Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 368: Is this the rhythm of meeting parents?

"Dad()!" After Qianjia brought Senxia to the study, she opened the door and walked in without knocking.

The study room is very large. The back row is full of books. A desk is placed in front of the bookcase, facing the door. A middle-aged man in a kimono sits on the desk at this time. After seeing the visitor, he is not The one who changed the color closed the black book he was reading and put it aside, then stood up and walked to Qianjia's side.

"It's rare, you would bring your friends here." The man's voice was rough. As he said, he looked at Morinka and Yukino here.

Senxia was also looking at the other person at this time. This person had a short, flat head and a square face that looked completely different from Qianjia, but the sharp gaze in those eyes seemed to be exactly the same as Qianjia.

This person is about 1.8 meters tall. Among the Japanese, this is already a very mighty brawny. With that majestic facial features, most people will see an unknown pressure.

"This is Senxia Jun Tianhai and his sisters Xuena, Senxia and Xuena, this is my father." Qianjia introduced the two men separately.

"My name is Chiba Masao, hello."


Morinka and Yukino bowed to each other.

"Dad, why are you here today? I remember you are not talking about business?" Qianjia asked curiously.

"Well, but the talk is over. Today I discussed the prospects of the club with Li Yan. Because of the relationship nearby, I just came over." Father Qian Jia replied.

"Where is Uncle Li Yan?"

"He should be back."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Senxia noticed something.

Qianjia seems to have something to do with Kadokawa. Kadokawa’s current head is Rihiko Kadokawa. His father, Lihiko, he just said... Could it be Rihiko Kadokawa?

Speaking of. This is really possible.

After all, even if this world is exactly the same as his previous life, he has been blowing this butterfly for more than ten years. Some small changes are still possible, such as the personnel changes in Kadokawa. Perhaps the rich and powerful Yibo in this world was hit by a stone, so he was more diligent than in his previous life...Well, this thing is impossible, but Mori Xia knows that the changes behind such a big company may be more than he thought. It’s better not to have an inherent impression about this knowledge. After all, Xiao Ma is going bankrupt.

"Dad, what are your plans these days?" Qianjia asked curiously.

"Well, in the past few days, I will stay here for the time being. It's a small break. There will be a reception next week." Father Qian Jia's appearance is very majestic, obviously a very ordinary sentence, but not Knowing why, speaking from his mouth, it seemed to give people a heavy feeling.

This person and I may be at odds...

As a promoter of gentleman culture and cute culture. In Senxia's opinion, this kind of antique character is probably the most troublesome thing. Even Jobs has said that the era can only be changed after the old guys who cannot be changed hang up. Although it is not said, it means this.

"Next week, well, Mori Xiajun and I plan to stay here for a week, and we can only leave early." Qianjia felt that her plan was about to change.

"Don't worry, it's just a party." Father Qianjia seemed to be quite tolerant to his daughter.

Think about it, too, if this old man has a bad mentality. Having dug so many corners by my daughter, I should have been angry...

After the father and daughter had spoken. Father Qianjia came to see Senxia again, and he said to the two of them: "The little girl has been taken care of by the two. Are you all her classmates?"

"Hi." Senxia nodded, "We are all descendants of Qianjia."

Dad Qianjia turned his head to Senxia, ​​and he looked at Senxia carefully.

The other party's sight was very aggressive. Morinia was uncomfortable when he saw him. After a while, he heard the other party say: "You are also Qianjia's partner."

Qianjia opened a club. Of course his father knew this. Although he didn't intend to support the other party, he would definitely have some secret understanding.

"Although I have nothing to object to cooperating with the Tianhai family, you are all high school students, what should you do with your studies?" The other party stared at Senxia closely, with a slight hostility in his eyes, but it seemed to be again Some appreciation, Senxia didn't know what the other party thought.

"Well, Uncle Qianyu, don't worry about this. Whether it is Qianjia or me, our results in the school are among the best. If we don't even consider such a place, the failure of the club is inevitable." I don’t know what the other party wants to consider, but Morinka still answers the other party according to her own thoughts, “On the contrary, I think Qianjia-senpai and I have enough ability to do these things. If we don’t do something, then we can It’s a waste of our talents."

