Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 556: But the question is what type to make...

Uh, yeah, what kind of thing is this stuff?

It seems a pity that Lelouch's script is made into a simple text adventure, but it seems to be a little insufficient to make it into an rpg or simply a slg of the machine warfare category.

In the setting of Lelouch, Lelouch himself is a guy who has no power to bind a chicken. As the first actor, Lelouch is not only physically weak, but also not capable of fighting. Such a protagonist... …Fuck it, it really doesn’t work.

"Uh, I haven't thought about this yet." Mori can only say so temporarily, otherwise, what to say specifically, it's really hard to say, can this game be made into a real-time strategy? A joke of knitting!

"Forget it, let's talk after we get to the club." Qianjia didn't intend to entangle on this topic. After she said something like this, she walked forward, and Senxia and the others had to follow.

But at this time, Senxia really feels nerve-wracking. Lelouch is a good script. If you bury the script, you will definitely be killed by Lelouch’s diehard fans.

Apart from other things, take the character of Jiqi for example, Mori's series of mods of the evil fall series can definitely make a bunch of Jiqi's true love fans abandon the pit and make complaints. For example, in the animic forum, there is a guy with an id named "Dark Wind" who is swearing at Morinya, the id being used for mods as "God-like". This "Dark-wind" means that if this is "God-like" He really dared to write some strange script, he promised to kill this guy eventually.

If Mori Xia reveals that she is the original work and that the "god-like" is actually a vest, I am afraid that this kind of thing will cause more trouble. In many people's hearts, the goddess is used for worship. On the one hand, it has certain "holy" attributes, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is faith. If you know that the "original author" Senxia dared to do such a thing, that would be simply true.

But in Senxia's concept, this is normal. To marry a wife home, of course it is to do this and that. As a dirty gentleman, you have to be proficient in all kinds of play, and there are a lot of original authors who draw books for yourself. This is normal. When the otaku is in the goddess yy, don't they do things like this and that with the goddesses? Do they still imagine the goddess and Guanyin Bodhisattva being worshipped in their hearts?

Of course, if Mori Xiazhen married Yuqi or something, it must be held in the palm of his hand. At least it suits her to take care of Yukino more...

"Hello everyone!"

After arriving at the club, Yukino greeted everyone.

After the transformation, this is the first time Senxia entered animic’s new office. After entering the office, the first thing that appeared in front of her was an office. There were a few more desks on the office, and there were doors in all directions. Obviously they are separated from the wall.

Everyone in the club is in this office, and Ayana is next to Lao Xu. Opposite him is Daisuke Ono who is sorting out documents. Surprisingly, Zun, who has always worked from home, also came here today. It seems to be sorting out some information.

Although the space here is much smaller than before, but I have to say that this place

"Ah, Senxia-kun!"

"Ms. Xia Sen!"

After seeing Senxia, ​​these people looked at Senxia in surprise.

After all, he hasn't appeared for a month.

"Yo, Minasan (everyone), I have successfully returned to the world from the abyss of hell!"

Senxia said something very second, but it seemed to stir up the atmosphere. Everyone applauded.

"Yo, in that case. I also introduce a newcomer Sang!"

At this moment, Qian Jia also drew Lihua to everyone.

Lihua was originally behind Senxia and them. Suddenly being pulled in front of her, the blonde girl attracted everyone's attention.

"So pretty..."

Although several girls are very cute, in the eyes of Japanese people, the effect of blonde hair is "face value+1 charm+1 affinity +1 and prestige+1", although they seem to be the same when standing together , But blonde hair is naturally loved by people.

"Hello everyone, my name is Jixiangyuan Lihua, please advise me more."

Lihua was not caught off guard when she was introduced by Qianjia, but when she greeted everyone, Lihua had calmed down, and then she was as usual.

"Like a eldest lady..." Ayana first let out a surprised voice.

"Really, it's so temperament..." Ono Daisuke and Lao Xu were also surprised.

"Hello." Zun said hello politely.

After Qian Jia introduced the others, she said to everyone: "In addition, starting today, Lihua will be our intern here!"

