Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 76 There is no way to become an immortal in the world (38)

Taiyinzi stood up dizzy, but his vision suddenly felt something was wrong. He tried to raise his hands and touch forward, but he couldn't see his hands. .

He also tried to move forward, but found that his eyes were always moving back.

Then the lightbulb in his head lit up, so he held his head in his hands and twisted it 180 degrees, and everything finally returned to normal.

Ordinary people...even Taoists, as long as they haven't escaped from the level of sexual intercourse, and their necks are twisted 180 degrees, they should have died long ago.

Although there are some weird kung fu or people with extraordinary talents who can twist the neck, it's just a matter of bones... The giant man can definitely feel the sound of bones breaking after he punches him. .

In addition, the first punch even went straight through, and the opponent's body was almost as if it had no entity.

But then he was able to catch his own punch and still stand up alive... What is the origin of this weird old man?

Not thinking about what the giant man was thinking, Taiyinzi also began to murmur at this moment.

He has long known that the Black Soul Messenger is not invincible. For example, at the beginning, he was chased by the Divine Dragon and almost lost his soul. Therefore, the extraordinary people in this world still have the ability to kill the Black Soul Messenger.

Although the atomization of the black soul is usually immune to most physical attacks... but if the physical attack can add attribute damage, then it is a different matter.

Taiyinzi feels that he has caught up with the trend. The catchy vocabulary of so many modern mainstream words is indeed the result of the recent accumulation of a lot of knowledge.

"Are you a ghost tribe?" The giant man frowned at this time, "Xiao Shengmo's subordinate?"

The flute is silent?

This name seems a bit familiar... Taiyinzi was stunned for a while, and then he realized who the Xiao Shengmo in the giant man's mouth was. He was also the Lord of Fengdu Ghost City. He was already a member of the demon race before Taiyinzi made his debut hundreds of years ago. Big boss character.

It seems that Jotaro... Bah, this stupid guy mistook the atomization skill of the Black Soul Messenger as an ability like the ghost clan's 'ghost body'?'s really similar.

It's just that the ghost tribe has no entity, it is just a spiritual body. Unlike the black soul messenger, it can freely switch between reality and reality.

However, after this stupid guy thought he was a ghost, he seemed to have lost his intention to attack... Taiyinzi's thoughts started to spin crazily, and then he frowned and said, "Do you know my Xiao City Master?"

"Where did this old ghost come from?" The giant man jumped down from the stone pillar at this time, "Don't you recognize me?"

Taiyinzi said casually: "Poverty...I have slept in the Ten Thousand Ghost Tower of Xiao City Lord for hundreds of years. Isn't it normal that I don't know each other? Besides, there are so many demon clans in the world, who can recognize them one by one? You know all the ghosts in Fengdu Ghost City." know?"

The Tower of Ten Thousand Ghosts is indeed something that makes the sound of the flute silent, and it is a particularly famous thing.

There are many ghost soldiers, ghost generals and ghosts sleeping in the Ten Thousand Ghost Tower. When the flute goes crazy, you can use the Ten Thousand Ghost Tower to call one hundred thousand ghost soldiers and ghost generals. In the demon world, the ability to fight alone may not be the strongest, but in group fights That's because I've never given up on anyone.

It is said that Xiao Shengmo has not used the Wangui Tower for hundreds of years.

The giant man glanced at Taiyinzi suspiciously and said casually: "My name is Wang Hu, and I am just an ordinary member of the White Tiger clan."

The Four Spirits of Heaven and the White Tiger Clan?

Taiyinzi opened his mouth, and then began to ponder. He and Wang Xi glared at each other, but neither of them spoke after that.

Just considering that the Penglai Conference is coming again this year, and the two worlds of China, Taoism and demons are gathering together, it is not strange for the Lord of the Ghost City to come in person... Taiyinzi already had an idea at the moment, cleared his throat and said: "Brother Wang Hu, I'm just I encountered a ray of white light and then came to this place, do you know what happened?"

Wang Hu shook his head at this time and looked at the towering stone forest. "I don't know. When I came back to my senses, I was already in this place. I originally planned to go out, but this place looked the same everywhere I walked around. I simply went there alone." open circuit."

