Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3231 Plowing

Chapter 3230 Plowing

Right Fufeng.

A vibrant farming scene was slowly unfolding in front of Tian Yu.

Tian Yu couldn't help but slow down his horse, as if to avoid destroying the peace in front of him.

The sun shines on the vast fields of Guanzhong, and the golden light interweaves with the green wheat seedlings to form a beautiful picture.

After resisting the late spring cold, the farmers in Guanzhong put their unparalleled enthusiasm into production. The farmers, dressed in coarse cloth and holding plowshares, worked hard to cultivate this fertile land.

The land will never let down humans. How much sweat is shed is how much output there is. The air is filled with the fragrance of vegetation and the smell of freshly turned soil. This is a gift from nature and a testimony of the farmers' hard work. Even the wind blowing around Tian Yu seems to become gentle because of this.

Tian Yu sat on the horse and looked at everything in front of him greedily.

Once upon a time, he had seen such a huge labor scene in Youzhou.

In Youzhou at that time, Liu Yu was still there.

Liu Yu is a good person. He is a good person who is in a high position but has not been tainted by money and power. He still maintains a pure heart.

It's a pity that such good people often don't live long.

Tian Yu's eyes followed the men working in the fields.

Their figures are dotted among the green fields, either bending down to weed or plow the fields. Although their movements are repetitive and monotonous, each movement is full of power and rhythm, as if it is a song. Melodious chimes.

In the distance, several oxen lowered their heads and pulled the plow truck calmly.

That means the affected acres need to be plowed again.

With oxen for plowing and new plows, it is easier to recover acres of crops than with simple manpower.

"Come on, follow the road, don't step on the seedlings!" 』

Tian Yu ordered.

Immediately, soldiers passed the orders backward one by one.

Tian Yu came to take office.

Because of his outstanding achievements in Longyou, he was promoted to the assistant minister of Dali Temple in Chang'an Yin.

Behind Tian Yu, riding on horseback, kicking and kicking with a shy belly, was King Ajiesha of Xiqiang.

Ajiesha has been very happy during this period of time, which makes him wider and fatter, and his belly is slumped on the horse's back. He is swaying. If his horse is not more handsome than ordinary horses, he may not be able to do it. Can carry him.

Ajiesha's recent little life has indeed been good.

After the Xiqiang rebellion, Ajiesha quickly recognized the situation and completely fell to Fei Qian's side. The Xiqiang people also got the opportunity to recuperate and settle down.

Except for a few very few people, most people still like a stable life.

The Xiqiang rebellion is actually fundamentally about the issue of the right to exist. Regardless of whether they are Han people or Qiang people, normal life cannot continue, so they have to find a way. And most of the time, the people at the bottom, regardless of Qiang or Han people, are like scattered sand, unable to achieve anything. Regarding the Western Qiang Rebellion, it was not the Qiang people at the bottom who led these Qiang people to cause trouble, but the heroes among the Qiang people.

During the repeated rebellions of the Xiqiang, many people died, and the original living environment has undergone tremendous changes. The pastures that were once fiercely competitive are now empty, just like the land redistribution of the Han people. The decline in population has made the Xiqiang Human space has increased invisibly. The level of conflicts between them has been reduced, and naturally not many Xiqiang people are willing to continue fighting with the Han people.

Beigong didn't understand this, so when he wanted to continue to do things, he couldn't.

Ajiesha didn't understand this either, but fortunately he knew that he couldn't follow Beigong all the way to the dark side...

After the basic contradictions were resolved, the Xiqiang people achieved a relatively stable period, and during this period, the Xiqiang people had a relatively strong sense of happiness, so Ajiesha naturally gained more support. As for The previous incident of Ajiesha killing Beigong was gradually forgotten.

This time, Ajiesha heard that Yami had given birth to a fat boy, and came specially to congratulate Fei Qian with gifts.

At the same time, Tian Yu and Ajie Cha came along with a group of cavalrymen from Longyou who had just gone through a period of intensive training. These cavalry are roughly divided into three categories. Some are from the Western Qiang people, the other are from Longyou and Xue District, and the other are from the Western Regions. Now that they have undergone intensive training, they just follow Tian Yu and Ajiesha. We came to Chang'an Sanfu together.

