Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 568 Zilong, bring that treacherous son of Adou to me!

In the middle of Shu, the night was already deep... In a secret room, Li Yan and his son Li Shu arrived first.

The servants led Li Yan's nephew Gou An and a dozen middle-aged men wearing hats into the secret room. All of them were wearing cloaks and hoods.

After entering the secret room, Gou An opened his cloak, raised his hands and saluted Li Yan and Li Shu: "Uncle, brother..."

Li Yan noticed the dozen middle-aged men behind Gou An, and Li Shu looked a little excited, "Gou brother? Are these the landowners who cultivate the land you mentioned?"

"Yes..." Gou An nodded heavily, "This is Master Li from Sanfeng Village, this is Master Zuo from Jinxi Village, and this is Wu Xiangshen from Qinglinkou Village..."

Gou An introduced to Li Yan and Li Shu the people who had stood up.

It is no exaggeration to say that these dozen middle-aged men are all wealthy landowners in Sichuan.

Originally, they were dissatisfied because Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang promoted the idea of ​​dividing the land into acres and abolished the poll tax.

Yes... all the taxes are added to the "field tax", and the people don't have to pay the taxes themselves. The consequence of this is that they used to earn a gold mountain every year, but now they only have a gold bowl.

——It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to simplicity!

These landlords, gentry, and big clans were already holding their breath.

Now it's better, Liu Chan is in a fierce fight. Not only did he seize their farmland, he also took away their tenants, forcing these tenants to farm for Liu Chan...

Damn it, this is no longer a question of Jinshan and Jinwan!

Is this... still justified?

Is there any royal law?

This is simply too much bullying, and because of this, these landlords, gentry, and big clans tried every means to contact Shangshu Li Yan.

It seems that this is another very bad thing after Liu Chan initiated the "cow slaughter" incident, which caused outrage and caused criticism among the public.

And Ma Su's plan is to join forces with Li Yan and Wu Yi to trigger and detonate these two incidents, turning Liu Chan's reputation into a "street rat". In this can he have a chance to become the heir apparent?

As long as the plan succeeds, there are only two possibilities for the position of Crown Prince.

One is Liu Bei’s stepson Liu Feng;

One is the son born by Wu Yi's sister. Of course... considering Liu Bei's age now, of these two possibilities, there is no doubt that... the former one is more likely!

As smart as Ma Su, he naturally knows where to place his treasure in this situation.

Here’s the thing…

The issue in the secret room tonight was also an issue that "lost his reputation" to Liu Chan.

Li Yanyou asked cautiously: "The clan leaders and village owners...were they not discovered by anyone when they came?"

Gou An quickly said: "Uncle, please relax, I picked them up from the back door of each family after nightfall, and I didn't find anyone following them along the way!"

At this time, the village owner surnamed Li slowly put down his sleeves and suddenly hesitated, "Li Shangshu, people arm can't twist a thigh. Although we have suffered great grievances, being dominated by others such as fields, cattle, and... Sharecroppers... But the one who occupies these things like me is Mr. Liu Chan! If there are only a few of us, it will be difficult to accomplish... I wonder what other important ministers Li Shangshu has united with?"

Li Yan looked around cautiously, took the hand of Master Li, and wrote a few words.

Master Li looked surprised and surprised: "Zhang Wu and Mr. Liu Feng?"

Another village owner named Zuo quickly said: "I heard... Mr. Liu Feng is highly regarded by Uncle Liu. He has made great achievements in the battle to capture Bashu. He is also the stepson of Uncle Liu. If he helps, he will be severely punished." Then it may not be impossible for Liu Chan... In this way, we... we finally have something in mind!"

At this time, Gou An added: "Don't worry all day long. He is just a good-for-nothing young man? Are you afraid of him? It's too late to quit now! It's just about the fields, the cows, and the tenant farmers. Don't mention it to me again." And! Just shrink your heads and be turtles!"

"No... no..." These clan leaders and village owners said quickly: "That's not what we meant... We can only hope that Li Shangshu will uphold justice for us!"

After hearing the words of these clan leaders and village owners, Li Yan and his son Li Shu looked at each other, as if they were at peace.

Li Shu said: "Have you written down what you should do tomorrow?"

"take note of it!"