That's why there was a scene where the stone pillars fell one by one... Is this stupid guy the type to be reckless when things happen?

"Let me see." Taiyinzi frowned, then flew up.

Wang Hu didn't care at the moment, watching Taiyinzi's actions as if he were watching a play, waiting eagerly.

After flying into the air, Taiyinzi looked into the distance and found that the stone forest was not as huge as he had imagined. He could still see the was only a few kilometers away. Within this range, it would be easy to fly out, right?

But when Taiyinzi flew forward, he gradually discovered something was wrong.

He can't reach the end of the stone forest!

No matter how long he flies, or how much he flies, the edge of the stone forest will always remain at the end of his sight... And below, countless stone pillars are rapidly retreating below him!

"What's going on?" Taiyinzi returned to Wang Hu with a displeased expression.

Wang Hu said: "I'm afraid, you can only get out of this ghost place with your feet, not by flying... This seems to be a huge maze."

"Do we need to find the formation eye..." Taiyinzi frowned.

Formation is not his strong point at all, but Yu Sanniang, the cheap servant of his disciple who caused him to be sealed for hundreds of years, is very accomplished in formation...

"Do you have any idea?" Wang Hu looked at Taiyinzi, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Yes, I have……

Just say you want to go out and contribute something good. Call my boss here in a minute!

But Taiyinzi couldn't do it... God knows if the vicious maid had discovered that she had taken away the things with her stupid hands.

But starting a transaction right now, wouldn’t it be asking for death?

So, Adam, you must stay with me and give you a pair of Nanfu batteries later!

"There is a way." Taiyinzi thought for a while, and then glanced at Wang Hu. Could a guy with such fist power be an ordinary member of the White Tiger clan?

If you, an ordinary member of the White Tiger Clan, can hold it in your mouth like this, what else is going on in the Taoist world of China? Why don't you say that you have nothing, an ordinary house, and an average-looking wife?

"Oh? What's a good idea?" Wang Hu took two steps forward at this time.

Taiyinzi said seriously at this time: "Any formation consists of nothing more than formation eyes, formation materials, and formation patterns. A good formation is indispensable, and they need to balance each other. So..."

"So?" Wang Hu couldn't help but listen carefully.

"Brother Wang Hu!" Taiyinzi immediately patted Wang Hu on the shoulder, "Let's go through level A! With your fists, you can definitely pass the level!"


Shameless, spinning, spinning, spinning, head landing... History is always surprisingly similar.


After regaining consciousness, it began to look at its surroundings. It remembered that it was in a stone room somewhere in the cave, where it met a mysterious bronze masked man. Later, it lost the place and was knocked unconscious.

It' intruder wearing a mouthless mask.

In fact, it didn't know how much time had passed, but it felt like it shouldn't have been unconscious for long, and its condition was a bit bad at this time.

The body is half embedded in an unknown crystal, and the crystal is standing upright, about three or four meters high. There are many crystal pillars like this in the place in front of you.

They are arranged in a row, seemingly following some special pattern, and appear to be spreading from the inside out in circles.

It discovered two greedy humans who were also in the stone chamber at that time. They were also integrated into this crystal at this time, but they were not far away from it.

Not only these two greedy human warriors, but also many people in the Taoist world, members of the demon clan... It's just that they are all pale and unconscious at this time, and their bodies are in a dry state. .

Different from the crystals that bound itself, the crystals that bound these guys showed a bright red state. At the same time, it also felt that its physical strength and demonic power were constantly being lost.

And every time he loses part of his power, the color of the crystal that traps him will become darker... Now the color of the crystal that traps him is pink...

In the center surrounded by many crystals, a huge altar can be seen.

Under the altar, it saw two young men lying down.

These two young men were not imprisoned with crystals... which made him quite puzzled.

On the altar, there is a child with long black hair sitting cross-legged... As for the mysterious bronze masked man, he is not here at this time.

"Are you awake? You are worthy of being the young master of this generation of the Greedy Wolf clan. He is very capable."

The sound came from behind the crystal... It couldn't see it, but with the sound, it recognized that this was the mysterious bronze masked man who attacked him.