For these cavalry, it was basically their first time coming to Chang'an. Like Tianyu Ajie Cha, they were very interested in the farmers working on the Guanzhong Plain and carefully observed everything around them. It seemed that even the farmers were The clothes are so novel to them.

Because of the economic development of Chang'an Sanfu in recent years, most of the farmers working in the farmland have already put on clothes. On the one hand, it is the aftermath of the late spring weather, which is still relatively cold in the morning and evening. On the other hand, people have more money, and of course they are willing to spend money on clothing. Therefore, people’s consumption does not mean whether it should be done, or whether there is a demand for it, but it depends on whether people have money in their hands.

This money is not the so-called average of the Han Dynasty, nor is it disposable income, but the real balance of the farmer's life in a year. In Shandong, where the gap between rich and poor is very wide, what does it mean no matter how high the average number of people is? The same goes for disposable income. Disposable income is the sum of money available for final consumption expenditure and savings. If only the apparent disposable income increases, but the actual balance, that is, savings decreases, then it may not actually be a good thing.

The people of Sanfu, Chang'an, had a surplus, so of course they were willing to spend some money on clothes.

The phenomenon of naked farming is basically invisible.

Whether they are men or women, their clothing is mainly made of coarse cloth, and the colors are mostly gray, brown or khaki. These colors are not only stain-resistant, but also relatively cheap.

Farmers generally wear half-length wide-sleeved robes, but it is not like what was imagined in later movies and TV dramas. When working, the sleeves are rolled up, but a rope called a loop is used to assist. Leave your arms exposed for easy operation of farm implements.

If it is simply rolled up, it will gradually loosen during work, but it can be fixed with loops.

The hem of the robe is usually lifted up and tucked around the waist, while sleeves are worn on the legs, also called trousers.

Peasant women mostly wear underskirts, and their tops are mostly double-breasted or diagonally-breasted, while their lower skirts are looser, making it easier for them to squat or bend down when working in the fields. Their hair is usually simply tied up and fixed with a cloth or hair tie, which is both practical and neat.

It is worth noting that even if the fields are muddy and it is difficult to wear shoes, most farmers and women also have their own shoes. Even if they are not leather boots that belong to nobles, they are no longer bare. My feet are running everywhere...

Even when they are working, these farmers and women always have smiles on their faces, and from time to time there are people quarreling and laughing with each other in the fields.

This laughter seemed to be contagious, and it quietly crept onto Tian Yu's lips.

Ajie stood aside, looking left and right, and then asked Tian Yu: "Zuoshi, in such a big piece of land, are all... all hussars?" 』

Tian Yu chuckled, "Not all, but also..."

Ajiesha frowned a little, "What do you mean?" 』

Tian Yu smiled but didn't answer.

Ajie thought for a long time, then clapped his hands and said, "I understand!" Ah, this... this is really amazing! Tsk tsk, how much food can be grown in such a large farmland in Chang'an Sanfu? 』

Tian Yu smiled again.

Ajie suddenly realized, "This matter is confidential, right?" Then let me guess the number? Is there...well, is there a hundred thousand stones? 』

In the concept of Ajiesha, one hundred thousand is already a very large number.

Tian Yu laughed loudly, "One hundred thousand?" Less, really less! 』

"That's one million?" ” Ajiesha’s eyes widened, feeling that this number was completely unimaginable.

Tian Yu was still smiling.

"Not enough?" So... one, a thousand, ten million? "Ajiesha said. I don't know why, but he stuttered a little. He was obviously frightened by this huge value.

Tian Yu smiled and waved his hand, "Not that much, just a little worse." 』

Ajiesha exhaled, "Oh...ah?" ! 』


Even if the difference is a few million, it is still a very scary value!

Ajie couldn't help but tremble, and then stared at the surrounding fields, as if looking at patches of golden mountains...

In fact, both Tian Yu and Ajiesha expected less.

