Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 161 This is clearly a treatment only given to ‘Qilin’er’

The next morning, the morning light was strong. It was a good weather.

Outside the west gate of Jiangling City, there is an endless wilderness. There is a secluded village in the wilderness. Behind the village is Mianshui Villa with towering wooden railings.

Although it is early in the morning, it is already busy here.

The rolling hills especially hold on to the last patch of green.

The silver chain-like river flowed slowly and briskly. The carriages transporting wood and iron passed through the official road and entered the village. They were carefully inspected by the guards in front of the villa before being put into the villa.

Those mountain people carrying charcoal and sweating;

The village girls with their baskets filled with all kinds of local products;

As well as businessmen in different attires who came from far away, they gathered outside the villa.

just like…

Just one Mianshui Villa brought prosperity to the entire surrounding villages.

To be precise, not only the entire village, but also the entire western suburbs of Jiangling City are now vibrant and prosperous.

Today, Lingju rarely took off her green rose veil.

The three thousand black hairs that were as dark as a waterfall and could hang down to her slender waist were also coiled up high. They seemed to be deliberately made fluffy and scattered.

She had a stunning face, but she deliberately put a lot of dirt on her face, as if she was dressing up like a girl who was trying to make someone else suffer.

Those calloused hands perfectly complement the identity of the village girl she is playing now.

Wearing a headscarf and coarse clothes, her original gorgeous appearance could not help but be greatly reduced. If it weren't for those eyes filled with tenacity and light, anyone who saw her would think that she was an ordinary village girl with good looks but lost to everyone.

She carries a basket on her back.

As they walked, the killer dressed as a farmer beside him explained softly.

"This Mianshui Villa is quite mysterious. In addition to the guards on the surface, there are also many eyes secretly. It will be extremely difficult to break through, so...Miss Wong is pretending to be this village girl."

"It doesn't matter! As long as the task can be completed."

Lingju didn't mind at all and just observed the surroundings keenly.

She had done her homework before coming here.

I know that this Mianshui Villa has suddenly emerged in the suburbs of Jiangling recently.

In addition to the rapid expansion and growth, the villa also purchased wood, iron, and stone on a large scale, as if it was doing some big business.

…The sounds of forging and smelting that could be heard from time to time resounded throughout the sky day and night.

Originally, the farmers nearby were quite complaining...

But I couldn't stand it, Mianshui Villa gave me too much.

The so-called - rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, rely on the water to eat the water.

The farmers who rely on Mianshui Villa are already making a lot of money.

In the face of huge benefits, who would have any complaints?

"Miss, we should be the ones investigating Huang Laoxie, but we let the lady..."

The men dressed as farmers were still talking in a low voice...

"Isn't the word 'Huang Laoxie Made' engraved on the repeating crossbow? So...this Huang Laoxie is also the person Parrot is looking for."

Speaking of this, Lingju suddenly felt something...

It's the gazes cast from the surroundings.

She quickly winked at her men, indicating that there were already "eyes" nearby, and they must pay special attention to everything they said and did.

The men dressed as farmers immediately understood and shouted loudly.

——"Don't you want to work in Mianshui Villa? Just in front of you. I've sent you eight if not ten this month. Just in front of you."

To assassinate Huang Laoxie, the first thing to do is to investigate who Huang Laoxie is.

According to the information given by the sponsor, Huang Laoxie is in Mianshui Villa.

How to investigate? It becomes a top priority.

Entering it and becoming a female worker, whether it is investigation or assassination, will be much more convenient...

is the easiest way to complete the task.

In addition, Lingju was also thinking about taking the opportunity to get a few repeating crossbows... In this way, he would have a chance to avenge his father and mother.

Thinking of this, Lingju also raised his voice.

"Everyone from all over the country wants to enter this Mianshui Villa. Uncle Mu must help me talk..."

"——Easy to say, easy to say!"

The subordinate known as Uncle Mu smiled and agreed.

The two of them actually walked to the gate of the villa.

Immediately, a guard stopped in front of the two of them.

Uncle Mu hurriedly said: "This is my girl from the countryside. She has no skills, but she is attentive. She wants to come to our villa to be a female worker... When we were recruiting people here, I had already introduced many of them. The two eldest brothers, we are familiar faces. , I remember...this guard brother’s surname is Wu, and this guard brother’s surname is Wang!”

"Has it been reviewed?"

The question asked by one of the guards made Uncle Mu stunned for a moment. He said in a stumbling tone, "What...what kind of review!"

——"Certificate trial!"

"Certificate... witness trial?" Uncle Mu asked.

He really didn't know this. When he was a farmer, he brought people from all over the country to work, and he didn't even have to go through any formal examination.

"I don't even know this, and I said that there were many introductions. It's a lie at first glance!"

The guard was getting impatient.

