Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 224: The power of a maid cafe

No wonder Nasu mushrooms can chat with Hotan.


   After knowing the other party's "real body", Morinya also understood. After all, Xu Yuanxuan "once" was also a good friend of mushrooms.


   But Senxia still feels like she is still a little absurd. What is the situation? Her number one fan turned out to be Xu Yuanxuan, the legendary warrior of love?


  Perhaps many people in the celestial dynasty know that Xu Yuanxuan started with "Magic Girl Madoka Magica", but as a veteran enthusiast, Morinatsu got to know each other from "Ghost Crying Street" and "Song of Saya". Perhaps Xu Yuanxuan's story is not as abused as the ghost Mo Hong, but Xu Yuanxuan's works are more influential than the other party. "Cure" and "Depression" can spread, and his contribution is absolutely indispensable.


   Senxia was not scared by the name Xu Yuanxuan, he was scared because Xu Yuanxuan became his number one fan...


   Which country is this dramatic unfolding? It makes people messy.


   "What a...good pseudonym..." What could Morinya say? He could only answer this question like that.


   However, Mori Xia has strengthened her previous thoughts. If it's someone you don't know, it's fine, but since the soldier of love came to the door personally, is there any reason for us not to laugh?


  唔, by the way, maybe you can also introduce Teacher Guitou to Xu Yuanxuan. Both of them have a set of love stories and warm hearts. Maybe they can have a good exchange...


   After the shock in his heart disappeared, the evil taste in Morinya's heart began to overflow, and he introduced Xu Yuanxuan to the ghost Mo Hong, wondering what kind of chemical reaction would happen?


   "Teacher Xia Sen really thinks so too!" Xu Yuanxuan was so excited, he still used Xia Sen to call Senxia.


"Well, but you like it." Senxia smiled at Xu Yuanxuan, "Actually, before I saw you, I was a little worried, but when I heard you said that I wanted to face myself honestly When it came to the story, I suddenly felt relieved. If our club can recruit creators like you, I think this is actually our honor. Only those who can treat their stories with a frank heart can become A true legend!"


   "Oh, Teacher Xia Sen, you really understand me!" Xu Yuanxuan was also excited at this time.


   However, it is also at this time. Mushroom scratched his head with some guilty conscience, looked at the sky outside, and murmured: "Well, I often modify articles based on Takeuchi's opinions. I really am not firm enough..."


"That. Actually, I think Takeuchi's suggestion is quite interesting..." Morinza really thinks so. Although the original Tsukihime is also very emotional, but the story created after being threatened by Takeuchi can be said to be the most popular. Welcome, people who like brain holes are not the public after all. Without Takeuchi's restraint, the mushroom story might go wild.


   Morinatsu thought for a while and explained: "Nasu, your story can be said to be poured into your love for friendship, love can not only be expressed in the story, but also can remain outside the story."


   I heard Morinka say so. Mushrooms seem to feel better.


   "Okay, let me take you to breakfast first, so that you can see my new ideas and get ready for surprises!"


   Time flies quickly, and it’s not a problem to always stay in the hallway, so Morika brought Nasu mushrooms and Xufuxuan to Morika’s class at this time.


   "It turned out to be a coffee shop... a maid cafe?" Mushroom noticed that the name of this coffee shop was strange, and what was even more strange was that there was a... maid standing at the door of the cafe?


   "Oh oh. It's sister Dousang! Is it a maid as a waiter? This is really a novel use!" He Tian seemed to be interested in this.


   On the wall of the corridor on the Mori summer class, a half-height curtain is hung underneath, decorated with classical patterns, which has a noble feeling. But a wooden sign hung above the classroom, with the words "Maid Cafe" written on it in a cute font. It contrasts and contrasts with the noble temperament. Just looking at it, it gives people a very Interesting feeling, whether it is mushrooms or Xu Yuanxuan. At this time, they were all surprised by such a novel scene.


   "The surprise is still in there~" Morika stopped and motioned for the two to go in.


   Mushroom and Xu Yuanxuan are a bit strange, but they still walked into the cafe.


   "Welcome back, master!"


   As soon as they entered, they heard a sweet greeting from the maid. The phrase "Syu_激n_s is enough to make them feel that their ears are soft."


"Are the two masters here for dinner? Please come and sit here." Standing in front of them, it happened to be the squad leader Erika who had been dressed as a maid. After she saw the mushrooms and Xu Yuanxuan, she immediately welcomed them. Up here.


