Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 28 The Drunken Beauty of Xiangxi (28)

Ever since Pingping was defeated by Wu Laoliu, Wei Xun had fallen into a depressed mood and was unable to extricate himself. It's not a negative emotion like pessimism or depression, but a feeling of not wanting to move and passive resistance——

It’s like knowing that school is about to start tomorrow, but instead of catching up on homework, you still lie on the sofa and play with your phone.

At that time, Wei Xun was as stunned as a demon. Unless the devil Pingping came back to him, the little loser Wei Xun would lose interest in everything. Even when Zhao Hongtu grabbed his sleeve and Wang Pengpai resisted him on his shoulder, he didn't have any unnecessary reaction.

It wasn't until the buzzing sound came from behind the car and the corners of his forehead began to feel slightly hot that Wei Xun came back to his senses a little.

what is that?

Only with this comeback did Wei Xun wake up from his own world and realize the reality. He frowned. His clothes were soaked with blood and clung to his skin, which was very uncomfortable. The smell of blood was not pleasant, but the cold caused by excessive blood loss made Wei Xun feel lazy, like a hibernating snake too lazy to move.

But - the smell coming from behind is so fragrant.

Wei Xun turned his head and looked out the car window, and saw a gray-white mosquito as big as a fingernail lying outside the window glass.

Compared with ordinary mosquitoes, they are obviously no different. But at this moment, Wei Xun felt that it was made of candy - no, it was not him who felt it, but the horns on his forehead that gave him such a feeling.

Although it is all about appetite, it is actually not exactly the same as the feeling when encountering resentment. If resentment is the food and nourishment of the two horns, then these mosquitoes are more like the same source, but inferior energy.

Wei Xun has always felt that his final monster transformation should be a demon. If they have the same origin, let's call these mosquitoes devil mosquitoes. The energy of a single devil mosquito is too little, just like a grain of low-quality sugar, and it is impossible to cause a double-horn reaction.

But there were too many mosquitoes chasing behind them. To Shuangjiao, they were like several large pieces of rock candy chasing behind them. Although they were all low-quality and low-grade energy, they were still impressive together.

I kind of want to eat.

Wei Xun stared at the increasing number of mosquitoes on the car window and licked his lips in disgust.

But it's really ugly.

Just at this moment, the car stopped, and there were more and more mosquitoes on the windows. Wei Xun had a feeling that they were also staring at him longingly, eager to devour higher-level energy.

Evolution is the instinct of all living things. Even the little mosquitoes are hungry for his flesh and blood.

"Then come on."

Wei Xun found it interesting. He laughed softly and opened the car window. Zhao Hongtu's anxious shouts blurred into meaningless notes in his ears. Wei Xun stretched his hands out of the window. There were wounds on his left arm from the previous battle. In an instant, the demon mosquitoes swarmed up and covered his arms. . People's scalps felt numb when they looked at the dust.

But in the next moment, all those demon mosquitoes died. They were too weak - they were too weak. Not to mention evolving after swallowing Wei Xun's blood, they were devoured as soon as they touched his blood and turned into pure essence. The energy was integrated into Wei Xun's body.

Wei Xun's arm trembled, and the dead mosquitoes fell like bran. Their bodies, drained of energy, were fragile and fragile, as if they were frozen by ice. A layer of demon mosquito corpses fell down, and more demon mosquitoes pounced on Wei Xun's arms like crazy, but the result was only death.

"thanks for treatment."

Wei Xun's eyes narrowed slightly with comfort. He didn't need to buy recovery potion, and the injuries on his body were improving and healing rapidly. Not only that, Wei Xun had stronger control over his body. The wound on his left arm was controlled by him and never healed. The smell of blood attracted more and more demonic mosquitoes.

From the outside, it looked like a tornado of gray mist-like mosquitoes, thick at the top and sharp at the bottom. Their ultimate destination was Wei Xun's arm. They flew down in pieces and died in pieces.

As the fable goes, if you want something from the devil, you have to pay more.

The continuously absorbed energy made Wei Xun's body feel slightly warm, and his breathing was filled with hot breath. This feeling was so good. Although he could hear the sound of the SAN value decreasing all the time, Wei Xun didn't care. A satisfied child just wants more, looking at the mosquitoes with his deep black eyes - there, Wei Xun smells a more delicious smell.

