Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 38 The Drunken Beauty of Western Hunan (38)

The ferry is narrow, a bit like a awning boat, swaying on the water and not very stable.

Putting the basket with the ghost baby on the boat, Miao Fangfei and Shi Tao picked up the bamboo poles to support the boat and began to push the boat to the other side.

"The speed remains unchanged."

After holding on for a while, Miao Fangfei whispered.

As the first group of people to get on the boat, they summarized many key points in advance that they would need to determine before getting on the boat. For example, if two people can punt quickly, they can reach the other side faster.

But clearly, this ship was unusual.

"Yes, it seems it's always fifteen minutes."

Shi Tao looked worried. In this case, to be conservative, they could not consider four more round trips. Two hours was not enough.


There was a sound of splashing water, and Banban swam back to the boat from the water, hissing rapidly as if in fear. The ghost babies in the bamboo basket looked at it curiously, and some naughty ones even wanted to take it out of the bamboo basket and play with the snake.

"Captain Miao, just look at them."

Shi Tao said: "It's enough for me to punt the boat."

Since no matter whether two people or one person are punting, the speed is the same, then they can take turns.

Miao Fangfei straightened the bamboo basket, wrapped Banban around her wrist, and inspected it carefully. All I could see was that a circle of scales on Banban's body was either turned up or broken in the middle. It was horrible to look at, as if it had been torn apart by sharp teeth. The wound was swollen and white, with a strong fishy smell. Miao Fangfei moved carefully during the examination, but Banban, who was still in pain, hissed and spat out a message.

"There's something in the river."

Miao Fangfei said worriedly: "It's best not to fall into the water."

Director Bing had previously reminded that crying is the most taboo thing for ships on the Sanghun Stream. He said that this river leads to both banks of Yin and Yang. In ancient times, people often worshiped the river god by the river. If you cry in the river, the Dragon King will sacrifice the people on the boat and stir up black water to engulf the boat.

The ghost baby often cried violently and refused to be controlled at all, so Miao Fangfei and the others had expected to be overturned and thrown into the river.

I originally saw that the bamboo poles could reach the bottom of the river. The river was at most two meters deep, so it wouldn't be a big deal if I fell. But if there are monsters in the river, the situation is different.

Fortunately, unlike what they expected, the ghost babies in the bamboo basket were extremely quiet. They did not play with snakes or make any noise. Instead, they obediently held on to the side of the bamboo basket to look at the scenery on the other side. There was a faint light of hope in those deep, bottomless, horrifying eyes.

"The other side should be the final rendezvous point."

Miao Fangfei saw the expressions of the ghost babies, but felt even more worried. She was always thinking about how to solve the problem, how to make everyone and the ghost baby reach the end smoothly, but Miao Fangfei couldn't figure it out. She was not good at this kind of logic problem, so she could only hope that Wang Pengpai and the others could solve it. There are other plans.

The red boat sailed to the center of the river, where the waves became bigger. The boat rose and fell among the waves, as if something was pushing against the bottom of the boat, and the sound of rustling sounds like silkworms and ants eating broken leaves sounded at the same time.

Miao Fangfei looked ugly and looked at Shi Tao. Shi Tao gritted his teeth and used all his strength to lift the bamboo pole with one arm. There was just a splashing sound, and the bamboo pole was pulled out of the water. There was a string of palm-sized silver-scaled fish hanging on the pole.


Shi Tao skillfully swung the small fish off the bamboo pole, and one fell into the boat. Banban immediately bit it and wrapped it tightly. Banban is highly venomous, but this small silver fish is still moving very energetically. It almost broke free several times, but finally stopped moving after about a minute. It has a strong vitality.

Miao Fangfei tied up the fish with her own bamboo pole and saw that it was a pike-shaped fish with a strong and strong body. The tops of the fins on both sides were sharp, and the fish's mouth was full of dense fangs that shone with cold light. The fangs are like the mouthparts of the opposite sex. If bitten, a strip of flesh will definitely be torn off.

"The river is full of these fish."

Miao Fangfei threw the dead fish into the river, and saw that the water was boiling. The densely packed fish were snatching and biting wildly. In less than a second, the dead fish was torn into pieces and devoured, leaving no bones left.

Now they knew where the rustling sound from the bottom of the boat came from. It was clearly a strange fish eating their boat!

"The time limit is also the maximum time this ship can sail on the water."

Miao Fangfei said solemnly: "The further back you go, the more dangerous it becomes. In two hours, the ship may be completely bitten through."

Fifteen minutes later, the boat reached the other shore. Wang Pengpai and the others, who had been waiting there, worked together to pull Miao Fangfei and Shi Tao ashore.

"No matter how many people are rowing, the speed of the boat remains the same, always fifteen minutes."

"There are piranhas in the river and they will bite the boat. You can't fall into the water."

Miao Fangfei spoke quickly: "The ghost baby is going to die here, and its final destination is probably here."

"Also, we have a total of five people over there, five ghost babies."

As soon as she said this, Wang Pengpai, Xu Chen and others all showed helpless smiles on their faces. Seeing their expressions, Miao Fangfei felt half-hearted.

