Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 194 Eternal Life

The dark blue electric arc organized into a grid in the air, but Cook's spear swept across. The spear flashed with a bright light and directly broke the grid, and then the spear fiercely aimed at the man in the black windbreaker. The woman's body swept over.


The body of the woman in black windbreaker was directly knocked away.

Cook was standing with a gun in one hand, but suddenly stopped attacking. He just looked at the position in front of him. The woman in black windbreaker had her hands interlocked in front of her body, and her body was bent in a slightly special posture.

"Are you from Paradise Island?" Cook was silent for a moment and said calmly; "Your physical skills are from Paradise Island. Well... they are usually learned by field staff."

The woman in the black windbreaker was shaking her hands at this moment... Just blocking Cook's sweep made her hands paralyzed. Cuofei had previously deployed a power grid to remove most of the force. I'm afraid the bones in both arms would be broken.

The twelve generals in the club are really terrifying...even though I have been frantically developing the power of thunder and lightning I got from that man during this period.

"That's wrong." Unexpectedly, Cook frowned at this time: "With your power, it is impossible to be just a field least they should be elite soldiers...scanning and identity retrieval."

I saw Cook suddenly murmured something, and the half-moon-shaped collar he wore around his neck suddenly flickered a little.

"Is it really just a field worker?" Cook looked at the woman in black trench coat with a little surprise, "Jessia?"

"Hello." The woman in black trench coat...Jessia suddenly changed her smile at this time and said a question that surprised Cook. However, at this moment, Jessia suddenly squatted on the ground and pressed her hands on the floor. !

The electric light bounced on the floor, and then like a wild horse, it crashed directly into Cook!

A crackling sound erupted in the air, and a large number of arcs exploded directly on Cook's body!

However, Cook showed no reaction. Instead, he walked directly towards Jessia. "Although I don't know why a field worker suddenly gained this level of power, it's still too far behind. This level of current must at least be enhanced." Ten times more to cause trouble for me.”

"Really... That's as you wish!" Jessia roared at this time, and the blue electric light suddenly swelled up crazily.

"Come back to Paradise Island with me. It's a pity to die here like this." Cook shook his head, still strolling in the terrifying electric light.

"I will day!" Jessia suddenly shouted.

Cook breathed a sigh of relief and waved the dark red spear in his hand, and the arc on his body was instantly dispersed. "Forget it...just be prepared to get hurt. I will take you back."

But at this moment, something suddenly flew towards Cook from all around. It's just that his spear skills are already at the master level!

Like real lightning, the dark red spear stabbed out in four directions at this moment, knocking away those things that hit him.

Pistols, iron plates, screws...

Cook frowned. Jessia probably wasn't using telekinesis to control solid objects. "Oh... is it magnetized? That's it. But if it's just to this extent... huh?"

Bang! !

A sudden loud noise!

The explosion occurred next to Cook and came from the control room's control room... It turns out that the real purpose of Jessia's arc radiation was to detonate the equipment here.

The fire is burning.

The flames were burning, and in the flames, Cook slowly walked out, but there was no trace of Jessia here. I am afraid that the retreat route had been chosen at the moment of the explosion.

At this moment, Cook's hand suddenly shot out with electricity. He stretched out his hand to catch a screw that was shot towards his face. He suddenly smiled and said, "Good fighting sense."

At the same time, Cook's communicator rang.

"Mr. Cook, what is the situation at the branch base? Have any intruders been found?"

Cook glanced at the man whose head was blown off in the explosion and said calmly: "We are late. The intruders seem to have left after killing the branch chief here."

"Okay, I understand! But the intruders should not have left for long. The follow-up troops will arrive soon. We will conduct a comprehensive search! Mr. Cook, please go outside the branch base and I will come to pick you up!"

"No, I'm here to see if there are any other clues." Cook said and turned off the communicator.

After saying that, Cook walked directly to the man who was first caught and interrogated by Jessia, but unfortunately died in the explosion of the instrument. He should be the head of this branch.

Cook squatted down at this time, then reached out to open the man's eyes... and directly dug out the man's left eyeball.

In the forest, a staggering figure was walking forward.

The power of the explosion was neither big nor small, but it made Jessia look extremely embarrassed. The clothes on her back had been blown up, and the sleeve on her left arm had disappeared.

The night was dark, but from time to time there were beams of light passing quickly through the forest... I'm afraid they were the personnel sent by the club to hunt her down.

Jessia felt a splitting headache at this time. This should be because she overused her ability when fighting Cook.

Her vision gradually became blurred, and her body became even weaker. It was still unknown whether she could escape this pursuit... It was no longer possible to go back to Paradise Island and take revenge on Paradise Island...

Jessia finally collapsed under the roots of a big tree from exhaustion.

She turned over with difficulty, and then opened her clothes on her abdomen. At this moment, a sharp piece of iron was inserted into her body, which was inserted into her body during the explosion.

Jessia held one end of the iron piece with trembling hands... This thing was inserted too deep. Without a hemostatic tool, it really shouldn't be pulled out directly. However, even if she chooses to let it go, the wound will still bleed!

Jessia suddenly sat down and took a few deep breaths, then picked up a branch from the ground and bit it in her mouth. The fingers of her hands quickly closed a few times, and then in conjunction with her breathing, she suddenly pulled out the iron block from her abdomen!

The branch was bitten off by her at this moment, but it didn't end there!

At this time, Jessea used her remaining strength to press her hands on the wound on her abdomen, and then the light flashed...

She breathed more rapidly, the pain almost suffocating her... Although this cruel method stopped the wound from bleeding, it also drained her of all her physical strength.