"Tomorrow morning, go to the gate of General Zuo's Mansion, kneel down row by row, and present a blood letter. What did I teach you to say? Remember it all!"


Following the responses from these clan leaders and village owners, Li Shu was still a little uneasy, "You repeat it to me first."


So, the village owner surnamed Li opened his mouth and said: "General Zuo, we are the most innocent people... We only rely on the few acres of fertile land outside the city to cultivate. As soon as the precious young master arrives there, we will rape him." They bought our cattle, seized our land, and usurped our tenant farmers..."

"The whole village... is now full of complaints! General Zuo... Logically speaking, we, the common people, should not go against General Zuo's son, but... but those fields and cattle are all ours, and now we... can't survive ah!"

I have heard what Master Li said.

Li Shu nodded slightly, but still added: "It's best to shed more tears, so that the words and emotions can be heard, which will make it easier to convince people!"

——Problems of wealthy families;

——The problem between the gentry and the landowners;

——The issue of land annexation.

These are unavoidable links in the development process, whether in Cao Wei, Shuzhong, Jingzhou, or Jiangdong.

There are problems in Shuzhong, but... There is no doubt that the land and big family problems in Jiangdong are more serious now under Guan Lin's rule.

As a result, under the obstruction of a large number of wealthy families, each of the three items of apportioning people into acres, abolishing the poll tax, and re-measurement of the land were difficult to achieve.

Every one of them fell into endless stranding due to the overt and covert violations of many wealthy families.

The one who has the biggest problem with this is still Mi Fang.

He felt miserable. He originally thought that he had conquered a "rich" land, but he never thought... The rich is really rich, and the hard to handle is also really hard to handle!

This is the third time in five days that he has come to see Guan Lin to express his bitterness.

"Yun Qi, what do you think we should do about this?"

"You can't get around these big clans when working in a small business, you can't get around these big clans when reclaiming wasteland, and you can't get around these big clans when developing navigation. So if your second brother and I are doing business in Jiangdong? We can't get around these big clans... Mother Te's, These big clans are really pervasive in this, your second brother and I... I really want to scare the monkeys and kill a few clans directly, then everyone will become honest!"

" makes me angry, it makes me angry!"

As always, every time Mi Fang comes, it feels like she has suffered countless grievances.

Still being made trouble by those wealthy families...

He has experienced firsthand what it means - a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake!

This dragon Mi Fang...can't control this place at all!

"Second brother, calm down, calm down..." Guan Lin didn't look at Mi Fang. He stared at the three maps hanging up. It seemed that... these maps were three parts of the Jiangdong map. To be precise, there were three parts. Tiny portion.

It seems that he can be distracted. While looking at the pictures, he continued to comfort Mi Fang: "Second brother, it's just as you said. It's easy to wipe out several tribes in Jiangdong... with one hand and one sword down, but after that, the fear will be endless." What’s more, why should we destroy them?”

Before Guan Lin could finish what he said, Mi Fang blurted out: "They are disobedient? If we don't destroy them? Then who should we destroy? Someone has to sacrifice, and someone has to be the monkey who kills the chicken to scare the monkeys, right?"

"Calm down, calm down..." Guan Lin's tone was always so calm, but his eyes still didn't glance at Mi Fang, staring at the map as always.

Seeing Guan Lin's nonchalant look, Mi Fang became anxious, "Third brother? You said you wouldn't let me take care of this matter. You said you could handle it, but you can handle it? Are you just looking at these three broken pictures? How can you do that? What can be done? Is it possible that... these three broken pictures can make these wealthy people sincerely convinced?"

Don't tell me, although Mi Fang's words were angry, the last sentence was really what Guan Lin wanted to say.

"Second brother... you guessed it right." Guan Lin turned his head with a smile and looked directly at Mi Fang, "These three pictures are enough to turn those overbearing and disobedient clans in Jiangdong into docile quails! And you will be loyal to us without any second thoughts!”


Mi Fang was confused. He wanted to continue asking, but Guan Lin seemed to have something to do and walked out of the room.

At this time, Mi Fang's curiosity was completely aroused. He looked at these partial maps with interest, and it seemed that... there was nothing?

The first one is from Jianye City to the northeast. On it are painted "Danyang", "Moling", "Hushu", "Jurong", "Jiangcheng"... These are just one of the 72 counties in the six counties of Jiangdong. The county seat, an ordinary county seat!