There are three more powerful and purer demon mosquitoes there. He was also tempted by Wei Xun's blood, but he vaguely knew that it was a deadly poison bait, so he hesitated and refused to come over.

come quickly……

Wei Xun breathed a sigh of relief and controlled his left arm to make the wound crack deeper. The smell of blood filled the air, causing the demon mosquitoes around him to go crazy.

bring it on--

The newly opened wound was near Maria's butterfly tattoo. Covered by the mosquitoes and unable to be seen by Wei Xun, the tattoo glowed slightly. The blood there was stained with a light blue-purple color.

The three devil mosquitoes that had been hiding deep in the thick fog finally couldn't hold back anymore. Two thin mosquitoes as big as calves broke through the dark gray fog. One of the devil mosquitoes had white flowers on a black background, and the other had black flowers on a white background. There are actually three pairs of mosquito wings behind the flowers.

The other demon mosquitoes all retreated as if they were encountering the arrival of a king. These two mutated giant mosquitoes flew extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they were behind the off-road vehicle and rushed towards Wei Xun. The buzzing sound was shocking. Dizziness in the head and bleeding from the seven orifices.

at this time--

"fasten your seatbelt!"

Wang Pengpeng shouted: "Fat Master, I'm going to drive!"


The engine roared like a monster, and the entire off-road vehicle shook violently. The off-road vehicle, which had been stuck in a mud pit and could not escape, actually started moving again. The wheels spun rapidly and splashed large amounts of mud. The mosquitoes that covered the window glass flew away in an instant. At this moment, almost the entire off-road vehicle was glowing. The extremely powerful force almost threw everyone behind, clinging to them. Seat back.


Like a galloping wild horse, the off-road vehicle jumped out and drove at a racing speed in the mud. Everyone turned pale with fright. No one could have imagined that Wang Pengpai drove like this.

"Little, be careful!"

Xu Chen, who was in the passenger seat, couldn't speak clearly. He looked at the puddles on the road ahead and trembled with fear: "Puddles, there are puddles ahead!"

"Haha, don't worry. Fatty, I'm an experienced driver!"

Wang Pengpai smiled boldly, and he didn't know how he operated it. The off-road vehicle went out diagonally and almost fell into the Xiaolong River. At the critical moment, it turned back and just crossed the puddle. This is an unimaginable control ability for ordinary people. , which can be called terrifying driving skills.

No one had time to fasten their seat belts, and everyone was thrown to the left. Zhao Hongtu fell directly on Wei Xun, and Wei Xun hit his head heavily in the car.


The feeling of dizziness interrupted the pleasure of constantly absorbing energy. Wei Xun covered his head and finally came to his senses. When he looked up, he saw that his arms were densely covered with corpses of mosquitoes. An almost horrified look appeared on his face, and he shuddered. Shivering.


With a shake of his hand, he shook off all the mosquito corpses. Looking at the giant mosquito chasing after him again, Wei Xun's face almost turned green.

Damn it, how could he think mosquitoes are delicious!

The gray fog mosquitoes were left behind, but the two giant mosquitoes were still chasing after them. Wei Xun could clearly see their sharp mouthparts, which were several sizes larger. It's as long as a forearm, thick as a sweater needle, shining with a metallic luster, and seems to be stained with reddish-brown blood from an unknown creature.

In an instant, the encyclopedia of how many types of bacteria and viruses are contained in mosquitoes passed through his mind. When he thought about the countless small devil mosquitoes that had just landed on his arms and wounds, Wei Xun wanted to jump into the August 4th disinfectant and swim freely. Five thousand meters.

So dirty!

Don't touch me!

Next to him, Zhao Hongtu was so shaken by the car that he felt dizzy and nauseous. He hurriedly tried to get up from Bingjiu several times, but his efforts failed again and again due to sharp turns. It wasn't until someone next to him helped him that he could barely sit still.


Zhao Hongtu thanked him in a daze, but when he finished speaking, he felt horrified. No, Bingjiu was the only one sitting in the same row with him! Before he could recover from the shock of "Bingjiu helped him", he felt his pocket feel light.

"Hey my gun!"

The pistol Hou Feihu left for him for self-defense was conveniently taken away by Bingjiu!

Looking at the two giant mosquitoes chasing after the off-road vehicle, Wei Xun felt as if he was seeing his own dark history. He became angry and murderous, but he didn't want to come into contact with them at all, let alone tear them apart. The tour guide Wei Xun thought it was too short, so he simply took the pistol in Zhao Hongtu's pocket.

