Looking at this ancient passage, everyone looked at each other.

On the frozen soil of the slope of the passage, there are layers of earth and stone steps. I don’t know where they are connected below. They look very ancient and mysterious.

"well! What are you looking at? Get down quickly and get out of here."

Hu Bayi called for everyone to quickly get into the slope below.

The others were fine, but Axiang seemed to have seen something and was unwilling to go down.

"Axiang, what's wrong?"Shirley Yang walked up to Axiang, put his arms around her shoulders and asked.

Axiang just shook his head and refused to say anything.

Hu Bayi looked at Axiang who was unwilling to take a step, and then looked at Look at that passage.

It's so narrow that it's impossible to carry her in there.

"Hey, sister Axiang."The fat man suddenly came to Axiang's side, and then whispered:"Little Amei, if you don't want to follow us, we won't wait for you.

Seeing that Axiang was still unmoved, the fat man had a plan in mind.

He winked at Axiang and said,"I'm not trying to scare you. I'm really reluctant to leave you, a beautiful little girl here." Here, you probably don’t know what’s under this tower, right?"

"Have you seen the glacier crystal corpse? After she died, she could only live here and couldn't go anywhere. Those nineteen male corpses stayed with her."

"If you stay here, will these guys who can't leave after death?……"


Before the fat man finished speaking, Axiang jumped up, hid behind Li Mo, grabbed his sleeve tightly, and refused to let go.

"Master, senior brother scares me!"

"Hey, you little girl, you can't even say anything if you're afraid, so you're going to complain to the master!"The fat man's eyes widened and he looked at A Xiang who jumped behind Li Mo.

Li Mo turned his head and looked at A Xiang who was holding on to his sleeve and didn't let go. Then he looked at the intimidating fat man and couldn't help but shake his head.

"Okay, stop making trouble"

"The danger is just beginning now."

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

The danger has just begun?

Wasn't it considered danger before?

Hu Bayi and others couldn't help but look at each other, and saw vigilance in each other's eyes.

And Ming Uncle now felt that his scalp was going to explode.

He had a very bad feeling. He felt that he might not be able to leave here smoothly.

Everyone climbed into the ramp outside the tower, and the group climbed about half of the way. Within an hour, they discovered that this passage seemed to extend in all directions, as dense as a spider web, and they didn't know where it all led.

In order not to get lost in this underground passage, everyone only went down the main road.

In this main road You can often see some spells and marks, including many eyeball-shaped patterns.

"Look over there!"

She pointed her hand not far ahead for everyone to see.

The front has reached the bottom of the ice abyss, where there are countless dots of light blue fluorescence. Those blue fluorescence converge into a shimmering river on the glacier. It meanders down like the Tianhe River

"What a nice view!"Even Axiang, who had always been frightened, couldn't help but poke half of his head out from behind Li Mo and stared blankly at the river.

"This is so damn beautiful, it looks like the Milky Way. The fat man looked at the scene below, and then couldn't help but ask:"What do you think is down there?" Will there be any danger?"

"There are ruins over there."Chu Yi pointed to some broken wooden ruins at the entrance of the tunnel in front.

Everyone walked to the direction he pointed and took a look.

Hu Bayi lowered his head and looked at the wood, and then said:"Hundreds of years ago, there might have been a tunnel here. The wooden bridge can lead directly to the bottom, but now the wooden bridge has collapsed and collapsed."

"But looking at this distance, we should be able to go down directly with a rope."

"This is living water. As long as there is living water, there must be a way out. We have to go down and see."

Hu Bayi looked at the others.

Uncle Ming shook his head.

"Why! Brother Hu, you can’t go down!"

"The ice surface is smoother than a mirror. If there is an accident over thirty meters, a fall can break people to pieces."

The fat man looked down. At a distance of more than thirty meters, he felt dizzy and his whole body was cold.

He quickly agreed with Uncle Ming's suggestion and expressed caution to the Wannian Ship.

Seeing this, Hu Bayi He grabbed the fat man and lowered his voice:"Damn it, fat man! Which side are you on?"

"no! Lao Hu, you have no conscience when you say that. You still don’t know which side I am from? Hu

Bayi glared at him:"Then you are still fooling around with Uncle Ming?" Instead of taking shortcuts, do you have to drill a tunnel? What if you get lost inside?"

