After Xiao Zhi and his group walked out of Mt. Moonlight, they continued to walk towards Hualan City, and halfway through Xiao Gang found what words were written on the sign to Hualan City

: Xiao Zhi, it seems that my trip is faster than yours, you can add some oil-Xiao

Mao Xiao Zhi: Hmph

, Xiao Mao, that guy Xiao Xia: It seems that Xiao Zhi, you have a good rival Ash

: yes, okay, let's go, everyone, I can't lag behind that guy too much

At this time,

Xiao Mao Xiao Mao: Xiao Zhi that guy, with his character and strength, should immediately go to challenge Hualan Taoist Hall (I can't lose to that guy)

Xiao Zhi and his group went to Hualan City along the path, seeing that they were about to arrive, Xiao Xia suddenly said: Do you have to go to Hualan City? Can't I challenge other dojos?

Xiao Zhi: Okay, Xiaoxia, I know the reason why you don't want to go to Hualan City Xiaoxia: What Xiaozhi: Please, don't be so surprised, don't worry, you don't have to compare with your sisters, just be yourself, you are also very beautiful and cute

Xiaoxia moved: Really

, Xiaozhi: Of course, do you feel that I will lie to you?

Xiaoxia plucked up the courage and said: Okay, let's go to Hualan City, let's go

Ash and his party looked east and west in Hualan City to look at the clean and tidy streets, pleasing

to the eye, Ash passed by the gate of a warehouse halfway to Hualan Taoist Hall, listening to the local Junsha Road, some large pumping equipment here, was stolen

Ash: (Hmph, it seems that Team Rocket is still using the old routine)

Ash and his group arrived at Hualan Taoist Hall and also the water ballet scene Ash and

Xiaogang, just wanted to go in, but found that Xiaoxia was missing

Xiao Gang asked: What about Xiao Xia?

Xiaozhi: I don't know, forget it, let's go first (Xiaoxia, what's the situation, didn't you just pluck up courage?). How did you run again)

After that, Ash and Xiao Gang were enjoying the ballet in the water when Ash

said: Wow, so beautiful (no wonder, Xiao Xia didn't have the courage to face it) Xiao Gang: Wow

, so white, so beautiful

suddenly a familiar figure suddenly added

to the originally lively audience, suddenly cold, along with Che Chesi said

who is this, to have no chest, to

have no butt is simply a little assThat's it, who wants to watch the children's performance

, it's simply a fire extinguisher

, now Xiaoxia, the hair is scattered, the hair is parallel to the shoulders, there is a soft beauty, Ash saw it and also had a trace of heartbeat

, Ash heard the dialogue in the audience was very disgusted, and suddenly shouted: Oh, is this the old man among the Hualan sisters? You are the best, so beautiful

in a disappointed language, Ash's shouts are particularly outstanding, Xiaoxia was very moved after hearing Ash's encouragement, and then jumped into the pool, the three sisters also jumped down after seeing it, and then the four sisters went out of the water together, after the performance

Ash and Xiaogang came backstage, wearing a towel Xiaoxia, hugged Xiaoxia and moved: Thank you

Ash: Okay, there is someone else

Xiaoxia stuck out her tongue

After that, Xiaoxia's three sisters came over, and the third sister Cao Pu said: Oh, you are the boy who cheered Xiaoxia just now, it looks good Fourth

sister Peony said: Yes, yes, we are all moved, the little handsome brother

and second sister Sakura smiled: Are you Xiaoxia's boyfriend?

Xiao Xia blushed like a tomato Xiao Gang after hearing

this: Three beautiful sisters, in fact, Xiao Sheng can

not wait for Xiao Gang to finish Xiao Zhi interjected: No, I'm just Xiao Xia's friend, I came to challenge the cherry blossom of the dojo this time

and said calmly: I understand, I'll take you to our eldest sister Xiao

Zhi: What, isn't it the four Hualan sisters? Isn't this crowded?

Xiaoxia: What are you talking about, we are the five sisters of Hualan Ash:

five sisters! (Is it because of my crossing, has something changed?) )

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