Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1751: Kristina

have a future!

This little baby has a future!

Not only are people beautiful, but their mouths are also very sweet.

Not bad.

Morika expressed that she was super happy.

"Mrs. Victoria."


Over there, Lihua and her two maids also greeted the woman.

"Senxia, ​​this is my aunt, Victoria Uksenshina, and this is my cousin, Christina Uksenshina. Auntie, this is my...friend, Senxia Tianhai. "

Lihua also introduced these two people at this time.

"Hello, Mr. Tianhai." Victoria is a charming woman, about thirty years old, with the attractiveness of a mature woman.

Although she and Lihua are relatives, her hair is not golden, but brown. After all, gold is inherited recessively, and it is normal to be rare.

She speaks English, so Morinka can understand it.

However, he was a little curious. The other party’s surname was Uxen Siena, but it was Lihua’s aunt...

Well, it feels a bit subtle.

"Hello." Senxia also came over.

"Christ seems to like you very much." Victoria looked at her daughter, and Christina had been watching Senxia at this time.

"Hello, Kris."

Senxia squatted in front of the little girl, and then smiled at each other.

The other party blinked, she looked at Senxia, ​​then at Lihua, and finally at her mother.

"Hello," she said.

"Okay, let's go to the parking lot first. You are exhausted along the way." Victoria finished speaking, seeming to think of something, "but my car can only take four people, and Chrissy insists to follow. She only found out after getting in the car..."

"I'm sitting on my brother!" Christina leaned close to Senxia.

"That's also overloaded!" Victoria said grimly.

"It doesn't matter, we can just follow up later." Arishima Ikuyo said to Victoria, "Kimura and I will go there on our own. Please don't worry about us, Mrs. Victoria."

"This..." Victoria looked at Lihua.

Morinatsu looked at Arishima Ikuyo.

The other party seemed to have noticed Morinia here and turned his head.

Senxia quickly looked away.

He is still a little embarrassed to see these two girls now...

But Morika noticed that after hearing what Arishima Ikuyo had said, Ruka Kimura immediately looked at each other with expectant eyes.


Senxia understands.

Lihua turned her head and looked at Senxia, ​​as if to ask his opinion, Senxia nodded.

After the decision was made, Senxia left here with them.

"Mom is very happy to hear that you are back, you know. She even wanted to drive by herself before she came... Oh, it's really messy..."

Victoria complained in front.

And Senxia and Christina walked behind.

One is to make room for the two people in front, and the other is because Christina is walking behind with Senxia's hand, her speed is not fast.

The little girl was about five or six years old, slightly larger than the picture, and her eyes flashed with curiosity towards Morinia.

Her little hands are soft and warm, and her white and tender feet are stepping on a pair of small sandals, which feels as fat as jade. Senxia feels that she can eat two bowls of white rice when she looks at it.

So cute, I really want to hug home and rub...

Such a cute child, Senxia suddenly felt that if she was her own daughter or something, she seemed to have a sense of touch...

Well, probably because I heard people call "Dad" before, but now I have some sequelae...

"Have brother and sister Lihua had in-depth exchanges?"

The other party spoke.

That voice is also full of immature children only.

But what does this question mean?

"What do you mean?" Senxia asked.

"I mean, have you ever done such a thing."

She let go of the hand holding Senxia, ​​and then made an OK finger...

Senxia quickly grabbed Christina's hand and stopped her from continuing to make strange movements.

"How do you know this?"

He originally thought that the other party was still a pure cutie, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

"If you know, you know." Chrissy passed it vaguely, and she continued, "Is brother really okay?"


What the hell?

"I mean, brother, is there really no problem with your small body?" She leaned over, "I think that if my brother is like this, he will be easily drained by my sister. Look, my sister has such a good complexion... "

It's strange to say that although the girls around Morinya are gradually becoming adults, they all look good. If Qianjia changes into high school clothes, she might be able to fake a wave of high school students.

Speaking of it, Senxia suddenly thought that before she came here, the onion-headed alien seemed to have told herself what benefits would be given...

Ah, no, these are not the points!

"Ah, girls have to be reserved." Senxia said hurriedly.

"I'm very reserved, but my brother is so cute, I like you."


People are small and big.

Senxia was a little bit dumbfounded by Christina's words.

He said: "You are still young and you want to fall in love, let's have another ten years!"

"If another ten years pass, will my brother fall in love with me? Ah, if I do this, am I trying to win love with my sister?"

The little girl was lost in thought, as if she was really thinking about whether she would be a "third party" or something like this.

I am meowing.

Senxia felt pretty good for Little Meng at first, but she didn't expect that the other party's thoughts... could float to the sky!

"But it's not about falling in love."


"We can get married directly, so it's not a relationship."

"It will take ten years to get married. No, until the age prescribed by law!"

Senxia glanced at Victoria in front.

Unexpectedly, the other party seemed to be such a serious woman, and actually raised a little loli with such a leap in thought...

But Christina didn't seem to have any thoughts about this: "That's an engagement. This is always okay."

After she said this, a smile appeared on her face: "If this is the case, I am not a third party, and the third party is my sister! Well, in this case, I will mercifully allow you to cheat. Huh!"

"Love and marriage require emotional foundation."

Senxia almost collapsed.

No way, he was reflexive, because Xueno sometimes tried to use this method in vain, trying to forcibly rub Senxia.

The two sides are not familiar with each other, so Senxia didn't make a move.

