Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1620 True and False

Just like it is one thing for many children to understand what their parents mean, and another thing to understand the truth, or it is one thing to understand the truth, but it is another thing to actually do it. What does Yuan Shao mean? Yuan Shang's heart It is clear to some extent, but how to do it is another matter.

Everyone has their own thoughts. For Yuan Shao, he feels that talking to Yuan Shang to this level should be enough. Yuan Shang is so smart and he should understand the powerful relationship. In addition, Yuan Shao also wants to let Yuan Shang exercise more. I wanted to practice more, so I gave this task to Yuan Shang.

But what parents feel and what their children feel are completely different concepts.

As children, a considerable part of them only think about their parents raising them, which is a natural thing. Otherwise, why would their parents have given birth to him or her? And some of these people only know how to reach out and ask for it, never thinking about how to do it. Return...

As Yuan Shang, although he was better than such a child, under Yuan Shao's favor, he did not realize the dangers of the entire world like Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi, nor did he taste the sadness and pain of adults, so in It is a very important thing in Yuan Shao's eyes, but in Yuan Shang's eyes, it is just something that his father, Yuan Shao, thinks is very important.

Yes, this matter belongs to Yuan Shao, not Yuan Shang himself.

Your parents' problems are your parents' problems, and your own happiness is your own.

Therefore, Yuan Shang had an attitude as if he was going to the street to help Yuan Shao buy a bottle of soy sauce. After nightfall, he led his guards to the supply camp.

The baggage camp has always been the most chaotic camp. It not only has food and grass, but also all kinds of sundries, equipment, and even some craftsmen and civilians responsible for sewing, repair and transportation. So no matter from that aspect, there is no way to be like Chinese military camps are generally neat and orderly.

Because of the relationship between food and fodder and the mules and horses that transport these baggage, and because Yuan Jun did not pay as much attention to hygiene issues as General Fei Qian did, the excrement of people or animals that could be seen everywhere was like an ambush. To the left and right of the tent, Yuan Shang stepped on it accidentally, and was immediately nauseated.

Although Yuan Shang has seen blood, dead people, and filthy shit and urine everywhere, it does not mean that he can get used to blood, dead people, and filth, just like cockroaches and mice that many people have seen many times, but suddenly When he saw it, he would still jump up and scream hysterically.

As usual, he must have gone back to change clothes, but this time Yuan Shang came with Yuan Shao's mission. Even if he went back, he still had to go again, so Yuan Shang could only stretch his feet and let the guards deal with the contamination hastily. After taking off his feces-stained boots, he endured his nausea and rubbed them against the tent felt several times. Then he frowned and walked forward cautiously, first arriving at the tent where Xu You was being held.

When Xu You saw Yuan Shang, he immediately rushed forward and was about to hug Yuan Shang's thigh, but was immediately blocked by Yuan Shang's guards and held him back.

Because he had been in a relatively closed space for a long time, and the conditions of the supply camp were limited, the smell in the tent where Xu You was imprisoned was not that good. Yuan Shang couldn't help but raise his sleeves to cover his mouth and nose, and there was a buzzing sound. He said: "Xu Ziyuan, a certain generation of generals asked you, and tell the truth!"

"Wei, Wei, Third Young Master, may I ask, please..." Xu You nodded.

"There is mold and corruption in the military rations this time. Why?" Yuan Shang asked.

Xu You's eyes widened and he asked blankly: "The military rations are moldy? Huh? What does this have to do with a certain person? Shouldn't we ask the rear camp's grain and grass manager? Spring is full of wind and rain, and improper storage is the reason why the rear camp's grain and grass manager has neglected his duty. !”

Yuan Shang shook his head and said: "This was already rotten when it was transported! You are the transport envoy, so what you say is irresponsible?"

Xu You was stunned for a moment, and immediately jumped up. If Yuan Shang's guard hadn't been quick to hold him down again, he might have stuck to Yuan Shang's thigh again, "This is a frame-up! A frame-up for Zhongliang! Third Young Master, I have done my duty since I was the transshipment officer. I am diligent and conscientious, and there is no mistake. I really don’t know where this rotten food comes from! This is someone who deliberately framed me! By the way, if it is rotten food, when the rear camp collects it, why not If you don’t tell me about the investigation, you are talking about this at this time! Third Young Master is aware of it! I want to confront and confront the head of the rear camp’s food and grass!"

Yuan Shang shook his head again and said: "The manager of the rear camp is dead..."

"Ah?" Xu You's eyes widened, blank and unfocused.

"Because the chief of Houying Liangcao died unexpectedly, this matter was discovered..." Yuan Shang said calmly, as if the death of a chief was like the death of an ant, or at most like the death of a bird, There is not much emotion, "Xu Zheng, let's tell the truth..."

