Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 421: Falling in love or something is prohibited!

In addition to Senxia's classes, there are many other classes in PE classes here, but Senxia's gymnasium is large enough, so this is not a problem. 【..】Book._1□k一a read n book r/>

Don't know why, Senxia always feels weird today.

Especially the two people behind them didn't know what was going crazy, they kept staring at themselves.

"Hey, Inoue, Kiriya, you two can give me a little bit!" Senxia finally couldn't help it.

"Hey, isn't it that the masculine route is no longer popular, but the trend of weak and beautiful boys..." Looking at Morinka who turned her head back to spit, Inoue clenched his fist, "Teacher Wu and Hara Tetsuo are crying what……"

Tonggu also looked at Senxia bitterly: "Why is this? It's obviously more manly like me..."

"No, Tongya, I think yours should be called'bad spirit'." Inoue glanced at Tongya, "I am a manly spirit."

"What, I'm a good student with both good morals!" Kirigaya felt that Inoue's linking himself with bad habits was too slanderous. We are a moral fool!

No, we are not stupid tongues!

"Huh? This feeling of you is called bad. Don't you notice it? When you walk, other people will avoid you!"

Although the people in the class have seen through the nature of the other side's stupid in this nearly one year, but in the eyes of people who don't know the other side, this matter is hard to say.

"Damn it, that's because I have a manly aura!" Tonggu never admits that he is bad!

"...Forget it."

Senxia shook her head. The two people complained about each other and had nothing to do with him. As long as they don't continue to look at him with that weird look, it will be fine.


At this moment, a voice came from the side. Morinka followed the voice and saw Reina was waving and walking towards her.

"Yo. Rena!" Senxia also said hello and walked up. ▲Book.◇1◇k look

Rena was wearing daily sportswear, but the upper body seemed slightly larger, and the tight shorts on the lower body were covered, and it looked like she was not wearing. This made Morinya think of Qianjia-senpai, who is also wearing this. Could it be that girls are so popular now?

Rena seemed to notice Morika’s doubts. She smiled and said, “Because I considered the clothes to be worn for three years, so when I made the reservation, I chose a slightly larger one. In this case, even afterwards It can be worn, but now it seems a bit bigger, a bit strange."

"No, it's cute."

Senxia smiled.

"Hey, Senxia-kun, now is free time. Should we come and play badminton?"

The gymnasium is very large, even if several classes are active together. There will be no problems.

But I don't know why, Morika noticed that Rena's face was a little red when she said this.

Morika glanced at the two guys who were still discussing behind him, then nodded: "Well, as long as you don't mind Rena."

"Yeah." Rena nodded softly, she seemed to be relieved, she seemed to hesitate, but she seemed to be mixed with some ecstasy.

"Minxia-kun, please come with me!" Rena smiled and began to show Morinya the way. The two quickly came to the front.

"I'm coming!"

On the side of the court, there are three or four girls standing, but they are not playing at this time, but looking towards Morinka and Rena. After seeing the two approaching, their eyes suddenly lit up.

"Huh?" After Senxia came over, she also noticed that these people were looking at herself with interest. Could all this be...premeditated?

"Ala, are you Tianhai classmate? You are exactly the same as class 1 Xuenao classmate!" After Senxia approached, the few of them couldn't wait to get closer.

"Hello. So you all know my sister." It turned out to be my sister's classmate?

"Recently, we sometimes have physical education classes with a class. I didn't expect that the twins are so alike!" one of them exclaimed. Book.◆1kr/>

Another petite girl also circled Morinatsu: "What a cute boy, no wonder Rena..."

"...Fengzi!" Before the other party finished speaking, Rena stopped him.

The girl named Fengzi chuckled, "Well, I just think this kind of boy is great. A strange idiot in Class 2 confessed to me. Although the person is very nice, that guy He always looks like a fool, and when he confessed, he said that he was a man or something, which is really strange..."

Although the school does not allow dating, there are really a lot of people who secretly leave confession letters in this place, and there are not no people who confess in private. After all, this kind of regulation itself is "out of date before the second year of high school". In Japan, it is very difficult to implement it. Fortunately, this is a noble school, so the atmosphere is much better. In other schools, this kind of school rules is almost no.

Of course, confession is also risky. If caught, it is simply "dead."