However, upon hearing Senxia's words, Kristina seemed to be crying. She seemed to be severely hit by Senxia: "Isn't my brother like me?"

"Uh... that's not what it meant."

"Foregoing, uncle of heaven, I finally know your daily pain, and I will never gloat you for being caught in the elementary school monk again..."

Senxia thought of her uncle who was still working hard but was pestered by the elementary school monks all day.

When Mori summer saw Sato Ichiro being entangled by elementary school monks, she actually gloated.

But now, Senxia has also experienced the kind of hardship that would be felt when she was really entangled by an elementary school monk.

"Since my brother likes me, then we are in love with each other! There is no problem at all!" Christina was happy again.

"Uh, the likes between boyfriends and girlfriends are different from the likes between us as ordinary people." Senxia and Yan Yueshen.

It seems that Kristina is still a primary school monk...No, maybe she hasn't gone to school yet, otherwise, Moriha will directly send Victoria a set of five-high three-models and extracurricular review questions.


it's a pity.

"Hmm." Christina tilted her head, seemingly puzzled.

But Senxia was relieved.

At least it's an escape.

"Chrissy, why are you curious about such a question?" Senxia asked strangely.

"Isn't it all like this on TV?" Christina said, "Girls grow up to be with boys, but I don't like those nasty guys. But my brother is so cute, I love it!"

Morika's smile froze.

"Moreover, love must be in your own hands." Christina ignited a blazing fire, "If you don't confess in time, a good man will be taken away!"

Wait, didn't you just say that you don't like those nasty guys...

Senxia didn't spit out the old slot.

He had a hunch that if he spit out these words, it would definitely cause Christina to make a bunch of dangerous nonsense.

"That kind of thing is very far away from children." Senxia also has no experience in educating children. At this moment, Senxia really doesn't know what to do.

This little cute girl obviously doesn't know everything, but obviously she doesn't know everything. She seems to be a little precocious, but she doesn't seem to be that precocious.

Such a girl's own logic may be a bit confusing, and it is really troublesome for Morinia to make sense.

What's more troublesome is that if she waits for her to get in the car and then tells other people about the chat, then... Senxia might be kicked out of the car.

"I won't tell other people." Kristina seemed to see Morinya's hesitation, "I'm very good."

Well, my first impression is that you are very good, but the problem is that I am good now!

The latter seemed to disagree: "Adults treat our children as idiots, so I never tell them!"

It's really small and big.

No, I am an adult too...

How can there be a feeling of being pulled into a thief boat?

Senxia felt very strange.

"Ah, here it is." At this moment, Christina's face showed a disappointed expression because they had already reached the parking lot.

On the contrary, Senxia was relieved.

"Brother, after we go home, you can continue to tell me things! I want to know what happened between my brother and sister." She looked expectantly at Senxia.


Sorry, girl. I don't know what expression I should use to face you. But I know that if you really continue to say dangerous lines in front of me, I might be taken away and locked up...

It’s good for a little girl to be energetic, but it’s more subtle if she goes crooked.

To be honest, Senxia also thinks that the other party is cute, but that is just for children. As for girlfriends or something, forget it.

It will be impossible even for another ten years.

Well, in this sense, Morinka feels that she is still a good, good man.

"Forget it, let's talk to Lihua then, such a cute little girl, don't go wrong..."

The outside world is actually very dangerous. The kind of ignorant little girl is also more likely to encounter danger.

So at this time, I had better find a way to communicate with Lihua, and try my best to let Christina go on the right path.

"Senxia, ​​here!"

Lihua in the front noticed that Senxia and Christina were still behind, so he waved to them.

"Okay!" Senxia stopped Christina, "Okay, let's get in the car first."

"Yeah." Christina also nodded.

But just when she was about to take Senxia's hand, she stopped and said, "Remember to take a shower."


"I will take a bath too!"


Senxia silently took the little girl into the car. He felt so tired now...


"So tired..."

On the other side, Yukino had just finished his day's work.

She is now preparing for the shrine at Tamamo Shrine.

Obon is an important day, so Yukino also comes to help at such times.

In the place of Nihong, the summer festival is sometimes more popular than the New Year, but because of this, such festivals are also quite busy.

But Xue Nai was also a little restless.

Because my brother went on a business trip to Northern Europe.

"Brother's radar keeps ringing..."

She muttered.

"Master Xue Nai!" Zhen Tong walked over here at this time.

She is also here to help.

At first, Zhentong's family actually had quite a problem with Zhentong not going home during summer vacation.

However, after Jin Hitomi started working at Tamamo Shrine, his family's attitude changed. Now he closes one eye, which makes Jin Hitomi more comfortable.

It's great to be able to stay with my sister!

It's a pity that that guy went to Northern Europe!

Unhappy, super unhappy!

Well, on the bright side, it’s a good thing to be with your sister...

"Take a break, Real Hitomi."


Sitting next to Zhentong showed a comfortable expression on his face.

She looked up at the statue in front of Tamamo.

Said it is a statue, in fact, Zhentong thinks this is more like a large figure, but the material is different, and the fineness is different.

However, this is indeed one of the secrets of the rise of Tamamo Shrine.

I wonder if my family can do the same?

She turned to look at Xue Nai.

However, Xue Nai didn't look like she was in a hurry.

Why does she keep clutching her dumb hair?

True Hitomi looked puzzled...


Two-in-one meow~

Meow meow meow~

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