Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 30 The Drunken Beauty of Western Hunan (30)

The time was pulled back four hours ago, at midnight, when Wei Xun had just finished the blood experiment, dumped the maggots into Xiaolong River, and then walked to the village chief's house with the firefly ghost baby.

While Pingping didn't come back and her precious ghost baby was in his hands again, Wei Xun was going to steal the house directly. As the core object throughout this journey, the house where Pingping lived and the things she used are of great reference value.

Seeing that before Wei Xun killed the corpses and transformed into flying foxes, all he got were 'Pingping's Blood Dagger', 'Pingping's Embroidered Shoes' and the like. I'm not sure if Pingping still has any 'Pingping's Silk Scarves' at home. 'Ping Ping's Rouge' kind of thing.

Even if not, a visit to Pingping's house would be exciting enough. Wei Xun was always worried about not fighting against Li Gui Pingping.

"Didn't you live here before?"

The best-preserved building in the middle of Qiebi Village is the ancestral hall. Near the ancestral hall, it seems that the best house in the past was the village chief's house. It's a pity that Wei Xun went in and walked around. Apart from being choked by dust, he didn't find anything good, let alone Pingping's belongings. The whole house was purely shiny on the outside, and the walls on the inside were as black as if they had been burned by fire. It's painted, it doesn't even have furniture, it's just an empty shell.

Maybe this is the house where Pingping once lived, but it shouldn't be the most important place.

Wei Xun analyzed in his mind that Pingping was the first female village head of Qiebi Village in thousands of years, but in fact her relationship with the villagers was extremely unharmonious. The group of rotting corpses trapped in Xiaolong Yi Village were legendary Sharing fetal flesh, everything in the village seems to be connected to Pingping's tragic fate.

The time of childbirth is when women are at their weakest and least able to resist. In this case, would Pingping give birth in the village?

"Baby, take brother to see your home."

Wei Xun didn't waste any more time in the dilapidated house and simply walked out of Qiebi Village with the ghost baby. He took the firefly off his shoulder and threw it outward. The firefly fluttered its wings and flew up, as if thinking that Wei Xun was playing with it again. It flew back to Wei Xun's hands several times, but after being thrown out again, it flew around Wei Xun in a daze, not understanding what he was doing.

Wei Xun didn't expect Gui Ying to take him directly back to Ping Ping's lair. Wei Xun continued walking upstream along the Xiaolong River. It didn't rain tonight, but there was still a layer of light clouds in the night sky. The shadow of the moon was looming, not clear, and there seemed to be a layer of rough edges around the edges.

This is exactly what the old saying goes, Mao Yueliang says that on a devil's night, the gates of hell are wide open and it is not advisable to go out.

Wei Xun didn't have the good fortune of encountering a ghost on the way. He walked along Xiaolong River to the end without incident. At the end of the stream is a pool, followed by a waterfall. Next to the pool is green bamboo as thick as an arm. The bamboo is spotted with spots, as if stained with blood and tears. There are deep weeds and shrubs on both sides. It is not clear what is behind at a glance. Is it a road or a steep slope.

"That's it."

Wei Xun stood by the pool, and took out Pingping's blood-stained embroidered shoes with his hand in his pocket. When he was in the village chief's house, it began to heat up. The heat decreased as he went downstream, and increased as he went upstream. By the time we reached the pond, it was as hot as a roasted sweet potato.

Wei Xun estimated that this thing would be hot, and it was pointing at either Pingping or the corpse-turned-Flying Fox King.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wei Xun planned to find and deal with the corpse-turned-Flying Fox King.

In fact, Wei Xun wanted to fight with the Corpse Flying Fox King as early as when Commander Zuo was killed on the Fierce Bone Plank Road. That kind of fanatical fighting spirit eager to fight and shed blood, the destructive desire to destroy others and himself, and the possibility of losing control aroused Wei Xun's vigilance.

