Trafford’s Trading Club

Volume 2 Chapter 52 Fairness

"What...what am I doing."

Wandering on the city streets at night, Zhuge suddenly lost his goal. go back? Still not going back? This question has been lingering in his mind.

Walking aimlessly to a nearby commercial street, Zhuge sat on a bench where customers rested, and habitually took out his cell phone.

After the game app was deleted by a colleague last time, he never downloaded it again and he felt that he was no longer weak.

But now, he is even more irritable.

You are logged in.

Although the game has been deleted, the discussion platform software for the game itself is still there. It's filled with die-hard fans of this game. Originally, he himself was also a member of this discussion platform.

The game will be updated and maintained with a new version next week. Players are advised to be prepared to save data and log out early. This update will add a new character, Monster Girl...

At the top is a content about game updates, and below are lines of extremely excited comments.

Monster girl? ? Ahhhhh! ! I'm going to die!

I want to squeeze a slime girl! ! !

After Zhuge pulled the slider down a few times, he suddenly lost interest and suddenly became disgusted, "To put it nicely... Monster Girl, if she really appears in front of you... After all, reality is still reality, no matter how cute it is. , when two dimensions become three dimensions, it becomes terrifying.”

But... if it were before today, maybe I would be one of those people showing happy expressions, right?

Zhuge smiled mockingly to himself, sitting alone like this in a daze, until the commercial street became completely deserted. Except for the convenience store that was open 24 hours a day, there was no other business open. shop.

Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world.

Zhuge shook his head, hesitated, and finally rushed home... He came out in a hurry after returning home at noon. He didn't bring anything with him except his mobile phone. Even if he wanted to stay outside, he didn't have an ID card to register.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and go back.

Thinking that although Nanako...but at least, she would not harm herself.

He silently returned to the downstairs of the rental house. When he reached his floor, he found that the door to his unit was only ajar.

Zhuge was stunned for a moment, then carefully opened the door without even turning on the light.

Zhuge swallowed his saliva and turned on the light in the room with a bang. The unit room was very small, so he could basically see everything clearly at once.

But... Nanako is not here.

Not in the shower room, not on the small balcony, not in the small kitchen Nanako is no longer here.

Zhuge sat numbly on the floor with his head lowered. He felt neither happy nor disappointed, but felt a blankness in his heart. He tried hard to recall the scene when he slapped Nanako's palm away...the scene when he left her sight.

Zhuge looked at this, looked at that, looked at the door, looked at it, suddenly stretched out his hand to wipe his face, and then continued to look at this, looked at that, looked at the door, his dull expression suddenly twitched got up.

His shoulders were shaking slightly, and for some reason, he felt as if Nanako was about to disappear from his life.

Maybe it's better this way... I can no longer show how I looked at Nanako the way I did at the beginning.

Maybe this is better... Nanako must have become sad because of her actions, right?

Looking back, when he ran down the stairs, the call of his name he heard was clearly anxious, hesitant, and frightened...

Didi, didi, didi.

Zhuge opened his eyes with a headache and subconsciously turned off the alarm on his phone. His head was dizzy, and his whole body was sore and uncomfortable. It turned out that he slept on the floor like that, and the night passed unknowingly.

Zhuge subconsciously looked towards the door and found that it was still ajar, and he was slightly disappointed.

He didn't know what to expect.

Maybe, after waking up from the dream, I have to go back to reality again?

After that day, Zhuge never saw Nanako again. As usual, he got up in a hurry in the morning and failed to catch the first bus. He could only rush to the office in time and was the last one.

"Zhu Ge! The ink cartridge for the copy is gone. Go to the warehouse to get one!"

I repeat the same work every day and am so busy that I don’t even know what I am doing.

"Zhu Ge, please send this sample to the factory. It can be put into production next month."

He is just an ordinary errand boy in the office, with no dreams, no future, and no friends.

"I'm telling you! I was shortlisted for the TV station's Diamond 120 Seconds, and I'll be performing in two days! Remember to watch TV and cheer me on! It's such a popular show, how can you not watch it?! Come on, come on! Come on, I still have tickets for the family and friends group!”

Listening to that...the man who once deleted his own game was feeling very proud, and he just felt like, 'Oh, that's it'. There is nothing to be happy about, and there is nothing to be unhappy about. Anyway, it is not my own business.

Anyway, this kind of thing won't happen to me.

"Zhuge, it's almost time for you to lose weight! If you continue to gain weight, we won't have enough space to sit."

I have always been the target of ridicule. It was like this in the past, and it will probably be like this in the future... Anyway, you are used to it, right?