Not only was she standing up at this moment, but crawling on the ground was probably extremely strenuous... She could only resign herself to fate and hope that her pursuers would be careless.

"It's quite resilient..."

Suddenly, a pleasant voice came.

What surprised Jessia at this moment was not the sudden intrusion of the voice, but the person who spoke, speaking the native language of Ye Yan's country. Why would a guy from that country appear in this place?

Jessia reluctantly opened her eyes, but what caught her eyes was a petite figure, seemingly just a little girl.

"Who are you……"

"Oh? Can you still understand me?" The little girl squatted down in front of Jessia, "This seems to be a branch base of that broken club... You gave it to Was it destroyed?"

Jessia hummed easily.

"Why do you want to destroy it? Do you have a grudge?" the little girl suddenly asked.

"Revenge..." Jessia said weakly.

"Revenge...what a coincidence."

The little girl suddenly laughed in a low voice at this time: "It just so happens that I have some debts that I haven't settled with this shabby club. I have been given so much by them, but I have been poisoned quite a lot... Hey, let me see you. You can't survive like this, otherwise let me help you, I just happen to be a little hungry too."

"You..." Jessia moved her lips.

However, the little girl suddenly leaned over, and Jessica only felt a tingling sensation on her neck. But strangely, this reaction offset the pain of her abdominal wound, and even... a strange numb feeling. , which made her moan softly.

"Who are you……"

"Remember the person who gave you immortality... Su Zijun."

"Su..." Jessia's lips moved, but eventually she lost consciousness.

The moonlight suddenly flickered, dispersing the dimness of the tree shadows in the forest. The little girl raised her head at this time, and her red pupils suddenly dilated a little...

She stretched out her hand to wipe away the blood on her lips, then looked down at Jessia's face, "What a nice kid."

"Found it, here!"

Suddenly, dozens of beams of light shot towards the base of the big tree. A curtain of light seemed to have appeared all around, and there were many shadows of people.

"There is another one, is she an accomplice...a little girl?"

"No matter, let's take them back together."

The little girl suddenly stood up and sneered: "Let's collect a little interest first..."

Something suddenly startled the sleeping birds in the forest, causing them to rush out of the woods and fly into the night.

In the distance, Cook looked in the direction of the mountain forest with some doubts, but he just frowned and had no intention of going over to check where he came now, which was a secret room in the branch base.

Basically, every branch has such a place. This is a place for the chief minister of each branch to communicate with Paradise Island. It is also a place where the network host of the branch base is located.

The distance the elevator went underground was about fifteen meters. When Cook stepped out of the elevator, the space in front of him was not large, only about twenty or thirty square meters.

At this time, Cook walked to a huge console and quickly typed a series of instructions on the control panel. Soon after, a small scanning board suddenly opened on the side.

Cook took out the fresh eyeball dug out from the branch chief's left eye and placed it in front of the scanning machine.

"Authentication password scan is correct."

The interface on the screen explained instantly, and Cook sat in front of the console, put his hands on the keyboard, and kept typing out a series of instructions.

"It has been linked to the Paradise Island Master System. The access party is the agent of the 019 branch. The authority is three. You can view documents below level three secrets. You can increase the authority to view higher-level confidential documents."

At this time, Cook calmly took out a palm-sized crystal card from his body. The crystal card had many circuit board-like lines, and an Arabic numeral 7 was engraved on it.

At this time, Cook inserted the crystal card into a slot on the console.

"Permissions are being upgraded...Permissions have been upgraded successfully. With the permissions from the seventh god general 'Tyrant', you can now access all confidential documents at level seven or below."

Cook frowned and took out the same crystal card again, except that the number engraved on it was 5.

"The new authority authorizer has been checked. The authority comes from the fifth god general 'Magic Gun'. You can now access all confidential documents at level seven or below."

Looking at the text that appeared on the screen, Cook finally shook his head, "Isn't the authorization of two god generals not enough..."

Without any hesitation, Cook quickly pulled out the two crystal cards and finally left the place.

When he returned from the underground, he received news about the deaths of more than a dozen search team members. The state of death of these people was very strange, as if someone had installed bombs in their bodies. They exploded completely. Only one person was found at the scene. There was a pile of minced meat that I couldn’t tell who was who.

As for who the murderer was, he has not been found.

Soon after, Cook received an order from the 26th Seat on Paradise Island, requiring him to rush back to Paradise Island immediately. The reason was... On the land of Romania, a highly intelligent 'Plo' was discovered. Michus'.

Firecrackers and fireworks, as well as traditional gongs and drums and lion dance troupes.

In front of the Chamber of Commerce building in China Street, it was very lively and many people gathered. Some of them are local residents of Chinatown, and some are reporters from outside.

Today is not a special holiday, but the reason why Chinatown is so lively is because Mr. Song feels that there has been too much bad luck recently, so he simply held a banquet here and invited almost all the old neighbors.

Song Tianyou, the master of the Song family, has not appeared in Chinatown for a long time. This sudden news immediately attracted many people.

Especially some of the older seniors who live in Chinatown. They used to be able to exchange a few words with Mr. Song, but now that they haven't seen him for many years, they are naturally very excited.

"I want to announce two things today." Song Tianyou looked at the neighbors in Chinatown in front of the microphone and said with a smile: "The first thing is that Bai Shuitang, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, showed up because he was not feeling well. Resigned from the position of president. We will select a new president of the chamber of commerce and will meet with you soon."

After a pause, Mr. Song continued: "As for the second thing, the 'shengmen' of the Chamber of Commerce will be canceled from now on."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Because, 'Shengmen' has a long history, and now it is suddenly canceled, which is really confusing.

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