Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3261 I don’t have nothing. I don’t have nothing.

Chapter 3260 I don’t have nothing. I don’t have nothing.


Tian Yu, Kan Ze, Guan Ning, Wang Xiang and others attacked in stages, going to Fufeng on the right, Fengyi on the left, and Yin Jingzhao on the left, arresting the people on the list one by one and confiscating their property.

Webster was not the only one whose property was confiscated.

Of course, on the surface, everyone is implicated by Webster...

All of a sudden, it was in full swing.

After countless people's old records were uncovered and the butt curtains were lifted, people suddenly realized that there were actually these famous houses in the red building, brothel, white building and black building!

Learned a lot!

For example, Yang Han, whose original name was Yang Qiu, was from Anding. He also led an army to cause trouble in Guanzhong when Li Guo was fighting for hegemony. After Li Guo's defeat, he sneaked into the mountains. Taking advantage of Fei's infiltration into Guanzhong, when the household registration was in disarray, he changed his job and became a village man. He bought and sold by force, colluded with the government, and oppressed the people.

Kong Gui, formerly known as Kong Gui, was born in Tianshui. He was acquainted with Yang Qiu and often colluded in the same place. There were many gaps with Cheng Yimawan and others. Therefore, after Cheng Yimawan was defeated and fled, Kong Gui and Yang Qiu settled in Youfufeng under the alias. Kong Gui pretended to be a merchant and made a lot of money from traveling to the Western Regions over the years.

As well as Li Jue and Guo Si’s relatives, tribesmen, generals, etc...

The reason why Li Jue and Guo Si became the candidates to govern after Dong Zhuo's death was not that Li Jue and Guo Si were the best at fighting, but because these two people had the most connections, so they were able to overpower the others. The general of Xiliang became the heir to Dong Zhuo's legacy. Even Dong Zhuo's son-in-law was not a competitor between the two.

After the deaths of Li Jue and Guo Si, only a small number of these households related to Li Guo died in the battle. Some of the others fled to other places without a trace, while others changed their names and stayed incognito. After all, during Dong Zhuo and Li Guo's stay in Chang'an, , the entire government of the Han Dynasty was in chaos. It was completely normal to modify any household registration, or even to have no household registration at all.

In many places, the original population has either been killed or fled due to wars. After these people are brought back to life, as long as someone serves as circumstantial evidence, it is impossible for Fei Qian, who has just arrived in Chang'an, to immediately verify the identities of these people...

These people naturally delayed and survived.

And these guys who became anonymous after Dong Zhuo and Li Guo, although they are also the key targets of this attack, are not an order of magnitude worse than those gentry and squires who have been in Guanzhong all year round.

After China moved from a military polity to a manor polity, it was trapped in this political and economic model for a long time. It was not until the Ming Dynasty that some scholar-bureaucrats and gentry representatives governed the country. The government was a sign of the monarch's mascot, but it was not finalized, and was dragged again by natural disasters and man-made disasters into a more barbaric slave-nomadic structure of politics.

In China's dynasty, which was mainly based on farming, it was still basically a society of nobles and nobles, but within the entire politics, they were also fighting against each other. In the beginning, it was just the struggle between Guanzhong and Guandong, that is, the gentry of Shanxi and Shandong. If this was the case, the seesaw balance would always be broken one day. However, in the subsequent dynasties of the Chinese farming model, another political group appeared. …

"Jiangnan Gentlemen"!

Therefore, behind the Romance of the Three Kingdoms that many people in later generations are familiar with, how many people can realize that this is actually the prototype of the tripartite noble clans.

The triangle is the most stable form, so these three political forces have dominated the Chinese dynasty for hundreds of years, delaying the pace of China that could have gone further. They are like three huge shackles on the Chinese giant. Even to later generations there are still some indelible imprints.

"Guanlong nobles", "Shandong nobles" and "Jiangnan nobles" are relatively weak externally. They are indeed strong in territorial defense, but weak in expansion. They suppress the people internally very seriously. They control the expansion and dissemination of effective knowledge and consciously delete scriptures. The part about being able to teach yourself...

Of course, in the current Han Dynasty, the "Jiangnan gentry", or Jiangdong, was not very popular, but it was obvious in history that it would become a latecomer, and now the "Guanlong gentry" was extremely powerful from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty. , it will explode to its final potential in these hundreds of years, and then gradually decline.

