After a while, Wu Da got up and found that his body was full of stench and dirt, and he felt deeply uncomfortable.

At this moment, Pan Jinlian lifted the curtain and said to him gently: "Da Lang, I boiled hot water and washed your body!" Seeing

Wu Da nodding, she turned and left again. The enchanting back dangled in front of his eyes, and his twisting waist was like a water snake, revealing those white arms made his heart itch.

He couldn't help but sigh secretly: "This little lady, who looks at who is not confused?" Wu

Da walked into the side room, a wooden bath was already filled with warm water, and then he stripped and jumped into the water basin.

Wu Da couldn't help but praise his wit, and especially thanked the eight generations of ancestors of King Yan.

He rubbed happily in the bath, thinking that after washing up tonight, he must toss this flower-like Pan Jinlian.

A while passed, and Wu Da had not yet come out. Her body is covered with dirt and sludge, but it is difficult to clean up with clean water alone. I couldn't help sighing: "If only there was a bottle of shower gel, and then take a bath, cool and crooked!" "

Suddenly he had a wit, this is ancient times, he has a monopoly system, this old Yan King sent him here and has not yet given him Meng Po soup, probably to make himself happy in this era. As everyone knows, his death in his previous life was an accident, and even crossing was an accident.

Su Can was a science student, a little prince of chemistry, which was not popular in ancient times. Seeing my troubles in the bath, I couldn't help but think of soap. So he decided so happily to make some soap first and give him a small fortune!

The next day, Wu Da got up early, and Pan Jinlian had already made a basket of cooking cakes: "Da Lang, come back early after selling today, and the slave family will give you stew to eat in the evening." Wu

Da saw a package at the end of the bed, and if nothing else, it was 100 taels of silver given by the system. Then he said to Pan Jinlian: "Lady, I dreamed yesterday, I dreamed of immortals, and taught me a lot of money-making knowledge, in the future, we will not sell cooking cakes, for my husband to make a lot of money, let you also become the wife of a rich and noble family!"

After Pan Jinlian listened, her face was delighted, and she thought that she had really encountered a big opportunity, and who would pass by downstairs in the future would not be chaotic, and she would concentrate on serving Wuda.

"Xianggong really can laugh, the slave family put away the cooking cake and kept it for the two of us to eat."

Wu Da said goodbye to Pan Jinlian, picked up dozens of taels of silver, and walked out.

A guy on the road, collapsed in the basket, shouted as he walked: "Crisp pear, big crisp pear, take a look, take a look!" Seeing

Da Lang who did not pick up the burden, he stepped forward and said: "Wuda, you are well, I also said that I will see you after selling pears today!" "

When Wu Da saw a handsome young man, he knew that he was Wu Da's friend Brother Guo. Gotta go, tool people in place.

So Wu Da said: "Brother Yan, I'm thinking about changing industries, cooking cakes can't earn money, come, you take me to buy something, brother will take you to earn a lot of money." Brother

Yan: "??? "

At noon, Wuda bought a lot of lard, and also found a blacksmith and carpenter, connected the stove with the bellows, and put together a special stove, the kind with artificial bellows.

After the purchase, Wu Da Poop burned quicklime in the house, and the amount was small, and it was quickly fired.

Strong alkali mixed with hot oil, chemical reaction to form a substance is soap. The chemical molecules of soap have lipophilic and hydrophilic groups, respectively, that is, they have both the characteristics of caustic soda and the characteristics of oil, so they can be decontaminated. Usually use practical alkali or strong alkaline substances can also remove oil, but people can not use it, hurt the skin. It is precisely because of the addition of oil that it can not hurt the skin much.

Then Wu Da took lard and peanut oil and mixed it with soaked hydrated lime, tried several times, and worked hard all afternoon, and finally made the first soap.

"It's a pity that it's freezing and there are no flowers, otherwise adding some spices would be soap."

Wu Da was lying on the bed at night, and suddenly smelled the fragrance of Pan Jinlian's body: "Lady, what is the scent on your body, are there any spices?"

Pan Jinlian's face turned red, "Da Lang, this is the sachet I bought on the street today, you won't think I spent money indiscriminately, right?" Then he handed the sachet to Wu Da.

Wu Da, opened the sachet, and saw that every grain inside was air-dried flowers, and the fragrance was fragrant.

"The lady is really helpful, I thought of a way. In the future, if you want to spend money at will, you just look beautiful as a flower, I am responsible for making money to support the family!

Pan Jinlian's face was slightly red, thinking that this martial artist was the reincarnation of an immortal, and the export was a chapter, and the literary brilliance was really good, and her face couldn't help but be filled with happiness, meaning a rich life in the future.

Wu Da picked up a packet of sachets, soaked in water, fished out the residue, and made soap again. When the chemical reaction was completed, I saw that a lump of soap was made, then cut it into small pieces, picked up a piece and ran upstairs.

"Lady, you boil some water and take a bath, I have prepared a good thing for you!"

Pan Jinlian now obeyed Wu Da's words and immediately went to boil water.

