Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 72 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (15)

[Is the tour guide Ding Yi not dead? 】

The big boss passengers were confused when they were concerned, but they quickly came to their senses and discovered the problem. It stands to reason that if the tour guide dies during the journey and the journey falls into chaos, the live broadcast of the entire journey will be temporarily blocked until a new tour guide enters, and it will return to normal.

After Dante was wiped on the neck, his live split screen was indeed blocked, but the split screens of the passengers were still normal! Wei Xun's conversations with other travelers after arriving at the Xiangshung ruins further confirmed this.

"I'm afraid that Ding Yi's body is not missing, but he escaped using secret techniques."

After calming down, Mao Xiaole breathed a sigh of relief and said sadly: "He has long wanted to join the Butcher Alliance. It seems that the other party gave him something to save his life."

"Even I don't understand how Ding Yi escaped."

Wang Pengpai rubbed his chin and smacked his lips: "But looking at the current situation of the live broadcast room, Ding Yi is probably very lucky, tsk, and this prop that can block the live broadcast room is a rare item."

It's not that I don't know that Ding Yi has secret contacts with the Butcher Alliance, he just wants to take a long-term approach to catch big fish. So just now when everyone thought that Ding Yi was killed and the other tour guides failed to break into the journey, they subconsciously thought it was because of the Butcher Alliance. Because the Butcher Alliance, which is connected to Ding Yi, is most likely to accurately determine the moment of Ding Yi's death, and let people squeeze in at the stuck point.

"Those who save their lives, those who escape, and those who block the live broadcast room. The Butcher Alliance has made a big move this time - their plans are very big."

With Ding Yi's strength and information, he does not have such powerful props, and it is likely that they were given to him by the Butcher Alliance.

The Butcher Alliance would never really win over Ding Yi with the title of "Little Bingjiu". Perhaps they are interested in this journey to northern Tibet and want to plan it. In the end, I didn’t expect that Wei Xun would be a weirdo on this journey.

Ding Yi had barely accomplished anything before he used all the life-saving tools.

"Anyway, it's great that Ding Yi didn't die!"

Mao Xiaole grinned from ear to ear with joy: "Even the cloak was thrown away, he must be seriously injured."

"It's not good. He was just disfigured by the black stone jade skull, and his throat was cut by Wei Xun."

Wang Pengpai clicked his tongue in surprise, seeming to be reminiscing: "I didn't expect Wei Xun to be so decisive. Good guy, look at him wiping Ding's neck as if he were killing a chicken. What does he do in reality?"

"The last time I saw a new passenger who killed someone so decisively, he was a real-life butcher who killed pigs."

"Teacher Wei actually writes novels."

Mao Xiaole rarely hesitated, with readers' unique admiration for the author: "Maybe the person who writes the novel is a bull."


Wang Pengpai sneered in response. If he was really good at writing novels, he would have asked all the new members of the Sunset Troupe to write novels on the spot. At that time, there was no need for any all-round training and assessment. Only new passengers who could sign a contract with the novel could join the group and that would be it.

Mao Xiaole said: "I remember that Ding Yi did not activate the alienation state."

Wang Pengpeng asked curiously: "No, Ding and other tour guides can't activate it. Why did you think of this?"

Mao Xiaole frowned in disgust: "I'm wondering how Ding Yi escaped. His points should have reached the bottom, his death countdown is very low, and his throat was cut by Wei Xun - there is a possibility that his SAN value will go crazy and alienate him to escape."

Wang Pengpeng laughed and said with great joy: "Hahaha, Mao Xiaole, don't you still remember that tour guide who turned into a bat and ran away from you? It was so many years ago!"

"Huh, I'll remember it forever."

Mao Xiaole said gloomily, he has always held grudges very much. I remember when I went on a mission to kill the tour guide in the West District, I thought I had killed him. Mao Xiaole left with peace of mind. Who would have thought that the tour guide was not dead, nor did he fight back desperately, but he turned into a very small bat and survived. In the cloak, he finally escaped death.