This uncle Mu was a little at a loss, but Ling Ju was excited and said quickly: "This eldest brother, my uncle... I don't know much about it. I just heard that you can eat well here, wear warm clothes, and have a place." Stay... Just persuade the girl to come over, we really don’t know, what is this... this... evidence trial? "

Lingju deliberately spoke like a woman in the village who had never seen the world and was pitiful.


However, her pleasant appearance made the guard relax his vigilance. "The so-called certification trial means that anyone who comes to work in our villa will bear the brunt of it and must prove that your identity is innocent!"


Lingju still didn't understand, and his big eyes blinked.

The guard pointed to the side, which was the side of the villa... You could see that many sheds had been built there, and there were many people surrounding the sheds, so that some people kept going there.

"Go over there and line up for verification! Then get the wooden sign and I'll let you go!"


Lingju's big eyes blinked. It was the first time she heard that being a female worker... was... so complicated?

Uncle Mu thanked him repeatedly.

He and Lingju walked towards the series of sheds on one side.

But it's better if you don't walk in. Once you walk in, it's okay.


Lingju was really startled.


so many people!

There is a huge crowd of people...all...all queuing up here, waiting for the so-called "certificate trial!"

From time to time, voices came from the front.

"--what's your name?"

"——Has the household registration been registered with the government?"

"——Is there anyone who holds the 'Bronze Talisman' who can prove your innocence?"

"——If not? How can you prove that you are you? That you are not a spy from outside?"

These questions came to Lingju's ears.

She suddenly realized that this task might not be as simple as she imagined.

This money…

It doesn’t seem easy to make money!

Guan Yu's army took the water route, and there were more than 200 ships on the river, stretching for several miles...

When we have to march to the vicinity of Fuhu Mountain in Jiangxia County.

A scout reported that the river ahead was no longer able to sail due to the dry season.

Guan Yu then ordered to take the land route instead.

And follow the official path.

On the road ahead on the left, there is a pavilion. In the pavilion is a stone tablet with three seal characters on it - "Fuhu Mountain"!

Guan Yu stopped his horse and said with emotion.

"It turns out that the stone tablet erected by Kong Ming is hidden here."

Guan Yinping also went on the expedition with his father. Hearing his father talk about the stone tablet, he looked confused.

He quickly asked: "What is the origin of this monument?"

Guan Yu raised his hand to stop the team, turned over and dismounted, Guan Yinping and Zhou Cang also dismounted. Guan Yu walked from the front to the back of the monument, then made some gestures and ordered Zhou Cang to walk three hundred steps up the mountain along the monument.

Not long after, Zhou Cang came back from the mountain and reported: "Guan Gong, three hundred steps above this stele, there is a stone stele with the three characters 'Zhuodaoquan' engraved on it."

Guan Yu stroked his long beard and asked Guan Yinping. "Do you know what the profound meaning of Kong Ming's setting up of these two stone monuments is?"

Guan Yinping shook his head.

At this time, Guan Ping, Guan Xing, and Guan Suo took advantage of the break in unloading the military supplies to come over and look at the stone tablet with interest.

After thinking about it for a long time...I don't know what it means.

Guan Yu was stroking his beard and was about to explain something to his sons...

But he never thought that Guan Suo's sudden words changed his mind.

"If Fourth Brother is here, he must know."


It was Guan Suo's words that suddenly made Guan Yu interested.

Guan Yu secretly thought:

——"I have suffered a lot from this guy Yun Qi several times. I don't believe that he can figure out... the deep meaning behind Kong Ming's erection of this stone monument?" 』

Thinking of this, Guan Yu smiled and said: "Wei Zhi's words make sense. You might as well send Wei Zhi a letter to Yun Qi and ask him what the profound meanings of the two stone tablets at 'Fuhu Mountain' and 'Zhuodao Spring' are." ? If he answers correctly, for the sake of my father’s authority, it will be deemed that you answered correctly.”


Guan Suo was stunned for a moment, then spoke again, "If fourth brother answers the question correctly for me! What's the reward?"

Guan Yu did not hesitate. "As a father, I will give you a thousand soldiers!"

This... Guan Xing and Guan Yinping are also eager to try.

Guan Yinping said: "Dad, this is unfair... we can't just give it to the fifth brother!"

In fact, Guan Yu always wanted to reward Guan Ping, Guan Xing, and Guan Suo.

It was the last time that the "Sunset Valley" set up an ambush and severely damaged the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry.

But in the battle report, in the column of meritorious deeds, the three sons who were added were Guan Lin and Huang Laoxie, which made it difficult for Guan Yu.

Even if he wanted to reward these three sons and add troops to these three sons, he would not make a name for himself.

