Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 99 Exploring Northern Tibet (42)

What, what...

Cuocha Lama slightly opened his eyes, but subconsciously believed Wei Xun's words. Because he really felt that the demonic power entangled in his soul, the demon that was about to completely pollute and control him disappeared, and Cuocha Lama had never felt so relieved.


He finally waited, Xiaolin Temple finally waited for the arrival of the exorcist.

The real exorcist!

Wei Xun supported Cuocha Lama who was about to pay homage to him. His soul was too weak, and he almost collapsed after stripping off the demonic power. Fortunately, Wei Xun covered him with Guxin human skin thangka in time.

Now think about it, Amara on Qiongzong Mountain asked him to hand over the Guxin human skin thangka to Cuocha Lama, and the branch attraction asked him to bring the purified demon skin and the demon's body to Xiaolin Temple, all for a purpose. Perhaps even if Wei Xun could not exorcise the demon so cleanly, as long as he could cover Cuocha Lama with Guxin human skin thangka in time, he could temporarily call back his sanity and let him escape.

But if that happened, the Guxin human skin thangka and the fragile soul of Lama Cuocha might have died here, and Wei Xun would not be as happy as he is now.

"Lama, I must leave Xiaolin Temple before 4 a.m."

Wei Xun reminded: "Let's cut to the chase."

It has been exactly five hours since entering the burning Xiaolin Temple. It is now 12 a.m., and Wei Xun only has four hours left.

Lama Cuocha also realized that time was not enough, so he stopped being polite and took Wei Xun back to the second floor of the Sutra Cave.

"A hundred years ago, I saw in my dream that the water of Selin Co Lake turned blood red, the sky changed color, the earth trembled, and the wolves fled in all directions. It was a warning sign from the Buddha..."

Lama Cuocha meant that a hundred years ago he dreamed of a warning sign of the devil's revival, so he went out to exorcise the devil. Wei Xun heard what he meant, and the earth trembled was an earthquake. It should be the earthquake that cracked the seal under Selin Co Lake, allowing the demonic energy of the great demon Chabalaren to leak out.

But when Lama Cuocha went out to subdue demons with a vajra and scriptures in his hands, Xiaolin Temple was robbed by a demon shadow.

"The demon bewitched Qiong Lingke, who was guarding the Sutra Cave, and asked him to use the lamp filled with demon fire to burn the scriptures and instruments in the Sutra Cave."

Lama Cuocha's old face was full of sorrow, with wrinkles and dim eyes: "Dunji and Duobo originally went out to find the destined demon-slayer messenger, but before leaving, they noticed that Qiong Lingke was different. Dunji subdued Qiong Lingke, and Duobo rescued the most precious scriptures and went out to find me, but..."

He shook his head and pointed his skinny fingers at the Lama skull head spider on Wei Xun's shoulder. The terrifying spider retracted its limbs, as if it was bowing to Lama Cuocha devoutly.

"All the lamas of Xiaolin Temple died to protect the temple, fighting the demons to death, but became burning ghosts under the burning of the demon fire."

Lama Cuocha's two disciples, Dunji and Duobo, were the two lamas traveling with the team. Their deaths gave Lama Cuocha, who was outside at the time, a strange omen. The cunning big devil took advantage of the flaw in Lama's mind to seriously injure him. But Lama Cuocha was determined. After being seriously injured, he still used his blood and magic tools to force the devil back and barely sealed the broken seal again.

Sensing the crisis of Xiaolin Temple, Lama Cuocha dragged his seriously injured body back to the temple, but he was a step late. Xiaolin Temple had been burned by the devil's fire, and the lamas guarding the temple had all become burning ghosts. He was seriously injured and could not suppress the devil's fire. He could only catch the devil's phantom that was raging in Xiaolin Temple and suppress it with the golden Dharma Wheel throne and his own body. However, his soul gave up reincarnation and survived with secret methods, guarding the deepest part of the Sutra Cave, so that Xiaolin Temple burned by the devil's fire was hidden and would not affect the outside world.

"The devil's fire can only be extinguished with the holy water in the conch of Gebala. Once it is allowed to spread, the earth will become a scorched earth."

Just like the Black Stone Mountain and Black Stone Gobi around Xiaolin Temple today, they were actually grasslands full of vitality. But even if the devil's fire was sealed in Xiaolin Temple, the leaked devil's energy still affected the earth.