This incident was simply a shame for Mao Xiaole. It was a taboo that no one dared to mention in front of him. From that time on, every time he killed the tour guide, Mao Xiaole had to use several heavenly fire talismans to burn his body and cloak clean before he could feel at ease. .

Seeing Wei Xun taking the green cloak away, Mao Xiaole's eyelids twitched and he became suspicious, always feeling that there was something bad hidden in the pile of cloaks. After all, Wei Xun is a newbie, so he doesn't know that a tour guide can be alienated. What if Ding Yi is really hiding inside? It's almost impossible to guard against it.

Ask him to say that Teacher Wei is still too soft-hearted!

"Don't worry, a tour guide of Ding Yi's level cannot have an alienated state, unless a great tour guide spares no effort to activate it for him."

Wang Pengpeng followed Mao Xiaole's words and pondered for a moment, thoughtfully, and frowned deeply: "If this is really the case, what exactly does the Butcher Alliance want to do?"

It is an escape and life-saving prop, and it is a shield for the live broadcast room. If there is still alienation activated——

Could it be, is it aimed at the captain?

Do they know about Captain's journey? !

Wang Pengpai was horrified and couldn't sit still: "I'm going to keep an eye on the Butcher Alliance. You can continue watching the live broadcast."

"Since Wei Xun said that the hotel has informed the tour guide that Ding Yi is seriously injured, the responsibility of leading the trip will be handed over to the captain for the time being. Ding Yi's injury will definitely not recover for a while."

This is indeed the case. If the tour guide is seriously injured and cannot guide the brigade, the hotel will appropriately delegate power to the captain. Then it will not only be assistance such as tour guide brooches, but also more help. For example, the tour guide's cloak in Wei Xun's hand and what he said about "being able to sense the tour guide" are all conveniences provided by the hotel to the brigade.

It can be said that hotels are indeed considerate of tourists, but as long as tour guides exist, the mortality rate of tourists will never be low. The conflict between tour guides and tourists has become almost deadlocked and cannot be alleviated.

Of course, there are also many conflicts between tour guides.

For example, the Shepherds' Alliance in the sub-region where pig-farming tour guides gather together despises the Butchers' Alliance, thinking that butcher tour guides are a group of lunatics who don't understand sustainable development, have anti-social personalities, and can't even be considered human beings.

Cold-blooded tour guides and other neutral tour guides despise the Shepherd Alliance and the Butcher Alliance, thinking that they are not normal things. It's just that one is wearing the cloak of hypocrisy, and the other is pretending to be crazy.

And in the Butcher Alliance... it is true that a large part of the people are lunatics. They admire the state of alienation and despise all human beings. They simply do not regard themselves and humans as the same species, and they admire alienation even more. They almost always maintained a low death countdown and low SAN value during the journey to maintain their body's alienation.

That's why they kill people so neatly and without any resistance. Butcher-style tour guides not only kill tourists, they go crazy and even kill tour guides who are not alienated and have a high death countdown. They are nicknamed "helping you return to zero evolution"

The Butcher Alliance is definitely an outlier among tour guide alliances around the world, and is boycotted by most tour guides and tourists. There is even a saying that "the harmonious coexistence between tour guides and tourists depends on the butchers and the tour guides."

Whenever something tragic or horrific happens, it's usually all done by the Butcher Alliance.

But the paradox is that the butcher tour guides are really powerful, and the extreme self-protection method of "returning to zero" will make the SAN value plummet. Who knows one day they will go crazy. It can be said that all high-level tour guides are all butcher tour guides. Reserve.

Therefore, the attitude of the tour guide alliance towards the butcher alliance is actually very ambiguous. On the one hand, they despised, boycotted, suppressed, and watched with cold eyes as the big tourists hunted down the butcher tour guides. On the other hand, when the Butcher Alliance is really in crisis, it will lend a helping hand.

After all, there is no guarantee that you will become a butcher tour guide at any time, just like the legendary tour guide’s ultimate title [Crazy Demon Horror].

As a high-level butcher tour guide in the Western District said:

The destination of a tour guide is madness.

The Butcher Union is the ultimate happy home for all tour guides.

