edron added.

"I'll pay the fine, don't throw me away." The man shook his body and made a quick choice.

"Wait until he pays the fine, and then let him in, or just throw it away." Xibeqi asked before leaving.

"Yes." Edron nodded seriously.

"I'll pay, I'll pay." The man nodded vigorously with a sad face.

When one person was punished, the other passengers were honest and stayed in their respective cabins quietly.

After all, sometimes it's useful to kill chickens to warn the monkeys.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .


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