"besides! What you want, we are not from the same group as Uncle Ming, there is no need for us to interfere with their affairs."

"According to our previous agreement, our demon tower was dug up and he took away the crystal corpse. After that, we will go our separate ways, save our lives, and go back to him to collect debts.

After finishing speaking, Hu Bayi said to Uncle Ming:"Uncle Ming, prepare all your antique toys when you get home. We won't be polite then.""

When they were talking, Uncle Ming said that they could choose from the antique treasures in his place.

Although Hu Bayi turned aside for the fat man, they did not avoid Uncle Ming at all when they talked.

Now Ming Ming Uncle was a loner, and he was extremely afraid that they would leave him here.

After hearing what Hu Bayi said, he quickly reached out and grabbed Axiang, and followed them obediently.

He didn't even have to think about it, in this place, he Compared with following Li Mo and the others, it is definitely safer to follow Li Mo and the others.

Li Mo looked at Uncle Ming, and then narrowed his eyes slightly.

Uncle Ming can't let go now, he will be useful later.

Axiang is already Since he is his disciple, he naturally needs to find someone else to trick him.

Among this group of people, Uncle Ming, the godfather, is the best choice.

Everyone used climbing ropes and mountaineering picks to rappel, and then descended to the glacier. In the river valley.

There are many scattered black rotten trees in the river valley, and there are many iceberg crystal stone veins on both sides.

These iceberg crystal stone veins amplify the faint fluorescence in the river, making the entire valley even without any light source. Can also distinguish things

"We need to let everyone regain their strength, otherwise we will be in trouble if we encounter any danger later."

Hu Ba nodded, and then looked for a place to camp.

Finally, he found a cave under the cliff covered with crystal stones.

This cave seemed to be a natural and ideal camping place.

Everyone took it Looking at the cave with a flashlight

"The entrance to the cave is neat and wide, and there are signs of manual repair."After Shirley said that, she took a flashlight and looked into the cave.

The cave seemed to be extremely winding and deep, and it was difficult to see the depth. There seemed to be a lot of crystals inside, and just a flashlight illuminated the inside brightly.

Li Mo took the lead and walked into the cave and took a look at the situation in the cave.

There were some ancient seats on the ground in the cave, and some white bull heads were piled in the corners. On the stone platform in the middle, there was a statue, about one foot tall. A tall black human-shaped wooden statue.

This should be the place where the Samsara Sect performs sacrifices.

Looking at the small black wooden statue, Li Mo pondered for a moment and thought that it should be the statue of the evil god that Tiebang Lama had mentioned before.

"There shouldn't be any danger here……"

Hu Bayi followed Li Mo into the cave and did a brief inspection. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After confirming that there was no danger, we decided to set up camp here and rest for a while.

As a result, they didn't find any unclean things. At the innermost part of the cave, they found some natural small openings on the stone walls.

Looking at the stone holes that were only the size of fists, it was obvious that they were nothing, but they felt like they were breaking out in a cold sweat, as if they instinctively felt that this thing was dangerous.

"Axiang, do you see anything? Axiang shook his head:"But I think this thing is very dangerous."……"

"Instinctively I want to stay away."

After listening to what Axiang said, Shirley Yang nodded.

She also had this premonition.

Because of their sect, they can predict the danger in advance.

Compared with those stone holes, there is really something dangerous.

"Are you talking about those holes?"

Hu Bayi and Fatty, who followed them, looked at the holes in the stone wall.

Those holes were not big, and even babies might not be able to lie down through them.

However, looking at those holes, they also felt an ominous feeling in their hearts. Premonition.

Fatty and Hu Bayi looked at each other, then found some stones and blocked all the holes.

"Let's go. I just saw Uncle Ming taking out his thirteen-whiskered cat. I don't know what he wants to do. Hu Bayi glanced at Uncle Ming, who was not far away.

The fat man rolled his eyes:"What else can I do? Just say goodbye.""

"If you ask me, the cat is not smart at all, otherwise there wouldn't be so many things in the Demon Tower."

Li Mo looked at the people who came back, raised his head slightly, then lowered his eyes and threw the firewood into the fire.

Uncle Ming held his ancestral porcelain cat with thirteen whiskers and sighed, unable to eat.