But B49 is not happy, he is very unhappy.

Even though he has been so alienated that when he goes to the Butcher Alliance, he will definitely be praised and admired by countless butcher tour guides, "You are so beautiful and your hair is so smooth." Yi 49 is still proud that he can still maintain his sanity and belong to the Shepherd Alliance.

Especially now, he hates the Butcher Alliance with all his heart!

"Butchers' Alliance, Butchers' Alliance——"

A large pile of hair rubbed and squirmed, making a harsh sound like metal friction. It was on the verge of madness. It took a lot of time for Yi Sijiu to calm down. He tried his best to restrain himself so as not to carve Ding Yi on the voodoo puppet woven from the hair. s face.

Why is Ding Yi still okay?

Why isn’t Ding Yi dead yet? !

It's all the damn Butcher Alliance's fault!

Yi Forty-Nine's mentality was about to collapse. When she left the puppet master, she casually pointed out that Ding Yi was related to the Butcher Alliance. Otherwise, Yi 49 would have killed Ding Yi long ago and squeezed into the journey.

Precisely because of the relationship with the Butcher Alliance, Yi 49 initially thought of a dangerous way to invade the journey at a high cost. However, he finally had the hope that Ding Yi would be killed, and he had the opportunity to squeeze into the journey openly.

Ding Yi is not dead!


Every strand of Yi Forty-Nine's hair was covered with gan, so forget it if he didn't give him hope at the beginning, but it happened over and over again, like a 360-degree roller coaster, torturing him, who was already on the verge of madness. Tour guide, at this moment, Yi Forty-Nine’s resentment towards the Butcher Alliance and Ding Yi have reached their peak!

He couldn't bear it anymore, he almost couldn't bear it anymore.

The frantically waving hair tore the hair puppet into pieces, and Yi Forty-Nine used his last willpower to restrain himself. He couldn't curse Ding Yi. With his strength, he couldn't make an enemy of the Butcher Alliance. The Puppet Master was preparing for the year-end celebration and might not necessarily help him.

Moreover, if Yi Forty-Nine instead provokes the Butcher Alliance in order to kill Wei Xun, he will be even more useless in the eyes of the puppet master, and he will still be a useless person who can cause trouble.


The air flow passed through the huge hair mass, emitting a shrill and sharp echo like a whistle. I'm afraid even Yi 49 doesn't know when his sanity will collapse.

I'm afraid that's when he would carve Ding Yi's face on the voodoo puppet, curse Ding Yi to death, and break into the journey.

* *

There are undercurrents surging in the outside world, and all forces are testing each other.

During the journey to northern Tibet, the tourists had a good time and pitched their tents at the camping spot next to the Zhangzhong ruins.

Yin Baitao lit a fire and cooked a large pot of dehydrated vegetables and cooked beef bought from Tibetans in Wenbunan Village. There was boiling water in another pot next to it. Fang Yuhang broke the compressed biscuits into pieces and put them into the pot.

Soon the steaming vegetable beef stew and the salty compressed biscuit porridge were cooked. We got up at around six o'clock. The passengers who had walked for more than two hours on the mountain road without having a serious breakfast were already hungry. .

They sat around in front of the fire, each holding a lunch box in their hands. Everyone had a smile on their face despite being tired. They ate and chatted as if this was their first official meeting.

Eating is something that can bring people closer together, especially on the vast plateau, where everyone sits together, which invisibly brings them closer together. Most of the people were panting while eating, their faces turned red from holding themselves back, and there were several small oxygen bottles nearby.

But apart from being out of breath, all passengers are struggling to adapt to the high altitude. Even though the dark green cloak that Wei Xun got back contained a tour guide brooch, it was placed outside the coverage area.

"The Shang Shung ruins occupy half of the mountain. They are so big that the brooch can only cover a small part."

Jiang Hongguang suggested that everyone should adapt to the high-resistance as soon as possible. When the time comes, Wei Xun will sit in the center wearing a brooch, and they will explore the ruins in groups of three. If anyone is found to be in a bad state, they will be sent to Wei Xun immediately.