Especially after a hundred years, the soul of Cuocha Lama became weaker and was polluted by the devil's energy, and could no longer completely hide Xiaolin Temple. This is why the burning Xiaolin Temple will reappear in the world after seven o'clock every night.

But the lack of strength is also a turning point. The souls of Cuocha Lama's two disciples were demonized by the devil's energy, leaving only obsession, but they can walk in the world and continue to look for the demon slayer. And if the burning Xiaolin Temple had not reappeared in the world, Wei Xun would not have had the opportunity to come in and save Cuocha Lama, who almost completely lost his mind.

"This is all arranged by the Buddha Dunba Xinrab."

Cuocha Lama said solemnly, looking at his own body that was baring its teeth on the golden Dharma Wheel throne on the second floor of the Sutra Cave, which sealed the demon, and his expression did not change at all.

"You are the demon-killing messenger, and I am most relieved to leave this body to you. But the golden Dharma Wheel throne is connected to the seal of Xiaolin Temple, and it has been integrated with the body on it for hundreds of years. If it is moved without authorization, I am afraid that the seal of Xiaolin Temple will be broken, and the demon fire will leak out, causing the lives of the people to be destroyed."

"In other words, the demon fire must be solved first."

Wei Xun understood what Cuocha Lama meant. Now all the "burning ghosts" in Xiaolin Temple have been purified by his eating, and the part of Cuocha Lama's soul that was polluted by the demon power has also been solved. The phantom of the demon that caused chaos in the past was sealed in the throne and Cuocha Lama's body.

The only thing to be solved is the demon fire that has been burning in Xiaolin Temple for hundreds of years.

"Take a look at this." Wei Xun showed the fossils he got from the Conch Valley to Lama Cuocha. "This is just a sacrifice imitating the Gebala Conch. There is only water vapor inside, but it cannot condense into holy water to extinguish the devil's fire."

Lama Cuocha said regretfully, and then solemnly: "The real Gebala conch was used by me to seal the cracked seal at the bottom of Selincuo Lake, but a hundred years have passed and the seal is unstable. Chabalaren may come to the world at any time. Before that, he will summon the lost demon shadow and demon fire."

"Now the demon shadow attached to the demon's skin has been purified by you. The seal of the throne here can still be maintained for a while. The key lies in the demon fire. Chabalaren must not be allowed to summon the demon fire back, otherwise he will burn the water of the holy lake and cause a great disaster..."

"That's not what I meant."

Wei Xun saw that Lama Cuocha was talking more and more, and finally interrupted him, holding up the conch fossil, full of hints:

"Do you think it looks like a lamp?"

Lama Cuocha:?

"You also said that only holy water can extinguish the devil fire, but the problem is that we can't get the holy water now." Wei Xun saw that Lama Cuocha didn't understand what he meant, and continued to hint: "In this case, why don't we jump out of the idea of ​​'extinguishing the devil fire' and change an idea - such as filling the devil fire again and handing it over to me?" "Didn't the devil fire come in with the lamp and burn the Sutra Cave?" "Absolutely not!" Lama Cuocha objected: "The devil fire tempts people's hearts, burns people's souls, and makes them fall into burning ghosts..." "I'm not afraid of this." Wei Xun smiled soothingly: "You know, I have special skills to eliminate demons." Lama Cuocha hesitated: "But the devil fire in Xiaolin Temple was dispersed by me. Once they gather together again and form the core of the devil fire, the temptation will be far greater than it is now. Qiong Linke is a profound Buddhist, second only to me, but he is still controlled by the devil fire-" Qiong Linke is the old lama who guards the Sutra Cave mentioned by the two lamas. "I am different from him." Wei Xun said gently but firmly, staring at Lama Cuocha with a wise look, and emphasized: "I am a demon-slayer who is blessed by the Buddha Dunba Xinrao, the Dragon God, the Dharma Protector Darami Bahei, the Garuda, the Guxin priests, and the holy beasts of the snowfield. Don't you believe me?" Wei Xun rarely uses his power to suppress others. It must be said that this is actually quite cool. But it is obvious that Lama Cuocha is still determined and stubborn even though his soul is weak. Therefore, Wei Xun continued: "As a demon-slayer, if I can't even subdue the magic fire, how can I face the great demon Chabalaren next!" "Actually..." Lama Cuocha was speechless. In fact, Wei Xun didn't have to face Chabalaren. The lama originally wanted Wei Xun to find the lost scriptures and maintain the seal by the Selin Co Lake. After all, he is not the only demon-killing messenger predicted by the Buddha. According to the prediction, the demon-killing messenger that appeared this year is relatively weak, and is only here to delay the time of breaking the seal, waiting for the arrival of the real demon-killing messenger next year to completely seal the demon.