"Go to hell."


The sound of gunshots made Zhao Hongtu's ears buzz. He looked at Bingjiu dumbfounded, only to find that his shooting posture was surprisingly good-looking. There was a lot of space inside the off-road vehicle. Wei Xun stood up halfway, turned around and leaned against the driver's seat, leaning sideways, with his upper body leaning out of the wide open window and his shoulders against the window frame.

He covered his ears with one hand and fired with the other. His hand was surprisingly steady, and his eyes were frighteningly cold.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Good guy.

Wang Pengpai, who was driving, was distracted and looked at the rearview mirror. He saw Bingjiu's several shots all hitting the giant mosquito's wings. He was so accurate that he was speechless. He could tell from practice. What stunned him the most was the faint ominous red light attached to the bullet.

Without that layer of red light, ordinary bullets would not be able to harm foggy mosquitoes!

Wei Xun, like venting his anger, hit the giant mosquito that was chasing after the off-road vehicle. It was so dirty, so dirty. Wei Xun couldn't bear the thought that he had just absorbed so many mosquitoes as jelly beans.

His strong repulsion made Shuangjiao reluctantly give up the energy of the Demon Mosquito that had not been fully absorbed and was full of impurities. Wei Xun's murderous intention towards the giant mosquito allowed him to use his horns to 'waste use' the energy and attached it to the bullet.

Each bullet contains the energy of hundreds of demonic mosquitoes. Even if the giant mosquitoes have purer blood and stronger strength, they may not be able to completely withstand the damage.

Perhaps they saw Wei Xun being sucked by mosquitoes without resisting, so they finally got ready to move. Maybe the two giant mosquitoes felt aggrieved even when they died. Why did this demon suddenly change his attitude?

After the gun was empty of bullets and the two giant mosquitoes were completely killed, Wei Xun expressionlessly threw the gun into Zhao Hongtu's arms. He roughly rolled up the sleeve of his left arm, which was broken into rags, and squeezed it quickly and hard with his right hand.

"Buzz buzz!"

A golden mosquito had its wings pinched by Wei Xun, but it didn't struggle. Instead, it stretched its head like a drunkard and quickly sucked a few more mouthfuls of blood, shivering from the cold.

Wei Xun always remembers that he first sensed three powerful beings in the mosquito swarm, but only two giant mosquitoes were killed by him. There was also the most cunning and hidden mosquito that had quietly come to his side.

He even sucked a few mouthfuls of blood from near his butterfly tattoo.

It was so concealed that Wei Xun didn't even feel pain at all. Compared with the two giant mosquitoes, this golden mosquito was much smaller, only as big as the belly of a thumb, and chubby. It didn't look like a mosquito, but more like a plush. The velvet bee has circles and circles of patterns on its body.

Wei Xun grabbed his wings without struggling, and remained motionless pretending to be dead. Although it doesn't look very aggressive, the energy contained in its body is the most abundant and powerful. Like a honey gummy bear.

Wei Xun held the mosquito in his hand with an expressionless expression. He was so fast that even Zhao Hongtu next to him didn't notice that Bingjiu had caught a mosquito. He only heard the gurgling sound from his stomach——

The scene was a little awkward for a while.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Even if he, Wei Xun, were hungry and died of starvation here, it would be absolutely, impossible for him to eat a mosquito.

"Buzz buzz."

As if sensing Wei Xun's murderous intent and displeasure, the golden mosquito buzzed softly. Wei Xun felt the butterfly tattoo on his left arm was slightly hot, and then a strange, weak consciousness appeared in his mind.

'buzz buzz'

This strange consciousness is also buzzing, like a mosquito - a mosquito?

Wei Xun sat back in his seat thoughtfully. He hesitated in his original intention to kill it. His weak consciousness seemed to understand that now was the critical moment that decided its life and death, and he kept saying "surrender" and "loyalty" to Wei Xun. 'Consciousness.


Wei Xun was amused. This mutated mosquito must have sucked the blood near his butterfly tattoo and mutated. Wei Xun vaguely realized that its surrender was indeed sincere, and at the same time it had a deeper desire.

Wei Xun remembered that this fat mosquito was very deformed. It had four pairs of wings. From top to bottom, there were a pair of wings with white flowers on a black background, a pair of wings with black flowers on a white background, a pair of golden wings, and the bottom pair was so small that it was inconspicuous. blue purple wings.