"Although we have to stay at the Shang Shung ruins for three days, it doesn't mean we have to explore the ruins every day."

Holding hot compressed biscuit porridge, the veteran passengers started chatting, and the one who spoke was Qin Xinrong from another family of three.

He was the one who wanted to trick Wei Xun before and said that he was going to Wenbunan Village to borrow a motorcycle. Now he was completely convinced of Wei Xun's strength. Thinking of what he had done before, he quickly made up for it. He almost knew everything and told Wei Xun , Feile taught them many unspoken rules that only veteran travelers know.

To be precise, this is the secret to a smooth journey for seasoned travelers.

"The most important thing in the journey is not to complete the attractions, but to pass the tasks and protect yourself."

Qin Xinrong took off half of his jacket and pulled up his left sleeve. He saw horrifying scars on his arms. The newly grown flesh was uneven and still sunken, as if it had been bitten by some ferocious beast.

"Tour guides don't care whether tourists live or die... Maybe those new tour guides still have some conscience, but it also depends on luck. You see, you are also new tourists, but you meet a tour guide like Ding Yi."

Qin Xinrong shivered coldly, put on his clothes, and shrugged: "If you die during the journey, you are really dead. Even if it is a safety-level journey, many passengers will have trouble. Those points, props, titles, It’s good, but I’m afraid that I will lose my life.”

"Of course, the guards definitely don't have to worry about this."

Qin Xinrong said flatteringly, and when Wei Xun smiled, he became excited and encouraged, and spoke in more detail. Fei Lezhi and Yin Baitao were listening very carefully, and did not feel unwilling to accept Qin Xinrong's different attitude towards Wei Xun and them.

After all, Wei Xun is indeed very strong!

They are not the kind of people who are arrogant and have no self-awareness. He definitely can't go through the journey like Wei Xun, and with Wei Xun's strength, he will definitely be promoted to a high level quickly. It is very likely that they will no longer be together on the next journey.

The knowledge and skills taught by Qin Xinrong are very important to Fei Lezhi and others. Wei Xun was also happy to listen. The hand holding the lunch box was soft and fluffy, and the greedy mink cub rubbed it over, greedy for the beef in the box.

Wei Xun picked up a piece of cooked beef and fed it to the mink cub. He also picked up a few shredded beef and threw it on the ground for the little black dog to eat.

This 'little black dog' was discovered by everyone after Xu Yang's guide dog Duoduo barked into the cracks in the rocks. This little thing had been stuck in the crevices of the rocks for an unknown amount of time. It was covered in black hair and was half-unstruck. It looked like it had a skin disease. It was ugly and weird.

Moreover, it was pitifully thin, not much bigger than a hand, and was so skinny that it looked like it was dying.

It's just that the tourists themselves can't protect themselves. No one dares to leave the scenic spot without permission and send the puppy to the Tibetans at the foot of the mountain. I could only be cruel and leave a magic scarf for it to keep warm, and put some ham biscuit crumbs in it.

However, this puppy is not afraid of people. When the tourists saw it again, they found that the puppy followed them to the camp at the station shivering. It could not walk very steadily and was trembling. It was frightened by Wei Xun's snow leopard. Falling to the ground and pretending to be dead.

It looks so pitiful that no one drives the little black dog out anymore. Yin Baitao also fed it some shredded beef and soft boiled biscuits. But the puppy didn't eat anything. He just circled around Wei Xun, wagging his tail happily, and only ate the food Wei Xun fed him.

“It’s so nice to be wild at heart.”

Fei Lezhi said with envy, he also likes cats and dogs, but unfortunately he doesn't have a relationship with pets on weekdays. When he sees stray cats on the road, they will yell at him, so he has never had the experience of being actively contacted by animals.

Seeing that Wei Xun now has a dog at his feet, a mink at his hand, and a snow leopard basking in the sun on the rocky mountain behind him, this is simply a happy life that only gods can live!

Wei Xun smiled and said nothing, watching the black dog struggling to swallow the dirt-stained shredded beef, and kicked it with the toe of his shoe, thinking it was too ugly, dirty, and an eyesore when he got close.