Wu Da Lang took the engraving knife again and cut the soap to the size that one hand could hold, and after thinking about it, he carved a "trademark" on it. There are not many literate people in this era, and the pattern can still be remembered. He immediately thought that tomorrow he would build a few more molds, and the soap could be manufactured in large quantities, so that he could make money on takeout.

After a while, Pan Jinlian boiled hot water, poured it into the bathtub, and Wu Da also walked in.

I saw that her skin was like coagulation, white and red, proud figure and beautiful and moving face, accompanied by bursts of white qi rising from the bathtub, looking at Wu Da was mesmerized.

Pan Jinlian's face turned red: "Da Lang better go out, the slave family is shy!" "

You are my wife, what is there to be shy" Wu Da picked up a piece of soap, walked straight over, and brought soap to Pan Jinlian.

"Xianggong, what is this, so fragrant, as fragrant as a spice?"

"This is soap, you can wash the grease and dirt on the body, and you can also wash off the grease on your hair, madam, try it quickly, if the effect is good, make some in bulk for the husband, and sell it for money."

After that, he continued to help with soaping, and by the way, he helped wash his hair.

An hour later....

The two sat at the end of the bed: "Xianggong, this soap is really magical, for so many years, the slave family has never washed so refreshingly, how to sell this soap, it must be very expensive, right?"

Wu Da smiled: "This costs a few dollars, but this technique has no one except me, so first bid a high price, get a discount, and even give a few pieces to the rich lady or something, as long as they use it, they will come back to buy it again."

"Then tomorrow's slave family will go to buy spices, and Xianggong will make them at home!"

"The lady really understands me, come, Xianggong check it, let me see if the lady has washed it?"

"Hate, you are bad..." The

night was gentle, and Wang Po listened to the movements of the martial artists next door, and her teeth itched with hatred. In the past few days, Ximen Qing has sent a lot of gold and silver, and Wang Po has not even done the simplest thing to ask Pan Jinlian, so she thinks that she must find some way to kill Wu Da Lang so that Ximen Qing can succeed.

A few days later, Wu Da took a large bag of soap and began to walk the streets to sell.

When I went to a big household, I gave two pieces for free to the maid. And explain to the maid, if you use it well, you can give one piece to the master, and Wuda will reimburse her for two pieces. If you want to buy it again, you can buy it from Wu Da Lang, and the special price is 1 tael of silver a piece.

At first, most people think this thing is too expensive, but give away such an expensive thing for free, you don't need to use it for nothing. So Wuda took advantage of this greedy mentality to promote soap to thousands of households.

A few days later, most of the big families had already used it, and they all praised the beauty of the soap. After these days of word of mouth, soap has set off a wave in Yanggu County.

One sunny morning, the soap shop of Wuda opened. Daily sales skyrocket, daily money.

You can earn a hundred taels of silver a day, and as the experience of nearby people increases, the circle of influence gradually expands a lot, and in just one month, Wu Da earned thousands of taels of silver. Even soap has spread to the countryside. Outsiders asked servants to go to Yanggu County to buy soap. Some merchants saw an opportunity, and their keen sense of business allowed them to buy a lot of soap here, ship it to Kyoto, and double or even several times the price for takeout.

Sales gradually keep up with the massive production capacity, after all, this thing is convenient to make, in order to keep the secret recipe from being leaked, Wu University has been doing it himself, only the retail part is to hire Brother Yan to help him sell, in addition to the basic salary, there are two points per day, and the bonus alone is a few hundred dollars, which refreshes Brother Qiao.

Wuda rose at sunrise and rested in and out, time was like flowing water, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Wu Da is working hard to make soap, no way, recently there are old middlemen who want to earn the difference, and more and more merchants buy goods. Busy for more than ten hours a day, plus Pan Jinlian's hand, Wu Da was a little busy.

"Ding! The host completed 10,000 taels of silver achievements, and the raw material mall was specially opened.

Wu Da was stunned for a moment, and said in his heart that 10,000 taels ah, but it is not a small amount, but he did not expect that it would be completed in less than two months, which really made him unbelievable. The heart said that this monopoly industry is simply too special to make money.

Then he looked at the system panel, a wide variety of goods, of course, only available in this era, as well as quicklime and vegetable oil, but at a slightly higher price.

In fact, the formula of soap is sodium hydroxide, but the conditions are not allowed, and Wuda cannot do it. This is replaced by quicklime (which becomes calcium hydroxide after soaking in water), the effect is much worse, not as smooth as the later generations, but it is also very useful, after all, the decontamination effect is the same.

"It seems that the things I have made, the system can be put on the shelves, then large-scale production is not a problem, and there is no need to be afraid of rising raw material prices, Meizizi!"

At night, Pan Jinlian excitedly counted silver, hill-like copper coins and white flowers of silver, piled all over the house, which made Pan Jinlian particularly happy.

Wu Da thought to himself: "If I can let Pan Jinlian live the life of an upper-class person, no matter how much jewelry others give, they will not run away with others!" This is the Song Dynasty, when Lao Tzu has earned enough money, buy a big mansion, and then marry him a few concubines..."

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