Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 48 The unclean Gan Jing

Dazhe has heard this voice.

The voice of the young man who was willing to give him hot tea, give him a roof over his head, and be willing to believe in him.

Dazhe grabbed the key without even thinking... and with the key in his palm, a stream of hot air suddenly surged out!

A thousand-foot-long light burst out from the center of his fist, instantly piercing the surrounding darkness. The key was no longer an ordinary key, it was elongating, transforming, and turning into the shape of a sword.

"You are indeed suitable for Zhanlu. He also likes you very much... When you were willing to take the place of Mrs. Lin's child, he liked you and wanted to help you."

"Luo... Luo Qiu?" Dazhe held Zhan Lu tightly in his hand.

"However, you can't bear Zhanlu's power. If you use it, you will die. Real death. Your soul will even dissipate. There will be no traces of your existence... Are you willing?"

"It doesn't matter." Dazhe said calmly.

He suddenly took a deep breath and charged forward with the ancient sword that gave him infinite power. He swung the sword horizontally and the arms that were dragging the soul of Mrs. Lin's son, Big Head and Lord Jin were instantly cut off!

I wish I could replace you one day.

If you could give me one more time...a chance to start over

If not, then this time, no matter what...

At least let me save you.

Only countless shrill screams were heard, and the dark water surface was surging crazily at this time, but a ray of brilliant light broke out of the water surface and shot straight up to the sky with shocking power!

The blackness accompanying everything shattered at this moment...and their extremely sad cries.

It's like nothing happened.

But a large number of people fell to the ground, whether it was the police or those under control, all fell to the ground, densely packed in the corridor.

Dazhe even saw Jin Ye and Da Tou falling on the ground... They seemed to be unconscious.

All the people here just fainted and fell to the ground.

But the Zhanlu Sword in his hand seemed particularly simple and calm at this time, and a feeling of intimacy even spread into his thoughts.

Dazhe stared blankly at a faint ball of light floating in front of his eyes. This is his...Sister Lin's child.

Dazhe could feel it without even asking anyone.

He wanted to grab it, but suddenly he frowned, and his hand subconsciously touched his abdomen... There was a knife inserted here, which was stabbed in by someone under the control of Li Gui.

Blood immediately stained his palm. Dazhe just glanced at it indifferently, and then reached out again to grab the ball of light, but he immediately retracted his palm.

Instead, he put down the Zhanlu Sword in his other hand, but when his hand was about to leave, Luo Qiu's voice sounded from behind him.

"Dazhe, once you let go of the Zhanlu Sword, you won't be able to support it... Are you sure you want to let it go? If you don't let it go, you may still be able to support it for a while."

Dazhe's shoulders shook, but he didn't look back. He took a deep breath, looked at his bloody palm, and said softly: "The other hand... this hand is too dirty, it's not good."

So he abandoned the Zhanlu Sword, grabbed the small soul ball with clean... Gan Jing's hands, and said softly: "Come, I will take you back to see your mother, okay?"

I'll take you home.

Even though the voice behind him continued to sound, maybe out of good intentions or to remind him something, Dazhe turned a deaf ear at this moment... maybe he didn't intend to listen.

He could feel that his body was about to break apart all the time. His steps were as difficult as walking on a mountain of knives, but he was extremely firm.

The Zhanlu Sword that had been abandoned on the table started to shake crazily and floated for a moment, but it seemed to be imprisoned by something. It seemed unwilling, but in the end it gradually turned back into a key. appearance.

Because it is just a property that has been stored in inventory, buried in the club's warehouse, passed down, and now belongs to the new owner.

Even if it wants to leave, it will ultimately be unable to leave the rule in the hands of the boss who has given it ownership.

"Dazhe can't control your power. Using it once is already his limit."

Luo Qiu took the key back into his hand expressionlessly.

He asked those who had fainted to stand up with their eyes closed, and returned to their original places. He also asked Jin Ye and Datou to sit on the chairs in the hall.

The boss finally snapped his fingers... and the place resumed its original operation.

Everyone, even seamlessly doing what they were doing the moment before. Only Mr. Jin and Datou looked at each other in surprise and uncertainty...

People on the road seemed unable to see his presence.

Even if it is such a person, his wounds are bleeding, his body is like a pixel, constantly splitting and aggregating, over and over again... no one can notice it.

For Dazhe, his current focus is only on one front. Yes, there is only one road he wants to complete.

The old man in charge of the community seemed to be unable to see such a terrifying person walking in front of him and walked under one of the buildings.

Dazhe came to Mrs. Lin's house and when he was about to knock on the door, Dazhe paused, brushed his hair and straightened his clothes.


"Sister-in-law's me...Gan Jing."

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute! I'm cooking, wait a minute!"