The dispute between Shandong and Shanxi was the main line of political struggle from the Spring and Autumn Period to the late Tang Dynasty.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Qin State located in Guanzhong was in opposition to the Six Kingdoms of Shandong. The Six Kingdoms regarded themselves as Chinese orthodox. The Kwantung Allied Forces attacked Hangu Pass many times to destroy the Qin State in Guanzhong. In the end, Qin State was defeated. The army eliminated the Shandong nobles and unified China.

By the Han Dynasty, the central court was located in Chang'an City in Guanzhong, but the old forces in Guandong were still very powerful. Many of the old aristocrats left over from the Six Kingdoms had evolved into local tyrants. There were many "local snakes" who were not convinced by the central court. Qin Shihuang and Han Gaozu They all moved the wealthy families from Guandong to Guanzhong in large numbers to supervise them and prevent rebellion.

Some of these relocated Shandong nobles and nobles gradually considered themselves Guanzhong people in the process of settling in Guanzhong for a long time, but there were still many who still missed Shandong and tried to return to the embrace of the warm Shandong family.

For example, Fan.

The Fan family does not seem to be very famous in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but in fact the Fan family was already a huge family in the Spring and Autumn Period. The Fan family was one of the three major surnames in the Spring and Autumn Period of Jin.

Therefore, the Fan family can actually be found all over China. There is the Fan family in Nanyang, Hedong, and Guanzhong.

The Fan family in Nanyang is more famous because of Fan Pang. This guy is one of the celebrities in the Qing Dynasty in the late Han Dynasty. He formed the "Ba Gu" with Guo Tai and others. If he combined with Liu Biao and others, he could form the "Eight Friends" or "Eight Jun"... Well, why does it feel like this? What deck has the same parts...

The Fan family in Hedong has been confiscated and exterminated.

But who would have thought that the Fan family in Hedong and the Fan family in Guanzhong are actually involved?

As for the Fan family in Guanzhong, they are not as famous as Fan Pang, but compared with the Fan family in Hedong, the Fan family in Guanzhong is obviously fatter.

Now in Fan Mansion, Fan Ling is restless.

In the past, there were always people coming and going in the Fan Mansion, and it was very lively. However, at this time, the atmosphere in the house was dull. Everyone, whether they were members of the Fan family or ordinary servants, looked anxious and uneasy. There is a look of impending disaster.

In the study, Fan Ling sat slumped, his body feeling tired and restless.

On the table next to Fan Ling, there is something that should not be there...

Fan's ancestral tablet.

Fan Ling's originally fat body was now curled up into a ball, and he knelt down under the memorial tablet, as if this could make him feel somewhat secure. His face was shiny and shiny, and from time to time there would be cold sweat streaming down his forehead. He was muttering something in his mouth, praying for something unknown.

In the past few days, he looked as if he was ten years older than before, his beard and hair had also turned gray, and there seemed to be a lot more wrinkles on his face.

Ever since Webster's incident happened, Fan Ling had locked himself in his study, thinking about all his connections with Webster. The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became...

Over and over again, he was thinking about one question, why is this happening?

Aren’t we talking about a century-old dynasty and a thousand-year-old family?

Why did Webster collapse like that?

Things are developing too fast...

Wei Duan was arrested, and soon the Wei Manor was ransacked, and then someone inexplicably made trouble and openly attacked the Hussars' mansion. And just by such a coincidence, Fei Zhen and Pang Tong arrived with the Hussars and their horses!

There must be someone behind this whole incident!

However, Webster and Wei Duan were put on trial in Qinglong Temple!

What's even more frightening is that at the last moment, Wei Duan actually started to bite...

Everything is like dominoes, falling down one after another. There is no chance of rescue. You can only watch the collapse complete, or the dominoes may arrange themselves incorrectly in the middle.

Too fast, too fast!

When Fan Ling thought that the houses, shops, and properties of the Wei family had all become the trophies of the hussars, his heartbeat quickened and he became frightened. There are also many Webster's stewards and clan members who have also been arrested, right?

Did Wei Duan confess Fan Ling?

Did those Webster's stewards and clan members involve him?

But Shengsheng couldn't go to inquire and ask who was involved and who was not on the list.

Yesterday there was news that Kong Gui was arrested. It was said that it was Kong Gui who was actually Kong Gui. He changed his name and worked as a merchant for a long time...

Such people can be found, so who will be next?