This pair of wings was the tenderest and lay softly. Wei Xun shivered in fear when he touched the little mosquito, but he didn't dare to hide away. From its vague consciousness, Wei Xun knew that these wings were newly grown after it sucked Wei Xun's blood.


His blood - the blood near his butterfly tattoo, so useful?

Wei Xun did not speak, but conveyed the consciousness of 'surrender' and 'control' to Jin Mosquito's weak consciousness in his mind. The other party did not resist at all, but complied and opened himself up.


Wei Xun muttered to himself again, but it wasn't because Fat Mosquito was smart enough to know how to 'surrender', but because from killing the giant mosquito to catching Fat Mosquito alive, Wei Xun had been waiting for the prompt tone from the hotel.

Either a temporary mission, a reward for killing the giant mosquito, or a special mission to accept the submission of the mosquito.

But no, there was nothing. Whether Wei Xun killed the giant mosquito or was surrendered by the fat mosquito, the hotel did not react at all.

This is unusual for a hotel that seems to be aware of and in control of everything.

Was it a deliberate cold shoulder, or... the hotel couldn't see it?

It was curiosity about this matter that made Wei Xun keep the mosquito temporarily. Miao Fangfei still had a few medicine bottles given to him at that time. She ate the cooling pills in one go. Wei Xun put the mosquitoes into the small bottles very quickly. Zhao Hongtu only saw Bing Jiu was so hungry that he became delirious and started taking medicine. .

After thinking about it, he took out a flat piece of chocolate from his pocket and handed it to Bingjiu cautiously: "Director Bing, we will arrive at the Miao Village soon."

Wang Pengpai drove very fast, and after getting rid of the mosquito swarm, Yingzhu Miao Village was already in front of him. The time was very alarmingly 10:50, and they would be late in ten minutes.

"I wonder if Brother Hou and the others got back in time."

Looking at the Miao Village getting closer and closer, Zhao Hongtu's heart tightened and tightened, and he still had a little hope that Hou Feihu and the others would just return to the Miao Village first.


No, Hou Feihu and Miao Fangfei did not come back. Only five of them came back.

"Why, you look so ugly."

Wei Xun didn't take the chocolate from Zhao Hongtu, but he was in a good mood and asked casually.

"Director C, you, you are injured, please take care of it quickly."

Yu Hean, who was sitting in the back, boldly poked his head over and said anxiously.

"Are you afraid of blood?"

Wei Xun was careless, not wanting them to know that his wounds had healed, so he casually wiped the blood from his body, smeared it on Yu He'an's face, and said perfunctorily:

"I'm not afraid anymore."

Yu Hean:?

He was stunned as he faced the bloody stain. No, he was not afraid of blood, he was worried about Director Bing's injuries, and also wanted to know what happened to Huihui.

Zhao Hongtu, who was sitting next to Bingjiu, could see the coldness in his eyes more clearly, and secretly shook his head at Yu and An.

Bingjiu was in a bad mood. He originally wanted to ask about Hou Feihu and Miao Fangfei's situation, but suddenly he didn't dare.

Lin Xi was also missing, and Bingjiu didn't respond. They should all be fine.

Zhao Hongtu could only comfort himself in this way, but he couldn't let go of his worries no matter what.

With everyone in the car thinking, the off-road vehicle drove back to Yingzhu Miao Village, and the time happened to be eleven o'clock. The stilted building at the beginning had no lights, and Wu Laoliu didn't come back. But no one cares about him.

Everyone stood in front of the stilted building with bamboo baskets on their backs, waiting for Bingjiu to speak. The atmosphere was particularly solemn because of the missing companion.

When they returned to Yingzhu Miao Village, Zhao Hongtu and the others heard the hotel prompt.

[Welfare project completed]

[Task reward distribution——]

【You get 2500 points】

[The baby is very satisfied with your carrier, favorability 1 (full value 10 points)]

[Please note that in the following attractions, you will belong to Chaping Miao Village]

When they heard the last words, Zhao Hongtu and Yu Hean breathed a sigh of relief at the same time and looked at Wang Pengpai gratefully. Sure enough, this was just two waves of people working on separate projects. Miao Fangfei and Hou Feihu should be fine.

Wei Xun also received a reminder that the welfare task was completed, and at the same time he also received information about the next project.

"Roll roll."

It was the usual roll call, but this time half of the people were missing, and Wei Xun didn't explain much.