This brat was of course Director Ding. When Wei Xun went to place the guide's cloak and brooch in the distance, he let Ding hide in the crevices of the rocks and move his position. Then he was 'inadvertently' beaten by Xu Yang's guide dog Duoduo. After discovering it, I followed him back to the camp as a matter of course.

After activating Director Ding's alienated state, Wei Xun had more connections with him. But this connection is different from the connection with Xiao Jin and Maggot.

If Xiao Jin and Maggot are Wei Xun's servants, they will feed back to Wei Xun as they become stronger, and they will also become stronger as Wei Xun becomes stronger. They complement each other and will never betray Wei Xun's 'retainers', then Dingo can only be regarded as a slave.

Wei Xun can squeeze him and get energy from him, but Wei Xun becoming stronger will not bring him any benefits unless Wei Xun takes the initiative to give charity. This shows the cruelty among the abyss demons.

Wei Xun activated Director Ding's alienation and took control of everything about him. If he wanted to die, he would die, and if he wanted to live, he would live. Everything about Ding Yi was open to Wei Xun, without any privacy at all.

Including the mission he received from the Butcher Alliance, the props given to him by the Butcher Alliance that can block the live broadcast.

[Name: Old TV]

[Quality: Special]

[Function: Make your live broadcast room full of snowflakes like an old TV with poor signal! 】

[Note: Recycle old refrigerators, old TVs, and old air conditioners at low prices—woohoo, old TVs have already stood up. When will old refrigerators and old air conditioners stand up! 】

‘He asked me to block the live broadcast room at the right time and then look for something’

Ding Gou and Wei Xun spoke consciously, their tone full of fear and fear: "That is a crystallized corpse. It is said to be enshrined in Xiao Wei Molong Renli deep in the Xiangxiong ruins."

Xiao Wei Molongren deep in the Xiangxiong ruins? Isn't it the nine swastikas under the Saikang Temple that Wei Xun saw on the human skin map? The human Pitangka who suppressed the demons must also be there.

‘Who asked you to come, tell me everything. ’

Wei Xun brooked no resistance, and now Ding Gou was completely unable to resist. I don’t know if he regretted it later. Although he saved his life, his life was not in his hands. He cannot even decide freely about death now.

But Wei Xun doesn't trust Ding Yi.

His surrender stems from fear and strength, not loyalty. If a strong person wants to take away Xiao Jin or Maggot Da, they will die the moment they are taken away. Because they are already considered subordinates of Wei Xun.

But Ding Yi was not, and Wei Xun didn't know if it was because he was a tour guide that he was special. But Wei Xun vaguely understood that if there was a being more powerful than him who wanted to take away Ding Yi's control, then Ding Yi would really be taken away, and he might even be counterattacked and attack Wei Xun.

For example, the great tour guide from the Butcher Alliance who gave Ding orders.

Ding Yi, who was taken away, was also unable to disobey the other party and would reveal Wei Xun's secret.

Wei Xun never felt that he was invincible. To a certain extent, he was extremely cautious.

Therefore, he will not let Ding Yi survive this journey, but he will squeeze out all the value and make good use of it before he dies.

Ding Yi didn't know it, but he was just Wei Xun's dog now. He could only obey Wei Xun's words completely. Whether it was blocking the live broadcast or "getting close to humans" or "coming to the station", Ding Yi had no choice. He was too weak. , even if the alienation was activated by Wei Xun, he still looked like a real, skinny dog, with no bone-white magic fire on his limbs.

But the most unbearable thing for Ding Yi is that he can't resist the characteristics of the devil dog. He wants to wag his tail when he looks at Wei Xun!

He is such a jerk, how can he be a dog?

Woof woof!

"When the eagle flute inheritor comes and asks about the direction of exploration, you can go to the ruins."

Qin Xinrong said: "We have a total of four scenic spots, Xiangxiong Ruins, Xiaolin Temple, Selincuo and Qiangtang Nature Reserve, but looking at the itinerary, only the first three scenic spots are involved."

