Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1820: In Hokkaido

Remember in one second【】

Hokkaido is very cold in winter, but in summer, the temperature here is unexpectedly pleasant.


Singing in the wind, it feels quite comfortable.

Senxia rode a bicycle while Qianjia sat in the back seat.

This is a private highway, so although it is prohibited by law, it doesn't matter here.

"The scenery here is very good." Qian Jia sat in the back seat and looked into the distance. She took a deep breath: "Wow hahaha"

"Stop tossing." Senxia raised her head and glanced ahead.

There is half of the winding road.

Lihua was going to lead her two elementary school students and had no time to come to Hokkaido with Morika, so only Qianjia came with Morika.

It's not bad to act while watching the scenery.

Mori summer is hard to say, but the endurance is really strong, although she is panting, but there is no problem riding up the mountain all the way.

"The wind is very comfortable." Qianjia felt the warm wind behind, "Is this your hometown?"

"No, it's the old man's private residence. Walking from above, there is also a cable car directly to Tianhai Village."

Senxia found that Qianjia had leaned over, and she was stuck behind Senxia.

Although it is Hokkaido, it is summer after all.

A slightly hot breath came from Senxia's back.

But it's not annoying, but rather, it feels pretty good.

"What's the matter with Father Tianhai looking for you?" Qian Jia asked.

"Many things." Senxia shook her head, "especially the Internet."

"Huh? It seems quite trendy."

During the recent period of time, Nihong has produced a group of upstarts. Most of these people are from the Internet industry, so it is the upstart.

But Nibang is a very conservative country, so these upstarts actually easily hit the ceiling. So after the rise, these upstarts once wanted to expand their voice, but they all failed in the end.

This is one of the reasons why the Internet, which started to develop so rapidly, will give people an ancient impression after more than a decade.

"Because of our business?" Qian Jia thought of something.

Qianjia also knows his own situation. The development of the Internet has given the Order of the Phoenix a strong development.

But it is also novel to say that the best-developed business here is not in mud bombing, but in North America, but the profit margin is indeed mud bombing, and North America ranks first.

The most profitable project is Krypton Gold Page Tour.

How to put it, I can only say that the lethality of the Krypton page tour is really "terrible."

"But it's not just such a job, the old man probably still hopes that I will continue the business in Hokkaido."

"This place is also very good." Qian Jia liked the atmosphere, "Isn't it great to be able to build a kingdom of my own!"

The Tiankai family is the big landlord of Hokkaido.

This country is also a very wonderful place.

In this country, landlords may not be as rich as some bourgeois, but in local areas, landlords often have a lot of power to speak, in other words, "higher social status."

And in this world line, Tianhai's family is in Hokkaido, that is even more one thing.

Theoretically speaking, as long as Morinka wants, he can ride Qianjia all over Hokkaido in his car, but it is still not a violation—because there are Tianhai’s private roads everywhere.

Not to mention Senxia knows that her family actually has black gold that can hardly be taken out.

Senxia even seriously suspected that, in fact, the old man still has many insiders who are two or five in his own family and engage in dirty py transactions and have not told him.

"When will there be such a beautiful scenery in the game?" Qianjia sighed.

"It doesn't take ten years."

Senxia remembers that in five or six years, the graphics card will be in danger...Bah, the isolated island will be born.

At that time, the game will really have magnificent scenery like picturesque.

"It feels great." Qianjia posted behind.

Well, Morinka feels great too.

"Do you want to rest for a while?" Qianjia asked.

"Well, that's it."

It just so happened that a raised platform appeared in front, and there was a pavilion next to it. This is a pavilion borrowed from the style. Sitting here with warm air, it feels quite comfortable.

"It's really quiet. It's like a scene that only appears in animation and games. Alas, why didn't I realize it when I came to Hokkaido last time." Qianjia sighed.

"Because this is a completely private place, not a developed attraction."

This place belongs to the Tianhai family.

"Do you want the local lord in the future?" Qianjia said.

"Are you willing to be the local host?" Senxia asked back.

"It's not interesting. This is not Sim City and Sims." Qian Jia looked at the front of the platform.

Thinking about it from here, there are thousands of mountains, lush forests and winding roads, the only scenery that can be seen.

And if you look closely, you can probably see the distant coast, but it is already a very long distance.

"Are you not going to develop such a simulated business game?" Qianjia urged Morika.

"Simulation management is better than the real world

^0^Remember in one second【】

There are so many houses, because we can design the perfect city in our heart..." Morinya thinks it's pretty good, "But even if we develop games, our studio is fully operational. "

In order to fill the hole here, all the studios have been dispatched.

No way, compared with ps2, the order of the Phoenix’s third-party support is actually not that strong, and Moriha did not plan to spend money for resources like Bill Lid, so he wanted to make a good game, the first-party It is necessary. This is the same as the old man next door, but Senxia is somehow some resources, especially the market of a certain eastern country.

"It's the Final Four now, Morinia, who do you think will be the first to get out?" Qianjia asked Morinia.

"But from the product point of view, the giant hardware is the most likely. But from the capital point of view, the most unlikely."

"Ah, it's a foul operation." Qian Jia was also somewhat helpless.

The huge banknote ability is really strong.

"Except for the giant hard?" Qianjia asked again.

"We." Senxia said.

"Huh? I thought you could say Sony." Qianjia was curious.

"Why?" Senxia became curious about Qianjia's attitude.

"Because the old man has no way out, and Sony has a big business." Qianjia said, "how do you think it is us?"

"Because instead of competing for hegemony at home, I think it would be better to master a better platform. Mobile devices or something, and the home can also be transformed into a home computer route, no loss. Our goal is to disseminate thoughts and trends, I feel simple There are already a lot of comrades in the game industry in China. So we should open up new territory and go to a broader market."

"Oh, that's not bad. You—"

Qianjia was going to say but Morinka pressed her finger on Qianjia's lips.

Unexpectedly, Senxia would do this, Qianjia blushed quickly.

"I won't talk about work today." Senxia said, "Such a rare good scenery, such a rare good time, and there are only us here..."

"Wait, this is outside, right?"

"This is also the place of Tianhai's house. In other words, it's almost like indoors. It's so windy and sunny, and talk about life... isn't it great"


Ahem, a new book is opened.

"Under the Sky", a story about the fusion of science and magic.

Dongshen will continue to update, well, at least Zhou will guarantee it.

I hope everyone will support us a lot.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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