Too Reckless

Vol 6 Chapter 14: Quiet that you can't play for less than 1 piece??/a>

  Chapter 206 Jingxun who can't play together

  The painting boat set off from Xihuang Valley and returned to Linyuan City of Dayan Dynasty after three days of voyage.

   On the way, Shangguan Lingye and Jiang Yi were both dealing with official business; Tang Jingxun was awake, but she was not in good spirits and was lethargic. She stayed in the cabin at the rear, and was taken care of by Qingwan.

  There is not much space on the boat, Zuo Lingquan can only meditate on the deck, and his family status is not even better than that of a cute little bird who rolls on the desk.

   After the painting boat stopped in the small courtyard next to the Monster Hunting Division, a few people got off the painting boat, and Shangguan Lingye returned to the palace alone.

After a rush, the most exhausted are Jiang Yi and Xiao Lengzhu, who are working freelancers. No accident, they will be arrested tomorrow to work at the Toffee Palace. The two of them got off the painting boat and wanted to go back to their room to make up for it. Beauty sleep looks like a long-term worker who has been working overtime for a long time and suddenly ushered in a vacation.

  Wu Qingwan hugged Tang Jingxuan horizontally and walked towards the boudoir in the west wing.

  Tang Jingxuan's cheek rested on Wu Qingwan's shoulder, and she had not woken up yet.

   In the few days after returning, Tang Jingxuan woke up, and Zuo Lingquan asked about the situation in the backyard of the restaurant.

Tang Jingxuan couldn't remember clearly, but she ran to a dark place for no reason, met a big peacock, and wanted to eat her; then a good woman with a bee waist and round hips came, and she didn't beat her, and then she came up again. A big bird came out, and the two birds pecked at each other a few times, causing her to faint, and the good lady was probably also shaken, and she woke up to the wooden house in Xihuang Valley.

   Zuo Lingquan seemed to understand, but did not ask in detail.

   At this time, when he returned home, seeing Tang Jingxuan still asleep, Zuo Lingquan wanted to go into the house to accompany the bed.

It's just that Jiang Yi has been suffocated these days - the imperial concubine, the concubine, carries the Zuo family's daughter-in-law's heirloom all day long, dangling in front of her. She is a serious daughter-in-law, but she can't even show jealous eyes. , How can I bear it in my heart?

   Now that the Empress Dowager has finally left, the head of Jiang Yi's family has also regained his aura. He folded his hands on his waist, looked at Zuo Lingquan who was going to spoil the youngest, and said softly:

   "Jingxu, let Auntie take care of it. Lingquan, come here."

   This title is very kind, but it is obviously very different from Jiang Yi's previous personality, and anyone with a discerning eye can tell that it is to invite a teacher to ask for guilt.

   Zuo Lingquan paused in his footsteps, and when he turned around, Jiang Yi walked into the main house unhurriedly.

Tang Jingxun was sleeping when she heard Jiang Yi's unusual tone, just like a kitten smelling fishy. She woke up and glanced at Jiang Yi curiously; from this point of view, Tang Jingxuan's attitude towards women The interest in gossip is much greater than the interest in practice.

  Wu Qingwan also noticed that Jiang Yi's tone was wrong, but she just stole her niece's man, so she didn't care, she silently carried Tang Jingxun into the west wing, and closed the door; Leng Zhu naturally also ran to other places with interest.

  The main house is where Jiang Yi sleeps, the outer hall is a tea table and a futon for meditation, and the inner side is the bedroom.

  The last time Jiang Yi left this room, she was still a young child. When she came back, she had already slept with her aunt who was like a teacher and a mother. Not long has passed, but the change is not big.

   Jiang Yi's expression was serious, she wanted to brew her emotions and talk about the bracelet.

   But as soon as she entered the room, before she could swing her posture, she found that the door of the main room was closed, and then a pair of sturdy arms were added around her waist, and the man's fiery breath also appeared in her ears:

   "Princess, do you have anything to do with me?"