Xu Zishi, who was sitting next to Qin Xinrong, wiped it clean with tsampa and ordered some soup. The lunch box he ate from was as clean as if it had been washed. There is a shortage of water on the plateau, so they have to use it sparingly. Just think about washing dishes, it's basically impossible.

"In other words, the important scenic spots are in the first three, and the last Qiangtang Nature Reserve is probably the last place where the hotel will pick us up."

Xu Zishi said, he is a simple and honest man who talks little, but this kind of honesty is different from Yu He'an. His eyes are as shrewd as a businessman:

“Are the true ruins of Qiongyin City, the capital of the Shang Shung Kingdom, located on the banks of the Holy Lake in the Snowy Mountains?

What secrets are hidden in the Xiaolin Temple where a Bon monk once practiced Tantric Buddhism?

Did the original Yongzhong Bon scriptures written with blood on an eagle's beak really disappear into the ghost lake? "

"These are three sentences in the journey introduction, which point us to the general direction, which is the goal of 'exploration'."

Yin Baitao tentatively said: "In other words, in the Zhangxiong Ruins, the first scenic spot, we are going to find out whether it is the Qionglong Silver City?"

"But the ruins of Qionglong Silver City are at the top of Arikal East Mountain."

Xu Yang shook his head and questioned: "Although the ruins on Qiongzong Mountain are also the ruins of the capital of the Kingdom of Zhangxiong, they cannot be the Qionglong Silver City. They can only be the capital of Zhongxiangxiong, the Qiongzong."

"Hey, little brother knows a lot."

Xu Zishi smiled and praised without hesitation: "Yes, you are right, but - how can you prove this?"

Fei Lezhi didn't understand: "This, this is Qiongzong Mountain. Shouldn't the ruins and capital on it be used to offend Qiongzong? And Ali's side, hiss -"

"That is to say, we need to explore the ruins and prove that this is the 'Dangrao Qiong Sect', not the Qionglong Silver City."

Xu Yang is smart, reacts quickly, and understands the key points of the journey. What the hotel wanted to see was evidence and exploration. Even if Baidu Encyclopedia and various information stated that the ruins on Qiongzong Mountain were the capital of Zhongxiang Xiang, Dangraqiongzong, they had to find proof in this ruins. Evidence comes.

For example, everyone knows that one plus one equals two, but the hotel wants travelers to find evidence to prove that one plus one equals two.

After all, Qiongzong Mountain has experienced many earthquakes, and the Shang Shung ruins were severely damaged. Normal people cannot find the ruins here, only their travelers from the Thriller Hotel can.

"It's not just that."

The tall and thin man who took the initiative to clean up the pots and pans shook his head. His name was Yu Chengfu, but he really didn't see much luck. Half of the man's face was disfigured and he looked very visceral. The newly grown skin was grayish-pink, like the skin of a reptile, which made people uncomfortable to look at.

But Yu Chengfu's tone was gentle and clear, unlike his appearance, like a school teacher explaining exercises:

"We should treat the journey introduction as a reading comprehension. The reading material given to us by the hotel is 'Are the true ruins of the Silver City, the capital of the Sang Shung Kingdom, located on the banks of the Snow Mountain Holy Lake?', and the topic may revolve around these points. "

"First, is the capital of the Xiangxiong Kingdom the Qionglong Silver City?"

"Second, are the real remains of the Qionglong Silver City by the Snow Mountain Holy Lake?"

"Third, is this the real remains of the capital of the Xiangxiong Kingdom?"

"Fourth, the original words are 'Are the real remains of the Qionglong Silver City, the capital of the Xiangxiong Kingdom, by the Snow Mountain Holy Lake?'"

Seeing that Fei Lezhi was a little confused, Yu Chengfu smiled and said, "This is just a difficult journey, the first scenic spot, so it is very likely that the scope is large, and it is OK to prove any point, positive or negative. And the first point cannot be proved here, so it is very likely to be two, three, and four."

In other words, the scope is very wide, whether the tourists explore a certain mural, proving that this is the real site of the capital of the Xiangxiong Kingdom, or discover ancient books, proving that this is Dangreqiongzong, not Qionglong Silver City, it can be considered to have completed the task, generally speaking, it is very relaxed.

