"It's not just from the bottom of the sea, Lu Daochang, Brother Lu, is there anything else in this jade?"

The big gold tooth was a little anxious when he heard this, could this be related to the cat?

This is the jade he bought at a great price, and if it is really greasy, it is really a big loss.

"It's not. It's just that the rotten aura on these jade artifacts has not been left for a long time, but has only recently formed!" Lu Changge frowned, and there was doubt in his tone.

I don't know what kind of feeling is going on!

I always feel that there is a special aura in this jade.

"Little brother has good eyesight! This rotten aura may indeed have been contaminated recently!"

"I won't hide it from you, there was a tsunami here a few months ago, and the corpse of a giant beast floated out of the sea, and when the sea receded, it died on the beach, and because of the heat, it decomposed very quickly, and no one could see what kind of sea beast this thing was!"

"What does the sea beast have to do with this jade?" asked the big gold tooth.

He didn't want to hear Wu say something inconsequential.

"Don't worry, it'll be related later!" Breaking Wu didn't hurry to appease the big gold tooth, and then continued: "That sea beast is two sizes bigger than a humpback whale, and it is estimated that it is a monster in the deep sea, but he has the wreckage of a small boat in his belly, and the cabin contains these green heads!"

"I think it may be that there is an unlucky ghost who fished for green heads and was swept into the bottom of the sea when he was shipwrecked, and the sea beast swallowed it!"

"It's a pity that the rotten smell left by the decay of the sea beast after its death remains on the jade and cannot be removed!!".


martial general said the process of obtaining this box of ancient jade, and his tone was in awe of the existence of the sea beast in his mouth.

"What, is there really a sea beast that can swallow fishing boats?" the Great Golden Fang hesitated, muttering uncontrollably.

He nodded.

However, Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang all looked at Lu Changge, and couldn't help but admire Lu Changge's eyesight a little more.

You must know that Lu Changge has never been out of the mountains before, and such eyesight is indeed rare.

"How big is a sea beast that can swallow a ship?" After being surprised, they were curious and surprised by the sea beast.

"Yes . . . At the beginning, I encountered the boat swallowing fish and threw all the goods on the boat down, reducing the weight of the boat, and then I escaped death!" Uncle Ming heard the boat swallowing fish, and his face was annoyed: "It is precisely because of this that I and my uncle will go bankrupt, and I also have the experience of taking risks to go to the coral screw to collect eggs!"

I didn't expect that any fishing boat would be swallowed by this boat-swallowing fish.

"It's over, it's over, the trip of the Coral Spiral, if you encounter this kind of sea beast, it will be terrifying!" the big golden tooth smashed his mouth, trembling, and his face was bitter.

The thought of the sea beast that could swallow the boat made his heart tremble a little.

They couldn't imagine how big the sea beast was.

All fear comes from the power of the unknown.

"Didn't the sea beast die after devouring the ship, and if we go out to sea and encounter it, the big deal will also be doomed!" the fat man's personality was still relatively free, and his tone was still resolute.

The fat man's personality is like this, but the big gold tooth is a little trembling.

Breaking Wu heard the conversation of several people, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Lu Changge: "You want to go to the Coral Spiral?"

Coral spiral?

Having spent decades on this small island, he naturally knows the horrors of the Coral Spiral.

Even if it is a professional egg picker, I am afraid that few people will feel entered, and even if they go, there is no return.

"Breaking the martial arts~ I, Lei Xianming, don't talk nonsense with you, we came to you to collect some green heads, but also want you to help us find some helpers, as well as boats!" Uncle Ming interjected at this time, after all, breaking the martial arts is the most well-informed on this small island, and he knows which egg man has the ability to go to the coral spiral and which person dares to go.

"It's hard to say, but it's relatively easy to find a boat!"

"Do you have a boat?" Hu Bayi, Shirley Yang's eyes flashed.

As soon as they arrived, the problem of ships could be solved.

"Brother Break, if you can help us find the boat, next time my brother takes you to Panjiayuan, I will cover all the expenses of the Big Golden Tooth!"

He smiled, and then said, "What kind of ship do you want?"

Hu Bayi pondered for a moment, and said: "The ship does not need to be too big, but it must be strong and reliable, and can withstand the wind and waves in the vast sea

"Strong, resist the wind and waves!" Breaking Wu pondered for a moment before continuing, "Come with me!"

He closed the tavern and took Lu Changge and the others from the fishing village to the back cliff.

Coral Island is protruding all around, with a depression in the middle, like a lotus flower blooming on the blue sea, and there are only two small gaps in the southeast and southwest of the island where ships can be moored.

There is also an old water hole under the cliff, when the tide is high, the water will flood into the water hole, and some old fishermen will dock their boats in the water hole to protect against storms.

This is also where the ships dock.

When I entered, I entered the big water hole.

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