Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 661 Hospital

This is a stack of photos, including five victims. Some of the corpses are still well preserved, and some of them have rotted. Some alchemists on the night shift left early. When they passed through the 'Egret' area and returned to the 'Sadney' area, they heard the screams of the victim in the first photo, so they were led by a supervisor at the level of a magic apprentice. near that place."

"Perhaps the murderer discovered them in advance. There was only this corpse at the scene, and the footprints were erased by the cruel and calm murderer. Later, we found four hidden corpses in nearby remote areas, sewers and other places. The internal organs have all disappeared, and there are no traces left."

Heidi nodded lightly: "Judging from the degree of decay, the initial time of this serial murder may be earlier than we thought, and the number of deaths must be more than we thought, but why is it just buried instead of trying to destroy it?" Where's the body?"

"It's very troublesome to destroy the corpse completely and unobtrusively. There are no piranhas in the river near Rentat, unless it is moved to the Black Forest." Buck judged everything based on the weak magic or knight strength of this murderer. , This is a more reasonable inference. If the murderer is really strong, he must have a status that matches his strength. Why bother with these poor people?

Heidi looked at these photos over and over again, and asked casually, "Is there any investigation of missing persons in recent months?"

Buck said bitterly: "The Bailu district is a slum area, full of people from all over the kingdom who came to Rentat looking for opportunities. Missing who is leaving..."

Heidi put down the photo: "Take me to see the corpse and the scene. It's hard to explain the problem just by black and white photos."

She has an inexplicable sense of importance to this kind of murder that took all the internal organs, and finds it very strange.

Buck was thinking about how to advise Heidi to go to the morgue and the slum site. He was naturally relieved when he heard her request, and he quickly got up and said, "Ma'am, please."

While talking, he walked quickly to his police car, opened the door, and waited until Heidi got into the car, then circled around and got into the driver's seat, twisted the key, and let the steel monster make a roaring and low sound.

"The size of the car has finally shrunk..." Heidi looked at the comfortable environment inside and expressed sincere emotion.

Buck chuckled and said, "If it were as big as before, it would be impossible to drive on the street. Thanks to the magicians who simplified the alchemy circle, lowered the requirements for materials, and found new energy sources to partially replace the magic steam engine... "

Most of the streets in Rentat can only drive one original alchemy car. In addition, even horse-drawn carriages are difficult to pass. After improvement, most streets can run in parallel without occupying the sidewalk. Of course, this kind of The alchemy car is also very expensive, and only the nobles and some kingdom departments are equipped with it. Buck, a powerful figure in the police department, is not qualified to drive this car if he is not receiving Heidi today.

Heidi touched the metal car door, feeling the cold texture: "If it weren't for Leilia and Katrina's contribution in material synthesis, the requirements for the alchemy circle would not be so easy to lower..."

She is very aware of the difficulty of simplifying these things. Fortunately, thanks to the guidance of new alchemy in the past few years, the fields of elements and alchemy have achieved great development, and breakthroughs have been made in material synthesis and refining.

There are not only the contributions of arcanists from the Atomic Research Institute such as Leilia, Katrina, Lazar, and Rock, but also thousands of magicians such as Larry, Ulysses, Timothy, and K. teacher's efforts.

The field of materials may be the place that needs the accumulation of countless experiments the most. Apart from using prophecy to rule out many wrong paths, there is no luck!

The design concept of the steam civilization era brought by the dwarves also inspired the magicians to simplify the alchemy car, and purified and produced high-energy coal-burning element. At the same time, they also began to look for new energy instead, such as magic Solar energy pre-stored in the energy pool like a tower, such as other combustibles that contain more energy.

In this regard, due to the extensive knowledge of the magicians and the help of allies like elves who have been passed down for tens of thousands of years, progress was made soon.

Thinking of the earth-shaking changes in the Magic Council and the Four Straits Kingdoms, Heidi couldn't help being a little excited, excited that she was living in such an era.

"Maybe I don't have the talent of Annick and Sprint in the microscopic field, nor the sensitivity and patience of Katrina and Leilia in the nature of materials, but I believe that I will definitely be able to make a breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence. Received the Holm Crown Award..."

Heidi clenched her fists to motivate herself, thinking of making alchemy items without soul participation have the ability to deal with most problems, and even surpassing most arcanists in some aspects, thinking of integrating soul fragments into such alchemy items in the later stage What kind of wonderful changes will happen, she will inevitably be excited, and among the teacher's six students, only herself and Cherie have not won the highest honor in a certain field!

When Buck was driving the alchemy car, he focused on the road conditions without looking sideways, and said very carefully, "Ma'am, let's go to the morgue of the 'Violet' Hospital first."

