"Who hid it from you. "

Hu Bayi was also very speechless in his heart.

And he said to him, "You don't know, my brother's eyes are not the same as ours."

"What's the difference?"

Lei Xianming said, "What is the difference between the two eyes that are also black and white?"

"People are yin and yang eyes, they can see through the two worlds of yin and yang, how can they be the same as ours!"

Hu Bayi said.

"Yin and Yang Eyes?"

Lei Xianming said, "Brother Hu, I also know the yin and yang eyes! My goddaughter, it is Ah Xiang, she also has yin and yang eyes, every time she can perceive the danger in advance, I don't know how many times she saved me!"

"Hey, Ah Xiang, come here. "

Then Ah Xiang, dressed in black and timid, came over panting.

"Ah Xiang, hurry up and see, is there any danger here?"

Ah Xiang opened a pair of big eyes, looked carefully, and shook her head silently.

"Brother Hu, look. "

Lei Xianming said, "Ah Xiang said that there is no danger!"

Seeing this, Hu Bayi didn't bother to continue to fight with Lei Xianming, and walked up with his feet.

The group continued to walk up a little further, bypassing layers of earthen walls and climbing halfway up the mountain, where the ruins were largely unpreserved.

It's fine if it's in a dry place, but it rains in Tibet. "160" in the rainy season here heavy rain like injection, year after year of weathering and erosion, the once dense soil becomes brittle, little by little crushed, as soon as there is an external force to apply, it becomes a piece of dust.

The ruined walls and other parts that should be protruding have been damaged and polished, and the once vibrant and prosperous city is being silently digested by nature.

So these seemingly intact walls are actually fragile, and they may collapse at some point.

The group should try to walk around in an open area and avoid houses, walls, etc.

The higher they go, the stronger the altitude sickness of several people, and the thinner the oxygen, although Lei Xianming and his wife Han Shuna were panting hard, they could barely support it.

But Ah Xiang, who was already thin, couldn't hold on any longer.

As soon as her body was weak, she fell down, but fortunately she was Han Shuna next to her, and she hugged her in time, otherwise she might be able to roll down directly.

"She's too weak to go up. "

The exclamation from the rear attracted Shirley Yang's attention, she walked over to take a look, and said to Lei Xianming, "She has a strong altitude sickness, and she must be taken down, otherwise she will have to die." "

"Uncle Ming, just stay where you are, don't go. "

Hu Ba looked at the weak appearance of several people and proposed.

Lei Xianming's expression changed slightly, and he glanced at Han Shuna, and the other party shook his head at him, "It's okay, it's okay." The other party's behavior also made Hu Bayi speechless, and he didn't know what to say to him.

"Peter, let's take Ah Xiang back first!"

Peter Huang is a very competent bodyguard, nodded silently when he heard the words, and took Ah Xiang back to the bottom of the mountain with Ah Xiang on his back.

"Brother Hu, keep walking!"

Lei Xianming said.

A few people continued to climb up, and by the time they reached the Dharma Protector Temple, most of them were already panting.

"Let's take a break!"

Except for Hu Bayi, Zhou He, Shirley Yang and Ake, the others will be panting vigorously, Zhou He is afraid that they will die and have to save themselves when they turn back, so he proposed to let them take a breath and rest for a while.

The group sat on the mound or rested against the wall.

Suddenly, Zhou He suddenly found that Hu Bayi's wheezing became rapid, it stands to reason that Hu Bayi should not have this kind of reaction, he has been a soldier in Kunlun Mountain for many years, and he has long been accustomed to the plateau.

When I turned my head to look, I saw Hu Bayi, the fat man and the two people looking at a mural on the wall, panting heavily.

The fat man was panting hard, but when he saw this mural, he gasped even more, and said to Hu Bayi while panting, "Old Hu, I thought that this place turned out to be a place, the four corners of spiritual civilization, and such a powerful picture." "

"If Beijing sees this, we will have to be punished for hooliganism, and we will all be detained. "

Zhou He looked over and saw that the murals here were all patterns of tantric male and female double cultivation, the painting style was pungent, the colors were strong, and they were extremely realistic and realistic, so that these two people who had not been taught by Japanese teachers looked red.

"Look at you two for nothing!"

In this regard, Zhou He was extremely disdainful.

"What is this, I rushed to the United States, or other countries, and took you two to have a long time to see and open foreign meat..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shirley's ears were grabbed.

"You say, what kind of meat do you want to open?" "Why are you two looking at this so well?"


The fat man quibbled, "We're looking at this hell picture, not anything else." "

"Yes, Chief of Staff Yang. "

Hu Bayi also quibbled, "We are looking at the picture of hell on this mural, and what Minister Zhou said just now is also the description of hell in foreign countries, he said that he would take the two of us to see for a long time." "

"Why am I so unbelieving!"

"Don't mess around!"

Zhou He tore her hand off, rubbed her reddened ears, and said to her, "You just have a problem with your thinking, I obviously said that the hell picture on this wall, why are you pulling my ears?"

"Look at what you've pulled out of my ears, they're all red. "

"True or false. "

"In short, you guys are not allowed to mess around, let alone look around. "

Seeing that the three of them were wearing a pair of pants, Shirley had no evidence, and could only warn them verbally.