"We don't have much time, so let's keep the story short."

Wang Pengpeng told them what happened here in a few words, and finally said: "These 'babies' are the guests of Qiebi Village in the past. These children are disobedient and will probably make a fuss when they get on the boat."

Miao Fangfei frowned upon hearing this. Compared with the well-behaved ghost baby, Wang Pengpai and the others were much more dangerous here.

"Xiao Zhaolaoyu, you guys get on the boat first."

Wang Pengpeng looked at the time. It had been two minutes since the ship docked. He couldn't delay any longer. He made a decision immediately: "Do as we said before."


Zhao Hongtu, Yu Hean did not hesitate to get on the boat, they were holding something white and fluffy in their hands. It was Wang Pengpai's idea - if they wanted to bring the 'baby' on board, they had to hold the stump. But in order to prevent the residual limbs from breaking away from the fetal flesh, and then getting back into their stomachs, several people pulled the hair out of the fetal flesh along the way.

There's no room on the boat, so you can't bring fetal meat. Even the most ruthless Zhao Hongtu didn't suggest killing the fetus, skinning it, and wrapping the stumps in skin. Wang Pengpai had an idea. He took out a strange-looking razor and scraped it against the bare skin of the fetus. He was able to shave off long, curly, beard-like white hairs.

"It's just a gadget."

Seeing that Zhao Hongtu and the others were curious, Wang Pengpai threw the razor to him.

[Name: Useless razor]

[Quality: Tattered]

[Function: Can pick out beards from beardless chins]

[Note: The smoother the chin, the thicker the beard will be! A useless razor... Well, okay, it’s really useless]

Seeing the description of this item, Zhao Hongtu's eyes twitched. He pushed it against his bare chin, and unexpectedly, long, snow-white hair came out.

"Anyway, we just need something from the fetal body to wrap the stump."

Wang Pengpai said cheerfully, wiping his bare chin: "I didn't want to bring this rag with me originally, but hey, since I brought it with me, I haven't grown a beard anymore, so I just kept carrying it with me. ”

Zhao Hongtu couldn't complain that this junk thing could be used here.

But all in all, the effect of fetal flesh beard is really good. After wrapping the stumps, the limbs remained as motionless as if they were dead, and they did not get into Zhao Hongtu and the others' stomachs anymore.

"Come on, get on the boat."

Zhao Hongtu and Yu Hean pushed the boat away from the shore. After sailing about ten meters away from the shore, Wang Pengpai noticed that there were two fewer babies following the fetal flesh. Zhao Hongtu, who was guarding the basket on the boat, immediately noticed the baby appearing in the basket, and quickly closed the lid with fetal flesh and beard stuck on it.

"Ah——! Ahhh!!"

Angry and shrill roars rang out from the bamboo basket, and the baby inside shook the basket around, as if it was trying to catch a live fish with its bare hands.

"Xiao Zhao, is it okay?"

Yu and An asked nervously while rowing the boat.


Zhao Hongtu showed a ferocious smile. He held a bamboo basket in his hands and one between his feet, holding them tight. Suddenly a vein jumped on his forehead, he quickly took his hands free, put on a mask for himself, and said in a muffled voice: "Uncle, put on the mask."

"Damn it, the scent is so strong."

Yu Hean's stomach growled, and he was so hungry that his chest pressed against his back. The alluring fragrance came from the basket on his back. Without Zhao Hongtu's reminder, Yu Hean hurriedly put on a mask for himself. .

The beard with fetal flesh is clamped on this mask, and with the genuine fetal flesh pressing it down, the scent of medicinal eggs that makes people feel itchy and hungry is covered up.

"Good guy, fortunately Brother Wang has foresight."

After shielding themselves from the scent of medicinal eggs, Yu Hean shook his head and said fearfully: "If it weren't for this mask, it would be really hard to endure this."

"Brother Wang thinks comprehensively."

Zhao Hongtu admitted that all the way to this point, his arrogance was finally subdued. He had indeed not done enough and had a long way to go.

"The fish is coming, Xiao Zhao, be careful!"

Yu Hean cursed, and the action of paddling the bamboo pole became obviously more difficult. He lifted up the bamboo pole and took a look and saw a bunch of fish biting on the pole. He was stunned and said: "This fish is really vicious, just like what Team Miao said!"

At the same time, a rapid crashing sound like raindrops sounded from under the boat. Piranhas were gnawing at the bottom of the boat frantically, making people's scalp numb. Holding a swaying boat on the turbulent river is enough to make people weak, but with the fierce and crazy piranhas, I really don't dare to hold the boat if I don't have the courage.

Yu Hean was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he pushed hard a few times, trying to pass through this waterway faster. But as Miao Fangfei said, no matter whether he exerts more or less force, whether he pushes quickly or slowly, the speed of the boat remains unchanged.

The bamboo pole became heavier and heavier, and the hull of the boat also sank. When a wave hit, the hull of the boat shook suddenly. Yu Hean hurriedly stabilized his body and repeatedly chanted the words Bodhisattva bless Buddha bless. He did not dare to look at the water and kept looking at the other side, which was so longing for his eyes.

