Even though the beautiful woman was helpless, she still had to go through the procedures with Wuda. Before leaving, she glanced inside again.

Tokyo's work efficiency is as efficient and convenient as that of Yogu Prefecture. After all, the transfer of the house has to pay a tax, and the matter of collecting money is positive. Although the total price is only 1,000 taels, and the taxes are not much, that is also income. All kinds of second-hand houses, land circulating back and forth, add up to a lot of income.

However, Wu Da was surprised that his silver ticket was eventually taken away by the people in the office, and before leaving, he gave the beautiful woman some silver. Wu Da probably understood what was going on, but he didn't think much about it.

After buying the house, he took Luo Die to the house, but Luo Die was afraid, and Wu Da sent her back to the inn and went to the house alone. After all, there is no problem with security in the inn. Wusong Li Kui can take care of one or two if he has nothing to do.

After a while, Wu Da arrived at this mansion again, and the door was already open. Passing through the ruined courtyard, Wu Da walked into the house.

Very unexpectedly, the inside is not as messy as the outside, and there are obviously people cleaning it. Although all kinds of furniture are relatively old, the grade is quite good and intact. There is a special fragrance in the house, which smells strange.

"Ding, the host absorbs allergic substances, please ventilate as soon as possible, otherwise it is easy to have a fever..."

It turns out that those people are sick when they see the house, because of this smell? Wu Da seemed to have guessed something, so he opened the doors and windows on the first floor. After opening the back door, I found that the courtyard in the back door was not messy, it was neat, there were some vegetables planted, there was no trace of weeds, and it seemed that someone lived here.

Wu Da wondered if this beautiful woman was homeless, so he didn't want to sell this house, the house where the government collected money, but surprisingly, this owner was probably gone as rumored. But don't his family members have title deeds to the house? Wu Da muttered a little in his heart.

The special scent in the front hall made him somewhat uncomfortable, but when he walked to the backyard and the wind blew, it was obviously much better. Wuda is confident that he has a special physique, good physique, strong immunity, and will not get sick.

Curiously walked in and spun around, suddenly heard footsteps, the floor above his head seemed to have been stepped on, and Wu Da walked up. Since the system said that there are no ghosts, then he has nothing to fear.

The stairs were very dark, and the sound of Wu Da's footsteps stepping on the stairs continued to echo, and the echoes made Wu Da a little nervous. He took out a throwing knife from the system space, if there is any special situation, safety is still the first.

Suddenly, a shadow flashed by.


There was no answer.

The man just flashed, the doors and windows of each room were closed, the light was not good, and Wu Da did not see clearly whether it was a person or what. But he was not afraid of this, and immediately walked in that direction.

The door opened on its own. Wu Da saw many eyes, all looking at him directly, some fearful, some angry, some hateful, meeting all kinds of gazes, Wu Da walked in.

Although the whole room was large, it was full of people, mostly children, women, men and only children.

A bold child stepped forward, knelt down towards Wu Da, and kowtowed.

"Sir, don't drive us away, don't drive us away, don't drive us away..." After saying that, the crying in the room sounded, women's, children's, as if facing something terrible, as if Wu Da was the devil who sent them into the abyss. The tone was mixed with a lot of helplessness, a lot of longing, a lot of sadness.

The beautiful woman came out of nowhere, helped a crying child and knelt down together.

Wu Da suddenly understood what was going on in this mansion. But I still wanted to confirm it, so I said: "All of you get up, I won't drive you away!" "

The crowd still hasn't stopped, they still cry and cry, they should knock! Wu Da helplessly picked up the beautiful woman and asked, "What's going on?" "

The beautiful woman has long lost the momentum of the house viewing, only grievances or weakness.

A moment later, the beautiful woman communicated with Wuda.