Its mask has actually disappeared. It was discovered long after it woke up from death. In other words, its true identity has been known to the other party long ago... But if you can recognize yourself based on your appearance, this mysterious guy , is he a figure who appeared at the Penglai Conference?

Although she has spent some time as the Purple Star Young Master of the Greedy Wolf Clan, the actual time is not long, and this is the first time she has appeared in public.

The Greedy Wolf clan living on the plateau rarely interacts with the outside world, and there are not many divine beings from China who have seen them.

"What is your purpose?" Zixing tried his best to calm down.

"Do you know where this place is?" The bronze masked man's voice was low, hoarse, and ethereal.

"What is this place?" Zixing chose the other party's question after a moment of silence... In this situation, she could not do anything more except follow the other party's ideas to obtain information.

The voice gradually came closer... The mysterious man behind him was obviously walking towards the crystal where the Purple Star was.

He could only hear him say slowly: "This is the Emperor's Cave that you and the Taoist Demons jointly developed more than a month ago. Of course, it is only a corner of the entire cave, or one of several important places. The composition of the entire cave is relatively What you see is much greater. What you think you have explored to the end is just the tip of the iceberg."

"In the Emperor's Cave..." Zixing frowned. If it is really in this cave, then people from both sides of the Dao Demon have been exploring this place for dozens of days, but they have never found this place...

What is the origin of this mysterious man, and why did he go deep into this unknown place... with a higher exploration rate than the elites of both Taoist and Demonic parties?

Could it be that……

"Did you expose this cave on purpose?" A strange thought flashed through Zixing's mind and he blurted out.

I saw the bronze masked man slowly walking out at this time, and had arrived under the crystal pillar imprisoning the Purple Star.

He had his hands behind his back and was looking up at the altar in the center.

"Young Master Purple Star is thoughtful and thoughtful, I admire you." The bronze masked man said calmly at this time: "Yes, I did deliberately expose the Emperor's Cave to be discovered by the Taoist and Demonic Realms. As early as decades ago, I I discovered this place and continued to explore it for a long time."

Zixing was shocked and suddenly felt a chill in her body. This was a huge conspiracy that had been planned for a long time! A conspiracy that involves both the Taoist and demonic worlds!

This place is mysterious and strange, and it gives her a feeling of terror... The Taoist people and demon clan members whose power is continuously absorbed by the crystals have their breath of life very weak at this time, like candles in the wind... ...This will also be the fate he is about to face!

"The order...the order is false?" After thinking about it, Zixing couldn't help but take a breath, because after she suddenly realized that this was a conspiracy, she began to think about all this, "Your purpose Is it to catch the Taoists and demons here in the chaos?"

A mysterious cave appears...

The emperor ordered the birth...

The two sides of Taoist demons compete...

People kept disappearing during the fight, and at first they thought they were fighting secretly, so they died at the hands of the other party...

"Of course the edict is true." The mysterious man said calmly: "If it is not true, how can it cause a fight between the two sides? After all, there are still some experts with extraordinary vision in the Taoist world."

"What...what do you want to do!" Zixing asked in horror.

"It's just to remove the old things and build new things again." The mysterious man slowly raised his head, looked at Zi Xing's face, and whispered: "For this, some sacrifices are also necessary."

"Building something new?"

"You will witness it, and you will also become its cornerstone. Young Master Purple Star, thank you for your efforts." The mysterious man nodded lightly and walked straight towards the altar.

"Wait a minute! Tell me clearly! What is your purpose!!" Zixing made an angry voice.

I saw this mysterious man walking up the stairs leading to the altar step by step, but his voice came out desolately, "The ancient China is dead, I just want to wake it up."

He no longer paid attention to the voice of Zi Xing behind him, and finally stepped onto the altar and came to the child with long black hair.

The child slowly opened his eyes.

The mysterious man whispered: "Are you ready?"

The child nodded.

The mysterious man said seriously at this time: "Be patient, pulling out the Jade Dragon Pillar will be more painful... If I really can't hold on, I will stop."

The child just closed his eyes.

Not long after, a mournful voice sounded in this strange place... That voice made Zi Xing's scalp tingle!

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