   "Hmm...Yes!" Mushroom felt his face seemed a little red, and I always felt so warm in his heart. The feeling of being called the master by the maid really melted people completely...


   "Understood, master, please follow me."


   Erika led the two to the position, then took the menu and said to them, "This is the menu."


   "Love Omurice?" The menu is a large color-picture menu, and it uses high-end coated paper. The largest printed on the picture is this omelet, which seems to be their main product.


   "Then have an omelet rice, and then another cup of hot cocoa!" Xu Yuanxuan said.


   "Well, I also have an omelet rice and a cup of coffee." After all, it was morning, and the appetite was not very strong, but this omelet rice aroused their curiosity.


   "Understood, please wait for the two masters." After Erika finished speaking, she smiled and left.


  At this time, Xu Yuanxuan and Mushroom had the intention to focus their eyes on the classroom.


   There are more than a dozen dining tables scattered in the classroom, and a few maids just smiled and stood between the dining tables. Neither of them had seen this kind of maid costume before, and when Hyundai saw it, they suddenly had a very novel feeling.


The    window sills were also decorated, and the areas on both sides that were supposed to be blackboards were covered with curtains.


   "It's amazing, I can't see the original appearance of the classroom at all. It feels like a real coffee shop here!" Mushroom exclaimed.


   "Yes, it is unimaginable that the maid and the coffee shop can have such an exquisite effect!" Xu Yuanxuan also followed with a sigh of admiration. Such a scene really made them feel very strange.


"Two masters, wait a long time!" The two looked curiously here for a while. At this time, the food was already prepared. The food was prepared from the home classroom and then delivered, because the home classroom is very close to here. The relationship, so the meal is prepared very quickly.


The appearance of    omelet rice seemed to be just ordinary omelet rice, and neither of them felt anything strange.


   But they remember that before letting them in, Morinka seemed to make them look forward to it?


   Does Morinatsu mean the idea of ​​a maid?


   But what is the difference between this idea and general role playing?


However, after the omelet rice was delivered, everything was not over yet. At this moment, the maid took out the ketchup, then smiled at the two of them, then gave them a heart-to-heart cleanup, and then said in her mouth : "Lily Kalu Maji Kalu, use magic power to make omelet rice delicious!"


   While she was talking, she drew a cute two hearts with ketchup on it.


   a fatal blow.


   For Mushroom and Xu Yuanxuan, this is a fatal blow.


   Although this strange "magic" is a bit weird, it works very well. It seems that both people feel warm in their hearts.


   It's so exciting, so interesting, and so warm.


   Ah, maid!


   I don't know why, there seems to be a feeling of a wonderful emotion being released in my heart, and it will take a long time to calm down.


"how do you feel?"


   When they came back to their senses, Erika had already left this side, and Mori Natsu pulled a chair and sat beside them with a glass of orange juice in his hand.


   "Although I haven't started eating yet, my heart seems to have been completely filled...Ah, my heart is full of happiness!" Mushroom almost couldn't help it.


   "It's great... I seem to come to such a maid cafe to eat every day!" Xu Yuanxuan, the warrior of love, also felt very cured by this... well, it was the cure in the true sense.


   Maid cafe or something, even the soldier of love has almost no resistance in front of it!


"This is really great. I was still hesitating whether this idea can be successful. I can feel relieved when I see what you look like." For these two people, the taste of the food is not important, the most important In fact, it should be the comfort and enjoyment brought by the maid cafe...this is life!


   "Is this Mr. Xia Sen what you think?!" After hearing these words both of them were surprised.


   "Well, in fact, a new idea came out suddenly afterwards, but everyone seems to like it, so we started to do this." Morinya explained.


   After discovering their performance, Morinka also felt a lot easier.


Speaking of it, Morinka has had a lot of things in the past two days. Today, he will receive Wada, and tomorrow his editor, Ms. Takasu, will also come. Nana seems to have said that she will come before, but there is no appointment date. In addition, there are still classmates. Events, drama club events, etc. On the third night, there will be an after-night festival.


The response from the    cafe was good, which also made Morinatsu feel a little relaxed.




   Repairing the computer today is about to die. Let's make two changes. I will start to make up the debt tomorrow.


   If it can be updated on time tomorrow at 12 noon, please vote for your monthly pass~ (To be continued.)

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