What's this?

With curiosity, Mi Fang looked at the second map. It was still a map. To the south of Wuhu Port, there were "Chungu County", "Jingxian County", "Wanling", "Lingyang"...

Ah...isn't this also the county seat?

Mi Fang was confused and looked at the third map. This time it was a map of the eastern part of Wu County. There were Wu County, Youquan County, and Haiyan County... Then to the east was the boundless sea, and to the south were the mountains. The famous "Jinghu Lake" in Yin County.


Upright Mi Fang lamented - "What the hell is this map?" How can we solve the problems of these big families? 』

But at this moment...

Mi Fang was keenly aware that in the third picture, on the left side of Haiyan County, there were two words "salt mine" marked...

"Salt mine?"

Mi Fang was startled and quickly turned her attention to the two previous paintings. Sure enough, surrounding those cities or on the edge of those county towns, there were two other words written impressively - Copper Mine!


Mi Fang suddenly took a breath of cold air.

You know, this era...

The mainstream currency is the five-baht coin, and the five-baht coin is forged from copper. Even though the Han Dynasty fell apart and experienced a series of events that devalued copper coins such as Dong Zhuo casting small coins, in recent years... with the formation of the tripartite , with the stabilization of the situation in various regions, the versatility of copper coins has gradually made it become the mainstream, replacing the so-called "barter for goods" in the original market...

In other words, if there really is a copper mine here, then...

Maybe Mi Fang was only obsessive about other things, but for money... he had the most primitive and urgent desire.

His eyes immediately widened.

"What this map of Yunqi there a mine in it?"

"Hey...our family has a mine!"

"Wait, this isn't right... Even if our family owns a mine? What does that have to do with these wealthy families? What does it involve? This mine... can convince them?"

The weather during the Little Ice Age was always unpredictable, especially in winter, which was even more cold. This made... Chengdu, a land of abundance that always feels like spring all year round, actually started to get a thin layer of snow.

The morning light was dim, and bursts of snowflakes fell from the gloomy sky, like countless fine lines of poetry, filling the silent world.

In such weather, many middle-aged men faced the thin blood mist and entered the city early in the morning. They came to the front of General Zuo's Mansion, looked at the "simple" plaque, they looked at each other, and then deeply Taking a breath, he immediately prostrated himself on the snow in front of the door, motionless.

These middle-aged men were the same landlords and squires who talked with Li Yan and Li Shu in the secret room last night.

Snowflakes fell, hitting their faces and noses. They wore turbans on their heads, and soon they were covered with a thin layer of snow.

People walking on the road early in the morning couldn't help but be surprised when they saw this scene...

There was a lot of discussion.

"Why are there so many people kneeling here so early in the morning on such a snowy day?"

"How much injustice is this?"

"Huh? That's not Rich Man Li from Sanfeng Village outside the city. Why is he here?"

It was as if someone had recognized them.

Precisely because they recognized them, more and more people gathered around, and there were more and more doubts. Gradually... the people surrounded General Zuo's Mansion, whispering to each other for a long time.

Until the door of General Zuo's Mansion was pushed open, the doorman looked at the scene and saw the scene in front of him. His jaw dropped in shock, and he hurriedly went to the mansion to report it.

Not long after, Zhao Yun arrived... When he saw this scene, he had a vague premonition in his heart.

However, when the landlords outside the door saw the door of General Zuo's mansion open, they faced the snow and mist and shouted in unison: "Please General Zuo, make the decision for us!"

——Liu Chan got into trouble!

The news spread quickly in General Zuo's Mansion.

Early in the morning, Liu Bei, who was still in Mrs. Wu's dormitory, got up immediately after hearing Zhao Yun's report.

Mrs. Wu hurriedly dressed him, and while asking the villain to get "silk handkerchief" and "clear water", she said, "I have seen this child Adou... he is a good boy. My husband must investigate clearly before... again..."

It seems that because on the day of the wedding... Fa Xiaozhi suddenly fell seriously ill, no one in General Zuo's mansion... paid attention to Mrs. Wu, and no one cared... Mrs. Wu was busy all day for the wedding, and she was still pregnant at night Empty.

Only Liu Chan passed by and handed two roast chickens to Mrs. Wu.

