Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 490: Sylvie from a slave

If there is any kind of gentleman game that can cause a topic, many people will probably think of games like "Morning Moon Girl", "Fate" or "Sister Tune", but there are any games that can cause viral in the future Spread, even if people who don't play gentleman games know that, apart from fate, there are probably very few, but Sylvie, a slave girl, is an exception. 【..】

How popular is this original gentleman game in the "future"?

This game, or the role of "Sylwei", once caused a viral spread in a certain eastern country. On the posts, forums, and q groups, there are Sylvia's q version emoticons everywhere, and there are also Everyone can meet someone in this game of Amway.

Not only that, but this game, and even many people specially drew books for her, wrote fanboys, etc., and it was very popular.

You know, this is a gentleman's game!

Later, a certain programmer who ported the game to the Android platform also felt that the spread was too strong and announced that it would no longer continue to update.

Of course, the original game is still there at this time.

In a period of time, this game can be said to be mixed with a lot of topics and overwhelming expressions.

Compared with other gentleman games in the super niche, Morinka suddenly thought of this slave girl who was hanging from the sky.

&nbmaker can not only develop rpg, but also develop games similar to the development category, even professional games, as long as the author is willing, they are actually the kind that can be embedded in the game.

Senxia thought about it. He felt that the original game didn't need to be changed. At this time, he could log in to rpgmaker-although the original game was more like a game.

"I have a plan in my mind now." Senxia said.

"Well, listen carefully." Qianjia leaned over, "Speaking of which, I haven't seen the gentleman game developed by you, Mori Xiajun, although this is not formal. But I also wonder what you did."

After hearing Qianjia's words, Morinya nodded.

Then, Morinka asked the maid for a pen and a piece of a4 paper, and then began to paint on it.

The original name of the slave girl Sylvie was "teaeeling". This game tells the story of being the protagonist of a doctor, a slave girl who has just lost her master, Sylvie, is presented by a merchant who wants to repay.

Sylvie was tortured and abused by her former owner, and now she has basically become a hopeless girl who only obeys blindly, and the player has to follow her own means. Come redeem this girl. Of course, the fate of Sylvie is ultimately the choice of the players, and there are not no players who are frantic. It is as if someone plays "Day on Campus" entirely to watch Cheng Cheng get hatched.

The process of the game is not long, it is a skit game, which is in line with the positioning of their predetermined platform.

"Well, it looks good." Qianjia is obviously also interested in this game. "Among other gentlemen and games, girls are badly played, but this game. We are going to play one. The bad girl fixes it..."

Well, it seems to have a good feeling.

"Yes, this is the essence of this story, we did the opposite!" Senxia smiled.

In many games, female characters are responsible for being broken. Many players like to see the heroine step by step towards the abyss of degeneration, such as Nanase Koi from a certain special service building, Imari from a dark bible, or The search officer in a warship in a prison...

But this story is different.

In a sense, this can be regarded as a game of "fixing" a bad girl.

And at the beginning. Sylvia, who had suffered so much, was also very affectionate to the players. This poor girl could arouse the players' desire for protection in an instant.

Of course, the original work is in Senxia's view. There are also areas worthy of improvement. For example, the original author is a super magical guy. If he follows the opponent's steps, it is easy to fall into the hole. There is also the original style of painting, which Morinha thinks can be strengthened.

After telling his story in one breath. Both Morinia and Qianjia think this story is promising.

Sylvie's power is huge, even Qianjia, at this time, it seems that the image of such a poor girl has appeared, and then she is waiting for her rescue.

"This way of doing the opposite, seems to be really possible!" She exclaimed.

"Of course, and the creativity in my mind is not just this one!"

How can I say it is an old driver who has inherited the gentleman culture for a long time.

"But Senxia-kun, I heard you say, this category seems to be more similar to game?" Qianjia was a little strange.

"Well, this is not a problem. We can launch another'HD remake game' version at that time!" Senxia waved her hand and felt that this would be okay. "We can use this method to tell the producers that their If the game is successful, it will be possible to remake and commercialize it in the future!"

