"Brother Gutian!"

When Fatty Wang heard this, he went down to salvage the green heads of the sunken ship, salvage the green heads. Those who were supposed to salvage the south pearls, salvage the south pearls.

He was left with the job of staying on the deck to take care of the situation. Naturally, he felt a little uncomfortable, and he hurriedly stepped forward. He said:"Can you put me, Fatty, into Team A, and let Uncle Ming's old grandson stay on top?"

Gu Tian glanced at Fatty.

Then he pulled him to one side, and then said:"Fatboy, keeping you on board the Trident is of great use."

"Not to mention anything else, the two grandsons of Na Dali and Ah Hao are both uncle Ming’s people."

"Are you relieved if you leave them alone?"

After hearing Gu Tian's words, Fatty Wang was not stupid. He immediately knew Gu Tian's arrangement. He patted his chest and said,"Brother Gu Tian, ​​don't worry."

"As long as my fat man, Dali, and Ah Hao are on board the Trident, I will help you to see that they are solid, and don’t think of any evil intentions."

"Um!"Gu Tian nodded and patted Fatty's shoulder. After dealing with Fatty's situation, the next step is to prepare for going to the sea.

This time, Hu Ba and others will go to the deeper trench to look for the sunken ship Mary Fairy. Slave.

The danger level is even higher.

In order to avoid encountering giant fish or giant beasts in the deep sea, before going into the sea,

Hu Bayi is prepared to use the ancient method of Taoist Banshan to deal with it. This matter.

Floating melons to catch fish.

The so-called floating melons to catch fish is an ancient method. After Banshan Taoist has prepared a large number of empty watermelons, he will then use a big pot to put the prepared watermelons in advance. Lime powder, etc. were quickly poured into the cauldron and boiled.

Then, all the boiled lime powder was poured into the watermelon.

Then each round watermelon was thrown into the sea to attract monsters. Fish are fighting for each other.

You must know that the big fish in the deep sea have the characteristics of responding to the moon. Just like the strange fish with lumps before, it used Hu Bayi's diving bell as the moon and sank to the bottom of the sea.

And Taoist Taoist Banshan , this technique of floating melons to catch fish.

It takes advantage of this characteristic.

After throwing a large number of watermelons into the sea, the big fish with foul language and strange scales at the bottom of the water did not know the truth, so they thought they were the full moon, inner alchemy and the like. , suspended above the sea.

So I was about to jump out of the sea, fight for these lime watermelons, and swallow them.

But once the big fish swallows these lime watermelons, the boiled quicklime will immediately be in the belly of the big fish. The pain is so painful that he will die completely within a moment.

Under the deep sea, everything is full of dangers.

Using this technique of floating melons and fishes, hunting these big fish can reduce the number of people going to the sea to collect them. Eggs, fishing for green heads is dangerous.

But everything in this world has karma and retribution.

Killing hundreds of big fish with foul words and strange scales at once will make anyone feel uneasy.

So before floating melons to catch fish, We also need to worship the Fish Lord and the Melon God.

To be honest, it’s just to gain some psychological comfort.

Soon, the Melon God and the Fish Lord were invited out. Uncle Ming took out a bottle of white wine and poured it into the sea. , this is considered to be a sacrifice to the fish owner.

Seeing this,

Fatty Wang took out a large iron pot from the inner cabin and quickly began to boil quicklime.

Within a moment, a large amount of boiled lime was stuffed into the watermelon..

After all these were prepared, these watermelons stuffed with boiled lime were quickly thrown into the sea. They were only seen under the surface of the sea. As these watermelons stuffed with a large amount of boiled quicklime appeared, countless people with foul language and strange scales appeared. The big fish jumped out of the water and swallowed the watermelon.

After a while, I saw at least hundreds of foul-mouthed monsters floating densely on the sea surface, and the bodies of giant fish tens of meters long were on top.

This scene was a sight to behold. Numbness.

Just ordinary small fish. These giant fish in the deep sea are not things that have been growing for hundreds of years. No wonder they have to sacrifice to the fish owner.

Such slaughter can not help but make people feel a little uneasy.

Seeing watermelons being dropped one after another, the deep sea There was no movement anymore. Until this moment, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Then they were ready to dive.

Among Team A, Uncle Ming, Hu Bayi, and Shirley Yang, because they were going to dive to In the deeper trench, look for traces of the sunken ship of the Mariesen.

Therefore, the three of them put on heavy-duty diving suits, which could withstand water pressure, and also brought fish arrows. At critical moments, they could also resist creatures like the monster fish in the ocean.

Here in ancient times, there was no such trouble.

Gu Tian and Gu Chai both have sea-penetrating array tattoos on their bodies. They don't need diving suits and can breathe freely underwater.

Ruan Hei changed into a normal diving suit.

Then the two sides looked at each other, and they were already in the water, ready to catch the Nanzhu below, and they were green!

But what Hu Ba and others may not know is.

In this deep ocean trench.

In addition to the long-dead big fish with foul language and strange scales, there is also a thousand-year-old deep-sea dragon waiting for them!...

【ps: Please give me flowers, review votes, monthly votes, and collection!】......

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