"After a day of rest, did you have a good rest, fellow tourists? I believe everyone must be refreshed and would like to know what the next attractions will be."


Therefore, tourists immediately concentrate and listen carefully to every word of the tour guide, without daring to miss a word.

"Let me ask you a question first. When someone is moving around freely, has anyone noticed what is written on the God List?"

God list?

Yu Hean and others were stunned for a moment by this unfamiliar vocabulary. Xu Chen pushed up his glasses and reminded in a low voice: "It's the same red paper as the Spring Festival couplets in the main room."

Shenbang culture can be found in Sichuan, Sichuan, Hakka, Huaihua and other places in Hunan. It consists of three parts: ancestral tablets, sacred plaques and divine couplets. The first two are missing from the stilted building where they live, and only the divine couplets are retained in the main room.

Although many people don’t know what they are, they look up and see red paper ‘Spring Festival couplets’ as soon as they enter the house, which is very conspicuous.

"It seems like...the golden furnace has been burning for thousands of years, and the jade lamp has been burning forever?"

Yu Hean hesitated and said that he also remembered the bright red couplet and specifically wrote down the words on it. Seasoned travelers are used to collecting information all the time, and they might be able to use it at some point.

"That's right, this couplet is to pray for endless supply of melons and endless incense, and for the newborn baby to be free from illness and disaster."

Wei Xun said: "The mountains in the Xiaolong River area are rolling and extremely secluded. They were once called the 'Long River Barbarians', and they still retain many old strange customs. Our next project is to experience the mountains in western Hunan. "Special child-rearing customs."

Hearing Bingjiu say this, for some reason, everyone had an ominous premonition in their hearts.

Sure enough, what he said next sent shivers down everyone's spine.

"The beautiful Xiangxi itinerary selects the three most representative baby-raising customs for travelers to experience, including drawing peach charms, washing three times and making three dynasties. Speaking of this, knowledgeable travelers may be confused. Drawing peach charms, It’s a method used by wizards to ward off ghosts from pregnant women, but we don’t have pregnant women here, so what can we do?”

Hearing this, Zhao Hongtu and the others realized something. They all looked ugly, and Wei Xun looked ugly too - they were both regretful and angry. Damn it, he obviously brought a bamboo basket with him, but why didn't any children put it in the basket on his back? Drill.

Pregnancy experiences are things that he has to spend money to experience. These travelers can get them without spending a penny, and they can also earn points for completing the projects.

There are such good things in this world! Wei Xun didn't know if a tour guide could still be a tourist, but if he had the chance, he would definitely give it a try!

"Yes, as everyone expected, have all the passengers selected their favorite babies?"

Wei Xun was dissatisfied and said quickly: "These babies are still very young, only six months old, but coincidentally, the drawing of peach charms is also done when pregnant women are six months pregnant. So next, everyone will play the role of pregnant women and personally Go and experience how wizards can ward off ghosts and exorcisms for pregnant women.”

After he said these words, Zhao Hongtu and others immediately felt the bamboo basket behind their backs light up, and their stomachs swelled up in front of them, like blowing up a balloon. The clothes were so stretched that their clothes were rolled up, and their bellies were really bulging out as if they were six months pregnant!

It turned out to be such a mission!

Zhao Hongtu looked at his bulging belly, as if he were a monster. He didn't dare to touch it, and felt scared and disgusted. After all, he was only sixteen years old. He was not afraid of trauma, but he was most afraid of the kind of penetration into the body. Something that reproduces in the body.

Thinking of this, Zhao Hongtu's face turned green, his stomach was churning, and he felt a surge of vomiting. He was confused - is the stamina of motion sickness so great? Why is he still feeling nauseous now?

Next to him, Xu Chen covered his mouth, frowned and retched a few times. Only then did Zhao Hongtu realize, damn, he was actually having pregnancy symptoms!

"Please keep the wizard's posts and prepare them carefully so as not to lose them. This project is an immersive experience project. I hope everyone can cooperate attentively."

When Wei Xun posted the post, he was still staring at the stomachs of the passengers with curiosity. He was very curious. A six-month-old baby is not just dough, but can it really be stuffed into a man's stomach? Where should the internal organs be squeezed? Will they not be injured?

He really wanted to experience it. This curiosity temporarily outweighed the sadness of Pingping's disappearance.

Wuwu, Pingping, his Pingping.

Thinking of this, Wei Xun felt sad again, and gritted his teeth when he thought of Wu Lao Liu who hadn't come back yet - he had to leave a deep and profound lesson to Wu Lao Liu.