"Halfway done, this should be half done, almost there."

"Almost half way, we will soon reach the center of the river."

Zhao Hongtu was also anxious. The babies in the bamboo baskets were making more and more noise, and the stumps wrapped in fetal flesh began to move strangely. They wanted to come together. Zhao Hongtu's body was so thin that it took a lot of energy to hold down the two backpacks. When the waves hit the boat and rocked the boat, one of the backpacks was pressed against the wound on his abdomen. Zhao Hongtu's face turned pale in pain.

I really want to be like Director C and not afraid of pain.

Zhao Hongtu gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain. After hearing what Yu Hean said, he also looked up at the other side, hoping to reach the shore soon. But after taking a look, Zhao Hongtu's expression changed drastically.


"Yes, what's wrong?!"

Yu and An trembled and stammered nervously as they spoke: "Did you go in the wrong direction? Did you hit the wall? Then, shall we turn around?"

"What a U-turn!"

Zhao Hongtu cursed: "Damn it, it's the wrong distance!"

Miao Fangfei and the others said that piranhas would only bite the boat when the boat reached the center of the river, but they were only a quarter of the way away now. Why did this fish bite so hard!

Are the piranhas biting the ship earlier and earlier with every cruise, or are they—

"Uncle, shoot the dead fish!"

"Oh okay, okay."

The best thing about Yu He'an is to be obedient. When Bing Jiu was there, he listened to Director B. When Captain Miao was there, he listened to Captain Miao. Now he listens to Zhao Hongtu. Although they were scared, Yu Hean still shouted "drink", his arm muscles tensed up, and he lifted the bamboo pole out of the water. Good guy, there are a lot of fish hanging densely below, and the bamboo poles look like they are too short.


Yu Hean's eyes widened, and with great strength, he slapped the bamboo pole against the water surface as hard as he could. The fish fell onto the water surface with as much force as if it had fallen to the ground, and the fish on the bamboo pole was immediately stunned. Zhao Hongtu held the bow in one hand and bit the bow string with his teeth. He tensed his head and then released it. An arrow accurately hit the fish on the water, and blood filled the air in an instant.

The scene of a school of fish fiercely fighting for food like a boiling river reappeared. Yu Hean turned pale and froze in fright. Zhao Hongtu licked his teeth and felt it carefully, and then his heart sank.

There was obviously blood and excitement nearby, but there were still many fish biting the bottom of their boat, and the ominous vibration was still there.

In other words, the things on the ship are as tempting to them as blood.

Zhao Hongtu told Yu and An about this, and he immediately nodded and said: "Yes, yes, it must be the Lao Shizi medicine egg. I said something is wrong, and at that moment, the fish started to eat the boat!"


That's when the smell of medicinal eggs filled the air, and the fish bit the bottom of the boat!

But what to do? Zhao Hongtu racked his brains and couldn't think of a way. They couldn't stick the fetal flesh to the bottom of the boat. They didn't have that much time. But if we ignore it and get bitten like this, the boat may sink early after only a few trips.

How can I do!

"Xiao Zhao, get off the boat."

"Ah? Ah!"

Zhao Hongtu subconsciously took the thrown bamboo pole, and within a few strokes in the water, he saw Yu Hean taking out the old cowhide and wrapping two bamboo baskets inside. The cowhide was big enough to cover two bamboo baskets. Yu and An tied the knot with his own mask, and Zhao Hongtu was stunned by his swift movements.

"Hey, I should have thought of it earlier."

Yu Hean patted the 'cowhide bag' and said anxiously: "This should be of some use."

"it works."

Zhao Hongtu felt the feeling of getting off the boat. Sure enough, the overwhelming feeling of being eaten by a school of fish was much less. For a moment, he said happily: "It turns out that cowhide can be used in this way!"

"I just thought of it too."

Yu He'an scratched his face in embarrassment, took the bamboo pole from Zhao Hongtu's hand, and continued to punt: "I never thought about it before, after all, if you put on the cowhide of an old scalper, they will recognize you as a cow." Well, I used to use cowhide for people. But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't say that 'you' can only be a human being, so I gave it a try, and it didn't work."

Yu Hean also became happy as he spoke: "This is also the inspiration given to me by Brother Wang. Why is his brain so good? He has new ways to use that tattered razor. I am really convinced. Huihui is sure. I also like Brother Wang. He has a very flexible mind and always has good grades. He also said that he wants to go to a good university outside. He is really more promising than me. "

When Yu Hean mentioned his younger brother, he looked proud, without the slightest hint of envy or jealousy. He was a simple and honest person, and he was very good to his brother. But after Zhao Hongtu heard what he said, his heart felt sour and tight.

Yu Hean didn't know that there was something wrong with his brother. Originally, Zhao Hongtu was too lazy to mind his own business, but after all, the people in their brigade had experienced life-and-death relationships, and no one had any feelings at all. Seeing that Yu and An were still kept in the dark, Zhao Hongtu felt really uneasy about his conscience.

After pondering for a long time, Zhao Hongtu pursed his lips and finally said hesitantly:

"Uncle, your brother—"

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