Anyway, I'm used to it.

"There's no room for sitting here. If you insist on sitting down, are you planning to take advantage of it? Disgusting!"

I could only stand and squeeze in. I don’t know when, I walked out of the subway in a daze and bought some simple ready-to-eat food at a nearby convenience store.

Anyway, I’m alone for dinner, so I can eat whatever I want.

"Zhuge, you're old enough. Have you thought about your future? When you come back, I'll make some arrangements for you. Our family knows its own affairs, and I don't have any requirements. Those who can manage the family and live a good life will be able to make do with it. .”

I still receive a call from my hometown once a month, listening to the nagging that I have memorized long ago.

It will still be this nagging next month.

"I am the man who wants to become the King of Aviation!", "This is my... Tao!!", "I will protect this smile!"

Going back to the past, I turned off the lights and turned on the screen. I thought time would go faster this way. I thought the guy with the straw hat was handsome. I thought this life of endurance was really long and smelly, but it still worked. Waiting unconsciously.

Log in to your account, from cf to lol to ow, from late night to dawn.

"Damn!! Are all my teammates mentally retarded?" He hit his mouse hard and cursed for meeting his pig teammates.


"Damn! Do you know how to beat the mid laner? Where are the people? Did your house explode?" He cursed very vigorously.


"Nima! Fuck you!! Report! Report!" I will be angry because of this.

but. but.

"Dragon! Devour my enemies!!" When he is excited, he can even shout excitedly.



But why, I don’t feel the slightest bit happy.

But...why does time feel longer than before?

Why, it's not daylight yet.

I can’t remember how long it’s been since I looked in the mirror…two days? Three days? Four days?

Day by day.

Day by day, day by day, I yearn for being able to go out and hear ‘Be careful on the road. ’

Day by day, when I longed to come back, I heard "I'm lucky today"

But day by day, climbing the dim stairs and walking into the empty rental house?, I don't even want to go back. Once I go back, there is no way to make myself...happy.

Although short-lived.

Although short-lived.

"Although it was short-lived..." Zhuge found that he had completely lost the strength to climb the stairs.


"I... it's so bad... it's so bad..."

Finally, he sat on the corridor stairs, covering his face and sobbing alone.

I don't know how much time passed, but Zhuge noticed someone patting his shoulder. He subconsciously raised his head, saw a figure in the haze, and blurted out: "Nanako!"

"What the hell?" However, a hoarse man's voice said: "You said you are a grown man, what can't you do? You have to squat here and shed tears? Are you scared?"

"The landlord..." Zhuge was stunned, then stretched out his hand to wipe his face, "I... I should have paid the rent."

The landlord said impatiently: "I'm not looking for you! The people downstairs have been complaining in the past two days! They said that people can often be seen sneaking around here in the middle of the night, and they can also hear the sound of women crying! Labor and management are upright, there are no monsters! I have to find out tonight."

"W-what did you say?"

"Are you deaf?" The landlord pushed Zhuge away: "Don't stand there! The master who installed the surveillance system will come up later! Go away, go away!"

"What did you say!! Tell me again! In the middle of the night, what?"

Unexpectedly, the tenants who had been timid for a long time were like furious beasts at this moment, grabbing their clothes and pushing them to the edge of the corner. The landlady was frightened all of a sudden, "Said... said there was a female ghost wandering around in the middle of the night...cry again..."

Zhuge let go of the landlord, lowered his head, and murmured to himself: "It's's Nanako..."

She is crying.

That day... when he slapped her hand away and looked at her like a monster...

She...she will feel uncomfortable...she will be sad...she...she...she has thoughts.

Even then...still by my side...silently...

"I'm going to find her! I'm going to find her! I'm going to find her...I...I'm going to find her!"

Seeing Zhuge hurried down the stairs, the landlady patted himself on the shoulder, and then shrugged his head like a balsam pear.

The black smoke flashed past, and the landlady turned into Taiyinzi.

"Taiyinzi, do you want to continue making a bet on whether Zhuge can find Nanako?"

"Master... I..." Taiyinzi's face suddenly became very ugly... He was leaning on the fence, running down the stairs, and running on the road, looking around in a panic. Zhuge' owner.

"When I made the bet, I added some details later to ensure fairness. What did I say?" Luo Qiu turned his head and looked at Taiyinzi and said.

"Everything can only be observed, no secret actions are allowed."

"In this way..." Luo Qiu said: "Then you take one shot and I take one shot. It's a tie. How about that?"

"According to the master."


ps: Planned update (3/3) (To be continued.)

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