Because Wang Ying was injured, he didn't walk smoothly, and he was crooked along the way, and it took about two hours to reach the bandits' den.

When the three arrived at the cottage, Jinmao Huyanshun and White-faced Langjun Zheng Tianshou went out to greet them. Because he did not see the other brothers who went down the mountain, he brought two men up the mountain, so he became suspicious.

Yan Shun saw that Wu Songsheng was tall and powerful, and Wu Da was also in good shape, so he stepped forward and asked, "Big master, who is this?"

Wang Ying immediately replied: "This is Wusong Shiye, the tiger-fighting hero of Jingyanggang in the past, this time it was really a big water that washed the Dragon King Temple, come and see Wudutou."

Then Wang Ying shouted to the others: "Kill the chickens and slaughter the sheep and prepare a wine banquet, and feast on the two good men!" Although

Zheng Tianshou and Yan Shun were puzzled, they did not question anything. After all, Wu Song is a famous fierce man who dares to kill tigers, or an official body, and he doesn't know what to do in Qingfeng Village. Fortunately, the people of Qingfeng Mountain No. 10 were not afraid of the two of them, nor did they have any worries, so they invited them into the gate, brought them to the dining table, and sat down together.

Wu Da came all the way, observed the mountain gate and the manpower on the mountain, and found that it was not like the rumors in the previous life, a group of small minions were practicing in the village, shouting slogans, planning to rob whose house next to rob. On the contrary, everyone is like salted fish, lazy and lazy. Immediately, Wu Da's confidence increased.

Seeing Yan Shun entertaining Wu Song and Wu Da, Wang Ying said to Wu Da and Wu Song: "Two good men wait a bit, I have saved a pot of good wine, today the two come to the door, I will take it out for you good men to taste!" So Wang Ying went to the cellar alone and dug out a good wine that had been stored for a long time, and when Zheng Tianshou saw Wang Ying, he asked: "The big master, why did these two people let you spend so much, and let you take out the cellar that had been stored for a long time."

Wang Ying lowered his voice and whispered to Zheng Tianshou: "These two killed Zhang Qingniang, Sun Erniang and our more than thirty brothers, and also ruined my brother and my successor, today they are bound to let them pay in blood!" Zheng

Tianshou was shocked, and then looked towards Wang Ying's lower body, causing Wang Ying to be angry and angry.

Wang Ying took out a packet of Meng Khan medicine, slammed it into the wine, and shook it well. Then said to Zheng Tianshou: "After a few of us drink, you go and inform Zhang San below, and kill these two people after everyone drinks the wine of Meng Khan medicine and faints." Come over as soon as you are notified and join us for a drink.

"These two are so brave, can't everyone in my village combined not be able to beat these two?"

Wang Ying said angrily: "But isn't it, none of the more than thirty brothers who followed Zhang Qing down the mountain are alive. My brother and I talked a lot about each other, and I survived by luck. Zheng

Tianshou was shocked, and said in his heart that if he pulled these two people into the village, perhaps the business in the village could be taken to a higher level. However, Wu Song is an official, and he has not been involved in a life lawsuit, so it is impossible to be in the same league as a nest of bandits.

Immediately agreed with Wang Ying's opinion, secretly arranged Zhang San to prepare, and when everyone fainted after drinking, he began to kill. After arrangement, he went to the table and drank with everyone.

Wu Da thought that the most likely thing this short-footed tiger Wang Ying could do was to give Meng Khan medicine, so he and Wu Song secretly guarded themselves.

In order to seek insurance, Wu Da had to first seek help from the system: "System, is there an antidote to immune sweat medicine?"

"Ding! Available in major pharmacies, this system has it. Immediately

Wu Da searched for a long time, only 100 taels of silver a piece, but the size of a jelly bean, bought two, and secretly gave one to Wu Song. The two ate it secretly.

Everyone had already three glasses of wine, and then Wang Ying came holding the wine jar.

"Come on, try my years of cellaring, and taste this wine. Buried a little deeper, this meal dug for a long time, everyone has been waiting for a long time. After

speaking, he filled Wu Da and Wu Song with wine. Before Wu Da could say anything, he poured another cup for himself, and once again gave it to Yan Shun and Zheng Tianshou.

