The old man led a few people to find a mine entrance that had been blown up. He pointed at that place and rolled his eyes and said,"This is it. They had already blown up this place. Why don't you believe what I said?""Here."

Zhang Qiwen didn't even look at the bombed place, he glanced at Adjutant Zhang and motioned for him to come forward.

"Old man, if you can't lead us to an entrance, then there's no need for you to stay.

"Adjutant Zhang didn't wait for the old man to speak.

He just drew the gun and turned on the safety.

When he was about to shoot, the old man hurriedly held Adjutant Zhang's hand and said,"I'll take you there.

Isn't it okay to take you there?" That place is very weird.

Didn't you see how miserable those people died? I really don’t understand how you people, knowing clearly where the danger is, are still trying to die.


"Do not talk nonsense."Buddha looked at him and sneered. Haha.

This time, under the threat of the gun in the adjutant's hand, the old man did not dare to take them to other places.

When they reached a tomb, Adjutant Zhang was the first to step forward to check. When I left, I looked at the old man and said,"If you dare to run, be prepared to die.""

"Master Buddha, Master Er, Master Zhang, do you think this place is the real entrance?"Ba Ye doesn't know why, maybe he was told by this old man, but he always feels that this place is very dark.

"Lord Buddha has been found. There is an entrance down here. Do you want me to go down and take a look first? Lord Buddha."Although the adjutant was talking to Zhang Qishan, he looked at Zhang Qiwen unconsciously.

Sure enough, Zhang Qiwen took a step forward, walked directly to the entrance, checked it, and jumped down.

Buddha Dragging the eighth master, he said to the second master and Adjutant Zhang,"Take this old man down with you. Don't let him escape. This old man will be familiar with the situation below.""

As he spoke, he kicked Master Ba down.

The old man, who was grabbed by the collar of his clothes by Adjutant Zhang, looked at this scene and his eyes flickered.

:"Why are you thinking of escaping from me? Do you want to try your legs? Or is my gun faster?"Adjutant Zhang played with the gun in his hand, glanced at the old man playfully, then picked him up and threw him down.

Zhang Qiwen immediately realized that the space inside was very large, not as small as some places.

While walking along the passage, the old man even tried to escape, but Buddha pulled him back.

"You can't go in, you can't go in, there's a lot of evil in here."The old man's words had no impact on these people at all.

Evil sect?

They wouldn't come if they were afraid of evil sects.

"Master Zhang, Master Fo, Master Er, there is water in here. If we go in, wouldn’t it be completely wet?"

Ba Ye pointed at the water and said

"You can't leave, gentlemen, the water inside is getting deeper and deeper. If you go in, it's very likely that……"

The old man looked at the group of people and said worriedly.

Continue to go!

Zhang Qiwen and the other three looked at each other, and then walked inside, completely ignoring the old man and Ba Ye who had been chattering.

Adjutant Zhang looked at Master Ba with a smile in his eyes. This Master was really as timid as ever.

The group of people kept moving forward until they reached a place closed by an iron gate.

Zhang Qiwen and Fo Ye went up to check it out. The old man behind was still chirping.【

"Lord Buddha, what is this?"

Ba Ye said while looking at the statue inside, but he was quickly attracted by the statue inside.

"Nothing more than a statue of a god."Zhang Qiwen said something, and then Master Ba looked at these people and said

"Master Zhang, Master Buddha, Second Master, the statues here are the statue of Tianzun Laomu from Xuanzhang Dao. This kind of statue can be said to be one of the most important statues in Xuanzhang Dao. Since this statue appears in this place, it means that, There must be some priceless treasure underneath this."Qi Laoba looked at a few people

"Gentlemen, it's dangerous and evil here. You can't go there. You can't go there?"While the old man was still trying to speak, he saw Master Ba walking up to him, grabbing the old man's collar and saying in a cold voice.

‘Old man, along the way, you have been saying that there is danger in this place, and you can’t come in or go out. In this case, you must know this place very well, so tell me what is going on, otherwise you will be here today. My life will be decided in this place. '

Looking at Master Ba's eyes, the old man sighed for some reason.

"If you don't tell me, you will die."Zhang Qiwen glanced at the old man, wondering if he was shocked by the calm killing intent in his eyes.

The old man nodded:"I said"

"I don’t know how many generations of my family have been working as miners in this mine. I have never left this mine, and I don’t know when the mine was bought by the Chinese because my father was very interested in this mine. He was very familiar with the mines and knew some Chinese, so my father worked as a small foreman in this place until that day."

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