"By the way, everyone must be wondering where the other passengers went? Don't worry, the Chaping Miao Village in Xisanhouhui and Qiebi Village opposite Xiaolongxi will hold a grand Three Chao Wine Festival to celebrate the baby's arrival. Birth. Until then, you will be able to meet other people."

Qiebi Village!

Everyone was shocked. After distributing the posts, the short meeting ended. Wei Xun turned around and left, but Zhao Hongtu and the four others stayed together to discuss.

"It's broken, it's broken. How can this be fixed? Huihui and the others have gone to Qiebi Village."

Yu Hean held his belly with a grimace on his face: "If we are pregnant with this fetus, if they do the same, wouldn't they have to have a ghost fetus?"

Yes, Yu Hean's words hit the point where Zhao Hongtu was most worried and anxious. Just now Bingjiu said, "Everyone chooses the fetus they like." Is this the so-called choice of the baby ghost baby? "

"Brother Wang, do you think they will be in danger?"

Miao team is not here, Zhao Hongtu is now the strongest person in the team, but maybe because of the series of events that happened in the fetal meat tomb, he began to unconsciously trust Wang Pengpai and wanted to ask for his opinion.

"Don't worry, Xiao Zhao, there will definitely be danger, but it's hard to say."

Wang Pengpai clenched his teeth and patted his belly. Everyone was pregnant, but he looked the least changed, after all, Wang Pengpai himself had a beer belly.

"We judged before that it was safe to choose a ghost baby and dangerous to choose a human baby. In fact, I still think so now."

Which is more dangerous, a ghost baby or a baby, anyone with a discerning eye can see. But when Wang Pengpai said this, no one questioned it, and everyone was listening to him carefully. Yu Hean rubbed his hands and said worriedly: "Brother Wang, you have more experience than us, come on, tell us what's going on, alas, Huihui is younger than Brother Zhao, and she is pregnant with a ghost baby, I'm really worried."

Oh no, is he being too ostentatious?

The fat man was murmuring in his heart, but at this point, he couldn't hold back any longer. After all, the most beautiful Xiangxi is not an easy journey. Even a large caravan may have a setback. It just so happened that the two teams separated at this time. He had originally seen that the extra "ninth person" was assigned to that side. Apart from anything else, Wang Pengpai was also anxious.

We are all travelers, and we all want to live well. No one has a bad heart and wants to watch people die.

"There are three projects on our trip, right?"

Wang Pengpai broke it down and explained to them: "Did the itinerary list before write four places: Xiaolong Yizhuang, Xionggu Plank Road, Sanghunjian, and Qiebi Village?"

Everyone nodded.

"I think we will definitely go to Qiebi Village in the end. So Team Miao and the others arrived in Qiebi Village first, and it should be a reward for 'choosing the right child'. There will definitely be dangers, but they will definitely find more clues."

"If we had known this, we would have chosen all ghost babies at that time."

Zhao Hongtu gritted his teeth, but Wang Pengpai shook his head and said earnestly: "Brother Zhao, listen to Brother Pang's advice. It is impossible for the hotel to have an absolutely correct and absolutely safe choice. It depends on the distribution of tasks this time. We can work backwards from the results. The hotel is unlikely to let all of us choose one side."

Xu Chen said: "So, choosing four babies and four ghost fetuses is indeed the safest way."

"That's right, I believe Team Miao and the others will definitely have no problem."

Wang Pengpai was firm and his firm attitude reassured Zhao Hongtu and others. Of course, Wang Pengpai has many more detailed inferences that he has not yet said, but just analyzing the surface is enough to fool Zhao Hongtu and others. Some places are vague, and no one is trying to ask 1234.

"Compared to that, we are the more dangerous side."

Seeing that everyone was generally relaxed, Wang Pengpai immediately tightened their guard: "Do you remember the story told by the ghost-possessed Miao team, saying how many people from other villages survived when they went to Qiebi Village to attend the banquet?"

"All dead."

Yu Hean shuddered.

"Most of the villages died, and the people who arrived the latest, a day late, survived."

Xu Chen added meaningfully, and the four exchanged glances, and everything was self-evident.