"Cheers to our acquaintance with two good men today!"

After speaking, the short-footed tiger Wang Ying drank it all, and his mouth couldn't help but taste the mellow aroma of this wine.

Wu Song saw that the wine was cloudy, but thinking of the pills that his brother had given him to relieve Meng Khan, he no longer worried, and took the wine glass and drank it.

Wu Da saw Wang Ying drink it all, thinking that he was either a person or a good treat for himself, but he fell into the inferiority and treated the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and I drank the wine glass as well.

Seeing this, Jinmao Tiger Yanshun and White-faced Langjun Zheng Tianshou also drank it all. Then he said: "Two good men, eat meat in large pieces, come and come!" "

Wu Da and Wu Song were also hungry, so they picked up the chicken legs and gnawed them, and they were not too polite with everyone. Left aside and ate it. Wu Song is such a large amount of food, plus he killed a lot of people in a fight, his physical strength is almost exhausted, and he is hungry.

In less than five minutes, the meat on the table made Wu Song and Wu Da eat almost the same. The three of them were shocked when they saw Wu Song and Wu Da's fatal eating method.

Wang Ying thought to herself: "Hmph! Let you eat my good wine and meat, and let you both be full of ghosts! Eat quickly, you won't have a chance in a while. As

most of the wine and meat entered Wusong Wuda's stomach, the three of them also had some seizures. After only five minutes, Wu Da and Wu Song saw that the three of them were shaking, so they also pretended to be drunk, leaned back on the chair, tilted their heads, and closed their eyes.

At this time, the other three people also had a sweat attack, and Wang Ying saw that Wusong Wuda had fallen, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, his head was tilted, and he lay on the table. The three of them didn't drink as much as Wu Songwu, but they also couldn't withstand this bag of Meng Khan medicine, and they all fell.

Originally, everyone drank and ate meat and bragged about B, and the house was lively, and as soon as this medicine attacked, the five people did not move. Wu Da saw that there was no one else in the room, and he took a large piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth, before he could chew it.

At this time, I heard no movement in the house outside. The extrajudicial madman Zhang San walked into the house, Wu Da heard the movement and it was not good to chew and swallow it twice, a large piece of meat was contained in the mouth, the cheeks were bulging, and the mouth was uncomfortable for a while, and the throat of the top was a little disgusting, and he couldn't help but want to vomit.

The heart said that you don't come early or late, I just stuffed it in, and I already knew not to eat.

Because he pretended to be unconscious, he couldn't swallow, so he had to hold it silently.

This three is good, and there is no hurry when I enter the house, and check the state of everyone. Seeing that there were still some remnants of wine and meat on the table, he even ate a few mouthfuls of meat and ate two mouthfuls of dishes. It may be that today's wine and meat taste good, and they actually pulled over a chair and ate it themselves.

Wu Da is speechless, you mother is really a talent, close to killing, and don't forget to eat a full stomach first. After about ten minutes, Zhang San had not eaten enough, but fortunately there was no food on the table.

Wu Da's mouth was full of a large piece of meat, and he didn't chew it, he couldn't swallow it or spit it out. Otherwise, if you wear it, this play is not easy to perform. In case the family doesn't do anything at all, their brothers can't bear to slaughter the bandits' den directly.

Zhang San's ink blot held Wu Da's cheeks sour, and he couldn't wait to flow out of his mouth. It took more than ten minutes to stuff my mouth with something, which was really uncomfortable. He thought to himself, in the future, he will definitely let Pan Jinlian taste more of this taste!

Confirming that everyone was stunned, Zhang San wiped his mouth, rubbed his hands, and chanted in his mouth: "Good you Wusong, slaughter my more than thirty brothers, and let you be a full ghost." If I kill you today, I will sacrifice the heads of you to all my brothers, and make your flesh into buns, so that all brothers may reincarnate with peace of mind!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he picked up the big knife and slashed at the head of the nearest Wu Song.

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