"No, it's not me!" Xu You said anxiously with sweat on his forehead, "Food and grass are a major issue in the army. No matter how confused I am, I will not put any thought into this matter! Third Young Master Mingjian, Lord Over the years, whenever necessary things are entrusted to XX, has XX done anything wrong? XX has received some extravagant wealth, but XX has also turned it over to the lord and the third young master! What an injustice! It really wasn’t done by someone, it really wasn’t. !”

Yuan Shang rolled his eyelids and did not comment, but he felt a little unhappy with Xu You in his heart. Isn't it right to present something to me? How come it has become a bargaining chip in your mouth?

"Okay, I know..."

Yuan Shang shook his sleeves, ignoring Xu You who was still wailing behind him about what he said about injustice and frame-up, and then turned around and left the tent, and went to the other side where Tian Feng was being held.

Compared to Xu You, Yuan Shang is a little more afraid of Tian Feng...

Although Yuan Shang is unwilling to admit this.

When Yuan Shang arrived at the tent where Tian Feng was imprisoned, he hesitated for a moment, then coughed, raised his head high, and ordered the guards to open the tent curtain, then walked inside, and saw Tian Feng in the dark shadows. With his sharp gaze, he couldn't help but subconsciously shrink his neck, then straightened his head immediately, pointed his nostrils at Tian Feng, and said: "Tian Feng, don't drive! The general has something to say, I will punish you and ask you!" Computer terminal::/

Perhaps he had been in the darkness for a long time, and was a little uncomfortable being stung by the sudden light of the torch. Tian Feng squinted his eyes, shook his gray beard, and said hoarsely: "Ask!"

"There is mold and corruption in the military rations this time. Why?" Yuan Shang asked.

Tian Feng was stunned for a moment, then he laughed dumbly and said: "Shan! It's a poisonous strategy! This matter is probably retribution from the public principles, right?"

Yuan Shang frowned and said: "I am asking you on behalf of the general! Do you know the reason for the mildew in the army's grain and grass?"

Tian Feng squinted at Yuan Shang, and sneered twice, seeming to have some contempt, "The general already knows about this, so why bother asking?"

Father Yuan Shao already knows? What do you know? Now that you know, you still want me to ask? real? Fake?

Yuan Shang raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but hesitate. After a moment, he said: "I am asking for the general. Tian Biejia had better answer truthfully!"

Tian Feng said proudly, waving his hands as if to shoo away flies and mosquitoes, "I want to kill you! Just do as you please! Just go and go! Don't disturb my sleep!"


Yuan Shang glared at Tian Feng, but after a while he could only wave his sleeves angrily and left.

When Yuan Shang was a little depressed and returned to his tent, he suddenly found that his father, Yuan Shao, was already waiting for him in the tent...

"Here, bring some hot soup!"

Yuan Shao laughed, and first asked someone to get some hot soup for Yuan Shang to drink, and then asked the guards to change Yuan Shang's robes, and then ordered the brazier in the tent to be heated up, and then waved his hand to the guards and others. Back away further.

"How's the question?" Yuan Shao asked with a smile, "Who do you think is responsible for this?"

Yuan Shang hesitated for a moment, "Reply to my father..."

Just as Yuan Shang was about to get up and report back, he was held down by Yuan Shao, "Sit down and talk, sit down and talk... You have just recovered, so you don't need so many rules..."

"Thank you, father..." Yuan Shang said while thinking, "If we are to talk about suspicions, these two people are both... Xu Zheng has always been greedy for money. If he is tempted by the wealth, it is not impossible to pass it off as good... Tian Biejia, the Jizhou nobles will inevitably be dissatisfied after many times of mobilizing money and food. This time it is another levy, so there is a possibility that resentment will be mixed with corruption..."

Yuan Shao nodded slowly but did not speak.

As a result, there was a brief silence in the tent.

"...Then what?" Seeing that Yuan Shang stopped talking, Yuan Shao had no choice but to continue asking.

And then?

Isn’t this embarrassing my descendants?

Yuan Shang took a breath and carefully used the firelight in the tent to check the expression on Yuan Shao's face, "If it's a punishment... I feel that both of them are guilty..."

Yuan Shao still nodded without comment.

Seeing that Yuan Shao didn't show any objection, Yuan Shang's words immediately became smoother, "According to the child's opinion, as a transporter, Xu Zhong is bound to be guilty of at least one oversight, and Tian Biejia, first of all, It will lead to loss of troops and loss of generals, and subsequent failure in mobilization. As the leader of Jizhou, he is also responsible for ineffective control..."