In fact, he had been subconsciously restraining himself and avoiding the encounter with the Zombie Flying Fox King, so as not to fall into a crazy battle again.

But the loss of control caused by the decrease in SAN value is not only the desire to fight. When he was in the fetal flesh grave, Wei Xun made the stupid mistake of being obsessed with Pingping and not being able to extricate himself. He did not treat his wounds and allowed the death countdown to continue to decrease. This was a stupid thing. It's also a loss of control.

The SAN value is like a double-edged sword, giving him great power but also constantly taking away Wei Xun's sanity. The change made Wei Xun eager to fight, and the drop in SAN value itself would make him depressed and lose interest in other things.

After two tubes of blood were drawn, Wei Xun became much calmer and looked away. Since everything was out of control, he might as well continue looking for excitement. Now he still has 42 SAN points, which should be enough to fight the Zombie Flying Fox King.

In the final analysis, the only things that are most exciting in this journey and can arouse Wei Xun's interest are the corpse-turned-Flying Fox King and Li Gui Pingping, and Wu Laoliu can barely be counted among them.

"Is there no road?"

Standing in front of the pool, Wei Xun tried to walk to the left and right of it, but the heat of his blood-stained embroidered shoes did not change. He is not an experienced hunter and cannot follow the traces of animals. He relies on blood-stained embroidered shoes like radar to find them.

But now that the embroidered shoes are useless, ghost babies and fireflies are flying around, and without the consciousness of leading the party, Wei Xun seems to have no way to continue tracking - no, does he really have no way?

Wei Xun took out a small glass bottle, opened the lid and knocked it out.

"Buzz buzz-"

The golden mosquito trapped all the way in the glass bottle jumped out like an orange juice ball, but instead of flying away, it buzzed around Wei Xun, as if to express its joy and want to stick to him.

"Smell the blood."

Wei Xun put embroidered shoes on it and said, "Take me to find it."

Mosquitoes should be very sensitive to blood, so it is normal for them to be used as hunting dogs.


The golden mosquito landed on the embroidered shoes, folded its four pairs of wings obediently, and stared at Wei Xun with big eyes. Wei Xun stared at it incomprehensibly for a few seconds, confirming that this stupid thing didn't understand his words.

If he wanted to communicate with the Golden Mosquito and control it, Wei Xun would have to give it some blood.

"It's really troublesome. Do I still have to accept your allegiance?"

Wei Xun rolled up his sleeves, revealing his pale and thin left arm and the Maria butterfly tattoo on his left arm. It’s not an illusion, the tattoo has moved up again, now reaching the junction of the upper arm and the lower arm.

When that piece of skin was exposed, the golden mosquito was immediately excited and crazy, and its wings flapped out quickly. He rushed over like a bullet, landed on Wei Xun's arm and began sucking blood in small sips.

"Suck less, you useless little thing."

Although there was no pain from being sucked blood, Wei Xun complained harshly: "Why are the people who are loyal to me either mosquitoes or maggots? Can't there be something powerful?"

‘Buzz, buzz master! ’

The blood-sucking mosquitoes were buzzing happily in his mind, and he was finally able to express his thoughts more clearly.

‘Master buzzes! ’

It was very restrained and only sucked a little bit, just enough to form a bond with its owner, and then stopped sucking with great self-control awareness. After the golden mosquito pulled out its mouthpiece, it suddenly fluttered its wings and flew out, hitting the tree next to it. superior.

Wei Xun was stunned by this posture. Before he could wonder whether the mosquito was stupid or drunk, he saw the golden mosquito flying back again, holding something in its slender limbs.

‘Buzz, buzz, master’

The buzzing sound of the golden mosquito became weak, and he put something in Wei Xun's hand.


Even Wei Xun gasped in surprise after seeing the properties of this thing.

[Name: Variation ¥%#@* Mouth Parts [Gold]]

【quality:? ? ? 】

[Function: Vampire\u0026*%! @]

[Remarks: *\u0026…painless…#@hard\u0026 # ]

He has never seen so many garbled characters in an item introduction!