The other party seemed to nod in approval, but then he asked: "Do you value the game industry very much?"

This person really does not understand feelings, gentlemen and cuteness!

Senxia sighed in her heart, this guy was obviously thinking about things with a pure businessman attitude, which made Senxia feel a little more uncomfortable.

Senxia's Yu Guang glanced at Qian Jia. She didn't help, just standing by her father's side, carrying her hands behind her back, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Doing woolen yarn, why do I feel like I'm doing a defense and an interview!

Although I really wanted to make a complaint, Morinia answered honestly: "With the development and update of computer technology, future games will definitely be more perfect than they are now. Many people think that the development of video games has come to an end, but this is still It’s just the beginning. People think that Final Fantasy and Resident Evil are the best games now, but in my opinion, the investment and return of future games will be ten or even a hundred times that of the two."

In fact, the most profitable thing is the online game. Morinia is considering, if Xiao Ma really goes bankrupt, should he figure out how to bring Xiao Ma over and let him do something for himself.

"Your opinion is similar to Qianjia." The other party didn't seem to be particularly satisfied.

"Because of the similar interests, we would think of making games together. This is not just because we are optimistic about the industry, but also because we like games, and because we like games, we think we will do better."

Well, this is what we want to do, we won't say it so easily.

"You... are you twins?" After hearing Senxia's answer, the other party didn't comment, but began to ask another question.

"Hi, yes." Senxia nodded, as long as she and Yukino stand together, this can be easily seen.

"Although I have seen a lot of identical twins, it is really rare to see twins with such a similar male and female!" He sighed.

Huh, wait, have seen a lot of twins? what does this mean?

Senxia found herself tangled in a strange place.

"Well, come on, you guys, I think your club is still very promising. You can find Sony right after you just started playing games. The strategic choice is also very good. I look forward to your next performance." Dad Qianjia encouraged. Said two people.

"...And then?" Qianjia next to her said.

"What then?" Her father looked at his daughter with a smile, "You hope to rely on this Tianhaisen Xiajun to persuade me, and then let me support you? But it is very difficult, we will be from one It has been agreed from the beginning that you must completely rely on yourself in your career, otherwise, you just come back and inherit my mantle."

"Ha, if I can't accomplish anything, what's the use of inheriting your mantle!" Qian Jia was a little disappointed when her father saw what she thought in her heart.

"The talents required for conquest and defense are completely different." Father Qianjia is quite transparent in this respect. "You may fail in your career, but it is enough to defend our family business, and I believe you will see people. Even if you can’t do it alone, but if it’s someone you value, at least you will have that ability.”

I don't know why, although Dad Qianjia kept looking at his daughter when he was talking, Senxia still felt the other person's eyes constantly glancing towards her.

I always feel like I got involved in something troublesome...

"Well, just like what you said you hoped dad... Mori-kun, Xue Nao, let's go." Qianjia finished saying this, and then pulled Mori and Xue Nao back to their place in a rage. In that room.

The room has already been cleaned up and everything is neatly placed.

"Don't mind, my father is like that." Qianjia waved his hand.

"I think Uncle Chiba is a very interesting, Yukino said that he treats each other differently.

"Huh?" Senxia and Qianjia were shocked.

"Although Uncle Qianyu looks terrible, he has always been thinking of Qianjia for your sake, and although he is serious on the surface, he is actually a very kind talent, right." Xue Nao tilted his head.

My stupid sister, your eyes think that gorilla is very "kind"!

Senxia has not forgotten the inexplicable and terrifying pressure the other party has caused to herself.

"Well...whatever, we still focus on our own current goals." Xue Nao's statement made Qianjia no longer have the idea of ​​complaining.

"Yo Xi, it's time to do business." Senxia also nodded. Although this was a small accident, he did it according to the established steps. That's it...


The compensation is over, this is the first update today, and after the two changes is the debt repayment update! (To be continued.)

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