Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 810: Demons dancing wildly

The "greedy" devil with the appearance of Memphis was stunned for a moment, and then said with a chuckle: "I just want to make things easier. In fact, whether you are angry or not, it doesn't hinder things from happening. I have already said , When you want to come to get the star core, a gap is opened in your mind and magic defense from the inside, and it is no longer so perfect."

"In this way, you will see the real ancient hell and see all the ancient devils!"

It makes no secret of its greed.

As soon as the words fell, a figure was reflected on every facet of the star core exuding bright and clean light, a humanoid monster with goat horns on its first head!

These hundreds of thousands of projections suddenly jumped out, and a huge monster was condensed in midair. Its eyes were bright red, its back had wings, its skin was pale, and its head had silver-white goat horns. Lord" Tifertidis!

Its bright red eyes were full of burning anger, it hated everything in the world, and wished to destroy everything completely, just like a wraith from the deepest part of the undead world returned to the kingdom of the living.

"It's all of you, it's all your fault, otherwise, how perfect is my plan to get out of the Great Cross Mystery!" it roared in a spiteful tone.

Obviously, the resurrection method left by "Lord of Silver" Tiftidis was used by the "hate" devil, and now it is only the carrier of the "hate" devil!

While speaking, the silver-white dead halo around it spreads in all directions. This is the biggest feature that distinguishes it from Memphis, the "Lord of Mysteries". !

The silver-white ice spread like an oil painting, the gray stone bricks froze, the broken stone pillars froze, the dark red soil froze, and the air also froze.

This kind of freezing is not a solidification caused by ordinary low temperature, but a kind of decayed dormancy from the inside. Even the lifeless buildings are dyed with a layer of death and tranquility, as if this is the eternal destination of the dead!

The "hating" devil is the most irascible devil, it is used to attacking directly, expressing the hatred in the heart!

As soon as the "Aura of Ice Death" expanded, the "Mephisto" transformed by the "greedy" devil began to use the extraordinary ability of the "Duke of Frost" that he simulated to cooperate with the attack.

But at this moment, they heard the mechanical sound of tick-tock-tick-tick.

In the dead, frozen and soundless kingdom of the dead, this happy beating sound is so abrupt, so weird, but it is like the passage of time, so normal, so ordinary.

Click, Lucien pressed lightly with his right thumb, the silvery white turned grayish white, and the rapidly spreading ice of death stagnated in the air.

After time stopped, the world became quieter, and Lucien gave them a "luxury cracking" respectively.

Then, Lucien flashed far away from the temple, half-closed his right hand, and raised it upwards. The "atomic universe" emerged behind him. The huge fireball that was constantly exploding and erupting was just near his right hand. The scorching heat distorted the air. Creates hazy phantoms.

"Eternal Blazing Sun!"

At this time, Lucien didn't care whether the "star core" would be damaged in the fusion explosion. Just seeing it and witnessing its specialness, his trip was not in vain!

And at this time, don't let "greed" blind your heart!


The time stop effect disappears, and "Eternal Blazing Sun" takes over!

The dazzling light that faded all the colors between the sky and the earth exploded like the "Sun God", endlessly, filling the sky, the ground and every corner nearby.

The temple at the core and the two ancient devils were completely vaporized at that moment, and the distorted black shadow completely dissipated before it even had time to scream.

After the high temperature and light, an energy storm like a violent wind and a huge wave swept across the surroundings, but when it reached Lucien, it could only shatter the distorted layers of "time and space" and could not affect Lucien.

Due to the special nature of the ancient hell, while maintaining the shocking beauty, the tumbling mushroom cloud has a strange coquettish charm, just like wearing a huge red straw hat.

When everything subsided, there was only a huge pothole left in the temple, and "greed" and "hatred" lost their trace and breath.

"Huh?" Lucien let out a slight snort, and flew above the pothole, and saw a clear and bright "gem" rolling at the bottom of the glass.

The star core was not destroyed...Lucien used magic to check its condition and eliminate any possible dangers.

"The feeling of pulling the surrounding space inward has disappeared. Perhaps it is the special ability of this space-time material that allows it to effectively resist ultra-high temperature and energy storms. It is only severely traumatized and temporarily loses contact with the outside world. interference and influence ability, but it is also slowly recovering..." Lucien picked up the special star core and put it into the storage bag.