But, Wei Xun's strength is too strong. Cuocha Lama can't see a single word of weakness in him.

Moreover, Wei Xun removed the demonic pollution from Cuocha Lama before he completely fell, and purified the charred corpse in Xiaolin Temple, making Cuocha Lama's thoughts more open, no longer tortured by reluctance, guilt and other emotions, and his state of mind has also improved. Although only the soul is left, there are signs of approaching the great perfection.

Under this premise, with the assistance of Wei Xun, perhaps they may not be able to completely seal the demon.

Sealing the demon one year earlier can stop the demonic energy from leaking out one year earlier, and let the northern Tibetan land return to peace and tranquility.

Lama Cuocha was making a difficult psychological decision. Should he follow the Buddha's omen and wait until the new demon-killing messenger arrives next year to seal the demon? Or should he do it now... Lama Cuocha hesitated: "To make a lamp to seal the demon fire, you need pure and flawless white crystal..." Wei Xun took out a piece of pure and flawless white crystal as big as a honeydew melon: "Are you talking about this kind of white crystal?" "It doesn't need to be so big... I mean, yes, it is. But you still need the black god stone guarded by the evil ghost insects in the Qiongzong Mountain..." Wei Xun took out a handful of the best quality radioactive ore: "Are these enough?" "It doesn't need so much... I mean, it's enough. But the most important thing is to use the same source, pure demon power as a guide..." Wei Xun took out a snow-white crab leg, no, it was a demon spider leg: "Look at this-" "Okay, I will make the lamp today." It seems that this is the omen of the Buddha. Cuocha Lama thought with peace of mind: "When you arrive tomorrow night, we can use the lamp to subdue the magic fire."

The team will stay in Xiaolin Temple for a whole day tomorrow, and will not start to the last attraction, Selin Co, until noon the day after tomorrow. The time is just right.

Wei Xun left enough materials for Cuocha Lama. After thinking about it, he pulled him to the dark place on the third floor of the Sutra Cave and gave him a drop of purified magic honey. After all, the old lama's soul was too weak. He was consumed by the power of the devil for a hundred years. Now he has to consume his own magic power to make a lamp for Wei Xun all day long - you can't always let the donkey pull the mill without giving it grass to eat, right?

Since the soul of Tiezhang Lama can eat purified magic honey, then Cuocha Lama should be able to eat it too. After feeding Cuocha Lama a drop of magic honey, Wei Xun was relieved to see that his soul body became more and more solid. Cuocha Lama used his magic power to send him out of the burning Xiaolin Temple. The time was exactly four o'clock in the morning.

"Woo woo!"

As soon as Wei Xun appeared in the ruins of Xiaolin Temple, a silver-white leopard shadow pounced on him, knocking him to the ground with great force. The snow leopard must have been guarding the place where Wei Xun's scent disappeared, so it pounced on him so promptly when he returned.

Wei Xun saw it sniffing the wound on his abdomen anxiously and nervously. Its big paws wanted to pry away the spider silk blocking the wound. The animal's instinct was to lick and disinfect him. His whole body relaxed. He had become accustomed to the snow leopard's company.

Wei Xun smiled lazily and held up the snow leopard's head to stop it from scratching the spider webs.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Wei Xun, who had just fed the wrong lama's purified magic honey, suddenly felt that now was a good time. Taking advantage of the darkness of the night, Wei Xun secretly fed Xuefeng a drop of purified magic honey, jokingly whispering:

"Change it for me."

In fact, the purified magic honey should only have a significant effect on demons and demon insects. Wei Xun fed a drop of it to the fox cub, but it just tasted great and delicious.

Wei Xun didn't think about any other changes that would happen to the snow leopard after eating some magic honey. He just got the good stuff and let his friends around him taste it.

The snow leopard suddenly paused. It smacked its lips slowly, its gray-blue beast eyes showing a touch of human wisdom and suspicion.

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