Will it be my turn and my family's turn?

Fan Ling smiled miserably.

Webster, who he thought would never fall, fell, so what else is impossible?

Fan's family, Webster's family, and some people from Xiqiang are really too closely connected!

As early as the Xiqiang Rebellion, Fan Ling had secret communication and trade with the Qiang people, and made a lot of money. This money was then divided into the hands of other powerful nobles, forming a huge network of interests.

Webster is one of the very important nodes, and now this node is caught in the hands of Qiaoqi, who is following the clues...

Originally, this net was strong enough. After all, all the people in the net would protect and cover each other, just like lettuce leaves covering slices of meat. As long as the top part could not be seen, the bottom part would be filled with sweet bean paste and mayonnaise. I can't explain it, everything is smooth, harmonious and friendly.

If something goes wrong with one of the families, the other families will join together to make up for it. Political obedience does not require any special teaching. Many children in the family know it from birth. After all, the law of the Han Dynasty means that relatives should hide from each other!

But now this network is corrupted so quickly that there is no time for each other to make any moves!

And the more it happens at a time like this, the more conspicuous it becomes when anyone moves!

At the same time, there were many people who trampled on those who were weak and promoted those who were high, but few offered help in times of trouble. Seeing Wei's collapse, Fan might be implicated. Immediately, some people began to denounce Fan as a profiteer who brought disaster to the country and the people, and everyone wanted to punish her. …

Fan Ling sent people to secretly contact some friends, but unfortunately, his "friends" either just avoided seeing trouble and didn't even see them, or they were too busy taking care of themselves.

Fan Ling knelt down and prayed devoutly to his ancestral tablet...

Then he heard a faint shout of "Wansheng" that seemed to come from afar.

Fan Ling's body trembled violently, and then he wanted to stand up, but because his legs and feet were weak, he bumped into the table in front of him.

The tablet of Fan's ancestors on the table shook a few times, and then fell on the edge of Fan Ling's saving palm!

"Boom!" 』

The tablet smashed to the ground dullly, the tablet broke into two parts, and the tablet and the base fell sideways...

Fan Ling stared at the tablet that had been broken into two parts, and his whole body couldn't help but tremble, trembling like a bird falling into an ice cave.

It was Guan Ning who led the troops to raid Fan's mansion.

Although Guan Ning came from a well-known family and was said to be a descendant of Guan Zhong, Guan Ning himself was very poor. When his father died, he didn't even have enough funeral expenses...

Well, yes, life is not easy, and death is not easy either. If you don't have money, you can't even die. This is not a custom only in later generations, but has existed since the Han Dynasty.

Four hundred years of loyalty and filial piety!

At that time, Guan Ning's relatives wanted to help Guan Ning with some funeral expenses, but Guan Ning refused. On the one hand, Guan Ning does not want to owe a favor, on the other hand, he feels that extravagant funerals are not a good custom.

For Guan Ning, his daily life is relatively frugal. Even though he went to Guanzhong and served as an official under the Hussar, he still had high requirements for himself. He did not spend money arbitrarily or pursue extravagant things.

But when Guan Ning arrived in front of the Fan Mansion, he was still surprised. Even though he had thought about the extravagance of the Fan Mansion before arriving, the scene in front of him still exceeded his imagination.

There is a huge mansion in front of me, and I don’t know how many people are in and out. I just know that when I look from the gate to both sides, I feel like I can’t see my head...

Is this still a mansion?

The manor is nothing more than that!

There are sapphire stone steps in front of the door, and the red lacquer door is inlaid with copper nails.

The eaves are covered with glazed tiles, and the tiles are also painted with gold...

"The people are fat and the people are anointed..." Guan Ning didn't know why, but he felt anger burning in his heart, "There are people in Guanzhong, and they only cost a few dollars a day!" This... this Fan family... these are all the flesh and blood of the common people! 』

The inspector on the side also nodded and said with emotion: "In the countryside, it is common to see people with no food or clothing in the cold winter, and they are reluctant to use coal to keep out the cold... Fan's bricks and tiles, Haha, I'm afraid just one piece is enough for ordinary people to keep out the cold all winter! 』

For Guan Ning and the inspector, they may not know what the Gini index is, but they can understand the meaning of what they are seeing. This real gap between rich and poor is far more glaring than the official index that never changes.