   Jiang Yi shivered slightly, she hadn't made out with Zuo Lingquan for nearly ten days, and suddenly she was hugged, and her aura couldn't hold up a bit.

   But the business is right now, if you don’t speak clearly, you will definitely not be able to submit. Jiang Yiqiang calmed himself and twisted his shoulders:

   "Don't touch me. Hey, let me ask you, what's the matter with the bracelet on the hand of the concubine?"

   Zuo Lingquan had long discovered that Shangguan Lingye was wearing his mother's bracelet, but he couldn't make Shangguan Lingye return the things his parents gave him. Seeing that his daughter-in-law was jealous at this time, he explained with a smile:

"I was injured at the seaside that day, and I happened to be close to home, so I took the concubine back to recuperate. Well... Mom and Dad, they may have thought wrong, so they gave a bracelet as a gift. Did the princess still eat the jealous concubine of the concubine? already?"

  Jiang Yi must be jealous, but she can't say it clearly, she is dissatisfied:

"What am I jealous of? The concubine doesn't do such unethical things, I don't care about such trivial things. It's just...just in our Great Dan, when the hostess gives the bracelet, it means the daughter-in-law takes over. , you are also from Great Dan, Aunt Zuo misunderstood, you should explain it."

   "Mother gave it in private, I wasn't there at the time. It's just a bracelet, there are plenty in the house. Follow me home in the future, and my mother will definitely prepare a better one for you."

  Jiang Yi pursed her lips and wanted to say, 'What is the matter of the bracelet, this is whether I will do something big or small in the future'.

   But the concubine won't marry Zuo Lingquan, this worry seems a bit unnecessary.

   Jiang Yi hesitated for a while, and didn't care about it, she snorted softly:

"Forget it, I'm already a member of the Zuo family anyway, and you can't help me if you want to be partial. But I said in advance that my aunt is my close relative, and now she's... also entered the door, you must treat her equally and not treat her as a partial house. look at."

   Zuo Lingquan hurriedly shook his head: "How could I treat Qingwan as a partial room."

   "Then what do you think of Auntie? The main room?"


   Zuo Lingquan suddenly realized that this problem was a bit terrible - after all, according to the rules of the world, there can only be one main room, and the others are partial rooms.

   Zuo Lingquan smiled and sat down on the soft couch with Jiang Yi in his arms:

   "Watch as a Taoist companion, and walk together after practicing Taoism, and don't pay attention to those worldly rules."

   Jiang Yi crossed her arms around her chest and sat on Zuo Lingquan's lap, frowning:

   "I don't pay attention to the rules of the world, and there is a size. Should I call my aunt a sister in the future, or a sister?"

   "Are you still called Auntie?"

   "It's natural to call it Auntie outside, but in private...when you practice privately, you take a sip of 'Auntie', don't you think there's a problem? People hear it and think... ah..."

   Zuo Lingquan felt that there was no problem at all, and it was quite exciting.

   But this must not be said, Zuo Lingquan nodded:

   "It seems to be the same. Qingwan is older than you and is called sister..."


   Jiang Yi squinted slightly and was about to get up immediately.

   "It's weird to be called my sister, and it's even more inappropriate to be called my sister. Otherwise, why would the princess be willing to come?"

   Jiang Yi was not happy, but at this point, she had no choice.

   Having been raised for more than ten years, it is impossible for her to be put on her aunt's head, and it is even more impossible to be put on her head. It is obviously difficult to understand this confused account. After thinking about it, she can only say:

   "Forget it, you will only have a bowl of water, and no one will be offended. I'm tired and I need to rest. You go out."

   Zuo Lingquan really went out, so don't even think about entering the house. He leaned over and picked up Jiang Yi's legs, laying them flat on the soft couch, raised his hands along his knees, all the way up, rubbed gently, and said with concern:

   "Are you tired of sitting on a case these days? I'll give you a rub."