The weak buzzing sound of the Golden Mosquito echoed in Wei Xun's mind. He knew that this seemed to be a special loyalty ceremony of the Demon Mosquito clan. After the Demon Mosquito finds its destined master, it will offer its mouthparts to represent absolute loyalty. In the future, without the permission of the master, It would rather starve to death than suck the blood of other creatures. It will only suck the blood of its owner!

Of course, the mouthparts will regenerate after they are severed, but what the devil mosquito gives its owner is the best mouthpart that will accompany it as it grows after it is born from the egg. The mouthparts that regenerated later were not as good as this.

The effect of the mouthparts is in the same direction as the mutation of the devil mosquito. This golden mosquito is not highly evolved and cannot express many of its meanings. Wei Xun can only understand that it says that its mouthparts are 'very hard' and 'not painful'. These two points, basically consistent with the item prompts.

"What the hell are you?"

Wei Xun held the golden needle-like mouthpart in his hand and looked at it curiously. Even the hotel couldn't identify this gadget. Reminiscent of his previous battle with the Demon Mosquito, the Golden Mosquito showed allegiance to him, and the hotel had no reaction at all.

What exactly are they?

'Buzz, master, thing...'

The golden mosquito that had had enough rest buzzed and flew away. It instinctively wanted to please Wei Xun. It had no concept of 'I' and instinctively felt that it was a part of its master. The meaning expressed was unpleasant, but Wei Xun would not follow a mosquito either. Calculate.

In particular, the Golden Mosquito was still very weak, but it had already begun to perform its duties as a hunting dog. After flying around the embroidered shoes, it flew straight towards the northwest.

The embroidered shoes were taken out from the body of the corpse-turned-flying fox commander. At that time, Wei Xun went crazy and tore the corpse-turned-flying fox commander into pieces. The smell of blood on this shoe was particularly strong. The golden mosquito buzzing sounded in Wei Xun's mind.

It sensed a similar, but more powerful and terrifying smell of blood in that direction.

That is the corpse-turned-Flying Fox King.

Golden Mosquito took Wei Xun flying and stopping all the way. Western Hunan is mountainous, and it is even more remote and desolate. There are not even trails trodden by the mountain people. Thanks to Wei Xun's now transformed body, even a mountain wall with an inclination of forty-five degrees can still walk on flat ground, so their speed is not too slow.

But even so, after climbing over this heavy hillside, it was already half past two in the morning. If you look at the map, the distance from Wei Xun in a straight line may only be a few hundred meters, but the actual distance is already more than ten kilometers.


The golden mosquitoes were buzzing and flying, and ahead was the territory of the 'monster'. Its powerful aura made the golden mosquitoes instinctively dare not approach, and only dared to hover around the outside.

Wei Xun did not hesitate. When he got here, he also caught the faint aura of a powerful creature.

Strong enemy.

Very strong, very powerful. Wei Xun even felt that it was not much weaker than Li Gui Pingping.

Really strong.

The tips of his claws were itching, and there was a faint red light in Wei Xun's eyes. The desire to fight with a powerful enemy filled every blood vessel like a stimulant, making his blood boil.

I really want to, I really want to fight right away.

Wei Xun walked in fearlessly.

What suddenly opened up in front of us was a rare clearing in the forest, like green grass that was soft when stepped on, like the best carpet. The grass is covered with unknown white flowers. This lawn is so neat and beautiful that it doesn't look like it is growing in the wild, but it looks like someone has trimmed it regularly.

There were no miscellaneous trees or shrubs. There was a very large old tree growing in the center of the grass. If you look carefully, you will find that these are two trees intertwined together, and finally grow together, forming a rare forest landscape.

But what caught Wei Xun's attention the most was a woman's head growing in the middle of the trunk of the giant tree.

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