I just happened to take advantage of the two stone monuments at 'Fuhu Mountain' and 'Zhuodaoquan' to test Yun Qi. Secondly, if Yun Qi can answer the questions correctly, it would be logical to add troops to these sons, who could be responsible for the previous victory in Sunset Valley. reward.

However, Guan Yinping raised the issue of "unfairness", which was beyond Guan Yu's expectation.

He looked back at Guan Yinping. "How do you think Yinping thinks it's fair?"

Guan Yinping had already thought about it, "We took this as a question to decipher the stone tablets of 'Fuhu Mountain' and 'Zhuodaoquan'. The test was whether the fourth brother could answer correctly. My daughter, the eldest brother, the second brother, and the fifth brother all guessed the four Can I get the answer right? If the answer is correct, I will increase my troops, and if I get the wrong answer, I will decrease my troops. Wouldn't this be more fair?"

Don't say...

What Guan Yinping proposed is a good method.

"Okay..." Guan Yu immediately agreed, "The two stone monuments of 'Fuhu Mountain' and 'Zhuodao Spring' were set up here by Kongming for three years. They took this as their title. Guess what? Can Qi get the answer right?"

"There's no need to guess, fourth brother will definitely get the answer right." Guan Suo said firmly.

Guan Yinping also echoed: "My daughter also thinks that it is just two stone tablets, how can it be difficult for the fourth brother? My daughter also guesses that he can answer it correctly."

"Not necessarily." Guan Xing sang the opposite tune as always, "Have the fourth brother ever been to Jiangxia? How mysterious is Zhuge Military Advisor's plan? The fourth brother has never even seen the stone tablet, how can he answer it correctly?"

"Let's do this. An Guo and I will guess whether Yun Qi's answer is correct." Guan Ping also spoke at the right time. "In this way, two versus two, no matter what, my father won't be too embarrassed."

"This is the best." Guan Xing blurted out, agreeing with his elder brother Guan Ping's proposal.

Two against two!

Guan Yu looked at the discussion among his sons and daughters. He held his head high and just stroked his beard.

At this moment, a deputy general handed over his hand and said, "General Guan, all the officers and men on the ship have disembarked. Will these hundreds of ships dock here or sail back to Jiangling?"


Guan Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and thought for a moment before replying, "The ships are useless during the dry season, so why not stay here in Jiangxia? It will be faster to return to Jiangling after the three armies have triumphed and passed through the dry season."


The deputy general immediately agreed and went to make arrangements.

This is just a small episode.

Guan Yu called Zhou Cang over, and looked at the stone tablet with "Fuhu Mountain" written on it again. He said with great interest: "General Zhou heard what they were talking about just now."

"Report to Guan Gong, I heard everything."

"General Zhou is not an outsider. Let me be a witness. Let's see if Yun Qi can answer the meaning of the stone tablets of 'Fuhu Mountain' and 'Zhuodao Spring'! Tanzhi, Anguo, Yinping, and Weizhong, who can guess? By the way, Guan will increase his troops by one thousand! If anyone guesses wrong, I will reduce his troops by one thousand..."

At this point, Guan Yu realized that Guan Xing, Guan Yinping, and Guan Suo did not have a thousand troops.

Immediately, Guan Yu said: "If you have less than a thousand soldiers, you can go to the logistics army to train for a year."

Having said this, Guan Yuhuan looked at his sons and daughters, "Is that so? Do you have any objections?"

"No..." Guan Suo and Guan Yinping said in unison.

It seems that he has great confidence in Guan Lin.

Guan Ping and Guan Xing handed over their hands and responded with military salutes.


In this way... a small bet between Guan Yu and the children was settled.

"Then...Haier sent someone to ask Fourth Brother." Guan Suo volunteered.

"You don't need the fifth master." Zhou Cang said: "Master Yunqi went to Changsha, and Guan Gong specially sent a general to protect him secretly along the way. There is no need to send anyone, just a flying pigeon to inform him."

As soon as this statement came out...

Zhou Cang was shocked to realize that he had made a mistake. He was worried that Guan Gong might not want the other princes to know about his secret protection of the Fourth Young Master.

Guan Yu didn't mind, just stroking his beard.

At this moment, he was also thinking.

——"Can this boy Yun Qi be able to answer this?" 』

——"Speaking of which, is this guy going to Changsha? Can you save Zhang Zhongjing again? 』

In fact, Guan Yu has been worried about Guan Lin's trip to Changsha...

This is why he sent generals to protect him along the way.

Guan Yu didn't care that much whether Zhang Zhongjing could be saved.

But... Yun Qi, nothing can happen!

Subtly, Guan Lin's status in Guan Yu's mind has improved a lot!

Guan Yu became more concerned about his son, all the time!

Lingju was about to cry.

She found that in this Mianshui Villa, she could not prove that she was herself, or... to be precise, she was just an "ordinary" village girl.

It took a long time to queue up.

It's Lingju's turn...