  Jiang Yi leaned halfway in her arms, making a reluctant appearance, but she didn't avoid it, she just verbally resisted:

   "I'm not tired, don't do anything, the account hasn't been settled with you yet."

   "What's the account? Anyway, the door is closed, I can clean it up how I want, or I'll lie still and let the princess clean it up once?"

   "How could you not move? I don't believe it~"

   "Why don't the princess try it? If I move, I'll write the name upside down."

   "That's what you said?"

"I said."


   "Eh? Princess, don't tickle, you're not following a routine..."

   "What? Want to write your name upside down?"




  The doors and windows are closed, and I don’t know what the young couple is doing inside.

   The sky was getting dark, and the lights were on in the west wing, but there was no one on the bed.

   Tang Jingxuan, who was wearing a jacket, and Wu Qingwan, who was wearing a slim dress, knelt side by side on the soft couch, with their cheeks against the window, listening carefully, and their expressions were different.

   Tuanzi didn't understand what kind of demon the two women were doing. When he returned to Jingxun, he couldn't eat or drink. He could only be a good bird, rolling around on the window sill.

   'Birds are so boring, or let me go out to exercise for a while, I will take the opportunity to fly to the palace to eat dried fish'.

  Tang Jingxuan is naturally not used to dumplings. Although his spirit is not very good, he is still more concerned about Xiao Zuo's current situation.

   After listening to her for a long time, she saw no movement there, and said:

   "Qingwan, Xiao Zuo and the princess won't close the door and quarrel, right?"

   Wu Qingwan looked a little complicated, feeling that Jiang Yi and Zuo Lingquan were talking about her.

After all, after she broke the jar, this was the first time the two communicated privately; Jiang Yi would definitely say, "She is my aunt, how could you do this?" Ling Quan was stupid and would not coax a girl with sweet words. If Yi didn't listen, she might feel that Jiang Yi was making trouble unreasonably, and the relationship between the two might be affected.

   Seeing that there was no movement in the main house for a long time, and I don't know if it was caught in a cold war, Wu Qingwan couldn't wait any longer, and could only say:

   "I'll go take a look, Jingxu, you're not well, rest early."

  Tang Jingxuan was almost better, and he was afraid that Zuo Lingquan would really quarrel with the princess, so he nodded and said:

   "If there is a quarrel, you should persuade Xiao Zuo to fight with a woman. If a woman can sit down and reason, she is not a woman."


   Tuanzi nodded in sympathy, and then his head was snapped off, letting him understand what is meant by 'the master can say it, the bird can't say it'.

   Wu Qingwan didn't say much when she saw this, she left the west wing and walked towards the main room.

  Tang Jingxun was in an awkward position, and running to persuade him must have added fuel to the fire, so he opened the window a line, lying on the window sill to look secretly.

  Wu Qingwan walked across the snow in the courtyard and came to the door. She raised her hand and knocked: "Jiang Yi?" There was no response from the room, so she pushed open the door directly.

  Tang Jing frowned, wanting to see the situation in the room, but saw Wu Qingwan stunned at the door, and then came the voice:

   "You guys!...Sorry, I thought...I shouldn't have come..."

   "It's alright, it's just time to come, come in. Is Jingxun alright?"

   "You still want to call Jingxu together?!"



  Then the door closed and no other sound could be heard.

  ? ?

  Tang Jingxuan blinked, feeling that something was wrong.

  Why did she wake up and become an outsider at home?

  What are you doing, you are sneaking away from her...

  Tang Jingxun waited secretly for a long time, seeing that it was getting dark, and the two women and one man did not come out, and gradually came to the fore.

Oh my God!

  Tang Jingxuan was a little unbelievable, and his tired spirit was instantly awake.

   After hesitating, she held the dumpling with a fruit plate to keep it from running around, and then walked out of the room lightly, wanting to go to the window to see how wild the two aunts and nieces were playing.


   "Shh... I'll stew you again!"



   (end of this chapter)

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