"Okay." Heidi has no objection, and also wants to visit the hospital system jointly established by the kingdom and the parliament. This has initially made ordinary believers understand that not only the religion of truth can treat people, but also the magic council!

Buck didn't dare to neglect the distinguished guests, so he kept looking for a topic: "The speed of the alchemy car is not fast enough. The future development direction should no longer be to reduce the size, but to enhance the magic circle and energy. I learned from "Arcane and Magic Herald It was seen in "Storm Lord, Atom Control, and Element Ruler that the three Lords have completed the initial theory of element decay, so will it be possible to drive alchemy cars with decay energy in the future?"

"Nuclear power..." Heidi's personality has always been lively, and she couldn't help laughing. Buck is the typical type who only understands a few terms after reading the newspaper.

The research on nuclear power is the main research project of the Institute of Atomic Sciences. The teacher personally leads it, and Jerome, Lazar, Mr. Rock and himself cooperate in rotation. This cutting-edge and terrifying energy source may be used by most of the people. Even high-level magicians cannot enjoy it, let alone alchemy cars.

After laughing a few times, she teased deliberately: "When our research institute completes the miniaturization and civilian use of the magnetic confinement controllable nuclear fusion alchemy device, the speed of the alchemy car should be very fast..." So fast Fly.

Magnetic confinement controllable nuclear fusion is the final goal of the teacher's research project. It is the ultimate energy source for the sky city of Allinge. It is still far away from success. I don't know if it will take decades to see it. Su Guang, after all, even decay nuclear energy is still looking for a way to use it stably.

"Magnetic confinement controllable nuclear fusion alchemy device..." Buck repeatedly "chewed" this lengthy but extremely mysterious and cool phrase. After returning, he could shock his colleagues and relatives again. This is the real frontier of arcane art. The field is not the outdated things mentioned in the guide, this is what Ms. Heidi of the Institute of Atomic Research said personally!

At this time, a white building with a beautiful appearance appeared in the eyes of the two of them. Buck stepped on the pedal, and the alchemy car stopped at the door of the "Violet" hospital. Open the door: "Ma'am, here we are."

After getting out of the car, Heidi looked at the hospital and nodded slightly. It was neater than she imagined, and she had a faint sense of sacredness. Do the Necromancers still have such a side?

Pushing open the glass door, Buck took Heidi to the morgue, and he met doctors and nurses in white coats along the way. They were specially selected necromancer magic apprentices and middle- and low-level magicians who were biased towards medical treatment. division. This hospital is not only a place for them to treat patients and rescue the injured, but also an experimental place to verify certain ideas and magic. Therefore, this kind of selection is not forced, but many magicians enthusiastically sign up.

Of course, experiments without permission will be severely punished by the Department of Punishment of the Magic Council.

At present, the "Violet" hospital has been in operation for a year. Since the magic potion and alchemy equipment are all made by ourselves and provided by the council, the price is relatively cheap, and the reputation is naturally very good. The doctors and nurses are still favored by the people of Rentat. He took a nondescript nickname "Magic Angel".

As he walked, there were noisy voices in front of him, and many nurses and doctors were surrounding a tall, thin man in black asking something, their attitudes were very agitated and excited.

After seeing the man with a sickly face, Heidi clicked her tongue: "Mr. Felipe is very popular with necromancers who are partial to the medical field."

"Mr. Felipe is here today to explain the content of human anatomy and cellular memory to the doctors and nurses at Violet Hospital." Buck explained to Heidi, looking at Felipe with awe-filled eyes. It is said that he can make a mass of flesh and blood Grow into a person again?

Heidi didn't pay attention any more, and went to the morgue with Buck, and the voice of talking came from behind.

"Sir Felipe, I have one more question about dissection..."

"Professor Felipe, in the field of cellular memory..."

Suddenly, Felipe said darkly: "Don't call me Professor."

"Ah..." The little nurse who spoke was stunned for a moment, why? According to the standards of Holt School of Magic, Professor is an honorary title.

Heidi, who had her back to them, burst out laughing, causing Buck to look over in confusion.

"Nothing." Heidi waved her hand.

Turning the corner, the morgue appeared in front of the two of them. Buck opened the door and walked into this gloomy and cold place.

Arranging the five corpses side by side, Heidi studied them carefully. At this time, she was no longer a lady, but an arcanist.

After a long time, Heidi frowned slightly and said, "Judging from the knife marks, the method of taking the internal organs, etc., it is the four murderers who killed these five people, and they did not care about the damage to the internal organs."

"A gang committed a crime?" Buck asked solemnly.

Heidi didn't answer, but took out five lumps of flesh and blood from the five corpses: "Take me to the scene."

She faintly had an idea.

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