In Sanfu, Guanzhong, and other areas where Feiqian's new land policy is implemented, the tax rate for a family within fifty acres is low, and the tax rate is normal for fifty to one hundred acres. Once it exceeds one hundred acres, the tax rate will be resulting in higher tax rates. If you still want to enjoy the low tax rate after your land exceeds 100 acres, you can only offset it with military merit. This is the land-honoring system.

This basically has no impact on ordinary people. Only "big" families will be restricted by this. The more acres of land a family has, the more taxes they need to pay.

At the same time, due to the booming handicraft industry in Sanfu and other places in Guanzhong, all kinds of sundries that previously required the people to pay, such as salt, horses, cued manuscripts, etc., and even corvee laborers, etc., were also included in the land rent. , paid in the form of grain. On the surface, this seems to increase the land rent, but in fact it reduces the burden on farmers.

Because the farmer does not need to go out and exchange the crops for money, or turn in salt, horses, grass, etc., avoiding secondary or multiple exploitations, the farmer has spent the initial unhappiness. Once you understand the lack of support, you can quickly adapt to the new taxation method.

This has virtually reduced the means for the landlord class to exploit farmers.

For ordinary farmers, what they need most is a simple taxation model, rather than a complex, difficult-to-calculate taxation system that may change at any time.

The biggest bearers of taxes in the feudal dynasty have always been the people at the lowest level.

Rich families have various ways to evade taxes, but ordinary people can only pay the land rent taxes on their personal labor income honestly, and they have to be repeatedly harvested and exploited again and again. For example, during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, ordinary people had to pay war horses as additional taxes when the country needed them. At this time, ordinary people not only had to pay hard-earned money, but also tried their best to purchase war horses to pay this additional tax. Taxes themselves will also have to bear the additional cruel harvest of inflation brought about by the increase in war horse prices.

There are also iron, salt, custard, isinglass, etc...

Every time these additional taxes are collected in kind, it is a carnival of "average" for the court.

The ministers would tell the emperor, "We have tens of millions of people in the Han Dynasty. These additional troops will be distributed to each farmer, and each of them will have a little talent!" Is it completely acceptable? 』

The emperor calculated that it was indeed not much, and as long as the final financial result could be achieved, he sighed, "Just keep suffering the people!" 』

In fact, no matter in war years or in normal times, every additional tax imposed by the court is a great opportunity for the middle-class landlord class to find ways to destroy ordinary people's families.

Fei Qian did not believe in these bad policies. No one in the Han Dynasty, or even in the subsequent feudal dynasties, knew, understood, or understood them clearly.

Only the new class can break the interests of the old class.

Just like the big men have been advocating that thirty taxes and one is good governance, is this really the voice of the people?

Obviously ordinary people have no channels to speak out, but who are the people who have channels to speak out?

So when good governance for the people reduces the interests of some people, will these people say good things about this policy?

If these people say it is good governance, what kind of "good governance" will make these people think it is really good?

At least among the current three assistants in Guanzhong, there are very few powerful nobles who will jump out to preach how good Fei Qian's Nitta government is...

Ordinary people just think it's good, and if you ask them to say it, they can't say it.

The key to Feiqian's land administration is to directly benefit the people and reduce the opportunities for these large and small landlord classes to exploit the people. It not only expands the cake, but also changes some distribution methods.

Exploitation still exists, but it has made the people of Guanzhong feel happy, making the farmers in Sanfu of Guanzhong more enthusiastic about farming.

Especially the enthusiasm for reclaiming wasteland.

Because every farmer knows that under the new land policy, each additional acre they cultivate will bring them more income, although they will have to pay taxes.

Moreover, all miscellaneous taxes are classified into Zhuang He, which has the additional benefit of simplifying taxation.

Taxes only need to be collected during the summer and autumn harvests every year, and because the tax collection items are single, it also reduces the tax pressure and shortens the process, so that the number of officials can be reduced, and the cost is also reduced. Opportunities for corrupt officials to engage in extortion and extortion when collecting taxes.