"Anyway, we will definitely meet at the third day of the third month of the lunar calendar. Now let's look at this project first." Wang Pengpai said, opening the wizard's post wrapped in red paper, and raised his eyebrows: "Wow, traditional Chinese characters." "I want one liter of rice, an egg, a red envelope, a piece of meat, and a clay pot filled with water." Yu Hean read it out smoothly, attracting everyone's attention. He scratched his head and smiled honestly: "The spirits in my hometown are used to seeing traditional Chinese characters. I don't have much talent, so I only have this ability." At this point, Yu Hean became sad again: "Huihui is my "We are the most talented of our generation. When we were seven years old, we were chosen by Grandma Hu San. Our parents were very happy. Who knew that we were chosen to join this journey?"

"Don't be sad. Live well and go out to see your parents."

Wang Pengpai patted his shoulder to comfort him: "The old Yu family is still waiting for you to bring honor to the family."

"No, it's my brother——"

Yu Hean subconsciously refuted, but he stuttered when the words came to his lips. He stared with his eyes like a demon and repeated: "Guang, bring honor to the family, Huihui, I, bring honor to the family..."

This posture looks a bit scary, like a demon. Wang Pengpai patted his shoulder helplessly and shouted: "Wake up!" Only then did he call Yu Hean back to his senses. He was still a little dazed and lost his mind, which looked really worrying.

"Brother Yu, we can't do this. Do you still want to see your brother?" Wang Pengpai advised, "Look at what's written on the post. The wizard will arrive at Yinshi. Everyone is really worried about you like this." The red post wrote the time when the wizard will arrive and what he needs. Yinshi is four o'clock in the morning. At four o'clock in the morning, the wizard will come to draw peach charms to keep out the ghosts. Before that, everything must be prepared. * * "The wizard will come at four o'clock in the morning." Miao Fangfei looked tired, put down the rag in her hand, and whispered, "Everything must be prepared." "I have explored this ghost place. Let alone meat, there is not even a chicken feather." Shi Tao smiled bitterly, and the four looked at each other and sighed. In the previous plan, they took the ghost baby away, which should have been a safer choice. Who knew that after taking the ghost baby away, they came to this place as soon as they opened their eyes.

The dilapidated ancient village has been uninhabited for an unknown period of time and exudes an air of decay. It was already dark, and it was a strange place, not suitable for exploration. Under the leadership of Miao Fangfei and Hou Feihu, the four of them worked together to pack up a house, which was barely enough to live in.

As for why there are four people——

Yu Hehui disappeared.

Although they all chose Ghost Infant, only the four of them were sent here, but Yu and Hui were nowhere to be seen. Hou Feihu and the others searched anxiously at first, until Miao Fangfei frowned and revealed the information that "there is one more person", they were all stunned.

"But, that doesn't necessarily mean Yu Hehui..."

Before Shi Tao finished speaking, Lin Xi said sternly: "It's him. I've long been surprised that he and his brother have exactly the same appearance. How is this possible? Even twins can't have exactly the same appearance."

Speaking of this, Lin Xi's face turned ugly: "Why didn't I react to such an obvious loophole before?"

"The resentful ghost interferes with your perception, just like when Xiaolong Yizhuang disposed of the corpse."

Miao Fangfei consoled her, "It was only after Director B reminded me that I realized what I was doing."

Hou Feihu looked solemn: "Then has it left now? Or has it gone to Hongtu and the others?"

"Not sure."

Miao Fangfei whispered, turning the bamboo basket in front of her. The ghost baby kept crying, and its shrill and shrill cries hurt people's eardrums, making them easily impatient. But perhaps because she is a woman, or is influenced by the possessed ghost, Miao Fangfei has a high tolerance for ghost babies.

She hugged the baby and coaxed her, humming a hometown tune, and soon the blue-grey ghost baby fell asleep. The others were also disturbed. Seeing Miao Fangfei clumsily imitating her posture, the ghost babies didn't buy it, and they were so tired that they were sweating profusely.

"Be nice to the ghost baby."

Seeing Lin Xi's impatient expression, Miao Fangfei reminded: "Everyone must have heard the reminder just now."

"We belong to Qiebi Village."

Shi Tao nodded and coaxed the ghost baby in his arms a little awkwardly.

"The ghost baby is very satisfied with your backpack, favorability 1 (full value 10 points)"

Hou Feihu added: “This is very critical.”

"The bamboo basket is a key prop, which means the ghost baby's favor is very crucial to our next project."

"But how do we take on the next project?"

Lin Xi whispered in frustration: "Director Bing is over there..."

"Everyone is here already?"

