"It seems that I can't get out for a while, and I have to find another way to survive!"

Lu Changge looked at the canopy of the sky, and whispered softly in his mouth, it is obviously impossible to wait for the sea water to pour down and fill the cave.

Hu Bayi also nodded, agreeing with Lu Changge's method.

And so!

Several people began to walk back along the current.

may have found King Qin's bone mirror, and for a while, everyone's mood was not bad.


Suddenly, the fat man's searchlight shone on Gu Chai's back.

Uncle Ming was behind Gu Chai, and he happened to see the tattoo on Gu Chai's back.

This was different from what he had seen before, and suddenly, he seemed to think of something and hurriedly shouted: "I remember, oops... Gu guessed that your identity as an egg boy is not simple~, let me take a good look at the tattoo behind you!".

Such an abrupt sentence also attracted everyone's attention.

I couldn't help but look at it.

"Uncle Ming, what is the identity of this Gu guess?" The fat man also turned on the searchlight, and his eyes looked over to him, wanting to explore the difference between this tattoo.

"What identity can I have, an orphan adopted by my godfather!" Gu guessed in surprise, and wanted to look back at his back, but he couldn't see it at all.

But in the end, he still looked at Ruan Hei, but Ruan Hei didn't know what Uncle Ming saw!

Several other people also came over and carefully examined the tattoo on Gu Chai's back.

"Look~" Uncle Ming looked at the tattoo on his back and explained to everyone, "The tattoo on the back of Gu Guess is a sea map of Huaxiu, fish and dragon, called the sea formation, you must know that this is a tattoo that only the real Tan people in ancient times would portray


"I heard that the Tan people have a special constitution, year after year, pearl diving and fishing on the bottom of the sea, day after day, so that their offspring gradually grow a thin membrane in their eyes, and in the turbulent undercurrent seabed, it is like walking on a wide and flat street, which is commonplace, so they also have a name, that is, dragon otter!".

"No wonder Guchai is so powerful underwater!".

Uncle Ming told him what he knew, but it was even more curious.

The fat man looked at the tattoo carefully, pointed to one of the tattoos and said, "Huh... Am I dazzled by the fact that this tattoo seems to have changed?".

"The tattoo has changed, it can't be fat brother!" Gu guessed in surprise.

The fat man shook his head: "In the past, this was an ordinary pattern tattoo, but now there is an extra mountain!".

"One more mountain?!" Hu Bayi frowned, and felt that the tattoo seemed to have changed, so he couldn't help but take a closer look again: "No, this tattoo is still changing!"


mountain peak that I pointed to just now became hollow under the condition that the fat man pointed to, and there was a huge pillar that was tilted down, and under the column was a hideous-looking zombie, surrounded by human bones, and the bottom of the mountain was like a coral reef crisscrossed by caves, among which there seemed to be a merman tomb, with a few strange dead sharks, and in the depths were the bones of dragon skeletons coiled up.

"This is a hidden picture, a hidden picture!" Uncle Ming was excited again: "The Tanren were sea barbarians in the pre-Qin period, and the tattoo patterns of the Longhu otter family have been handed down from the ancestors of the Tanren to the present, and the ruins under the coral spiral are probably the nests of their ancestors." "

"Let's see, can we find a way out of this egg boy's tattoo?"

Hidden picture?

Lu Changge also discovered the change in this tattoo, and was surprised in his heart, this kind of method is really rare, I am afraid that it is similar to the Zhang family's unicorn tattoo, it is all tattooed with a special technique.

Everyone was attracted by Uncle Ming's words, and some people looked at Shirley Yang and Hu Bayi, after all, these are still familiar to these two captains.

"The outline of the map resembles a giant whale, very similar to the terrain in the ruins, and the peaks floating out of the water are no different from the thorn paintings in the map, but the tattoo is too abstract, at most it is a sign, and it can't be seen as an accurate map......!" This is neither a mountain peak nor a relic of an ancient city, but a tomb where the Hatetian clan is buried. "

"The tomb, it's too big over here?" Uncle Ming was surprised: "And Miss Yang~ How do you know that this is the tomb of the Hate Heaven Clan?"

Shirley Yang continued to speculate: "The Hating Heaven Clan is lonely overseas, refining copper with dragon fire, far away from the Chinese civilization, so many people don't believe that the bronze civilization here was once at its peak, and their clan probably died out at the end of the Warring States Period, and its remnants were exiled at sea and were designated as Tanhu by the rulers of the Qin and Han dynasties. "

She didn't say one thing yet, that is, the tattoo on Gu Chai's body should have reacted with some special substances in this ruin, so that the hidden picture was revealed!

What's under the ruins?

As he spoke, the ship had already passed the ruined area of the Marisanne.

On the rocky mountain that rises above the water in front of you, there are several stone gates and forest walls, and the broken stone beams are clearly different in color, so you don't know which gate to enter.

On the rock formation, the light of the Yin Fire was obscured by the thick sea air, and the Yin Fire turned blood-colored, like blood plasma flowing slowly on the dome, lining the water surface with a dark red.

The terrain in the ruins is more and more like the real whale's belly, the yin fire on the sky seems to be the blood of the giant whale is constantly circulating, the sea of blood in the whale's belly is surging, the sea water is windless and waves, and the lifeboat is like two floating leaves drifting with the waves.

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