Mrs. Lin touched the wall and came to the door step by step. She opened the door not very neatly, "Gan Jing! Are you coming to see Mrs. Lin again? Why didn't you notify me in advance?"

Sister Lin, I brought your son back.

"I...didn't I agree last time...that I would come to your house for dinner..."

"It's not the sun yet!" Aunt Lin was stunned for a moment, then she smiled and said, "It's Saturday. But it's okay to come over. Aunt Lin will go downstairs to buy some barbecue for you later!"

" need...scrambled eggs, that's fine."

I brought it back...

"What's wrong with you? You seem very tired?" Mrs. Lin reached out and grabbed Dazhe's arm, "Gan Jing? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Why are your hands so cold?"

"Maybe I have a cold..."

"Come on, come in, let's talk, don't be stunned. Come in and sit, come in and sit! Be careful... walk slowly." Aunt Lin helped Dazhe and sat down smoothly.

"It's just a little cold. It makes me feel like a patient." Dazhe used his last strength to make himself appear energetic.

"A small cold is also a disease! Silly boy!" Mrs. Lin smiled, "You sit down first, I'll just finish frying the vegetables!"

Mrs. Lin walked into the kitchen.

Dazhe covered his abdomen, but opened his coat. A ball of light slowly floated out, and then slowly floated into the kitchen.

It floated next to Mrs. Lin, like a happy fairy... An ugly smile appeared on Dazhe's face.

Sister-in-law Lin, I...

"The vegetables are cooked and ready to eat!" Mrs. Lin walked out holding the vegetables and touching the wall. If it had been in the past, Gan Jing would have come up to help her immediately, but not this time.

Sister Lin couldn't help but feel a little strange, so she continued to shout: "Gan Jing? Gan Jing? Gan Jing?"

"I was...I...just fell asleep."

Dazhe stood up and slowly sat in front of the dining table. Aunt Lin smiled playfully and sat down, "Why don't you take a good rest at Aunt Lin's place after dinner?"

"No...I'll be leaving soon." Dazhe smiled and said, "I'm here to say goodbye to you. I'm going to work somewhere else soon."

"So soon?" Aunt Lin stopped the chopsticks in her hand, "Didn't I just come back a few days ago? Why are you leaving again... Well, you are busy with work, Aunt Lin won't nag you. I'm going to go this time. How long?"

"Irregular, maybe it will take a little longer this time."

Actually, I really want to tell you...

Mrs. Lin nodded, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter how long it is. You are doing something good. Mrs. Lin supports it! 10,000 support! Come on, don't be stunned, pick up some vegetables and eat."

"I might be leaving soon, but I just wanted to come and see you before I leave."

In fact, I am that...

"Ah? It's true. You're in such a hurry and you came all the way. You could just call me and tell me." Aunt Lin shook her head, then put some scrambled eggs on a spoon, "Eat more, eat." You’ll have to wait until you’re full before you have the strength.”

Dazhe held the bowl with tears in his hands and choked with sobs: "Sister-in-law Lin, actually I..."

"Ah? What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" Mrs. Lin tilted her head and moved closer, "What do you want to say to me?"

At this time, the light ball of the soul slowly floated to Dazhe's side and stopped on his hand... Gradually, the light ball turned into a phantom, and a pair of small hands held Dazhe's hand. palm.

Facing him, he shook his head gently.

Dazhe moved his lips and looked into his eyes, seeming to understand what he meant.

Dazhe took a deep breath and finally said: "I want to say...if only every day, every day, every meal...could eat the dishes you cooked...that would be great."

"Ouch, I was scared to death. I thought you were going to say something." Mrs. Lin was relieved. "It turns out I'm trying to make you happy again, Mrs. Lin! I really want to eat it. Next time you come back, tell me in advance. I'm fine. I’ll prepare more delicious food for you! Don’t eat scrambled eggs every time!”

"I'm sorry!!!" Dazhe knelt on the ground, leaned on Sister Lin's knee, and cried in pain: "I'm sorry! Sister Lin, I'm sorry for you... I'm really, really sorry for you!"

"Gan Jing! What's wrong with you? What's wrong with this?" Mrs. Lin touched Dazhe's shoulder in panic, "Let's talk to Dazhe if you have something to say! Why are you crying? Child? Are you being wronged outside? Don't worry. If you cry, stop crying, Sister Lin will feel uncomfortable hearing you cry."

I let go... I could have had your child back.

But I let go... I chose to save my brother.

"sorry Sorry sorry……"

"Gan Jing? Stop crying? You're like this, even Sister Lin wants to cry. Child? Are you feeling wronged?"

What will you do if I tell you?

I don’t dare to think about the difficulty you had to overcome...

I don’t want you to accept such cruelty again...

I wish I could confess all this to you.