"And each relic will not have only one item." Qin Xinrong added, smiling a little slyly: "So when you find the entrance to a relic, don't go in first, tell the guards and explore together." The hotel determines whether a traveler has completed the exploration task based on his contribution in the exploration. If everyone enters a relic at the same time and finds many items such as bone tools, iron tools, murals, etc., each person can take one task to complete. But if some travelers explore the relic completely and others go down, it will not count. "It's still good to have a guard. It's really great. If we let it go, the black-hearted tour guide will definitely not let us complete the task so easily. Moreover, the team will have to intrigue and divide into factions, which is annoying." Ji Hongcai said frankly, looking very happy. Indeed, if Ding Yi was still there, the team would not be able to act harmonious and united in front of him. There are at least four factions in the team, and it's too late to be on guard against each other, let alone share the relic. Xu Zishi said shrewdly: "If we are lucky, we will find a relic. We have completed the basic task indicators today. There will be two days of free time tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. If anyone wants to continue exploring the relic and get more reward points, they are free to do so."

That is to say, we have a basic base first, and the task is completed anyway. Then whoever wants to pursue more opportunities and get more points can act freely. This way, it is easy for both sides. Everyone acts together, each has a title, and the safety factor is high. This is also the safest way.

Some people want to pursue more rewards and become stronger, and some people complete the journey and consider it a success. They have different pursuits, so they don't have to force it.

In fact, the veteran travelers took the initiative to make this suggestion for Wei Xun. Wei Xun did not go to the ruins for their safety and sat in the center. They also reciprocated - if you want to say who is the most powerful in the team and is interested in exploring many relics, it is definitely Wei Xun.

The suspected relic points explored by the travelers this afternoon will be reported to Wei Xun. The veteran travelers all know that most of these are for Wei Xun, and they are also grateful for his efforts.

After the basic mission objectives are completed, the passengers will be free to move around tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so Wei Xun will not have to stay in the center.

After they finished eating, they simply divided the work and temporarily disrupted the grouping. The three groups were divided into three groups, all with the old leading the new. Two groups went outside to patrol to make sure there were no wild animals and other dangers around, and one group was responsible for logistics, sorting items, and coordinating information. The three groups took turns to take a rest before the arrival of the Eagle Flute Heir and the next ruins.

Of course, Wei Xun didn't have to worry about all this. Captain Wei was a free position and could do whatever he wanted.

Like now, Wei Xun went to the mountain pass alone and waited for the Eagle Flute Heir to arrive. Ding Gou was ordered by him to stay at the base, and Xiao Jin also stayed there. The only one with Wei Xun was the snow leopard. The sky was gloomy and it didn't clear up until noon. Without the sun, the autumn on the plateau was particularly cold, and the wind at the mountain pass was so strong that it could almost blow people away.

But Wei Xun enjoyed the strong wind. He stood on the high and steep rocks, his eyes slightly closed, letting the strong wind blow his black hair. The white hair on his forehead had spread outward unconsciously, like a handful of first snow falling on his temples.

People seem particularly small in the harsh nature, but it is this smallness that is more touching when challenging nature, fighting against nature, and going deep into the no-man's land.

The snow leopard lay beside Wei Xun, licking its fur lazily. The strong wind made it squint its eyes. The expressions of the man and the leopard at this moment were very similar. Under this high and vast sky, between the vast world, far away from the crowd, on the desolate and silent earth and stone mountains, they enjoy loneliness and this silent company with each other.

It's as if they belong here by nature.

Until the figure of the eagle flute inheritor appeared on the mountain road, Wei Xun opened his eyes and jumped off the rock. The figure of the snow leopard had disappeared without a trace, and no one knew where it was hidden.