The reason why Fei Qian was able to implement the new land policy at present was, on the one hand, because of the war. As the saying goes, there is no establishment without destruction. In the era of turmoil throughout the world, people were more likely to accept some new concepts and systems, just like the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, which also broke the Zhou Dynasty. The consistent lineage theory is the same as the public minister system. On the other hand, Feiqian gave these landlords and landlords the opportunity to transform and support the common development of the four peoples. In particular, it increased the development of handicrafts and the improvement of production technology, and used diversified business models to avoid being single-minded and "agricultural". Hostaged by the small-scale peasant economy, the variety of products in the entire society has increased, making the landlord class, large and small, no longer irreplaceable...

Only then did the landlords, big and small, gradually shut up.

Because they discovered that not only the emerging military class was replacing them, but also the classes representing "industry" and "business" were also rising, reducing their right to speak...

Among the feudal dynasties in history, it is not that there were no emperors who wanted to fight corruption and change, but as a result of the homogenization of the entire bureaucratic class, it was like asking the national football team to self-examine and correct themselves. How could anything be found out? Even if they were forced to do so, I'm afraid they would just hand over a minion to take the blame.

If the people are too entangled...

Ah, come and see this melon!

Absolutely cooked!

Then the public's attention was diverted...

The specific values ​​of the tax harvests of the Three Assistants in Guanzhong and Hedong are only known among the top politicians.

Tian Yu thought that the data he had inferred from the Di newspaper and related articles were surprising enough, but in fact, he underestimated it a lot.

Over the years, through a series of land and water conservancy infrastructure construction, coupled with the improvement of livestock and horse plowing technology, the total cultivated land in the entire Guanzhong Sanfu area has reached close to 15 million acres.

Although this value is still a long way from the total number of acres during the heyday of Sanfu Farming in Guanzhong, for now, the total annual output, in a normal year, has exceeded 70 million stone. As a result, the total tax revenue obtained from agriculture has also increased to more than 10 million dan, heading towards 15 million dan.

The farmers that Tian Yu and Ajiesha saw were the most stable cornerstone of the entire Fei Qian political group, and they were also the reason why Fei Qian dared to leave Guanzhong Sanfu and go to Hedong.

The people of the Han Dynasty are all simple and lovely. They never ask for much. Whoever brings them hope will be remembered for a lifetime...

How else to say that food is the most important thing for the people?

If there is food pressing down in the stomach, it will not churn.

Although sometimes ordinary people will be led into ditches by some public intellectuals, it is simply impossible to get them to follow.

Being confused for a moment is just part of the fun.

Being deceived for a moment is an instinct of greed for gain.

We really want the people to rebel...

This would only be possible unless the social unemployment rate is too high and people are unable to eat on a large scale.

On the far side of the road, there were several people who looked like small officials standing. When they saw Tian Yu and others, they were about to come. They first showed their identity tokens, and then asked and checked Tian Yu's seal and ribbon to confirm that it was correct. After that, he handed Tian Yu an order from the Cavalry General's Palace.

Tian Yu unfolded it and saw that the expression on his face had not changed much. He was still smiling, but his eyes flickered slightly. He immediately said to Ajiesha: "Ah, King Xiqiang, I have a new order, so I can't I'm going to Chang'an with you... I can only say goodbye now! Sorry sorry...』

Although Ajiesha was curious, he also knew not to ask any more questions, so he laughed and said it was okay, and then took the Qiang people under him and rushed forward with the carriage and horse gifts to congratulate Hussar and Yami. .

After Ajie left, Tian Yu turned around and asked the clerk, "It's okay for the personnel to be temporarily stationed here. They all brought dry food, but this war horse... is surrounded by fields. If it doesn't damage Zhuang He, but Sin! 』

The clerk smiled and cupped his hands and said: "Xun Changshi has already made arrangements, please come down with me... Please don't worry, I will only be doing this for the past few days..."

"In the past few days..." Tian Yu asked, "But there have been some changes in Chang'an?" 』

The clerk was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Assistant... this, uh, I... it's not convenient to say..."

Tian Yu waved his hand, "I understand." It seems that some people are still evil-minded..."

It was difficult for the clerk to answer this, so he had to smile awkwardly, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Tian Yu turned his head, looked at the farmers in the distance, and sighed after a long time, "My lord is so kind, but there are still demons and monsters who don't want to repent... Ha!" Where is the conscience? 』


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