One Twenty Nine: Get out of the Hanging Soul Ladder (please subscribe) | Tomb Robber: Touch the corpse to become stronger! | Grave Robber: Touch the corpse to become stronger! Chapter Reading-Siku Bookstore


Hearing the ghostly tomb, I saw Da Jinya’s face twitching fiercely, and his face was also immediately.

It turned pale.

As for the ghostly tomb, it is a place that everyone is more taboo in the peers. Under normal circumstances, unless they feel that they have lived enough, otherwise, no one will easily touch this thing.

After all, wherever there has been a ghostly tomb, it is said that there will be some dirty things condensed from yin, and these dirty things are extremely difficult to deal with and difficult to handle.

If you don’t handle it properly, you will end up with a tragic death. As for that… what the dirty thing looks like, in these thousands of years, no one has seen it, and I don’t want to see it.

After all, the Ghostly Tomb is an ominous place.

Passing on and passing on, it has become a default rule, and it has been passed down since then. Do not enter the tomb of suspicion, and do not touch the tomb of the soul. Therefore, when you are fighting, if you encounter the ghost of the ghost in the ancient tomb, you will not touch it. Don’t hesitate, immediately.

Throw away everything and get out of there quickly.

Otherwise, all the consequences can only be seen by the meaning of God. At this moment, the fat man said: “He’s darn, he’s afraid of balls, we’re not afraid of ghosts hitting the wall, and we’re also afraid of this mess. something”

“It’s a big deal, let’s have a knock with him!”

2 “Damn it, I don’t believe it, we advanced captains who touch gold can’t beat them to death”

At this moment, when Fatty said this, there was still some tension in the atmosphere, and immediately.

It was a lot easier, “Old Qin, do you think we are going back the same way, or are we looking for it here?”

At this moment, Fatty continued to speak again, ready to act.

Seeing this, Qin Yu also shook his head slightly. If he went back the same way, it would be a dead end for Lao Hu and the others.

Qin Yu looked at the tomb and immediately.

Inspiring the Eye of Delusion! Soon, Qin Yu discovered that in this tomb, there was indeed a hidden mechanism hidden in the dark.

That mechanism is a stone, which is hidden behind the stone wall. As long as the stone wall is smashed and the stone slab is broken, a secret passage will appear behind the stone wall.

Qin Yu said, and pointed out the direction to Fatty, “Fatty, you go and smash that place!”

“Smashed there”

“Can it be smashed”

After that, the fat man also took the engineer shovel and walked overGo and knock on the stone wall.

Unexpectedly, I really found the problem.

After the fat man knocked like this, a hollow sound came from the stone wall on the wall, obviously there was a big problem.

“Hey, there is really a problem!”

After finding the problem, Fatty said nothing and immediately.

Facing the stone wall, he began to smash, and after a while, the fat man smashed a dark hole in the stone wall.

I saw that there were many steps covered with dust “hanging soul ladder”

Qin Yu also did not expect that behind this stone wall, it was Xuan who let him meet here.

Similar to this kind of hanging soul ladder, when Qin Yu and the others were in the underground palace, they had already walked through it once, and they also knew the principle.

The formation of the hanging soul ladder requires a combination of conditions, such as walls, steps, light, and cooperation with some phantoms, etc. However, the hanging soul ladder here seems to be somewhat different from the hanging soul ladder in the Jedi Palace. Get up “Go, go in and see!”

, Qin Yu said.

Since entering the Hanging Soul Ladder, Qin Yu and the others have been walking for almost ten minutes before you know it.

Qin Yu began to pay attention to the changes of the steps from the very beginning.

When they first came up, there was a crescent mark on the second step, which was a gap, very neat.


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Every time you go up the twentieth or thirty 30th steps, you will find such a gap on it.


Qin Yu found that this hanging soul ladder is much more fun than the hanging soul ladder in Jingjue.

At this moment, Qin Yu stopped and said! “You don’t have to go, there is something wrong with this step!”


“something wrong”

“What’s wrong”

At this moment, when Fatty was talking, he was breathing heavily due to the excessive consumption of his physical strength.

Obviously, this hanging soul ladder is also very difficult to walk.

“Hehe, if we continue to walk like we do, if we can’t find the right way, we won’t be able to get up.”

“Look below.”

Saying that, Qin Yu pointed to the steps below.

Following Qin Yu’s fingers, Lao Hu and the others lowered their heads and looked towards the steps below. Obviously, they have already walked a long way, and they have seen enough.

At this moment, the steps below and above, in their eyes, seem a little out of reach.

“No, I can’t see it, I’ll slow down first!”

As Fatty said, he sat directly on the steps, while Lao Hu and Da Jinya rested with Fatty at this moment.

“Old Qin, what’s wrong with you?”

, Lao Hu looked at Qin Yu and felt a little puzzled.

“It’s nothing, just some small details.”

When Qin Yu said that, he told Lao Hu, Da Jinya, and Fatty about the problems he discovered.

When Qin Yu was observing just now, he found that three groups of people had come here. Among them, two groups of people were of the same occupation as them, and they were also Colonel Mojin.

Between these two groups of people, there will be at least ten years between them.

There is also a group of people, who should be those who built mausoleums in the earlier Tang Dynasty.

And those of them were actually building this mausoleum, and it wasn’t until halfway through that they realized that it was a ghostly tomb.

For some reason, I had to stop and said, “Hey, amazing, you can see it at 80.”

At this moment, after listening to Qin Yu’s words, Fatty also lay down on the steps under his feet and began to study.

“That’s not right!”

At this moment, Fatty seemed to have found something wrong, “I said Lao Qin, you just said that when they built the mausoleum here, they wasted a lot of time, but how could it be almost finished? Only then did I find out that this is a ghost grave.”


“Could it be that they didn’t notice it for so long before this?”

Listening to Fatty’s words, Qin Yu also smiled.

Then, he said: “Because, when they built the mausoleum, this place was indeed not a ghostly tomb.”

“It must be that they triggered some kind of mechanism when they were building, so that led to the ghostly tomb.”

“Anyway, there must be some regularities to be found in the ghost of the ghost, and it’s not that scary.”

“In this way, we have four people now. We use the climbing rope brought in by the fat man to connect the four of us to each other, and then, in the distance between each of us, we need to separate twenty or thirty steps.””In this way, you can see where the problem is.”

, Qin Yu said lightly.

Actually, Qin Yu knew that his illusory pupil could see through all illusions, but, given the current situation, Qin Yu didn’t need it.

At this moment, Qin Yu has found a way to get out of this hanging soul ladder. To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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