The lifeboat slowly approached the hill!

Lu Changge and the others also saw the original appearance of the hill clearly, it was actually made of mussel shell snail shells, which were flooded by the sea water for most of the time, and the piles of snail armor piled up on the wall, and there were many lamps made of mermaid skin hanging on the uneven wall.

Lu Changge and the two dragged the lifeboat up the shell mountain and looked around.

There are also some murals carved on the cliff, all of which are scenes of the ancients slaughtering mussels and taking pearls, fighting and killing dragon whales, it seems that Uncle Ming and they guessed correctly, this person who hates the sky is the ancestor of the egg man.

The surrounding mountains and ruins block the turbulent water, making Shell Mountain seem calm and safe, and you can take a simple rest here.

Lu Changge and the others closed their eyes to recuperate, but the fat man and Uncle Ming were restless, and began to rummage in this pile of mussel shells, according to their meaning, so many mussel shells, what if there were some pearls or something.

After only ten minutes, the fat man's surprised voice sounded: "Look, there's something here, Lao Hu, Brother Xiao Lu, come here!!".

There was still some excitement in his tone, it was obvious that he had encountered something good.

Lu Changge opened his eyes and walked over, and saw that the fat man and Uncle Ming were digging hard to dig the surrounding mussel shells, and among them there was a copper plate that had been exposed, and there were still some lines on it, but it was already a little blurry, probably it should be a water play map.

Keep digging.

The whole was exposed, and it turned out that there was a large green snail carapace larger than the water tank, and the screw mouth was sealed by a copper plate.

"Is this the snail coffin of the Hating Heaven Clan?" Seeing this, Hu Bayi also raised his eyebrows

"The coffin is good!!Let the fat man see what good things are in it?" As soon as the fat man mentioned the coffin, his eyes put golden light in them, in case there was the most worthless bronze in their tribe at the burial site, they also sent it.

The others also looked at the coffin curiously.

"Let's let it, the fat man will open the coffin for it today, and see what demons and monsters are in it!" the fat man shouted loudly, telling a few people to retreat, and he would do the rest by himself.

Putting on a simple mask, I just wanted to open the copper cover, and suddenly thought of something: "Lao Hu, is the place we are staying in now considered a tomb? Do you need to light a candle?"

"Naturally, it is also a treasure of feng shui, inheriting the dragon qi of Mount Emei, otherwise there would be no coffin of the Hate Tian clan here!" When Hu Bayi spoke, he had already taken out a candle from the lifeboat and lit it.

Lighting the lamp and touching the corpse are the rules for them to touch Captain Jin.

When everything was ready, the fat man held his breath and pried the ring of the copper cover with a crowbar, and pried it hard!

The copper lid is lifted.

A white breath rushed out, mixed with a fishy stench.

When the white gas dissipated, everyone gathered around to see the situation in the snail.

Inside seemed to be a barefoot woman, curled up in a snail, but it looked like the corpse was lying on its stomach.

"Zizi.... It's not corrupt yet, Uncle Ming, how much can you sell this thing for?" The fat man was amazed, just looking at the woman's soft stomach but without any decay, he couldn't help asking.

But what is the value, Uncle Ming should know.

Shirley Yang didn't know when she had put on rubber gloves and began to look at the situation of the corpse, touching it gently, the limbs of the corpse were paralyzed and soft in her hands, the skin and flesh were like water satin, and it seemed to be as soft as a boneless pair of empty skin bags, but the eyebrows, mouth and nose were all there, and the head was full of green silk, and she was wearing a thousand-bead coat and a fishbone crown

"There are muscles and bones, this is a person who is buried with him!" Hu Bayi looked at this obviously not a normal corpse, he couldn't help but be stunned, then this place is an ear chamber in the cemetery.

"Burial person, then see if there is anything to accompany the burial!" the fat man cautiously looked inside, but then his excited voice came: "There really is!"

He took out a few things from his hands, a pair of pitch-black bronze swords, a turtle jade plate, and several mermaid candles.

In addition, there is a black jade bottle with a simple shape, the mouth of the bottle is sealed very tightly, and the bottle is heavy, I don't know what it contains.

Compared with the excitement of the trio of touching gold, after Uncle Ming and the others opened the coffin, their faces became more and more pale, and there was even horror in their eyes.

"Uncle Ming, what's wrong with you?" Hu Bayi found out that something was wrong, looked at a few people with strange expressions, and couldn't help asking, this state is not like what Uncle Ming showed when he encountered something good.

Uncle Ming seemed to have just reacted, panting heavily, his throat rolling, and said with some difficulty: "This is not.... It's not a woman's body, it's ...... Huh!".

"Huh... What is that?" the fat man put aside the things he had taken out of it, and looked at the nervous Uncle Ming and scratched his head.

Uncle Ming didn't answer the fat man's words, he knelt on the ground with a puff, knelt down and crawled to Shirley Yang's side to see the soft corpse, and was relieved to see that it was not wet, and then cooperated with Shirley Yang to carefully put it into a large sealed bag.

I'm still muttering in my mouth, blessed by the fish owner, blessed by Mazu and so on!

Behind him, Ruan Hei and the three of them were also kneeling on the ground, and their faces were extremely ugly.

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