"Well..." Yuan Shao still nodded, "If it is according to Shang'er's wishes, how should we deal with it?"

"How to deal with it..." Yuan Shang was stunned for a moment, "It's still the father who makes the decision, the child dare not say anything..."

Yuan Shao waved his hand and said: "Don't be so cautious, it's just you and me, father and son, there's no harm in talking!"

"Only..." Yuan Shanggong cupped his hands and said, "The child has the courage to speak out... Tian Biejia, he is unruly and arrogant, and has a lot of disrespect, which can be cured by his lack of military strength... Xu Zheng, who is greedy for money and neglects to observe, can be cured by sacrificing his life for goods... ...However, the two of them also have extenuating feelings..."

"Tian Biejia has always been the leader of Jizhou. Although he is a little tired of the military food issue this time, he still has many connections. If we manage it because of this, there will be many children of Jizhou in front of the army, which is inevitable..."

"Xu Zhengzheng has been with his father for many years. Although he is good at making money, he is also diligent in his work. This time, he always made an oversight and it was also a moment of negligence. If he is killed because of this, it will inevitably chill the hearts of others..."

"So the child thinks that a small punishment can lead to a big punishment..."

After Yuan Shang finished speaking, he raised his eyes slightly and observed Yuan Shao's expression.

Yuan Shao nodded slowly, with an expression on his face that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

To be honest, Yuan Shao was a little disappointed, but when he saw Yuan Shang's face that was full of collagen and very similar to his own when he was young, he couldn't help but feel soft again. He sighed slightly, motioned for Yuan Shang to sit closer, and then Then he slowly and softly said: "Shang'er, remember, a thing, whether it is true, false, right or wrong, is actually secondary..."

"Huh?" Yuan Shang opened his eyes wide, obviously unable to understand.

"True or false, right or wrong is not the most important thing..." Yuan Shao continued, "Nothing is completely right or completely wrong... Take this matter as an example, is Tian Yuanhao wrong? Yes. He is. He did not play the role he should have in coordinating the children of the Jizhou gentry, but was it entirely his fault? Was Xu Ziyuan at fault? He was also wrong, but when the military situation was urgent, could he monitor each bag one by one before shipping? Wrong It’s time to lose your head from top to bottom!”

"No one is perfect..." Yuan Shao continued, "So when encountering something, instead of spending energy and time to identify the right and wrong of each person in detail, it is not unnecessary, but for the moment, it is the best time What is important... and more importantly, when encountering something, how to best respond, deal with it immediately, make up for mistakes, and save losses, is what you should consider immediately... The right and wrong of guilt can be calculated later. ...This is what the superiors should consider..."

Just like contamination or leakage, errors have occurred, and harm has emerged. The first and most important thing is to deal with it immediately to reduce losses and harm, rather than hiring some temporary workers to take care of the problem, or saying that it is not painful or not. Statements, excuses and cover-ups.

Yuan Shang was suddenly enlightened and said: "If the army's food is rotten, the soldiers will inevitably become angry. Therefore, my father captured Tian Xu and the two men to calm the soldiers' resentment! However, there is no rush to punish the crime because it is not the immediate urgency! The immediate urgency is Destroy the thief! The rest can be discussed later!"

Yuan Shao smiled happily and nodded. "So, does Shang'er know how to deal with it?"

"When the message is circulated in the camp, the camp officials will behead all the grain and grass officials in the back camp to vent the anger of the soldiers! Expose the grain and grass to show that there is plenty of surplus food and stabilize the morale of the army! Separately imprison Tian and Xu, and then allow them to leave after the morale of the army calms down. Substituting merit for crime!" After receiving Yuan Shao's advice, Yuan Shang said fluently, "What is the crime of the two of them? We will not deal with it until the military affairs are over!"

According to the laws of the Han Dynasty, copper fines can be used to compensate for crimes.

Of course, this also depends on whether the superior is willing to accept the punishment...

Yuan Shao raised his head and laughed loudly, "My son got it, it's very good, very good! That's it! Come on!" He immediately conveyed a series of orders, which were basically similar to what Yuan Shang said.

The next day, because of the food and grass incident, a group of military officials who were in charge of food and grass in the rear camp were tied up and pinned down under the camp gate. They were all beheaded in public. Tian and Xu were imprisoned because they were involved. There was a moment of turmoil in the army. , but after seeing the rear camp going through the food and grass that might have gone moldy and exposing it to the sun, and knowing that the quantity was quite sufficient, I gradually calmed down...

It seemed that everything was on the right track again, and they were waiting for a showdown with Cao Cao, but no one thought that this was actually just the beginning...

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