"So..." After hearing what Senxia said, Qianjia nodded suddenly, "Your method is better than what I just thought."

"Senior sister, what method did you think of?" Senxia asked curiously.

"My original idea was that we could also make the ‘Ark Engine’ of our current game into a production tool..." Qianjia said.

"The Ark engine itself is a more troublesome thing, we can castrate the advanced functions, and then make it into an open source version, and then announce it." Senxia smiled.

"Eh? Sell it directly? Wouldn't it be a loss?" Qianjia asked in surprise.

Senxia shook his head: "No, no, the engine itself can not make money, but we can make money by other methods, for example, we can provide a genuine music library, and then a genuine background library like this! In addition, we can announce doujin There is no charge for the work, and then if you use our game, there is no charge for the sales below a certain level, and then above a certain level, according to the ladder, in addition, we can also help others to represent..."

Although Senxia is a traverser, he is alone after all.

Even if Senxia was someone like Long Aotian, Son of the Plane, he couldn't come up with a new work a day. Everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high. If you want to promote the culture of gentleman, you can only come from the masses, go to the masses, carry forward the spirit of not being afraid of hardship, and not afraid of death, and spread the fire of gentlemen to other people.

After other people have the "gentleman's fire", they can also make their own gentleman games. In this way, the number of gentlemen will become more and more, forming a virtuous circle, and the masterpieces can not only earn reputation. , After Moriha is acting here, everyone can be mutually beneficial and win-win.

"This model is good." Qianjia nodded.

"Yes, and I think that after the initial stage, we can develop an official game on this type of platform every year. This type of game does not need to be very good, but it needs to be more exemplary and playable."

This experience of Senxia comes from Unreal Tournament. Unreal Tournament is a game built with Unreal Engine. It can be said that it is also a demo game developed by the manufacturer. With such a game as the leader, the soldiers behind can kill the enemy.

"Then this game, leave it to Senxia-kun to do it later!" Qianjia is very optimistic about Senxia's appearance.

"Uh..." But after just finished speaking, Morinka felt that she was not really interested in this game... Well, when she talked about the script with great interest, Morinka still felt very cool, but after she was over. Senxia found that this story seems to be more suitable for people with delicate emotions. Senxia is not impossible to write, but for him, making such a story is actually half the effort. If you want to ensure the quality, you must burn it. Many brain cells died.

Rather than writing such a story, Senxia feels that she is more suitable for writing scripts such as the Goddess of War or the magical shell of the magician, or the dark and crippling stories like the House of the Witch.

"Well, by the way, I think Lao Xu is very suitable for this story!" Senxia decided to pick a son, and he was going to push this story to others to write.

"Old Xu? Is he... suitable for Sylvie's story?" Qianjia asked suspiciously, looking at Senxia, ​​"I remember he doesn't seem to have this style."

"That's okay, don't we still have Dragon Knight-kun and Jizong Gangji-kun? After we finish the game, we will just take a look at the works they made! This is their test!"

Hey, wait.

There seems to be something wrong.

Lao Xu doesn’t say anything. The creator of the U-turn elder sister is abusive and cruel, but Ji Zong Gangji is also a lot of dead girls in the mv. This is even more abusive. Dragon Knight 07 is simply to let the girls. We are crazy over and over again, and then die over and over again...

Fuck, I really can't give it to them!

No, Maybe they can also write cute stories?

Hmm, it must be possible!

"Yo Xi, that's it." Senxia checked the time and found that it was already 12 noon. Senxia said very generously: "Let's eat now, and after the meal, we will go to have a good rest. Let me treat you today!

"No, after eating, you will stay at the club. Although there are a lot of things in the morning, don't forget our job!" However, Qianjia patted Senxia on the shoulder.

"Uh..." By the way, I have to hurry up...


Sylvie’s original author is simply super magical, and his all-age work t_firht is on steam, which is absolutely magical.

Chapter one today! Hey, I have a surprise today. I want a monthly pass for support.

(To be continued.)



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