"Sister-in-law Lin, I...I'm fine." Dazhe shook his head, "I just encountered a little setback, and then...then I had to leave again. I can't visit you often and take care of you."

"Scared me to death." Mrs. Lin patted her chest and breathed out: "I thought you had done something. Silly boy, how can anyone not experience some suffering? Aren't we like Mrs. Lin and me here too? ? The days are long! You are a grown man, why are you crying! Be brave and wipe your tears, isn’t there a saying that tomorrow will be better!"

Mrs. Lin said, trying hard to lift Dazhe's body with both hands, and Dazhe also cooperated and sat down.

"Sister-in-law Lin knows that you will overcome it, no matter what the difficulty is." Sister-in-law Lin said with a smile at this moment: "I have no relatives, my husband and children can't remember anything. I have been alone and suffered for a long time. time. But being able to meet you is the greatest reward from God for Aunt Lin to meet you! So, Aunt Lin has actually regarded you as her own son for a long time. You, if there is anything unhappy or uncomfortable If you don't, just tell Mrs. Lin, don't be afraid."

Dazhe bit his lips.

"If you want to cry, come to Aunt Lin to cry here. Don't cry outside. How embarrassing would that be?" Aunt Lin grabbed Dazhe's hand at this moment. "If you are tired, come here and treat this place as yours." Home. Okay, let’s eat, eat.”

"Okay." Dazhe said softly, "I'll get you some food."

"Yeah! Good boy."

When Dazhe picked up a dish, the hand holding the chopsticks collapsed instantly and turned into countless particles that were lost in the air. Dazhe gritted his teeth and stretched out his other hand to catch the chopsticks so as not to be alarmed.

But his legs were also rapidly dissipating at this time, and his body was collapsing more sequentially.

Mrs. Lin was eating, but she didn't know that the figure transformed from the soul light ball was hugging her tightly from behind, slowly falling asleep... and slowly dissipating.

"I don't know why, but Mrs. Lin suddenly feels like the whole family is here." Mrs. Lin subconsciously touched her face, "Why am I crying...Gan Jing? Gan Jing?"

"Sister-in-law Lin, I have to go..."

Little by little, Dazhe's body has completely dispersed...

"So soon?" Mrs. Lin stood up hurriedly, "Shall I see you off?"

"No... no need... I'm leaving."

Let Gan Jing be just Gan Jing in your heart forever... Lin... Mom.

Dispersed with the wind, leaving no trace.

"Gan Jing? Gan Jing?"

Mrs. Lin shouted several times, but in the end she received no response, "Have you left already? You didn't even say hello."

She shook her head and sat down silently, eating alone. The room was quiet.

"How about..." Mrs. Lin suddenly put down her chopsticks, "How about we knit another scarf for Gan Jing?"

It seemed that she had something to do again, and she no longer felt dull and lonely, as if she had been injected with new vitality.

At the funeral, those relatives of the Luo family who could be called out by name, or those who could not be called out by name, were either silent or in pain.

This is the seventh day since Grandma Xiaochun passed away.

The younger ones, such as Luo Shan, Luo Zheng and others, have calmed down a lot. They also had to calm down because they were still busy receiving those who came to express their condolences.

From being busy during the day to almost evening, I was still preparing meals for everyone.

At night, Luo Shan came to Luo Qiu's home and knocked on the door. The door was soon opened. Luo Shan took a look and saw a duffel bag already placed in the living room.

"Are you leaving?" Luo Shan looked at Luo Qiu, blinked her beautiful eyes and asked.

Luo Qiu nodded, "The tickets for the delayed high-speed train have been booked."

"That's right...I've been here for so many days." Luo Shan nodded, "How about I send you off?"

"No need." Luo Qiu smiled and said, "You have been busy all day, so take a good rest. I called Didi and I will be here in a minute."

As he said this, a black car stopped on the village road, and the car's lights even shone here.

"That's right..." Luo Shan also nodded.

Finally, she watched Luo Qiu take the luggage bag, close the door and walk out. Before getting into the car, Luo Qiu suddenly handed over the keys, "By the way, if you have time, can you help me take care of it?"

Luo Shan stroked her hair and took it with a chuckle, "Yes...but I have to pay for it!"

"That's okay." Luo Qiu nodded, "Let's do this. I will pay you a little labor fee every month."

Luo Shan was stunned, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to gently knock Luo Qiu on the head. But after knocking, she realized that this behavior was a little inappropriate... and a little too intimate, so she quickly said: "If you want to hit me, If it’s money, I won’t take care of it for you!”

"Sorry." Luo Qiu smiled, "I'll trouble you, just send it here."

Seeing Luo Qiu open the car door, Luo Shan suddenly said: "Luo Qiu!"

"Is there anything else?"