When Lucien was about to leave the disappearing temple, there was a strange and exaggerated laughter all around:

"It's useless! You can't kill us!"

"There is already a gap in your heart, so you will see the real ancient hell! The hell where the seven ancient devils appeared at the same time!"

Amid such roars and cheers, Lucien was slightly taken aback. They also like the title "ancient devil"? It's actually being used by itself.

Ignoring the taunts and announcements of the ancient devils, Lucien identified the direction and flew towards the core ruins of the ancient hell.

I don't know how long it took to fly before Lucien saw the majestic palace built on top of the mountain. It was made of gold and exuded its final brilliance under the afterglow of the dark red sunset.

After careful investigation, Lucien landed in front of the palace, pushed open the heavy door, and walked into the dark, lightless interior.

According to the information provided by Douglas and Rhine, the scene here will be different according to each person's situation, and it seems to be the most feared and feared situation selected by the ancient devil.

In the dark corridor, a candle flickered in the distance, bringing a dim light, like the last trace of comforting warmth in the cold and dark world after death.

The more you go inside, the more candles are lit. Suddenly, a hall appears in front of you. There are silver candlesticks everywhere in the hall, and retro chandeliers hang from the ceiling. Therefore, the interior of this hall is brightly lit and brilliant. It was like daylight, allowing Lucien to clearly see the scene inside.

It's a library!

This is a library full of shelves and filled with books!

This is a library that is very similar to Lucien's soul library!

"Is this the scene I'm afraid of..." Lucien laughed dumbfounded, with a tone of emotion and sigh.

He didn't talk, walked into the library quietly, and walked straight to the biggest bookshelf:

"On the periodic relationship between element properties and atomic weight and the prediction of some new elements";


"Energy Distribution in Blackbody Spectrum";


"New Alchemy";


"On the Electrodynamics and Mass-Energy Equations of Moving Objects";


"Relativistic Interpretation of Gravity and Description of Geometric Forms and the System of Relativity under a More Universal Reference System";


"On Quantum Mechanics";


All the papers I have published are listed here, evoking Lucien's memories of the past, but there is one difference between them and normal papers, that is, there is a big question mark in the column of the author , the bright red question mark, shocking!

Lucien stretched out his hands to touch these papers and books, and smiled into the air: "A few years ago, I might not be able to face such a scene, but now, I can proudly say that I stand on the shoulders of giants In the world, I have something that belongs to me, and I have my own understanding of the world.”

Then, he bowed solemnly and solemnly: "Your exploration and research have really opened up a road to the real world. Without your great minds, I and the human beings here will live in ignorance for a long time. In the darkness, it is impossible to approach the truth so quickly."

"On this path of exploration, I will continue to walk, adhering to your wishes."

As soon as the words fell, the entire library suddenly collapsed, and books fell to the ground with a clatter.

Lucien stood there quietly, letting the books hit him. Of course, none of them could break through the layers of distortion created by the scepter of time and space.

After the library completely collapsed, a door appeared in front of it. It was deep and dark, dim and difficult to see, without a trace of pattern.

Outside the gate, an arrangement similar to the municipal court of the Kingdom of Holm appeared there.

On the judge's seat, sat a handsome man wearing a black double-breasted long dress and a top hat. His pupils were dark and deep, and his smile was gentle and peaceful. He seemed to be "Lucien" himself!

This "Lucien" smiled warmly and said: "Welcome to the real ancient hell!"

And on its lower head, there were six figures standing in the position of the accuser, all of them were "Lucien"!

There is an arrogant Lucien with disdain, there is a Lucien who keeps looking at gems, gold coins and materials, there is a Lucien who is dissatisfied with many things, there is a Lucien with a contorted and painful face, and there is a burning jealousy all over his body. There is Lucien who has a handsome smile but hides a deep desire.

They shouted in unison: "We will sue him! Sue our own body! We are stained witnesses!"

The corner of Lucien's mouth twitched slightly. These ancient devils had a great time playing pretend games, but the seven ancient devils actually appeared at the same time, which is completely different from the information of His Excellency the Speaker, Mr. Rhine, and the "Duke of Frost". !

Facing the siege of the seven legendary peaks, even if they only have short-term abilities, even if they are one of the best in the legendary peaks, they can't resist, it seems that they can only retreat first.

I made a mistake yesterday, there are 31 days in March, but I still ask for a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket~

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