"Someone is coming!" Break the door! Guan Ning shouted angrily, "I was ordered to search for the same criminals!" Those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy! 』

The hussar soldiers and inspectors rushed forward. Fan's servants at the door were quickly killed and dispersed. The closed door was knocked open, and the soldiers rushed into Fan's mansion...

After breaking open the door, the servants in the Fan Mansion could no longer resist. Those who dared to hold weapons were killed on the spot. Those who knelt down and surrendered could still save their lives. Many servants immediately forgot their previous oath of allegiance and knelt on the ground without even daring to raise their heads. Then the hussars and inspectors searched the houses and picked out the Fan clan members one by one. They cried and screamed and brought them to the front yard to gather. Men, women, old and young were densely packed, and more and more people gathered.

Soon after, Fan Ling, who was trying to escape, was captured by the hussar soldiers in a secret passage and dragged to Guan Ning, which immediately caused the Fan clan members to cry louder.

"The husband, the people, and the wealth are the blood of the country." 』

Guan Ning said in a deep voice, "Since Qiaoqi came to Guanzhong, he has always put the people first and wealth first!" As the saying goes, if people have no wealth, how can they support their families? If the country has no wealth, how can it raise troops and prepare for war? Therefore, the importance of people's wealth should not be ignored! 』

"There is a saying in Li, "When wealth gathers, the people disperse, and when wealth disperses, the people gather together. Therefore, if the words go out contrary to the words, they will also come in contrary to the words, and if the goods go in contrary to the words, they will also go out contrary to the words." Fan should have been The people in the countryside have all their thoughts and concerns, and what they have raised and continued, but now everything is contrary to what they say, and it is useless to harm the people! 』

"People are worried about their health, and prices are soaring." But Fan didn't know why, so he arbitrarily amassed people's wealth! Hussar reduced taxes and simplified collection, so that the people had more money to live and die. We should also expand our territory, develop agriculture and mulberry trees, and develop industry and commerce, so as to increase the national needs and the people's wealth! But I don't expect Fan to be stuck in the middle and exploited at every level. Who knows, the wealth of the people is not only the wealth of the country, but also the wealth of the whole world! 』

"Master Fan, what else do you have to say?" 』

Guan Ning himself is a gentleman, so he also hopes that people around him can understand the truth and know what is right and wrong, so he tries his best to express what is right and what is wrong. He wants to explain Fan's problem, hoping to There are more people who understand the truth of things rather than relying on the fear of killing to make people surrender.

Guan Ning undoubtedly agreed very much with Hussar's strategy of governing the country.

As the saying goes, when wealth gathers people disperse, wealth disperses and people gather.

If wealth is excessively concentrated in the hands of a few people, it will inevitably lead to the expansion of the gap between the rich and the poor and the intensification of social conflicts.

The greater the wealth gap, the lower the trust of the upper class will become worse and worse. The division and trust crisis between the upper and lower classes will further have a huge impact on economic development. Eventually, the economic development situation will continue to deteriorate, and the entire country will become resentful. People's morale is unstable.

In the final evolution, few people can survive alone.

Even those bureaucrats who feel that they can be officials anywhere, or the local squires in counties and counties.

Just like before the Han Dynasty, there were many gentry and gentry, especially the group of people in Shandong. They felt that what happened to the Yellow Turban Rebellion of the Han Dynasty, and what happened to Dong Zhuo and Li Guo for causing trouble in Guanzhong. They could still travel around the mountains and rivers, eat and drink at ease. Looking for flowers and willows?

But what about now?

The war is sweeping across, involving everyone who previously thought they could stay out of it!

But it was a pity that Fan Ling obviously did not accept Guan Ning's kindness.

Fan Ling howled, "I am wronged!" What an injustice! Even though my house looks so beautiful from the outside, in fact my family has no money! Really no money! If you don’t believe me, I’ll open a warehouse and show it to you! I really don’t have any money... I really don’t have anything! 』

A moment later, the hussar soldiers who went to the backyard to check Fan's warehouse came back with a frown and reported: "In the warehouse, there were only old corn, a small amount of cotton and linen cloth, and some copper coins and silver coins... There were no other treasures..." 』

A flash of joy flashed in Fan Ling's eyes, and he was shouting injustice like snow falling in June.

Guan Ning couldn't help but have some doubts. Could it be that as Fan Ling said, Fan is just a dung beetle with a shiny dung egg?

Will there be anything missing?

Guan Ning frowned and thought...


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