"Gandan Baiju, I have met Amara." Wei Xun got straight to the point: "She said she would not stop you from going up the mountain, saying that everyone has their own destiny." The Eagle Flute Heir seemed to smile, but his face seemed to be stiffened by the wind on the plateau, and he was always stiff, with not much expression. His lips were also like a knife, and that smile was more like an illusion. "Thank you, Wei Xun." The Eagle Flute Heir shook his head: "But you shouldn't deceive your honest friend." "These are Amara's original words." Wei Xun frowned and hid the things about "human skin coming alive" and "demons possessing human skin thangka" from himself. Wei Xun was frank - the Eagle Flute Heir did not ask him to ask these questions at the time, and these were all clues he got by relying on his own charm. Why should he tell the Eagle Flute Heir?

Anyway, what Amala said to the successor of the Eagle Flute was "Everyone has his own destiny." Wei Xun was extremely calm: "Gandan Baiju, please tell me, why did I lie to you?"

"No, I'm not talking about that."

The hawk flute preacher said with a hint of accusation and dissatisfaction: "How could you lie to me and say that the most powerful one is that tour guide Ding Yi!"

Wei Xun:?

"Obviously he is useless, cursed by the devil, unclean, and displeased by the Dragon God. He is far behind compared to you. How can he be the most powerful?"

The eagle whistle sounded loudly, and his face was gloomy: "Is he still with your brigade? Such an unclean person cannot go to the Holy Mountain."

"No, Director Ding is missing."

Hearing Wei Xun say this, the heir of the eagle flute looked better.

"That's good, Wei Xun, you are the captain of the brigade now, right?"


"I need your brigade's help with something."

The heir to the eagle flute looked solemn, and Wei Xun led him to the station. Just in time for the shift change, all passengers stayed at the station.

"Friends who have come from afar, welcome to the Shang Shung ruins. This is where the powerful Shang Shung Kingdom once stood. However, after thousands of years, the magnificent royal capital has become ruins. Ordinary means cannot explore the secrets under the ruins. ”

The successor of the eagle flute solemnly took out the eagle flute, held it with a velvet cloth, and placed it in his rough palm for the tourists to watch:

"I have traveled through most of Tibet in search of the most authentic and primitive place. Legend has it that after the first generation of King Xiangzhong ascended the throne, the golden-winged roc felt the power of the king, folded its horn into the crown of the king, and folded the left The wing is the king's scepter, and the right wing is the king's bone flute."

"The king rules the earth with his crown, the king conquers all directions with his scepter, and the king soothes the souls of heroes with his bone flute."

The dark brown face of the successor of the eagle flute turned red. He was extremely excited when recounting this period of history, and his tone was long and drawn out, as if he was reciting an epic poem.

"Later, the crown of Dapeng's golden wing was lost in the Dragon God Waterway, the scepter of Dapeng's left wing was taken away by Tubo, and the whereabouts of the bone flute of Dapeng's right wing were unknown. I read many classics and roughly confirmed that it was in In the ruins of the ancient Xiangxiong capital in the Snow Mountain Holy Lake.”

The inheritor of the eagle flute put his hand on his chest and said sincerely: "My friends, I have been searching for the bone flute for more than 20 years in Gandanbai. Now I finally hope to achieve my wish. I hope you can help me."


Xu Zishi said with a smile, his honest face full of sincerity: "We will definitely help you. This is our goal in coming to the Xiangxiong ruins."

The successor of the Eagle Flute left very satisfied. Wei Xun looked at the direction in which he left, and it was supposed to be towards Amala, halfway up the mountain. After he left, the 'loyal' travelers and friends immediately changed their faces.

"Don't worry about the crown water channel, the scepter Tubo, or the bone flute of the golden right wing of the roc whose whereabouts are unknown."

Jiang Hongguang waved his hand with a rare smile on his face: "We just need to prove that this is the 'site of the ancient Xiangxiong Capital City at the Snow Mountain Holy Lake'!"


The passengers cheered, and Wei Xun also smiled.

The golden-winged bird-horn crown of the Dapeng in the Dragon God Waterway, the right-wing bone flute of the Dapeng in the ruins, the suppressed demon skin thangka, and the crystallized corpse of Xiao Wei Mo Longren.

The Shang Shung ruins are really a great place.

He wants it all!

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