"That, please call me Senxia." The division of these girls seems a little strange, at this time Senxia simply spoke up first.

"Wow, this cute type is the kind I like!" Fengzi looked at Morinka with a shining gaze, "I don't know why, this kind of atmosphere really feels good, and it doesn't compare with others. The uncomfortable feeling of boys being together, now, Senxia-kun, be my boyfriend."

"No, no!" Rena exploded immediately.

"What can't you do?" Fengzi teased Rena.

"All in all, a boyfriend is absolutely not good. This is the school's rules! Human words have already been brought, so let's play badminton!"

Rena didn't want to continue this topic, so he immediately invited everyone to start playing badminton.

Morika looked at Rena, he probably understood something, Rena came to invite herself to play badminton, it should be the result of the instigation of these people next to him.

"So, girls who like gossip..." Senxia murmured secretly.

After all, it is a girl, in terms of physical strength and motor nerves, there is still no way to compare with the boys, so they are not Senxia's opponents, but Senxia is not a fool, and it is still possible to put water.


After exercising for a while, Senxia finally felt better.

I have to say that exercise does have the effect of making people feel comfortable, and sweating, this feeling is really very comfortable.

"It's not bad, Morinka-kun." After playing for a while, Morinka also went off. Now Rena and her classmates are on the court, while Morinka and Fuko are sitting next to them.

"It's so normal, I rarely play badminton." Senxia smiled.

"Well, nothing, we are all the same." Fengzi smiled, "By the way, Morinatsu-kun, what do you think of Rena-chan?"

"Rena-chan? Very cute."

Hmph, I've seen you through, you gossip party, don't think I don't know what you are thinking, get enlightened!

huh huh huh huh!

"Other than that?" Fengzi asked.

"Well, very hard work, very rooted." Well, yes, Senxia is deliberate. These people must be trying to lead the topic in the direction of love. Do you think I will be recruited?

Although the time spent together is not very long, Morinka understands Rena, she is a relatively reserved and tough person. In Morinka's view, the persecution of her gossiping classmates will only make her feel embarrassed.

"Hmm..." Fengzi curled her lips, she also knew that her thoughts had been seen through by the other party.

"Fengzi, it's your turn!" Rena was already off at this time, and she greeted Fengzi over.

"Hi!" Fengzi blinked at Senxia, ​​then ran to the badminton court.

Rena sat next to Morika at this time.

"Um, Morinka-kun, Fengzi didn't say anything strange, right?" Rena blushed and asked at Morinka.

"Well, nothing special." Senxia replied casually, and then he took out the towel and wiped the sweat on his head. Although Senxia rarely sweats, sometimes it feels comfortable if he sweats a little bit. Some, I feel like I'm alive all over.

"What's the matter?" Morinya turned his head, he noticed that Rena seemed to be looking at her.

"Um... wait a minute, Morinka-kun." Rena thought for a while, and she took out a rubber band, then stood up and got behind Morinka.

"Sinxia-kun don't move."

After she finished speaking, she grabbed Senxia's head with both hands, fiddled with her to the back, and then tied her head into a small ponytail with a rubber band.

Then Rena came to Morinka, and after watching for a while, he nodded: "Well, it feels good, Morinka-kun, what do you think?"

"It seems to be very refreshing..."

Morika felt that this feeling seemed to be really good.

"Oh oh oh~"

At this moment, Fengzi came in again.


Rena was taken aback by the sudden appearance of wind.

"Hehe~" Fengzi didn't speak, but looked at the two with a smile without a word.

"Um... get out of class is about to end, I'll go back to class first." Now the two of them felt a bit misunderstood. In order not to embarrass Rena, Morika was going back.

Rena was originally unable to get off the, but after hearing Morinatsu's words, Rena gave him a grateful look.

After Morinya walked away completely, Rena finally relaxed, and then she looked at Fengzi with a blaming look: "Really, Fengzi, don't do things that embarrass me!"

"Rena-chan, you used to be the president of Jixiangyuan, right? I'm just a little curious about your sudden empathy." Fengzi shrugged.

"So, I don't know what you are talking about! It is impossible to fall in love with a boy or something!"

Rena shook her head and ran away...


Wu Lunzun and Hara Tetsuo are the authors of Beidou Shenquan.

This is the second one! (To be continued.)





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