What she faced next was a difficulty she had never encountered in more than ten years of growth.

A barrage of questions.

"——Can the household registration be registered with the government in Jiangling City?"

"——No? Then where is your household registration? Who can prove it to you?"

"——In other words, you are a gangster?"

"—— there anyone who holds the 'Bronze Talisman' who can prove your innocence? Can you prove your family background? If not yet, you need five people who have lived in Gangneung for three generations to prove it for you...and once you are discovered As spies, these five people will be punished together!"

Question after question…

Every question is an "unanswerable" question.

Lingju couldn't help but ask questions in his heart.

——Is this... selecting female workers?

How do you feel... This is more stringent than being an official or going to the palace to investigate three generations.

The first one mentioned is official registration.

Because in the Han Dynasty, there was no "self-care" like in the Qin Dynasty.

The method of identification in the Han Dynasty was too complicated. People often had to register with the government, which was equivalent to being registered as a permanent resident of the city.

There is a special Cao Yu official office where you can check. could Lingju be included in the register?

How did she get registered?

If the registration had "Father: Lu Bu" and "Mother: Diao Chan", then she would definitely not be alive now.


It’s not surprising that he wasn’t registered.

In the Han Dynasty... land annexation was serious, and a large number of tenant farmers under landlords were illegal households.

For landlords, this allows their tenant farmers to avoid a series of taxes and corvees and produce with peace of mind.

For an official, he can receive a large amount of filial piety from the landlord.

However, even so, someone should be able to prove a person's innocence.

For example, the person holding the ‘bronze talisman’ mentioned.

In Jiangling, Zhuge Liang specially designed a batch of "bronze talismans".

The so-called "bronze talisman" actually has only a small amount of copper on it, mostly wood. Its function is similar to the "fish talisman" of the Tang Dynasty, which is a symbol of official status.

Ordinary people don't have it.

If you have proof from someone who holds a ‘bronze talisman’, you can also pass the ‘certificate trial’ to prove your innocence!

This is equivalent to someone with an official background endorsing you!

Not even this one.

Guan Lin also devised another method, which is to find five people who have lived in the local area for three generations to prove your innocence.

But the price is that if this person is found to be a spy, the five people who prove it will be imprisoned.

Normally, a villa has no right to "sitting together".

But who doesn’t know? Behind this villa is the thief Cao Yu, the Fourth Young Master Guan!

If it were him, then "sitting together" is really very possible!

But...Lingju still misunderstood.

Even such a strict question.

But in fact, this is just a preliminary review.

In other words, after completing this level, there will be a review and a final review.

These examinations are not to screen out "male workers" and "female workers" at all, but to screen whether they can become a disciple of the beggar gang.

You must know that under the wise leadership of Hong Qigong, even a bag of disciples in the Beggar Clan is enough to live a life without worries about food and clothing.

Rumor has it that once you join the Beggar Clan, your future will be bright!

As for the reason for being so strict, it was a decision made by Guan Lin and Huang Chengyan after discussion.

Disciples of the Beggar Clan, it is better to be lacking than to be indiscriminate!


There are too many secrets in Mianshui Villa.

Before Guan Lin moves Mianshui Villa into the "new city" of Jiangling, he must strictly screen every Beggar Clan disciple to ensure their innocence.

Guan Lin has heard too many stories of "internal collapse".

And under this so-called "proof trial", Lingju couldn't prove that she was a pure kindness!

The idea of ​​sneaking into Mianshui Villa through "work" and assassinating Huang Laoxie was shattered.

After queuing and standing in line all day, Lingju felt his back molars rattling when he left!

She actually gritted her teeth.

"This...Mianshui Villa, this Huang Laoxie...has some tricks!"

This reminds her.

——"No wonder...this Huang Laoxie can create that powerful repeating crossbow"

——"This guy... is not simple!" 』

This is the first time that the leader of the "Parrot" is in such a mess, so... unable to grasp the slightest method or margin.

——『How to investigate? 』

Lingju pursed his lips and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Changsha County, in the government office.

Suddenly a "distinguished guest" came!

The prefect Liao Li was shocked.

——"I heard that the father and son of the Guan family are not at odds with each other? How could it be that... how could they send you to secretly protect them?"

This statement needs to be understood at two levels.

First, Liao Li felt that Guan Gong should not have sent anyone to protect Guan Lin at all.

In Jingzhou and Changsha County, is it possible to send special personnel for protection?

Even protecting it secretly?

Where is the traitor here? This is clearly a treatment that only ‘Qilin’er’ can receive!

Secondly, Liao Li never thought that he would send someone to protect him.

It turned out to be...

It turned out to be the person in front of me.

How much importance does Guan Gong pay to this "Fourth Young Master"?

One chapter is missing, I'll make it up early tomorrow, but it's not out yet.

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