After a while, he shook his head violently, put the ancestral thirteen-whiskered porcelain cat on the ground, then raised a stone and threw it at the thirteen-whiskered porcelain cat.

His action frightened Everyone was shocked.

The fat man quickly stretched out his hand to hold him:"Hey, hey, hey! Uncle Ming, my dear uncle, weren’t you so precious to me before? What's going on?"

"Could it be that he was bent over by something? After finishing speaking , the fat man looked at the porcelain cat on the ground with a bit of pity:"If you don't want it anymore, just give it to me. This tabby cat has a history of hundreds of years at least. It's so cute." It's an antique, what a pity it would be to smash it?"

"Besides, when it comes to smashing things, I've smashed more than you, and I'll regret it after I finish. Hu

Bayi also said to Uncle Ming:"I remember you worshiped it not long ago and said that it was very effective. Why would you smash it now?""

Next to him, Chu Yi also had a puzzled look on his face. Uncle Ming was simply destroying his own faith with his own hands. This way of doing it made Chu Yi very much in agreement.

"Uncle Ming, not one of the whiskers of this thirteen-whiskered porcelain cat was broken, but we lost most of our hands. Could it be that we didn’t read the almanac? Made a mistake?"

Uncle Ming sighed and couldn't help telling the truth.

"Thinking about us people, these are the things we believe in most, but we are also most afraid of those unlucky things."

"The older you get, the less courage you get and the more confused your brain becomes."

"In order to get a good start, I used glue to glue the whiskers of this porcelain cat passed down from my ancestors to death."

"Let alone natural fracture, even if it is broken off, it cannot be broken off."

As he spoke, he smashed the porcelain cat into pieces, and then threw it into the distance.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but all parts of the porcelain cat's body were smashed into pieces, and only the cat's head was still intact.

Then After the cat's head rolled down, its face was facing Uncle Ming.

Under the light of the bonfire, the porcelain cat's eyes shone brightly and seemed to be full of energy. The cat's head seemed to have become alive.

Uncle Ming It was very uncomfortable not to be stared at by that cat head.

He rubbed his arms, and then whispered:"Damn it, this old porcelain cat is almost going to become a sperm!"

As he said that, as if he couldn't bear it anymore, he grabbed a stone, walked towards the porcelain cat, and then smashed the flowery porcelain cat's head to pieces.

Watching the moment he walked over , Li Mo reached out and waved to several disciples, asking them to stay away.

After seeing clearly where Uncle Ming went, Shirley frowned. It was the location where they blocked the hole just now.

"Master, is there any problem over there?"

Hu Ba asked in a low voice.

In fact, he had a bad premonition just now, but he didn't know where the premonition came from.


"There is blood bait in those holes."

Li Mo looked at Uncle Ming who was standing at the entrance of the cave.

Uncle Ming was afraid that he was about to be tricked.

Hu Bayi said:"It is said in the Hua Zi Chapter that in places with special Feng Shui conditions, some strange things will happen. The Kunlun Mountains are the origin of dragon veins in the world, and Shenluogou is the top of the ancestral dragons. The vitality here is abundant and unparalleled among others. The corpses buried here will die and become immortal."

"The immortal corpses in this extremely lively place are called"Xuanwu Giant Corpses". Even here, the corpses will undergo some strange changes, such as constantly growing the fruit of"blood bait"... The result is the blood bait that Master said."

Over there, Uncle Ming obviously saw something terrible, so much so that he froze in place. Everyone looked in the direction of Uncle Ming, but Axiang just took a look and immediately covered his head. own eyes


"A corpse grew out of the stone hole!"

After saying that, she covered her eyes.

Li Mo found that there was already some blood in her eyes.

He squinted his eyes, and then placed the life and death Gu on her body, and then a piece of sesame-sized , the dark Gu insect bounced onto Uncle Ming's body.

Uncle Ming suddenly screamed.

Then he covered his eyes with a bit of pain.

And this kind of pain also brought him back to his senses. Jumping away towards the distance.

Everyone now saw clearly what Uncle Ming had just seen.

It was a bright red flower, and the flower had completed the process of blooming and bearing fruit in an instant!

On the top of the tender green branches, hanging There is a spherical fruit like longan. ps: Please order in full! Please customize! Please flowers! Thank you all!

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