Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 11 High Skilled Production

"Sorry, Fujiwara-kun, your work failed the serialization meeting..."

Magazine "Scream! Ms. Hanayamain, the editor of Cheers, called. She had left a copy of White Night Journey and admired Kei Fujiwara's novel. However, in the end, the editorial department did not adopt her suggestion.

"I see, anyway, thank you for causing you trouble."

After being rejected too many times, Fujiwara Kei's mentality is now very peaceful. He remembers a saying he read in his previous life: Licking one person is a licking dog, and licking a hundred people is a wolf warrior.

In fact, this mentality of war wolf is also the same when it is transferred from chasing girls to job hunting and submission.

"In fact, Fujiwara Jun's writing ability is recognized by our editorial department. The reason why this article failed to pass the serialization meeting is because of the subject matter and the style of our magazine. If you have other works, I still hope that Can you consider our publishing house?”

"Okay, Miss Huashanyuan, I'll let you worry about it."

After hanging up the phone, Hideko Hanayamain sighed.

This "White Night Journey" is a work she likes very much in her own heart, and she hasn't seen such talent and aura in a newcomer for a long time.

She submitted the manuscript to the team leader, who seemed very satisfied with it. However, at the actual serialization meeting, it was rejected by the deputy editor.

The reasons for the veto are mainly two: the socialists and the newcomers. The deputy editor-in-chief contacted a relatively well-known writer and planned to give that person the space that the magazine would soon vacate. There was really no extra space to publish the work of a newcomer.

Moreover, he is still a newcomer to writing socialist reasoning. This guy has obviously never studied the market!

The editor-in-chief had not had time to read "White Night Journey" and directly adopted the deputy editor-in-chief's opinion. In desperation, Huashanyuan had no choice but to throw the manuscript of "White Night Journey" into the shredder.

"What a pity..." the female editor sighed in her heart.

Two days have passed, and Fujiwara Kei has not received any news from Itagaki Kazuhiko.

Kei Fujiwara's mentality was relatively stable, and he didn't resist calling to inquire, but he still took out his BP machine to take a look from time to time, for fear of missing any incoming calls.

The sky was getting dark, and Kei Fujiwara was getting ready to get off work. At this moment, the BP machine beeped.

Fujiwara Kei quickly picked up the BP machine and looked a little disappointed. It was Tanaka calling.

Fujiwara Kei called him directly from the store's phone. After a while, Tanaka's voice came: "Fujiwara, is it convenient to talk now?"

"No problem, what's wrong? Are there new properties?" Kei Fujiwara asked.

"It's not about the house, Fujiwara, let me ask you, do you have a formal job now?" Tanaka asked, adding: "Don't say you are a freelance writer, that is an excuse for being homeless."

"I'm working part-time in a bookstore now, what's wrong?"

"I have a job in a production company here as an AD (assistant director). Are you interested?"

Kei Fujiwara held the phone receiver between his cheek and shoulder and started looking for paper and pen, "Which company?"

"The company's name is Gaogongli Production. It is a shareholder of Fushan TV Station, and it mainly produces programs for them. It has been established for more than four years, and the business volume is very stable. As far as I know, the financial situation is also relatively good."

Tanaka found out quite clearly, and it seemed as if Kei Fujiwara was not looking for a job, but wanted to acquire the company.

"Where did you get the news?" Kei Fujiwara asked.

"I am a full-category agency, part-time talent agency and marriage agency. If you want to find a girlfriend, you can also find me. I have resources for long-term and short-term choices."

"What about the salary?"

"180,000 yen, excluding performance bonuses. If you sign a short-term contract, you can also pay daily, but the salary is slightly lower."

"There are very few open recruitment positions at NHK or the five major broadcasters. Now, except for some core time programs, in most cases TV stations will hire production companies to produce programs for them, which will leave a large amount of personnel expenses."

"Of course, if you perform well in the production company, you will get a long-term contract. By then, not only will your salary increase by a level, but you will also get a long-term contract."

In Japan, clubs do not dismiss employees easily, and many people work in a company for a lifetime until their death.

Fujiwara Kei's previous life can be seen in Japanese workplace dramas. In the plot, whoever loses in office politics will be dispatched by the head office to a branch in a remote area in bitter cold, and will not be fired. And employees will not resign just because they are assigned.

Therefore, the source of most Japanese people's sense of security is a long-term employment contract of a large enterprise.

Kei Fujiwara is not very interested in long-term contracts, perhaps because of the arrogance of the traveler, but feels that long-term contracts will limit the future.

However, it seems that it is not so easy to enter a large production company and get a long-term contract.

And Kei Fujiwara really needs a job now.

Whether "Bai Ye Xing" can be serialized has not yet been determined. Even if it is indeed serialized, the manuscript fee is not enough to survive in Tokyo.

