Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1756: Morika: Coach, I really want to get off...

There are island Ikyo and Ruka Kimura.

These two little maids Morinka know each other.

Because when he sneaked into Jixiangyuan's house, Senxia used in the same room with them.

Well, it is still as a maid who sneaked in.

So when they went out together, Senxia was actually pretty square.

Guilty conscience.

After all, what should be seen or not, what should be known and not known...force majeure.

So before, although the two maids were by Lihua's side, Senxia always avoided them intentionally or unintentionally.

But it's gone now.

Lihua is not here, it is not so easy for Senxia to deal with Christina alone.

If this continues, Senxia is worried that by this time tomorrow, she will have been taken away by the Swedish police.

It's pretty square.

Compared to the embarrassment when I was with Arishima Yuyo and Kimura Ruka, Morika felt it was even more unbearable to be in the same room with Christina.

There is great fear between life and death.

This is no way.

The four people got in the car together, ready to go to the pool.

It was Yushi Arishima who drove, while Ruka Kimura was in the passenger seat, and Morija and Christina were in the back row.

"Miss Kimura, what does the Uksenchena family do?" Morinya took the opportunity to ask.

In order to prevent Christina from continuing to ask strange questions, and to prevent embarrassment, Morinya asked questions first.

"Yeah..." Kimura Ruka looked up and looked in front of her. She thought for a while, "A lot. And although it's'Uk Sensiena', the family situation is actually very complicated. Because there is a person with this surname here. In fact, there is more than one. The department related to the young lady is probably related to animal husbandry, forestry, real estate, and part of the financial industry. Ah, of course, if you count investment, the industries that span across More."

"That's it."

Senxia really didn't know before.

Now I found out that this family is actually quite powerful.

Moriha had never heard of this family on another world line, probably because of the deviation of the world line.

This kind of thing is normal. For example, if A accidentally hangs up, A who was supposed to make a fortune becomes B. The big history will not change, but the small world line is still different.

Well, these are not the points.

This kind of thing has little to do with Senxia.

And Senxia has more important things to deal with.

"Is Chris looking forward to swimming?"

Because after Christina got in the car, she threw her coat away and rubbed against the car while wearing dead water, Senxia was a little uncomfortable.

"Hmm!" Christina was very happy, "I changed into a new swimsuit, I must go to the pool once!"

"Is it this..."

Senxia couldn't laugh or cry.

He looked outside: "But it's nice to go swimming in this weather."

The summer in Sweden is not too hot.

It is a very suitable place to escape the heat.

"Hmm, we can go to Malmö Beach, which is great!" Christina looked like a small adult.

But I didn't know whether it was intentional or not. Morinya noticed that Kris seemed to be consciously showing in front of the two maids.

……This is the right to show the master?

Senxia vaguely felt that this was the little girl Christina's naive desire to reflect her own ownership.

Kimura Ruka didn't seem to feel anything, but when Ikuyo Arishima over there flashed his gaze, Morinatsu clearly realized that he was talking about "scum".

Because Qianjia has despised her with this look many times recently, Morinka has been able to distinguish this somewhat sad look at this time.

...Don't look at me with such eyes! I didn't mean it!

"Uncle Sato of Heaven, I was wrong, I shouldn't laugh at you..."

Senxia apologized again to her uncle.

I didn't realize it before, but now Senxia only thinks about how hard it is for the uncle who has been liked by the elementary school monks.

It is precisely because Sato Ichiro is a decent lawyer, so there are so many little girls around him, which is actually a very dangerous thing. If you are not careful, you will be caught with life style issues. When the time comes to be operated by someone, it may be It's going to be social death.

Especially the few elementary school monks beside Ichiro Sato are super mobile...

Senxia didn't know that this kind of thing actually happened.

It's just that the parents of the little girls who like Ichiro Sato are more powerful than the opposite...

Pulled away.

All in all, thinking of Uncle Ichiro Sato's tragic life, Morinka suddenly felt that her two days of suffering seemed to be nothing.

The happiness and superiority of life are often based on the misfortune of others. JPG.

"Actually, I want to visit Norway more." Kimura Ruka muttered there, realizing that after Morinya heard it, she was a little nervous, "Ah, sorry."

"Nothing." Senxia finally calmed down the noisy Christina. He continued to ask: "Does Miss Kimura like Norway very much?"

"Hi. Norwegian Forest...well, it's a very good work. The subtle emotions between Watanabe Toru and Kobayashi Midoriko are really amazing."

"But that work has nothing to do with Norway." Morinya chuckled, "The origin of the name is actually a song."

Although the name is "Norwegian Forest", in fact, this story has nothing to do with Norwegian dime.

Many people think that the story tells a story that happened in Norway, but it is not because this is a story of mud bombing.

The origin of the name comes from the song "Norwegian_Wood" that the protagonists like Toru Watanabe, Naoko, and Reiko in the novel are translated into "Norwegian Forest" in Chinese.

And this song has little to do with Norway, because it is a song by the British rock band The_Beatles.

"Yeah. Actually, when I first started, I thought it was a story about an exotic relationship. After watching it for a long time, I realized that the story happened in a mud bomb." When speaking, Kimura Ruka seemed a little discouraged It looks like, "But after reading it, I realized that Mr. Murakami's book is really amazing. Although there is no'Norway', that book gave me a very good story, so I think... Norway is probably my lucky country."

Oh, what a romantic little Nizi.

Moriha had originally remembered that Kimura Ruka was a pretty cheerful girl, but now he realized that this girl is still a little confused and has a girlish feeling.

I really want to be teased.