In fact, Qianjia originally wanted Lihua to manage the club, but before that, Lihua would at least have an internship. Otherwise, he didn't understand the company's articles of association, which would be troublesome.

It's just that Qianjia was a bit too sudden, so Lihua was still a little caught off guard at this time, but facing Lihua's complaining eyes, Qianjia directly ignored it.

"In addition, our club is about to recruit new people, and then everyone must cheer up!"


It's really interesting to see everyone singing in harmony, but the whole animic club does reveal a happy atmosphere.

Thinking of this, Senxia couldn't help but think again that she was planning to open a vest company that specializes in harmonious works. Then, what will the people in that company look like? Everyone sits together and talks about gentlemen...

It can be seen that the joining of a blonde beauty greatly improved the morale of the company.

At this time, Senxia suddenly thought that if Lihua were sent out when recruiting, maybe it would have a miraculous effect?

Senxia was stunned when he thought of this. Yeah, I didn't think about this before, but now that I think about it, this seems to be the case.

"Yo Xi, since everyone is here, let's talk about the new plan." Senxia smiled, "By the way, Old Xu, how is your plan?"

"Hey, it's almost done. Teacher Xia Sen wants to see it?" Lao Xu nodded.

"Okay, just wait for me to see it. After recruiting new people, it shouldn't be a problem to maintain the development of the two games." Senxia nodded.

He didn't continue this topic, but recounted what he had said before about the rebellious Lelouch script.

"Oh, it's quite a novel script, especially the scene in which Euphemia slaughtered neon people." Lao Xu discovered the bright spots in the script. "It's a girl who loves peace, but is forced to kill the Japanese. , He obviously likes his sister, but his other sister has become a murderer..."

"Well, this story is too cruel..."

Ayana seemed to think this was too strange.

"Is it a coincidence?" Ono Daisuke felt that this was open to question.

"No, no, no, this setting is good, seemingly absurd and coincidental, but it also highlights that geass ability itself is an unfortunate ability..."

Old Xu came to the spirit.

"Uh...that is not the point..."

Senxia couldn't smile.

It seems that this group of people have been paying attention to strange places since they started telling the story of Lelouch on the subway.

Could this be Lelouch's resentment and curse?

"By the way, it's the final ending. This ending is half gone, there should be more!" Zun heard the story that Senxia said before, as if he felt that he had only heard half of it and then disappeared.

"Well, this is the content of the first half. As for the content of the second half, I'm still thinking about it." Morinya said simply.

Yes, among these people, Zun is the most reliable...

"But there is still another problem." Qianjia said, "This setting is very interesting and the story is very interesting, but what kind of game should be made? Avg is not a waste of this story. Huh?"

Very good, but the exquisite story of Lelouch should really be the best mecha with super cool performances, and the top mecha? In this era without muv and the Great Sage Demon, it seems a little unimaginable.

Morinia also thinks that the version can be made, but this work itself is a work of God, and its essence is somewhat different from the narrative mode, which can be derived, but the main body must at least be mad and cool.

The more important point is that Qianjia feels that the gentleman game is not just limited to text adventures. After the success of the rpg version of "Guilty Crown", Qianjia wanted to make a masterpiece.

Although Senxia didn't say anything, he actually thought this approach was pretty reliable. The rebellious Lelouch is not considered an avg-oriented game, if you want to follow the avg route, then you must magically change.

What is the Red Moon Karen route? The c.c route? The president route? The Nanali route? The Euphemia These are all ok. If Lulu Xiu was a pity work similar to the Crown of Sin, Senxia might come this way, but Senxia does not intend to change his masterpiece, so there is a problem.

In fact, Senxia didn't want to play Lulu Xiu, but who told him to let Qianjia and the others be interested after he lost his mouth?

But it's impossible to destroy this divine work, right?

Now that it is out, let's catch the ducks on the shelves.

However, the problem still remains, how should this game be handled...


Second more~

Because a book friend said that he overwritten the book, I was really sad to abandon the pit. When I wrote this gentleman story, I said it very emotionally, and the reality is like the original.


Well, but on this point, I will make a small complaint, don't care about it, don't talk about it in the book review section. (To be continued.)

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