The serialization writer's royalties are mainly divided into two parts. One part is the royalties paid by the magazine to the writer during the serialization period. Calculated based on the number of pages, one page is more than 3,000 yen. As a new author, Fujiwara Kei can only get 3,000 to 4,000 at most. numbers between.

Calculated based on the volume of a book of 400 pages, this means that the income of the entire book is only about 1.2 million yen.

The serialization of a book often takes a year and a half. The average annual salary of Japanese in this era is 4 million yen. If they only rely on the royalties from magazines during the serialization period, Japanese writers will starve to death.

Therefore, the bulk of the writer's income is actually the royalties of the single book. As for film and television copyrights and peripheral income, they are too far away for most writers. The most practical thing is the sales of single books, which determines their true income level.

It will take seven or eight months for a book to finish its serialization and reach its first printing.

The eggs of life cannot be put in the same basket. While trying to become a writer, why not go back to the old business?

Thinking of this, Kei Fujiwara said, "Thank you, Tanaka-kun."

He paused, "The agency fee..."

"I see that you are having a hard time now, so I will waive the fee for introducing you to the job." Tanaka said, "But the production company is in Minato City, so you have to rent a house nearby, right? I have to introduce you to the housing agency. The fee is still calculated at 70%.”

"Thank you, Tanaka-kun."

"You're welcome. I'll give you a call. You can contact them yourself. Come to me if you have any questions."

Kei Fujiwara found a piece of paper and recorded the phone number given by Tanaka.

After calling, it was a woman who answered the phone. After a brief communication with Kei Fujiwara, the two agreed to meet at 8:30 tomorrow.

The job suddenly fell into place. Although there was no news about the manuscript yet, a huge stone suddenly fell to the ground in Kei Fujiwara's heart. Walking on the road, even the drunkard who cursed on the street became more cute.

Early the next morning, Kei Fujiwara got up early, put on his most decent clothes, and headed to the port area.

Kei Fujiwara didn't come to the port area very often. After getting off the bus at the station, on the way to the production company, Kei Fujiwara casually looked at the pedestrians around him. The people here were all dressed in a very fashionable manner. Just grab any passerby and ask him to stand in front of the red wall and take two photos, and you can get a blockbuster shot.

Tokyo in the 1990s was considered the fashion capital of Asia at that time, and people in Minato were at the forefront of fashion in Tokyo as a whole. Tokyo's film and television companies are concentrated in Minato Ward, which ranks first among Tokyo's districts in terms of revenue every year.

Follow the map and soon you will arrive at the High Power Production Company.

A slightly plump woman received him. This person was a company personnel and her surname was Murakami.

The content of the interview was very simple. It just asked some questions about qualifications. Fujiwara Keiyi is about to graduate from the Video and Imaging Department of the University, and there is no problem with his academic qualifications. Although he lacks work experience, Fujiwara Keiichi has been in vain, which made Ms. Murakami stunned.

"Um..." Murakami said a little embarrassedly, "I am in human affairs, and I don't know much about professional issues."

Yes, let the blind man see the dance!

"That's right. For newcomers with little experience, we only offer short-term contracts for the time being. You can take a look."

Kei Fujiwara took a look at the contract and saw that it was the same as what Tanaka said. The monthly internship salary of 180,000 yuan would be divided into large and small wages, and there would be performance bonuses. The monthly salary would be paid directly into the account.

"Fujiwara-kun, I want to remind you that the work of AD is very hard. You are still a student at school, so you may not be able to adapt to the heavy work schedule for a while..."

Kei Fujiwara took a look at the contract and confirmed that it was a weekend system. He couldn't help but sneer in his heart, humph, where do you think I came from, and you're just telling me how hard it is?

"I can accept."

The formal start of work was three days later, when Keide Fujiwara resigned from Ohno Bookstore.

"Here, Fujiwara-kun, this is your salary for this period of time." Ohno Nagaharu handed over an envelope.

"Thank you." Mr. Fujiwara took the envelope and was suddenly startled. The thickness of the envelope seemed not right. Kei Fujiwara picked up the envelope with one hand and took a look at it. He looked at Ohno Nagaharu and said, "Ohno-kun, there doesn't seem to be that much."

"The extra thing is given to you by the old man. He said you are a good young man." Ohno Nagaharu looked out the window and suddenly sighed, "Both you and Kono are living a passionate life, which makes me a little bit nervous. Ashamed..."

Fujiwara Kei looked at the money in the envelope, hesitated and said: "Thank you for your kindness, I won't refuse. I am very grateful to Ohno Bookstore for helping me. Ohno-kun, take care."

"Take care, by the way..." Nagaji Ohno looked at Kei Fujiwara and smiled, "Just in case, I said just in case, if you really become a writer, remember to tell me."

"I will."

Kei Fujiwara walked out of Ono Bookstore when the BP machine rang.

Itagaki Kazuhiko.

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