It is precisely because of this little episode that Mrs. Wu is very fond of Liu Chan, so... even if her brother asks her to speak for Liu Feng in the pillow breeze...

But when she heard news about Adou getting into trouble, Mrs. Wu would still speak up for her beloved young master.

"Madam, please rest for a while... I have heard about this matter before. I was delayed because of my filial piety... I never thought that it would develop to this extent... Adou..."

Thinking of Liu Chan, what Liu Bei thought of was that at Fazheng's suggestion, he secretly gave Liu Chan permission to slaughter the cow!

Of course, because it was purchased at a high price, it did not arouse the anger of the farmers.

Liu Bei's original intention was to use the five thousand sets of "invulnerable" cowhide soft armor, but he never thought... Adou actually intensified his efforts, and even now, it has developed to the point where more than ten people publicly petitioned in front of General Zuo's Mansion to make the decision for them.

This...this is related to the name of "benevolence" that Liu Bei has built over the years...

He didn't dare to neglect.

When he thought of this, his brows became serious. He wanted to ask Fazheng or Zhuge Kongming, but seemed that he couldn't wait until that time.

Not long after...

When Liu Bei arrived at the central hall, all the middle-aged men petitioning outside the door were led in by Zhao Yun...

"Here comes the tea——"

Liu Bei quickly ordered.

"Mr. Zuo——"

"Uncle Liu Huang——"

"Shijun Liu——"

Suddenly, a group of people chanted completely different names, and then... the sounds of "pat" and "pat" were heard endlessly, and all these people knelt down.

"You guys get up...get up..." Liu Bei quickly went to help him.

The leader of the village, Mr. Li, was already bursting into tears, "General Zuo, we are the most innocent people... We only rely on the few acres of fertile land outside the city to cultivate. As soon as the precious young master arrived there, he forcibly purchased our land." The cattle have taken over our land and our tenant farmers..."

When he said this, he cried even more miserably, as if he had been greatly wronged.

He continued with tears streaming down his face: "The whole village... is now full of complaints! General Zuo... Logically speaking, we, the common people, should not go against General Zuo's son, but... those fields and cattle are ours. All of us, we are... we can't live anymore! Oh... we can't live anymore!"

As Master Li blurted out...

The owner of Zuo Village in Jinxiang Village and Squire Wu of Qinglinkou Village also burst into tears, "Please, Mr. Zuo, make the decision for us. Please intercede with Mr. Adou on our behalf and let them take over our land and all our tenant farmers." Give it back to us... Please don't cut off our way of survival!"

"Yes, Mr. Zuo Gong and Mr. Zhuge want to implement the method of apportioning one person into an acre and abolishing the payment of oral taxes and calculating taxes...We will pay taxes per acre. Mr. Zuo Gong and Mr. Zhuge want to purchase military rations, and we will take the lead, but...haven't we ever I thought...we supported Zuo Gong so much, but in the end...we were deeply bullied by Zuo Gong's son... Zuo Gong, you have to make the decision for us...make the decision!"

Hearing this, Liu Bei's face became uncontrollably ugly, and his eyebrows were condensed...

After pondering for a moment, he burst out with loud instructions.

"Zi Long."

"The end will be..."

Liu Bei's words were even colder: "Bring Adou, this traitor, to me -"

Ah... Zhao Yun paused for a moment, but still handed over.


As he spoke, he walked out quickly.

Liu Bei, on the other hand, seemed to have quickly calmed down his anger after giving the instructions. He looked at the people in front of him and said, "Please wait a moment. If the investigation proves that it was my traitorous son who did it? Then... I, Liu Bei, will never tolerate it - —”

"Mr. Zuo...we..."

Don't wait for these landowners to chant their words.

"Where's the tea?" Liu Bei raised his voice, "Why are you so bad? A distinguished guest is here? Can't you even bring a cup of tea?"

You could clearly hear the anger in his tone.

The Military Advisor General's Mansion is located across an alley from General Zuo's Mansion.

Zhuge Liang is reading documents from various places and various affairs in Shu.

From time to time he frowned, and from time to time he gave comments.

Even though Liu Bei is the lord of Shu and the absolute master, it seems... when it comes to governing the country, Zhuge Liang is the most important one.

His daily workload is probably more than three times that of Liu Bei's.