At this moment, a familiar, joking voice suddenly sounded. It was supposed to be a horrifying scene, but Miao Fangfei and the others were so happy that they all raised their heads and looked at the source of the voice, with unconcealed surprise and vigilance on their faces.

"Are you, Director C?"

Miao Fangfei couldn't hide her caution despite her excitement. There were too many illusions and illusions on this journey, which was too distressing.

"No, I'm a monster."

Wei Xun said with evil intentions. Seeing Shi Tao and the others suddenly become depressed, like lost dogs, the bad mood of having a double division of labor was much better.

That's right, the brigade was divided into two sides, and Wei Xun, as a hard-working tour guide, had to rush to both sides. Although Wei Xun knew that he could reach Qiebi Village just by standing in Wu Laoliu's stilted building in one minute. This was a special benefit given to tour guides by the hotel.

But when he thought that he had to repeat the same explanation about the attractions twice, the lazy Wei Xun really couldn't be happy.

He simply came here, in addition to informing tourists of the scenic spots, he also had other purposes.

[Welfare project completed]

[Task reward distribution——]

[You get 200 points]

[You get a clue related to the corpse-turned-Flying Fox King]

[Clue 1. When Pingping was six years old, she got a little flying fox from her father. Her father said that it was the reincarnation of Pingping's brother who died young and would always be by Pingping's side. Pingping named it Aaron, which is her brother’s nickname]

Wei Xun's task of developing scenic spots has reached 80%, and the final progress must be related to the transformation of the corpse into the Flying Fox King. But it wasn't like the commanders on the left and right who rushed forward to die. After arriving at Yingzhu Miao Village for so long, Wei Xun didn't have any news about the corpse turning into the Flying Fox King. After reading this clue, he understood.

'Always guard Pingping's side'

In other words, the Corpse Flying Fox King and Pingping have always been together. Whether this 'Pingping' refers to Qiebi Village, the resentful spirit that sneaked into the brigade, or the ghost possessing Miao Fangfei, they all point to Qiebi Village.

Perhaps the final task of developing scenic spots can only be completed during the final project, but now that he can arrive at Qiebi Village early, Wei Xun will not miss the opportunity.

What's more, his purpose in coming to Qiebi Village was not just this.


After briefly talking about the project and the ghost babies entered the stomachs of the tourists, Wei Xun took Miao Fangfei aside to chat alone. When she got the wizard's post, Miao Fangfei confirmed that Bingjiu was really a tour guide and treated him respectfully.


Miao Fangfei nodded, and neatly took out a plastic package from the side pocket of her backpack. Inside were five unopened syringes, three ordinary ones and two silver-gray metal ones. They were all about the thickness of the little finger and equipped with needles.

Because of her title of 'Novice Gu Po', Miao Fangfei was accustomed to carrying a needle with her to collect poisonous blood and inject herself with poisonous blood. The blood is usually corrosive, and these two expensive mithril syringes are prepared for this.

She gave it all to Bingjiu without hesitation. Although she didn't ask Bingjiu what he wanted the needle for, Miao Fangfei was also curious and secretly guessed.

What does Bingjiu need a needle for? Whose blood does he want to draw?

But the time for the project at hand was tight, so Miao Fangfei, careful to protect her bulging belly, quickly went back to prepare the things the wizard wanted with everyone.

In addition to needles, Wei Xun also plundered a bunch of clean and sterilized small glass bottles, tweezers and other things from Miao Fangfei. After getting these things, Wei Xun did not go back to Yingzhu Miao Village, but found a random house in Qiebi Village to stay temporarily.

In reality, Wei Xun had been in the hospital for a long time and was very skilled in taking blood. He took out the syringe, tied his left arm with a rope, and drew a tube of blood from the butterfly tattoo and another place.

The golden mosquito trapped in a small glass bottle stared straight at the smell of blood. It buzzed around anxiously, but did not dare to really disturb Wei Xun.

Injecting blood from two syringes into two different glass bottles, Wei Xun's eyes were focused, he wanted to do an experiment.

Is the golden mosquito's mutation and inexplicable loyalty to him due to sucking his blood, or is it just because it sucked the blood near the butterfly tattoo?

Does his blood work on all bugs, or only monsters with the same origin as the devil horns?

Wei Xun was really curious.

As for the experimental subjects——

Wei Xun took out another small bottle, which contained several half-dead and wriggling maggots.

Wu Laoliu's maggots.

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