Although the owner of the house itself is gone, the title deed is still there. The beautiful woman was the concubine of Gangna when the man was still there, and the hostess was not her. The hostess occupies this house, and it stands to reason that it is no problem for the house to belong to her. But she had no means of livelihood, and there were no men in the family, so she adopted several children with this beautiful concubine and a few maids in the family, and time slowly passed, and more and more children were adopted.

There are only expenses at home, and there is no input. Slowly, there was no money to eat. But the house was sold and there was no place to live, so he mortgaged the house out. Only mortgaged a hundred taels of silver, but there was no money to pay back, so the more he owed, the more he could not afford to pay it back, and the creditor had to take the title deed away. After selling the money to pay off the debt, the rest were returned to the hostess, and they could not sell the title deed and mortgaged, and they still lived.

The hostess missed her deceased husband for a long time, became depressed for a long time, and passed away.

This beautiful woman had a plan, so she made up a rumor that this house was haunted, and there were no people living in the front hall, and a lot of lacquer substances were placed, and it would be uncomfortable to stay in the house for a while. People who are not in good health will be uncomfortable for a few days. After several waves of house viewings, they all got sick.

The haunting of this house became a well-known thing, so the price drop slowly dropped from 4,000 taels to 1,000 taels.

Since the original male and female masters died, the impression to the world was that the feng shui in this room was not good, and the beautiful woman paid some money again and invited a feng shui master to set up a stall nearby. It happened that someone passed by after looking at the house and saw this feng shui master, so they let people look at feng shui.

I saw that this master was shocked after reading it, and told everyone that this house was a murderer, there was no way to avoid it, it was better to stay away, and immediately ran away after speaking. When the tenant saw that the master said this, he left the house far away.

Including a little house nearby, they were affected, and they sold their houses and moved away. Some that could not be sold were also idle and moved away. Anyway, around this house, there are no people living in it.

The haunted matter was resolved, and Wu Da also breathed a sigh of relief. Something suddenly came to mind: "Since the house prices of several houses in the surrounding area have been affected, is there anything he can operate?" Then

Wu Da and everyone said, this house is still haunted, you should live in it, just like the original, and ran out.

Everyone was a little puzzled, but there were also children who laughed out loud, "Haha, no need to move, no need to move." The beautiful woman was also curious when she saw Wu Da's strange behavior. But since Wuda doesn't drive them away, it's also excellent.

I thought: "After all, this official still looks good, if he marries him, even if he is still a concubine, isn't this house still his own, and someone still raises it!" But

she thought so, it depended on whether Wu Da was happy or not. Wuda's thinking is: "Second-hand houses can be bought, but those who have died are another matter." Wu

Da did not go far, but looked around this house one by one, including the old man's house he had seen before. Except for the old man's people, everything else was vacant, and there was no one to watch the house and open the door.

Wu Da had no choice but to run to Yamen, and as soon as he talked to the officials who managed the land of the house, he contacted the owners of the house.

Three days later, the four residences on the left and right of this "ghost mansion" were bought by Wu Da. The most expensive is the old man's, worth 3,000 taels, and finally Wuda 2,500 taels were sold. The other three main families bargained with Wu Da, and Wu Da understood what was going on in his heart, worked hard to lower the price, and finally bought the other three houses for about 2,000 taels.

In this kind of lot, Sanjin's house is worth at least 5,000 sets, and Wuda spent less than 10,000 taels to buy five sets. There are more places, Wuda is good to toss, the haunted thing is solved, and it is also a solid life.

To say that for more than a year, no one has bought it here, are the people in the city so afraid of death, how cheap is it?

Wrong, these houses are good, the grade is also high, and the value is also high. But even if it is cheaper, it is a few thousand taels of silver. The real poor can't afford it, and the rich are desperate for their lives, so these houses are not high or low, and Wuzhi is cheap.

Yigao people are bold, wait for him to live for two years, sell it casually, a set of houses starts at least 5,000 taels, 10,000 changes to 25,000, cool and crooked. Although the monetization is relatively slow, it is a steady profit. Unless the big gold comes in a few years, the most expensive house is worthless.

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