At this moment, Zhuge Liang was holding a military newspaper and chanting softly, "Zhang He and Cao Xiu have broken their arms and have become useless. Cao Hong was captured and Xia Houyuan lost his right and left arms. But... Zhong Yao and Zhang Ji actually... Reinforcements were brought from Chang'an, and Cao Zhen also came to support, which shows how much Cao Cao attaches importance to Hanzhong..."

Having said this, he raised his eyes and looked at the map hanging in the room. Astonishingly... his eyes pointed in the direction of Yangping Pass.

"Although the power of gunpowder whips and arrows is great, it is still unknown whether they can explode the Yangping Pass, and... the lady said, one nitrate, two sulfur and three charcoal... To refine a portion of black gunpowder, sixteen taels of saltpetre and two taels of sulfur are needed. , three taels of charcoal...these are all in short supply in Sichuan...if Madam develops them, there will be no shortage, but if it is a large-scale production...I am afraid that the existing materials in Sichuan are not enough!"

Having said this, Zhuge Liang picked up another document...

It is a document from Nanzhong.

When he saw the document, his eyes narrowed and he exclaimed: "What... an envoy against the Wei Dynasty actually appeared in Nanzhong?"

Nanzhong is the Nanman, a place jointly governed by more than ten tribes headed by Meng Huo.

They have always been disobedient to discipline. Not to mention Liu Bei today, even Liu Zhang in the past, they have never paid a single cent of tax, not to mention the "share a small family into an acres" that Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang are now promoting...

It’s no exaggeration to say…

Nanzhong... has always been a big trouble in Shuzhong.

Just now, news came that the envoys from the Wei Dynasty appeared in Nanzhong. This...

Zhuge Liang's eyes were deeply focused. He was afraid of whatever came. If the Southern Barbarians colluded with Wei Wei...then if Shuzhong went out to attack Hanzhong, and the Southern Barbarians took advantage of the opportunity to sneak in...then what would happen?

This was a big deal that could affect the whole body. The more he thought about it, the tighter Zhuge Liang's brows became.

at this time…

"Commander Zhuge, it's not good, it's not good..." At this time, Yang Yi hurried over. He quickly broke into Zhuge Liang's room and shouted loudly: "Master Adou got into trouble, my lord... My lord sent Zilong." General, go...capture Mr. Adou!"

"If...if Mr. Adou is really convicted, then...people in Shu will definitely be panicked, and the military advisor...this...this..."

Following Yang Yi's words, Zhuge Liang's brows became more solemn...

One wave is not over, another wave is rising!

Against Wei, Nanman... now there is another Adou.

"I gonna go see…"

Immediately, Zhuge Liang stood up. As he stood up, he thought of something and quickly ordered Fa Zheng, "I'm going to General Zuo's Mansion. You go to find Fa Xiaozhi and ask him...ask him to go. Due to the Lord's emotions...only Fa Xiaozhi can do it." One person can persuade!”

While talking, Zhuge Liang and Yang Yi walked quickly...

Coincidentally, when passing by the Moon Gate, they met Huang Yueying who was coming. Huang Yueying was holding a pair of dark potions... and the eight round, black pills.

"Husband, this is..."

Seeing Zhuge Liang's hurry, Huang Yueying asked.

"Madam..." Zhuge Liang ignored the explanation and kept the story short, "Something happened to Adou. I'll go take a look first..."

As he spoke, Zhuge Liang was about to move forward again.

Who would have thought that Huang Yueying's tone suddenly rose, "I don't care about my husband when I go out, but I have to take the medicine first -"


Huang Yueying's voice made Zhuge Liang pause and made Yang Yi look surprised.

It seems that there is some kind of "undoubted" in this voice... It makes people have a feeling that if Zhuge Military Advisor disobeys his wife at this time, I am afraid... he will be unable to eat and walk away!

"I drink…"

Sure enough, Zhuge Liang quickly took the potion and drank it along with the pills. Then he gestured to Huang Yueying. Seeing his wife's satisfied expression, he quickly walked to General Zuo's Mansion.

Huang Yueying, on the other hand, looked at Zhuge Liang's vigorous steps and couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

"Recently, my husband seems... to be in good spirits and in good physical condition..."

Speaking of which, Huang Yueying has only two things on her mind in this short period of time.

One, black powder!

Second, kids, kids, kids!

…(End of chapter)

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