Luo Shan moved her lips, then smiled slightly, like an elf smiling in the breeze, and said softly: "When we come back next time, let's make osmanthus syrup together?"

Luo Qiu nodded, opened the door and got into the car... The car did not stop, and he immediately drove off the village road.

Luo Shan waited until she was completely out of sight, then she breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the key in her hand, then lowered her head and smiled, feeling a little light-hearted, and planned to go back and make a cup of hot tea with osmanthus syrup to drink.

Next time...

The car soon drove out of the village road and onto the road to the high-speed rail station. At this moment, the driver driving in front suddenly asked: "Don't you have to stay for a few days? I think Luo Shan seems quite reluctant to let go."

"No need." Luo Qiu smiled and said, "It's not like I won't come back...but you, have you taken care of your things?"

The driver nodded and said calmly: "Master Jin, Datou and the others have said that I plan to go on a trip to relax. I don't know when I will come back. In addition, I got a sum of money to give to Datou to take good care of Mrs. Lin in the future... As for Xiao Yucheng, I sneaked into his home and the home of his brother-in-law, Director Cheng, and found a lot of useful things. I also gave them to Mr. Jin and asked him to help report it. Mr. Jin was happy to hear that. Whatever you say, people must know that even if he retires, this old man can't be easily messed with. I heard that Xiao Yucheng was taken away by people from the city today, and so was the Cheng Bureau. At this moment, they You must have already recognized your marriage in the interrogation city."

"I didn't ask that." Luo Qiu shook his head.

The driver was silent for a while, then heaved a sigh of relief and said, "I just quietly went to add incense to Grandma Xiaochun, and then I took a look at Tingting and the child... I have nothing to worry about anymore."

Judging from the angle of the rearview mirror, the driver was actually very young, probably in his early twenties.

Hanging around his neck was a gray scarf of a single style and not even well made... Under the scarf, you could see a key hanging on a silver chain.

The key can be transformed into a sharp weapon at will...a sword called a magic weapon: Zhanlu.

"Then, please work hard from now on." Luo Qiu smiled slightly and looked out the car window.

The driver suddenly said: "I...I actually gave the child's soul..."

"Then let's extend the term a little longer." Luo Qiu responded calmly, "Black Soul Messenger is not a fun job. Maybe you will resent me in the future... By the way, you should look at the front of your car to see if you are right. Road? Dangerous driving is not good, I know this very well."

"I understand." The driver nodded, "From now on, Wei Dazhe is the sword in your master."

As the voice of the lines came from the TV, Mrs. Lin suddenly yawned, took a sip of water, and started to pick up the needle again.

The new scarf has already started, but she knits slowly, so she has to knit slowly.

When you finish knitting, do you want to try knitting a sweater? Sister-in-law Lin thought about it, she had met Gan Jing several times and felt that he was not fat, but quite strong, so he should be able to control the size, right?

Mrs. Lin smiled.

At this moment, the window next to the window swung, and then something seemed to jump on the sofa. Mrs. Lin was startled.

But at this moment, she suddenly heard a cat's meow, and then something jumped into her body and crawled into her arms mischievously.

"Where did the little kitten come from?" Mrs. Lin lifted up the little cat that jumped in. "Why did you come to my house? Where is your master?"


"Don't you have somewhere to go?" Mrs. Lin asked.


Of course Mrs. Lin didn't understand what the cat was talking about, but the feeling of intimacy made her unable to put it down. Maybe it was a wild cat? She didn't find anything like a pet ring on the cat's body.

"Then just stay here with me." Mrs. Lin smiled, hugged the kitten, and groped it gently, "Well... from now on, your name will be Xiao Ganjing, okay?"


"What a good kid."

late at night.

The motorcycle was traveling quickly on the mountain road, and the person riding it was a young man. The young man didn't even wear a helmet, and his face was rosy.

He had just finished drinking and was very excited at the moment. Then he turned the accelerator and accelerated again.

Unexpectedly, the effect of alcohol was too strong, and he was a little confused. The motorcycle suddenly rushed to the railing on the road and threw him completely.

Extreme joy brings sorrow.

The young man's body rolled down all the way, and finally fell into the reservoir here with a thud... The cold reservoir water suddenly woke him up.

The young man struggled to swim towards the edge... He was actually very good at swimming. He had often come to this place to swim secretly in the past.

But at this moment, something grabbed his feet and pulled him fiercely into the water!

Like arms... lots and lots of arms!

The young man struggled painfully, and the cold water poured into his mouth and nose. He was eventually dragged into the water... and was completely swallowed by the cold and darkness.

The water became calm again.

A crooked warning sign on the edge still reads: The reservoir is dangerous, do not play with water.

So, who will be the next person to drown?

is it you?

ps: I'm weak... I'm asking for votes and rewards (squatting on the ground and making circles on my face)

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