Thinking about this, Morika noticed Arishima Ikuyo's eyes inadvertently.

The gaze was clearly saying, "If you dare to move Kimura, I will put you X first, then O, then O then X..."

Senxia shivered with the tight feeling of Chrysanthemum.

Ahem...I just think Kimura is a little cute, but he has no strange thoughts...

Senxia felt that such a good person seemed to be misunderstood again.

But he also knows that the more he explains, the more likely he is to say that he does not want to ask.

So Senxia had to continue to change the subject: "But when it comes to Norway, the most famous one should be ‘Viking’."

"Viking? Ah, I know, it's Viking pirates!" Kimura Ruka thought, "Hey, is Norway and Viking pirates related?"

"The word'Viking' for Viking pirates originally came from the ancient Norwegian language. Although it is not all, but it is not much different when Viking pirates are Norwegian pirates."

"Huh...Huh?" Norway seemed a little disillusioned in the girl's heart.


Senxia felt a stronger murderous aura.

No, not one share, but two shares.

Ikudai Arishima.

And Christina.

The little guy seemed to be afraid that he was going to be snatched away by Kimura, so he leaned over: "Where does my brother like best? I can take my brother anywhere!"

"Yes, yes, Kriss is amazing." Morinya patted Kriss on the head.

I don't know if it is Senxia's illusion, he always feels that the speed of the car seems to be much faster. However, I looked at the dashboard and found that it seems that the speed limit has not been exceeded...

"Which does brother like best?" Christina asked curiously.

"I like it everywhere." Senxia said, "Because every place I go, there are always new encounters, new people, and new things..."

"...In other words, like the new and dislike the old?" Arishima Ikuyo said.

But one blow was fatal.

"No, that’s not the case. I just think that feeling... interesting. Well, I’m a writer. If such a story is placed in a novel, a trip is an adventure, and an adventure is a romance, ours The story is one romance after another. This romantic sentiment is the faith and love that we humans can live in and touch here."

Senxia forced a wave of explanations.

"As expected of Mr. Xia Sen!" Kimura Ruka sighed again, "Teacher, I really like your "Fate of the Sky"... Ah, ah, I can't help it today! Teacher's work, It's really great. The deep emotion between You and Qiong makes me feel as if my whole person has been sublimated!"

I don't know if it is Senxia's illusion, he always feels that the speed of the car seems to be faster again.

Senxia was a little guilty.

... Coach, I want to get off.

However, it cannot.

"What is the void of predestined relationship?" Christina asked curiously.

"Uh... novel. Good kids don't need to understand!" Senxia was afraid of spoiling children.

Although this book is a super artistic and award-winning work after Senxia Magic Reform, it is not suitable for children to read after all.


Kristina seemed puzzled, but seeing the curious eyes gleaming, she obviously had no intention of giving up.

"What kind of novel does Chris like?" Morinya decided to deal with the problem with questions.

But just after asking, Senxia felt bad.

——In case Kristina said something terrific, would Arishima suspect that I instigated it? !

Fortunately, Christina was pretty reliable this time.

"Andersen's fairy tale."

When she was speaking, she also glanced at Senxia with a sly look.

Obviously, Xiao Nizi was wrong.


Senxia felt that it was necessary for him to remind Lihua about education and let Lihua and Elizabeth negotiate.

Although it is a child of someone else's family, it is a pity that such a cute girl has gone on a crooked road.

What can be done is a little bit.

"Oh, but after meeting this time, let's talk about whether we will meet in the future."

Senxia murmured in her heart.

Although the relationship between Christina and Morinya seems to be quite good, the two actually only met each other not long ago.

Soon, Senxia will leave this country, and there will be no intersection between herself and Christina, and it will be another matter whether the two sides will meet again.

Thinking of this, Senxia felt a lot of peace of mind, but she was a bit disappointed.

After all, although a little dirty, Christina is actually a sensible child.

She just don't walk crookedly.

As for more matters, leave it to Mrs. Victoria.

Between myself and the other party, there is no opportunity to continue communicating.

After Ruka Kimura talked about her admiration for Teacher Xia Sen, she seemed to let go.

"What is Xia Sen's favorite work?" she asked.

"I. I like a lot, it's really hard to tell. But if I insist, I should like the story of everyone's happy life together at the end." Senxia pretended to be a sentimental youth.

"As expected of Mr. Xia Sen, and it is precisely because of your soft heart that you can write such a wonderful story..."


Morinatsu is sure that Ruka Kimura must have never read the book "Earth Defense Boy".

Otherwise she would never use such words to describe it.

Senxia felt that the speed of the car seemed a little faster.

But still within the speed limit.

Is it an illusion?

For no reason, he felt a guilty conscience again.

"Hey, Lihua, you should come back soon..."

Senxia now regretted why she had to open Xiyan in advance.

If Xi Yan were present, the situation would never change to this.

But unfortunately, it is done.

"Why did it happen like this? Being able to come to the romantic Nordic country, being able to have a romantic trip with Lihua, two happiness together, why did it become like this..."

Senxia sighed in his and then he suddenly felt shocked.

"... By the way, how far are we from the swimming pool?"

Senxia realized that she had been sitting in the car for a while.

"...Ah." Kristina said suddenly, "We seem to have gone too far."

"I'm very sorry." Arishima Ikuyo said, "I just missed the traffic light intersection. But don't worry, we will walk a little longer and we will be able to turn in front... Ah, sorry, we missed another intersection... "


Coach, I really want to get off...


Here comes, Nanoha theater version BD is coming, I don’t know what it will be like...

Two in one meow~

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