This matter was fooled.

"The content of these murals is all about depicting the suffering of hell and reincarnation. "Torture in hell, the sight is horrifying.

"This temple was forbidden for hundreds of years, and the most ordinary people could go to the door, and they could not go inside, except for the clergy, and the king could not enter casually. "

Ake walked over and said.

A few people nodded, as if they understood.

The relationship between what Zhou He studied and religion is not deeply involved, after all, he chose this major to make it easier for him to find the dust beads, and for some subjects that take a long time, he only tastes it at a superficial level.

He knows these rules in a theocratic country, or a country with a strong religious atmosphere.

But looking at these issues with the thinking of the Central Plains always feels absurd.

After all, in the history of 5,000 years, there is only one Shang Dynasty in the land of Zhuxia, and the religious atmosphere is the strongest; in addition, whether it is the Zhou Dynasty of the Shang Dynasty, or the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and the later Qin and Han Empires.

In the land of Zhuxia, the imperial power has always been greater than the divine power.

The theocracy is not qualified, and those who point fingers at the things within the dynasty, and those who dare to get involved, have been purged over and over again.

Historically, there have been mountains of corpses and a sea of blood, and there are countless bones, which sounded the alarm for the successors.

Therefore, whether it is the religious frescoes here in the Temple of Reincarnation, or the religious history of Europe, especially the power of the pope in the Middle Ages, the power of the pope is amazing.

The famous trip to Canossa was the moment of the peak of medieval theocracy in Europe.... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In January 1077, Emperor Henry IV braved the wind and snow to go to Canossa Castle in northern Italy to confess his sins to Pope Gregory VII, and knelt in the snow for three days and three nights before the Pope forgave him.

In the Central Plains, such a thing is impossible.

After all, the Son of Heaven is a strong soldier and a strong horse.

Therefore, it is difficult to understand with Chinese thinking, why this happened, just as Qianlong could not understand how the French Emperor Louis XVI was sent to the guillotine, is the same reason.


A few skipped the murals and continued to go deeper, the more they went, the more dilapidated they became.

The former glory and forbidden land have collapsed and weathered.

Walking through the temple, the most conspicuous thing is a few large red pillars, the pillars are embedded with layers of lamps, the top of the top has been damaged, leaking several big holes, statues and other ornaments are gone, I don't know whether it was stolen, or all rotted into soil.

There is no relief of the silver eye of Guge around, and when I look up, the sun is in full swing, and the sunlight will shine through the hole in the roof, and I feel that my eyes are dazzling when I look up.

But you can see the whole roof, it's a whole colorful picture.

Half carved and half painted, although some of it has fallen off.

Some of the buildings were damaged by the collapse of the building, but about 75 percent of them were still preserved.

The mural on the top of this painting has a huge eyeball in the center, and a radial totem on the outside, divided into eight colors, each of which is a different mythical beast.

There is also a circle on the outermost side, and there are dozens of naked empty mothers, with thousands of manners, none of them are the same.

"This is Guge Silvereye!"

Zhou He said, and then said to Lei Xianming, "Bring the scriptures." "

"Shuna, scriptures. "

When Han Shuna heard this, she was still a little rubbing, but when she glanced at Zhou He's impatient face, she could only rub and rub in the end, and reluctantly took out the scriptures.

"Brother Zhou, here you are..."

Lei Xianming took the scroll and took a step forward, when suddenly he stumbled under his feet, his standing was unsteady, his body fell to the side, and he subconsciously moved his steps to stabilize his body.

One shoulder is just resting on a red pillar to be considered stable.

"Big guy, be careful. "

Seeing that he was panting heavily, Ah Dong hurriedly came over to help him, took out an oxygen mask and gave him a few breaths of oxygen.

"I'm fine. "

Lei Xianming took a few breaths of oxygen, stood 4.5 feet firmly, took a few steps forward, and reluctantly handed the scroll to Zhou He.

Next to Hu Bayi, the fat man and Shirley saw it, they looked at each other and smiled.

I thought that it had to be Zhou He's fiery temper to be able to cure them.

Zhou He took the scroll and unfolded it, and several people next to him hurriedly came to watch, at this moment, suddenly heard a click, and a pillar in the temple that had just been relied on by Lei Xianming suddenly fell.

The crowd hurriedly dispersed to dodge, and the giant pillar collapsed with a bang, smashing through a wall.

This pillar has been standing here for a long time, and the foundation has long been decayed, and there is nothing to do in it, but as soon as an external force touches, the rotten foundation cannot be supported.

"Ahem, are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's okay. "

The moment the pillar fell, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and in the dimness, it was impossible to see the specific situation.

Fortunately, although this pillar collapsed, this temple is still there, and the other pillars still support the reincarnation temple steadily, but for the sake of safety, Zhou He still ordered not to approach these pillars.

When the smoke cleared, everyone found that inside the earthen wall that had been knocked down by the pillar, a large dark space was revealed, which seemed to be a sealed secret room.

As soon as the wall fell, the rotten gas inside rushed out.

It is said that the Italians found a large number of caves in this ruin, with different functions, the more famous being a headless corpse cave, and a weapon cave for storing weapons.

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